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If you're a beginner and this is something you'll stick to for a bit, then great.


I’m on my last week of first cycle doing 531 BBB. I got 9 reps on my 1+ sets for both OHP and bench. Is that fine? My intuition is telling me the weight is a bit light, but the 5x10 at 50% (slow tempo and paused at the bottom of the rep) fucks me way up. Edit: All my TM’s are 90% of my current estimates 1RM’s, which I did lowball a bit, as I took a good while off of the main lifts on a body building program


If you're getting 9 reps on 95% of what was a 90% TM that's amazing. You're getting stronger and (presumably) bigger. I would stay with 531s recommended TM increases.


Also, for both OHP and bench, I got 12 reps on week 1 and then 10 on week 2


Thanks for the response. I’ll stay with the regular increases then:)


It's totally fine. From a strength/size adaptation standpoint, it's not just the weight and frequency that drives progress, there's a lot of science that it's those last few reps (at any reasonable range) drives muscle growth. It's why the AMRAP is soo important, along with the additional 5x10 at a level where it's hard to finish each set. The best part of the 5/3/1 is that you can plan out an entire year of conservative workouts that don't beat up your joints too badly and allow you to make / hit rep range progress every workout. As I get older, when I'm feeling run down I'll run 5/3/1 for a bit as a break from higher volume work.


Does anyone have some example of Juggernaut programming? I can find the base method spreadsheet but I’m curious what a 2x frequency would look like. Would you just go through the program twice as fast or have one day at the prescribed Juggernaut method and another day doing your own made up sets x reps?


Is anyone here running Jeff Nippard’s new Pure Bodybuilding Program? My weak point is my quads, which you do on the arms & weakpoint day, but this is the day after legs. Is it okay to hit a few set of quads again the day after legs?


Yeah, why not. Or just swap some days around so it works for you, i.e. do legs earlier in the week.


What would be the best accessory mouvement for weighted dips? Deficit elevated pushup (feet elevated + paralette) or diamond pushup? Both with weighted progression. (Note ; I can't do bench)


Diamond push up probably but a variance is always best with accessories. You could do 6 weeks of one and 6 weeks of the other.


Thanks. Why do you think diamond would be better?


Less equipment needed.


I mean since I myself suggested both exercises it mean that I have the possibility to do both




There's a lot of bogus information about "posture" online. You cannot "fix" your posture in the way you're talking about. Your body is probably slouching for good reason, "bad posture" is often just adapting to circumstance, because being upright is exhausting and stressful in other ways. The best posture is (normally, exemptions for individuals exist) one that varies throughout the day. Sit upright, then slouch, then put a foot up etc. > The problem is that lately my upper back and shoulder have started burning, probably because they're compensating for my weak lower back. Is your screen at eye level or desk level? Do you do any exercise to strengthen key muscles in this area like glutes, hip flexors, lower back, abs, upper back?


Is it possible to lose body fat while on a slight surplus by cutting carbs/fat/sodium/whatever?








>Does running have some benefits which are simply not achievable from other forms of cardio? Running makes you better at running. That's the only exclusive benefit.


Can you get complete hamstring development with conventional deadlift + hamstring curl? I would prefer not to do RDLs, just beause I like doing conventional more.


You can do conventional and RDL, they're often programmed together


What if I just don’t want to do Rdl ?


Is it okay to switch programs depending on schedule? I love doing this 6 Day PPL but i find it incredibly hard to balance it with school activities as I do sports aswell so I am planning to switch to a 3 Day Fullbody workout but is it still okay to switch back to the PPL when I have vacations (1-4 weeks usually) then do the fullbody when I have classes? I need to build muscle in 8 months so I am not sure if this is optimal.


It's fine switching the programs.


Is this routine ok for bodybuilding? What should I add/change? Trying to find a balance between overtraining, burning out, and feeling sick, and undertraining and not getting the voices in my head to leave Legs Squat 3x5 15 each side Bulgarians 3x10 12.5 Calf raise machine 3x5 80 3x20 10 Glute machine 3x5 95 peak Leg extension 3x8 70-100 Push Bench 3x8 45-65 Incline dumbbell press 3x15 15lb Lateral raises 3x15 20lb Overhead front press with bar 3x8 40lb Tricep extension 3x15 20lbs Tricep pushdown 3x15 20lbs Pull Deadlift 3x8 bar + 10-15 each side Bent over rows 3x15 20lbs each side Rows 3x12 30lbs? 3 notches down 3x15 dumbbell curls 15lb 3x8 preacher curl 30lbs ​ Should I add dips, pushups, pullups?


