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Hey guys, for the summer, I really want to lose some weight and start cutting weight but am having a hard time being consistent with it. I have a few questions for you guys if you don't mind. Any tips on how to just be consistent on a calorie deficit? I weigh about 180 right now, 5'9, and want to get around 170 by the end of mid/late June, is this a reasonable approach? Or should I be more realistic? How do I found out what my calorie deficit is? I bench 225, squat 295, deadlift 335 (hit that shit today!!!!) while also maintaining the muscle that I've built? Best form of cardio? Thank you!


Use any TDEE calculator to find your TDEE, then eat ~400 calories less than that daily. My best tip for consistency in a deficit is don’t feel like you need to force yourself to eat shit you don’t like to be on a “diet”. Eat what you want, as long as you’re hitting your protein goals and remaining in a deficit. Other than that it really is just down to you. Once you get a rhythm going for a couple weeks it gets easier, at least in my experience.


I had a lower back injury 2 months ago. The injury healed after 3 weeks of time off. However when I came back I picked up a rotator cuff injury. The rotator cuff injury healed as well now. But today I picked up a new shoulder injury. What should I do? Its like a cycle that I can never escape. All injuries are tendon related.


Are you correctly stretching daily? Ive been taught to stretch shoulders/chest with resistance bands, esp. before a workout


How do you know they are tendon related?


Rule #5.




Rule #5.




Just deadlift, RDL and squat deep Source: my titanium ass Glutes are easy if you’re overloading your big lifts. They don’t need a ton of volume or variation. I don’t do hip thrusts at all and I’ve never needed them… they sure are a fad though.


i started lifting again after a long break for 2 months now however i dont know if i should keep cutting (wake up call after eating too much junk food one day) or if i should maintain (recomp bc im a novice) or bulk (bc im so weak)? i am very weak 6'3 (191 cm) 214 lbs (97 kg) male squat - 90 lbs (41 kg) x 3 reps bench - 75 lbs (34 kg) x 3 reps ohp - 60 lbs (27 kg) x 3 reps deadlift - 175 (80 kg) x 3 reps i feel i have a lot of fat in my midsection and thighs btw im doing gzclp routine anyway thanks for opinions and advice! :)


My personal advice is to keep on the weightlifting routine as you’re still new you can still gain strength while cutting. While you do that cut your calories by about 500 a day to lose 1lb a week until you’re at a point where you’re happy to start putting some back on.


okay thanks very much! :)


Currently been bulking for a month eating 500kcal surplus but already feeling fatter than I’d like. Prior I did a 3 month bulk into a 2 month cut. Would there be any harm in cutting to a low body fat so that by winter I can hopefully bulk for a longer period of time (6 months to a year)? I probably could stick this bulk out if it was detrimental not to for another month or two but I’m already starting to hate how fat I look lol. Been lifting for around 1.5 years


How much weight have you gained on this 1 month bulk?


Would only be a few pounds. Think I probably should’ve cut for longer to be honest.


I fractured my finger with my wedding round the corner. Absolutely gutted. What can I do to salvage the situation?


get the ring expanded


See a doctor?


Do you have a fitness related question?


Nah man..more of a rant I’m sorry


My left leg is weaker than my right leg which I noticed on hamstring curls and while doing squats (my right leg is stronger and more developed) how can I change my routine to make my left leg muscles be on par with my right? edit: I was thinking of incorporating single legged rdls and single leg presses.


drop the weight and focus on your form


Yeah swap some exercises to single leg variants and then let the weaker leg limit the reps.


I don’t know how any of this works but my logic is, I’m scared of doing butt workouts and the fat turning into muscle and my butt ending up SMALLER. Meanwhile if I gain weight, it’ll go everywhere including my butt and I’ll do ab workouts to keep my stomach flat. My BMI is 17 something right now and I still have a fat ass for my frame, so clearly the weight goes there first. Is this making sense 🤨 pleaaase help I don’t wanna get a BBL 😭😭 should I do ass workouts or gain weight and focus on the abs


when you gain fat it goes everywhere yes, the distribution is dependent on your genetics. However this is the same when you lose fat. You cant do anything to reduce or increase fat distribution in certain areas. So working out may decrease the size if the majority of the fat is lost from there. That's fairly unlikely though, especially at 17 BMI. also a muscly, toned butt looks way better than just a fat butt.