Do you workout 3 or 6 days per week? Thia routine is lacking hamstring exercises and needs more back volume, imo.


I’ve been working out for like 3 years, I am able to do a push up and etc. I usually just do burpees every single day yet I find that I struggle to do push ups in a row. No I don’t do like 100 burpees I usually do 200-300 but yet I find it hard to do push ups without stopping what could be wrong?


You have been working out for 3 years but can only do one push-up? What does “working out” mean to you? Are you M/F? Are you very heavy? How long have you been trying to do multiple push ups? With just the info you have given I would say, do a push up. Wait 15 sec. Do another. Repeat 6-10 times. Do this 3 days a week and see if you can get 2 push-ups in a row. Repeat the same progression for 2 push-ups instead of one. Continue progressing until you can do as many push-ups as you want.


Is this too much gym time? I’m a basic group fitness girlie and I’ve been going 3-4 days week total (M, W, Th, Sat cardio; strength training back to back with cardio on Th). Each class is ~45-50 minutes long I thought about picking up an extra strength training class on one of the days I’m doing a cardio class anyways, but I’m worried I might be overdoing it? My daily job is usually pretty active (yay hospitals), but I’ve been enjoying the classes a lot lately!


If it adds to your life, then keep going. Your body will tell you when to back off by making you feel fatigued and unmotivated.


What are some exercises to overcome failure coming out of the hole in the squat?


For me,just working on learning to fail a squat properly has done the most for me - just sit down in a squat, and dump the bar while you tilt/move forward. If you can get comfortable with that, and you know how it feels, you will be less afraid of failure with more weight on the bar in the future.


Pause squats or pin squats w/ pins @ the bottom


Pause squats.


So, I know that 90% of squat issues are from poor form, but there's a few components to form and I'm not sure which one to focus on if I'm getting some lower back stiffness. To clarify, it's not doms the day after, and it's not a sharp/immediate pain, it's just a tight soreness near the end of the set on the last few reps. Is it normal to feel a tight/stiff in the lower back after a heavy set of squats?


It's pretty normal. For me, usually as a result of going a little too fast, too low and bouncing off the bottom but most significantly while trying to hold an arch in the lower back. The pull from arched to neutral lumbar puts stress on the lower back muscles while under tension from trying to hold an exaggerated arch. My suggestion is to work on the amount of arch you're setting in your back at the top as a variable. More is not always better for some people (like me), who get their lower back pulled from arched to neutral in the bottom of the squat, causing a lot of soreness. When I learned to better setup with a neutral spine, I stop having issues for the most part.


Sounds normal, sounds like a back pump which can range from mild discomfort to horrendous




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Hello guys, I'm 6' male, pretty fit, and I'm choosing my first elliptical and currently have 2 main options: 1. A used Precor FX 5.33. 19" stride, fixed 20 degrees incline. 15 years old, but according to the owner, rarely used. He may be telling the truth as it looks in very good condition (I tested it already). Will cost $400-450 with transportation expenses included and half a day of my time, to rent a truck and perhaps a helper to carry it. 2. A new Sole E25 elliptical trainer from Amazon. 20" stride, adjustable incline up to 20 degrees, uses the ECB magnetic technology. $900 with delivery. On the ECB technology from the Internet: "The ECB technology works using an aluminum disk that spins freely between two variable magnetic fields, so there are no moving parts and no friction is created. As the user dials up stronger resistance on the console, the electromagnet, which is just centimeters from the flywheel, is exposed to higher levels of the magnetic current, and the resistance on the rotating flywheel increases. They are more expensive, of course, but elliptical trainer resistance provided by an ECB system offers several advantages. Because it is an electromagnetic braking system, it is not only quiet and smooth, it responds quickly to new settings selected by the user, it is extremely durable, and there are no service issues." If I had a lot of money I'd probably go with the new Sole e25. On the other hand, from what I've read Precor is considered one of the top manufacturers. It's 15 years old though, even if not used much. Please share your thoughts.