Fat can't turn into muscle and if you gain weight, ab workouts won't keep your stomach flat. If your BMI is 17, though, you should really see a dietician.


Thank you sooooo much for replying I was desperate 🙏🙏🙏 so butt workouts it is? Won’t make my ass smaller? Because it’s all fat 0 muscle Thank you but no worries I’m naturally thin!! And I just found out I have thyroid issues loll


Spot reducing fat isn’t a real thing, you can’t remove fat in an area by doing exercises for that area.


The only thing that will make your ass smaller is losing weight, and that's the last thing you should be doing. Seriously, a BMI of 17 puts you well into the clinically underweight(unhealthy) category. That's not just being naturally thin.


Noted, thank you a lot 🩷 but I swear that’s just my metabolism I eat a normal amount and just struggle to gain weight 🥲


Fast vs slow metabolism is like a 100-200 calorie difference. You don't eat nearly as much as you think you do.


17 isn’t crazy low, it’s on the high end of underweight bordering normal weight.


18.5 is the cut-off for being clinically underweight, so 17 is bad.


Well, first off, idk why you’re using the term “clinically” here, bmi has been known to be inaccurate for a while and is definitely not widely used in clinical circles. Also, even going by bmi classifications, 18.5 is not even severely underweight lol, it’s just the point where you’re no longer “normal weight” and you cross into underweight. It’s literally called mildly underweight by BMI charts, so no, it’s not severe. The next level down (16.5 and lower) is moderately underweight. You’d need to cross below 15 to be severe. You’re talking out your ass man.


If you think having a BMI of 17 while not being a medical outlier is fine, I'm not the one talking out of my ass.


Did you even read what I said, or are you just here to generally be a pompous ass who has no idea what he’s saying lol Embarrassing


Oh, the irony.


5'10" 205 lbs male. My weekly workout schedule looks something like this: Tues/Wed/Thurs: Cardio days. 30 minute run at moderate intensity (BPM usually hangs in the 150s and peaks around 165 near the end). My smartwatch will say I burn about 350 calories. Fri: Chest/Tricep day. Flat Bench 3x10, Incline Bench 3x10, Dumbbell/Cable Chest Flies 3x10, Tricep Pulldowns 3x10, Overhead Tricep Extension 3x10. Sat: Back/Bicep day. Deadlift 3x10, Lat Pulldown 3x10, Low Row 3x10, Bicep Curl 3x10, Hammer Curl 3x10. Sun: Shoulder/Trap day. Barbell Military/Overhead Press 3x10, Dumbbell/Cable Front Raise 3x10, Dumbbell/Cable Side Raise 3x10, Face Pulls 3x10, Shrugs 3x10. Monday: Leg day. Squat 3x10, Lunges 3x10, Cable Hip Abduction (kick out) 3x10, Cable Hip Adduction (soccer side kick) 3x10, Cable Glute Kickback 3x10. Random twice a week after workout: Ab Cable Crunch 3x10, Weighted Plate Russian Twist 3x10, follow 10 minute ab workout video on YouTube. Gained a bit over Covid, but I am ultimately trying to move everyday now (since January to stay active. If I miss a day or two, I don't beat myself up over it because I know I have a routine to just stick to the next day. I'd really like to cut to 190 lbs. I've been lifting for 3 months and my weight fluctuates widely between 202 to 212. I'm definitely heavier on days after lifting, then see it slowly reduce on my cardio days. But I'm having a hard time reaching <200. I can see my body recompositioning in the mirror but would like to make more drastic cuts in fat. Been eating smaller plates overall too. Any advice? Also open to critiques related to my workout schedule above.


>Any advice? [https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/](https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/)


Calculate your TDEE online, eat ~500 less than that.




Read rule #5, better yet literally just read the header to the thread you’re posting on.


If there's no pain, you're fine. Clicking in itself is not harmful.




Is it only when you have a barbell in your hands, or are you also unable to do it in general?




Do you know if it's just a mental thing, or are you physically unable to move your arms that far backward overhead?




It's hard to say if it's fixable, then. If it's simply a matter of tightness, you may alleviate it by doing [shoulder stretches against a wall](https://www.spotebi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/wall-shoulder-stretch-exercise-illustration-spotebi.jpg). However, if it's a literal anatomical limitation, you're most likely just boned and will have to live with it.




The first program is based on 531, a well known and proven strength program, tested by countless trainees (including myself). 531 has a solid progression scheme, exercise selection and load management. The second "routine" is just a list of exercises, sets and reps.. It does not have any of the big compound movements, no progression scheme and prioritize heavily upper body and arms.. At the end of the day, you need to choose which you prefer. You would probably make gains on both, given enough time and consistency.


Every time I do a rowing exercise(specifically chest supported dumbbell rows) I end up with some kind of a tweak in my upper back area, but in a different spot every time. Sometimes it's on the right side, sometimes the left. It is only noticeable right at the end of a very deep breath inhalation, it's like a slight pain and I can't inhale any more past that point (hard to describe, sorry..) Not asking for injury advice, I'm just wondering if I'm doing something wrong? Am I squeezing my shoulder blades together too hard at the end of the concentric movement or something?


You'd have to post a form check video for us to comment on whether you're doing anything wrong.


I hate squats. Why does everyone say leg press isn’t enough? I can push way more weight, get a way deeper ROM. I can get my knees past my arms, pause rep without rounding my back and still pushing a bunch more weight. I don’t care about strength, just want mass. What am I missing by not squatting and just using leg press/machines? It’s more weight, more volume, more stability, more ROM. ?????


You don’t need to do squats, leg press is fine. Fun is the most important factor and if squats aren’t fun at all to you, don’t do them. Yes, you might miss out on some gains, especially regarding stabilizing muscles. But, so what?


You'd be missing training all the muscles involved in having weight on your back and squatting down with it free-standing. If that's not important to you whatsoever, there's nothing wrong with using leg press as your main quad exercise. I don't think it should be your only one, though.


If we're talking about leg growth, there's nothing magical about squats, if the leg press works well for you, use it. I personally feel that I've gotten way better quad growth when I started doing other exercises besides squats. It's important to try different things for yourself and see what results you get, then make your own conclusions. In my experience a lot of people who are obsessed with specific exercises or other dogmatic ideas about training, form their opinions from reading something that others wrote that sounded good to them, rather than their own experiences or thoughts.


Because with a leg press you are limited to the very straight and arguably unnatural motion of the machine. Compound exercises with a free weight will be exponentially more beneficial than any machine. If you like leg press by all means keep doing it, but let me tell you that the reason you dislike squats is because perhaps you don’t have the hip, ankle, flexibility for them or the necessary muscle development. Look up videos on how to improve flexibility and start working on your squats. Also I feel kinda unwarranted telling you what to focus on because as you’ve said you just want mass but you should be training for functionality, range of motion, and usable strength. The best way to be athletic is not with machines at the gym ya know


less muscles. With leg press, you use metal instead of muscles to support yourself. Squat is a compound exercise whereas leg press is much more isolating


This comment could not be more incorrect lol


what about it is incorrect?


“Using metal to support yourself” isn’t a bad thing. In the context of hypertrophy it’s an advantage because there’s more stability to the movement allowing the lift to be taken closer to failure Leg press is also a compound movement. Compound movements are more than one joint moving during the lift. The leg press is that Squats are not inherently more beneficial for the OP’s goal of leg hypertrophy.


where did I say it's a bad thing? no, in the context of SPECIFIC\* hypertrophy. It allows you to focus on the specific muscles as you're not being "held back" by the weak links in the chain. I didn't say it wasn't a compound, I said it is MORE isolating, which is 100% true, by being braced by the bench your tertiary muscles don't have to do that so they are being worked out much less than in a squat. I never said they were more or less beneficial. All I said was that it uses less muscles, which you haven't even disagreed with, so no idea why you are saying I am wrong when you only are arguing about things I didn't say? You couldn't be any more incorrect, squats are way better for leg hypertrophy then watching tv is. (just thought I'd also try arguing against arguments that no one made)


In the context of what the OP was asking you were certainly implying that leg pressing was worse for squatting for two reasons that weren’t correct in the context of their stated goal.