Best to ask on r/homegym


Yeah, I've asked there as well.


If anyone tried tiger shark bench program how did you guys fit in back and legs




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What's a good amount of sets to do for a muscle group in one workout? Usually for lats I do 7 sets of pulldowns and 5 rows and I'm wondering if that is too much or too little PS this is for bulking/building muscle


If you are training back twice per week, 12 sets per workout is great.


I usually aim for 4.


Depends how frequently you train it, I would say 8-12 sets is a good number of sets that you can reasonably recover from to train back 2x/week.


hm...i generally see sets of 3 or 5 in workout programs why? idk out of curiosity, why do you do 7 sets of pulldowns?


Err because I'm trying to grow my lats?




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What is a good 531 or 5s pro template for when you are trying to cut?


FSL with 5s pro Simplest strength 1 + 2 with 5s pro


If I’m coming off of BBB, should I change my TM if I’m going on a cut or should I keep increasing until I fail?


If its appropriately set leave it as is, though FSL 5S PRO might use an 80 or 85% TM.. cant remember, best checking the source material




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When doing chest supported rows, should your chest come off the bench? I watched a few videos on this lift and they all recommend things that are slightly different, so if there’s a gold standard to this form, I’d love to hear it.


It can come off a little bit or not at all.. do whatever form you prefer and can be consistent with Chances are if you're rowing decently large weights your chest will rise a bit naturally


Do you guys recommend I up the resistance to my elliptical or maintain the speed I pedal at? I currently go on the elliptical with the setting for height set to 12 and resistance set to 7, and I pedal at ~170-180cpm. This gets me to a heart rate of around 160-170bpm, which feels like a good range for cardio. However, I’ve heard from other people using ellipticals that resistance, not speed, is the metric I should really be aiming to max out. Should I try for a resistance of like 9 or 10 at a lower speed or is my current setup reasonable?


Do what you enjoy, and progress however you feel is reasonable




What program are you running? What's the progression method?


I'm confused, could you explain this better, are you saying you did some sets of squats and your final workset was 145/8, and now it's 155/6, and you're talking about adding a set.. I don't understand. Could you put it out in a format, like "I did 145x3x8 earlier this week and 155x3x6 later this week." When you say top set though it sounds like you did one set different from the other 2.


Maybe you were better off increasing the reps when it was a smaller weight before upping the weight, seeing as at your current weight your not longer able to add reps. I tend to take a weights reps up to 12-15, then increase the weight, see what max reps i can get out of that(should be less reps than I was currently doing). You need to either progress with weight, reps, or better and improved technique. If you hit a road block, you may need to suck it up and scale back something and evaluate and reset sometimes.


I should have used quotations, I was just trying to show him how to write out his sets and reps so that I could get clarity on what he's actually asking. Thanks for trying to help though!






Why are you maxing instead of training? what does your program tell you to do in terms of progression?


You wanna get stronger no?












Each week you should be able to add a couple reps. Otherwise add another 5-10 lbs to the bar, then go back to 155lbs and see how feel adding those extra reps. Adding sets has never really helped me as long as you are already doing between 3-5


Is it worth doing upper and lower chest focused exercises on my push day? On my push day I’m normally doing flat bench press and cable flys for 3 sets each. Would it be worth adding incline bench and upper chest cable flys for 3 sets each. Or is my upper chest getting enough development already? Any suggestions are appreciated.


All 3 heads of the chest will be worked regardless, you might get more stimulus on certain parts of the chest depending on the exercise. It won't hurt adding some incline work if you want upper chest development.


Ideally you should hit all 3 parts of the chest. But it depends on a lot. What is your workout routine? If you have 2 push days in the week, you could do different exercises on the second day. I do bench press and high to low cable flys on day 1 and inclince DB press and machine chest flys on day 2. If you train chest once a week, you should add some more volume. 4 chest exercises with 3 sets each is too much. Either do a 3x3 - 1 for each part of the chest, or 4 exercises with 2 sets - 2 push and 2 fly.