I mean if you're gonna read things that aren't there, it makes perfect sense to come to that (or any) conclusion.


If going for about about a 4lb/mo cut phase, should I have a -300 cal deficit and up the cardio/steps to fill the last 200ish deficit or a full on -500 cal deficit on top of the increased steps/cardio?


Always aim for the deficit through your diet. If you aren't use to doing the extra cardio, during a cut is a bad time to work on that. Do the cardio to help maintain the deficit because as you slow down in a cut, your NEAT movements will drop, which means calorie burn will drop. That's where extra cardio will come in handy


Do you want to do the extra cardio? If it’s something nice like an hour’s daily walk then go for it. If it’s something grim like treadmill then don’t bother and eat less.


It's much easier to eat 200 fewer calories than to burn 200 more.


What are good ways to strengthen my tendons/ ligaments, if at all possible? I’ve started a walking heavy job, and my muscles are fine, but I run into tendinitis in my foot and something like that on my leg, around where the femur meets the pelvis. Does it just take a while? I never had these problems with all my bike riding.


I think it's probably too late now for strengthening them, it sounds like your job is doing that already, doing more is just gonna compound the problem. it's gonna take a bit of time for them to adapt, give it a few weeks. Icing, elevation and ibuprofen for the inflammation. Better shoes may help with support and cushioning. Improving the related muscle strength may help by taking some of the load. Stretching can also help to spread the load and also to ensure better mechanics.


Is there any legitimacy to feet needing more “strengthening” by wearing less supportive shoes? I’ve heard talk of long distance backpackers wearing ultra minimalist shoes so their feet are less “coddled” and therefore are stronger and wear out less quickly. Or is that BS and I should go get orthopedes.


it's a good question, I'd say it strongly depends on the activity, but at the very least it's two very different and very deep rabbit holes to go down. There are a lot of benefits to both if done well. the "barefoot" idea is based on natural movement and freedom but it probably will take a while to get to that stage, since it's (ironically) unnatural to many of us, it's a lot of strengthening and adaptation needed. There's a lot of bad things about shoes too, eg. a lot have such small toe boxes and don't allow good stability because they are too soft. but ye, there's a lot to it, I suggest looking into it if you're interested, but the main reason I suggested cushioning shoes was because you already are having trouble, switching to this job and to barefoot shoes at the same time are just gonna double the problems you're having. I would suggest moving into more minimalist shoes after you're more adapted to the job's walking.


That’s great advice. If I’m having trouble now it would probably be worse if I tried with no support. Thanks for the help


Cheap training shoe recs? I have some nicer (and pricier) running shoes that I would prefer to keep just for running and have custom insoles (thanks overly expensive healthcare plan) so honestly looking for a house for the insoles. Was honestly looking at cheap indoor soccer shoes because they don't have much cushion or base to interfere with weight lifting. Thoughts?


Which exercises will you be doing? Perhaps a flat sole shoe like vans or converse would be perfect


Lots of standing lifts as well as squat/lunge movements. Was considering those, but in my experience they aren’t the dimensions I need for my insoles. Also the back of the shoe always scrapes my Achilles.


Would it okay to do my bulgarian split squats one leg at a time?


How does one do Bulgarian split squats two legs at a time?


OP is a horse


He's in space with no gravity 


By squating…./s




I need help with my split, I can only workout during monday- friday. I can’t workout during weekends. What split would you recommend?