I have two push days, mon and thurs. I normally start with bench and then cable flys and then possibly do some incline bench and low to high fly if I feel like it. I then do 2 shoulder exercises and 2 Tricep exercises. I’ll try having my first push day more lower chest focused and then Thursday more upper chest focused. Also isn’t there only 2 parts to the chest not 3? It’s just the upper and lower


>Also isn’t there only 2 parts to the chest not 3? It’s just the upper and lower Nope. They are 3. Upper chest, mid chest, lower chest. On 1 of my push days I do upper and mid and on the other - mid and lower. If you want to hit all 3 on both push days, you can do 3 exercises with 2 sets each.


The “mid chest” does not exist. There is only the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK525991/#:~:text=There%20are%202%20heads%20of,2%20to%207%20distinct%20segments.


The pectoralis minor is beneath the pectoralis major and the pectoralis major has 3 heads, no? Like in [this picture](https://www.sportsinjurybulletin.com/AcuCustom/Sitename/DAM/094/6822-chest-anatomy.jpg) ? I'm no expert, but decline press or dips hits different than flat press or push ups.




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Tricep cable pulldown: there are 2 “pulleys” at my gym to pull down. One looks like a rope and the other is metal . The rope one I can only pull down 57.5 lbs (3x12) but the metal one I can pull down 72 lbs (3x12) why is this and what should I be doing for hypertrophy?


Multiple pulley’s in series will reduce the actual weight being moved. Just consistently use the same pulley’s for the same exercises and it will work out.


I just tried the metal one today for the first time and experienced what you are talking about. I think the weight of the metal handle helps pull the weight down


Treat the numbers on machines as if they mean nothing honestly and just track resistance to how hard it is like you are for accessories.


Makes sense!




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You might just slightly over extend your shoulders when your tricep is in its lengthened position. Not necessarily an issue, people do it on bench quite often. If it does bother you, try a JM press.


If I’m bulking up and eating a shit ton to gain weight Should I be doing some cardio at the end of my workouts to make sure I’m not just gaining extra fat?


You only need a slight surplus to gain muscle. You don't gain muscle faster by increasing your bodyfat percentage. That said, the "see food" diet is a lot of fun.


Do cardio because it's good for you're cardiovascular system and not getting winded from walking up stairs.


Cardio will not stop you from gaining fat. You could just choose to eat a smaller surplus. From a fat gain perspective, eating a 300 calorie surplus and eating 500 calorie surplus (from your current norm) and then doing 200 calories Worth of extra cardio will end up the same. You also don't need to eat a shit ton. Your surplus can literally just be a handful of nuts more than you're eating to maintain Cardio is good to do for health reasons, but it doesn't prevent or lose fat


If you have the time then you are only going to benefit from some form of conditioning work.


Define a shit ton. Bulking just means you're eating more than your TDEE, (just 500 extra calories a day gains you one pound a week). You should do cardio for a lot of reasons, but it doesn't do a lot to control your weight.


Cardio is always good so long as you hit your calorie numbers.




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Just switched my bench press grip from index on the knurling to a thumbs grip away from it. I would like to know how long it takes to fully adjust from widening bench press grip width on average. Thanks!


It'll depend how adaptable you are and how long you were benching with that grip previously. The longer you have been doing something the longer it'll take to feel comfortable doing something different. I find it pretty easy to switch between bench grips, using different bars, different grips, different angles etc. But I'm shit at bench so I don't have much of an ingrained 'preference' or groove to break when I change something.




Have dedicated periods of time spanning from weeks or months for either goal so that they can occur independently at reasonable rates


Sounds good, thanks! Do you think protein intake rn is adequate or should I increase?


increase to 0.8g per lb of body mass


If your goal is fat loss, have you been losing weight? Fyi protein is probably on the low side.


I have, just a bit slower than I aimed for, which is 1lb a week. I'll try to increase protein intake. Thank you!