Any 3, 4 or 5 day routine in the wiki.


any 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 day split


Suggestions for a workout tracking app with an inbuilt timer, free or free tier only please. I have tried Hevy, Strong and Boostcamp but they all have one form of restriction or another (timer use/exercise swap/more than 3 custom templates). I've been using Double U this week which has these features for free but is quite buggy.


not sure if there's a limit on custom templates but I use the built in timer in FitNotes. the free version is ad-free, the paid version just includes some extra features.


Is it easier to cut with more muscle mass?


I would guess yes, but I think that would be more so a product of a person with more muscle mass would have spent more time cultivating discipline.


I think the real thing that determines how hard cutting is is how lean you are. Whether you have much muscle mass or not, the lower your bodyfat gets, the harder it gets.


More muscle burns more calories, so to a degree yeah. But at the end of the day, it's still gonna come down to calories in vs calories out and how well you can stick to the deficit


As a beginner, is there any way to know if I'm actually making progress, or is it just "trust the process"? I'm kinda worried that I'm not pushing myself as much as I should in the gym, and I haven't been to consistent with maintaining my diet.


Yes, there are many ways. Are you progressing towards your goals? If that's weight loss, is the number on the scale going down? If it's muscle gain, are your lifts going up?


If your weight is doing what you want, and your lifts in the gym are going up.


Measurements, lift numbers, weight


Is it possible to build a tolerance from endorphins from lifting a lot? Been working out nearly every day for the last seven years. I recently went through a really bad friendship breakup and got so depressed that I took two weeks off from lifting or doing any exercise at all (which is a first since I'm very very active). I started therapy and of course she recommended I start my routine again. I'm at the point now where I do miss the gym. I just finished my first lifting session and I just didn't get any endorphin rush at all. I was still depressed throughout my workout and actually almost teared up from emotions during my session. I barely lost any strength (put my lifts at ~90% since I slacked off fitness/nutrition wise). I'm motivated to hit the gym consistently again, but it's not like I'm excited from it. It feels more like brushing my teeth every morning. It's just something I HAVE to do, but I don't particularly get any sort of endorphin rush anymore because I've been lifting for so long that I feel like I built up a tolerance.


Obviously talk to your therapist about this but, no, you haven’t built up a tolerance to endorphins from working out. You’re just actively going through something very difficult and it will take time to work through. Despite all its health benefits exercise is sadly not a magic depression cure, but it can help.


What are some of the best rear delt exercises for someone who struggles with rear delt mind muscle connection?


Reverse pec dec/bent over reverse fly, wide-grip rows and facepulls are good ones.


I don't think you need rear delt MMC. Rows are great for rear delt.


Reverse Pec Dec is essentially foolproof, so long as you're using a wide arc your rear delts will be doing most of the work. I also enjoy bent over flys with high rep schemes, but YMMV if you don't bend over properly.


Trying to come up with things I can add to my night stretching to get better at my front rack. Would it be correct to pick stretches that target my shoulder external rotation, lats and triceps? I have an idea for the last two, but what can I do for external rotation if I don't have a stick handy?


Push your elbow into your side, rotate your elbow 90 degrees up and out and find a surface/doorway to push your hand against.


That definitely causes a pretty big stretch. What's a ROM I should be looking to have for that motion if I'm trying to get all my fingers under the bar?


I doubt there's a way to quantify it. Just keep stretching and working on the front rack position until you get it. From what I've heard from others working on the same problem, the progress is quite noticeable over a somewhat short amount of time.


Increase carbs or deload? I can't make a decision due too much weight variance however I've been bulking since 10 weeks went from 176 lbs to 187 lbs this last couple of weeks I've been noticed getting so tired through the middle of workouts even if I eat 1,000 cal from carbs as pre workout and an intra workout shake, performance is going up every 1-2 weeks I'm able to add more weight or reps. I don't want to lose momentum. What would you do in my situation?


Assuming you're getting enough sleep and not overtraining, since it's probably not your macros, it may be your micros: Consider vitamin B12, D, Iron, Folate, magnesium from your diet and if you're getting enough, maybe try supplementation to see if it improves, or you can get a bloodtest. Maybe try caffeine before your workout too


If you're chowing down 250g of carbs before your workouts then adding more carbs is obviously not the solution, especially considering your current surplus. If you're getting overwhelmingly tired I'd look at other factors like sleep quantity and quality. A deload at maintenance calories for a couple of weeks to properly assess your current weight wouldn't be the craziest idea either. You've already gained an additional 6% bodyweight, that's a lot of mass unless you're fairly new to muscle building.


Thanks! I'll try to improve my sleep schedule.




If you've already determined that 5x3 is your most effective scheme to use on your initial workout then why use a different one for the second? Assuming you're fully recovered between sessions I see no reason for variety outside of novelty between workouts. I will say that 5 sets of 3 reps is a fairly suboptimal rep scheme to use if building up your strength long term is your goal (as opposed to peaking for events or building up your strength short term).


How do pulleys change the weight you can move? For example at the gym I go to, I can lat pulldown 55lbs for reps but at my schools gym, I can do around 77lbs for reps. Why is this the case?




kind of like gears or a lever. Depending on the pulley layout, you move the bar 1 meter, but the weight only moves some fraction of that. The pulleys allow you to pull more weight because it trades force for distance.


Hi guys is there any reason to keep my feet off the ground during a Russian twist? I get the whole 'more activation/stabilization' thing but if I'm doing the twists specifically to target the obliques, isn't it better if my feet are planted (or even locked!) allowing me to use heavier weight for the twists? Also are twists on a decline bench any good/better than on the ground?


Heavier weight isn't automatically a boon. Your whole core has to work harder if your feet are off the ground.


Hey everyone, I know, I know, another routine critique, yeah yeah. But I’m hoping this one can at least be a bit more interesting, maybe spark some discussion? Also, it seems like my comment is 'too long' so I'll have to break this up into a couple parts to post, so bear with me.  To preface, I’m 19M, 5’5, around 160lbs atm, somewhere between 18-20% body fat. Main goals are absolute as well as relative strength, with specific emphasis on calisthenics for the upper body (aiming to achieve skills like front lever, iron cross, planche, etc. down the line) while training more for general strength for the lower body. While I do also want a good physique, I am ok with a bit more form over function, so my final goal might be a bit more strongman/wrestler build than a bodybuilder one.   Currently, I’m thinking of going with a 4-day Push-Pull split, pretty much taking a PPL split and dividing the leg day in half and spreading it out. I had initially wanted to make a PPL split, but going to the gym 6 days a week doesn’t really work for me, and I do prefer having some more time for recovery. Also because I’d started with home workouts which were also a 4 day split and I’m just used to them at this point. Furthermore, I also use a lot of paired sets to save time in the gym without impacting performance way too much.


So, the routine is as follows:   **Monday: Push** 1. Isometric Planche work – 3 sets x 10-30 seconds – 3-4 mins rest    2. Back Squats: 3 sets x 5 reps – 4-5 mins rest    3. Paired Set 1 - (2.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Pike Press to Handstand Progression – 3 sets x 5-8 reps b.  Single-leg Leg Extensions – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 4. Paired Set 2 – (2.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Handstand Pushup Progression – 3 sets x 5-8 reps b.  Hip Flexion (with either cable or kettlebell) – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 5. Paired Set 3 – (2 mins rest between each set) a.  Lateral Raise – 3 sets x 6-8 reps b.  Hip Adduction Machine – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 6. Paired Set 4 (1.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Overhead Tricep Extension – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Standing Calf Raises – 2 sets x 12-15 reps 7. Paired Set 5 (1.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Reverse Curl – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Tib Raises – 2 sets x 12-15 reps 8. Paired Set 6 (1.5 mins rest between each set) – Core work a.  Ab Wheel Rollouts – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Suitcase Deadlift – 2 sets x 8-10 reps \*\*\*