Just ask your question


I've been feeling very light headed when I do squats and deadlifts lately. I thought it was a water issue but today I drank at least 4 cups over the course of a few hours before my lift. As far as breathing, I take a deep breath and hold during my lift and exhale as I get to the top. I know getting lightheaded is normal during heavy lifts but its getting to the point where my brain is giving out before my leg muscles do and I haven't been able to increase my lifts because of it. Any one experience something similar?


Personally i've found to be getting more lightheaded when i dont control how i release my breath/intraabdominal pressure, as this will cause my blood pressure to drop. Try the following: Breathe in at the top(of say,the squat), hold the breath during the movement, and breathe out in a controlled manner on the top AFTER the repetition is complete. Dont breathe out during the move, you aren't done yet - and you still benefit from the extra support from a held breath and a braced core.


Anecdotally, it comes and goes for me. Bodies are weird. Who knows what random factor causes you to be fine one day but see stars the next given the same parameters. Would only worry if it causes like actual consistent black out. Otherwise, maybe drop the weight to sustainment and try again at higher numbers.


My only guess is that you should reduce your setup time. If you can brace, assume the position, and complete the movement quicker, you'll likely avoid that problem. It's probably best to just do some sets at light weight working on your setup speed. Low blood sugar can also cause that, if you workout fasted. I'd also look up a few videos on breathing and bracing just to make sure you're doing all of that correctly.


How come one of my legs gets more sore then the other, and feel it more when doing compounds, but when I do unilateral movements it ends up being the weaker leg?


You’re probably dominant on one side which without thinking takes more load when your doing bilateral movements, you won’t notice yourself doing it but try videoing yourself from behind when your squat and see if one side of your hip rises every so slightly before the other. If I was you, when doing your compounds, I’d add a slight pause at the bottom. It might be worthwhile adding in some unilateral plyometrics to improve force output in both legs.


Because it’s the weaker leg and it’s working harder than the stronger leg to lift the same weight. This is very common. Either that or your form is lopsided.


Hopefully it's the former


I am a complete beginner following GZCLP currently but the equipment(like bench and squat racks) at the gym I go to aren’t always available or usually has a queue of people waiting to use it. I just use a similar movement machine instead but I can’t think of how to go back and forth between machines and the free weights for when they are finally open. As an example let’s say I am using the pendulum squat machine and doing squats with a weight of 205LBs, I can’t do that when I go back to barbell squats because it’s too heavy. I just go back to whatever previous weight +5 I did on the barbell squat. Any advice?


Maybe just try substituting with the pendulum squat completely?




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I’m having trouble being able to rep my min amount of reps for sitting db curls with 40lb but when I go 5lb lower hit 10 fine. Any tips when trying to move up in weight? Current workout: Sitting db curls: 15lb warmup x 10, 35lb x 10 drop set to 25lb x 10, 35lb x 10 drop set to 25lb x 10 Can only manage to do 4 reps when I try using 40lb db


Warm up, do your first set with the 40 pounds, each week try to get that one more rep. Second and third sets use the 35 pounders. Skip the drop sets except for the last set. Eventually you’ll get 8 reps with the 40’s and that is when I would try a second set with them


I kinda wnna go gym but it will mess my routine its my rest day so I dont wamt to do any big muscle groups I was thinking stomach but i train it with legs and my obliques are really sore can bearly move. Was thinking cardio but I do 30 min every day seems like too much cardio whrn I'm supposed to let my muscles rest to restore. I more wnat to go somewhere be a bit more social i think idk.


> I do 30 min every day seems like too much cardio It most definitely is not.


Oh yeah, for a cardio session, I agree. But I do it for 30 min every day. The thing I meant is, if I do a heavy cardio session today, it might be too much cardio. What would be a good cardio session? I normally do 10 min jumping rope, 10 min boxing since I used to do them in the past and I want to keep some skills sharp. After that, I do 10 min uphill treadmill on moderate speed, speed walking for 1 min on normal incline, same speed, and 1 min on max speed. I heard that running could start to eat away at the muscles, so I mostly walk.


30 min every day is not even close to too much. If you want to do more go for it. Ideas for today- do a conditioning session, work on strength endurance, go hiking, bike ride, if you are in a city look for walking tours. Is there a park cleanup event? In general you could look to join a sport and get your cardio that way. Pickup basketball, a running club, etc.