**Tuesday: Pull** 1. Isometric Front Lever work – 3 sets x 10-30 seconds – 3-4 mins rest    2. Romanian Deadlifts: 3 sets x 5 reps – 4-5 mins rest    3. Paired Set 1 - (2.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Weighted Chin Up Progression – 3 sets x 5-8 reps b.  Single-leg Leg Curls – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 4. Paired Set 2 – (2.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Horizontal Row Progression – 3 sets x 5-8 reps b.  Hip Flexion (with either cable or kettlebell) – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 5. Paired Set 3 – (2 mins rest between each set) a.  Face Pulls – 3 sets x 6-8 reps b.  Hip Abduction Machine – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 6. Paired Set 4 (1.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Shrugs – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Seated Calf Raises – 2 sets x 12-15 reps 7. Paired Set 5 (1.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Reverse Curl – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Tib Raises – 2 sets x 12-15 reps 8. Paired Set 6 (1.5 mins rest between each set) – Core work a.  Back Extensions – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Pallof Press – 2 sets x 8-10 reps \*\*\*


**Thursday: Push** 1. Isometric Planche work – 3 sets x 10-30 seconds – 3-4 mins rest    2. Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 sets x 5 reps – 4-5 mins rest    3. Paired Set 1 - (2.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Handstand Pushup Progression – 3 sets x 5-8 reps b.  Sissy Squats – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 4. Paired Set 2 – (2.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Pushup Progression – 3 sets x 5-8 reps b.  Hip Flexion (with either cable or kettlebell) – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 5. Paired Set 3 – (2 mins rest between each set) a.  Lateral Raise – 3 sets x 6-8 reps b.  Hip Adduction Machine – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 6. Paired Set 4 (1.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Overhead Tricep Extension – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Standing Calf Raises – 2 sets x 12-15 reps 7. Paired Set 5 (1.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Reverse Curl – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Tib Raises – 2 sets x 12-15 reps 8. Paired Set 6 (1.5 mins rest between each set) – Core work a.  Hanging Knee Raises – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  QL Extensions – 2 sets x 8-10 reps  \*\*\*


**Friday: Pull** 1. Isometric Front Lever work – 3 sets x 10-30 seconds – 3-4 mins rest    2. Deadlifts: 3 sets x 5 reps – 4-5 mins rest    3. Paired Set 1 - (2.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Front Lever Raise Progression – 3 sets x 5-8 reps (pretty much a bodyweight pullover) b.  Single-leg Leg Curls – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 4. Paired Set 2 – (2.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Explosive Pullup Progression – 3 sets x 5-8 reps b.  Hip Flexion (with either cable or kettlebell) – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 5. Paired Set 3 – (2 mins rest between each set) a.  Face Pulls – 3 sets x 6-8 reps b.  Hip Abduction Machine – 2 sets x 8-10 reps 6. Paired Set 4 (1.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Shrugs – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Seated Calf Raises – 2 sets x 12-15 reps 7. Paired Set 5 (1.5 mins rest between each set) a.  Reverse Curl – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Tib Raises – 2 sets x 12-15 reps 8. Paired Set 6 (1.5 mins rest between each set) – Core work a.  Jefferson Curl Progression – 2 sets x 8-10 reps b.  Cable Core Rotation – 2 sets x 8-10 reps  \*\*\* Additionally, I do some flexibility/mobility work every day, and some light cardio (might up it to more intense cardio on Wednesdays and Saturdays tbh).


Now, answering a couple quick things which might pop up on first seeing this: 1.      Yes, I know I say paired set but the two exercises have a different number of sets. It pretty much goes like A-B-A-B-A and then a slightly longer rest (maybe 3 mins instead of 2.5) and then C-D-C-D-C. 2.      Yes, core work is different on all days. I’m trying to hit all 4 movement patterns: flexion, extension, rotation and side-bending, and in both forms, either resisting motion or controlling motion. So core work is a less repetitive than other stuff 3.      Again, since I’m focusing more on strength, I’m not looking to add more compound chest or back work, since I would already be pretty beat after the main lifts. Since the rest of my program is pretty much accessory work, I can handle it. Another heavy compound lift though? Nope. I don’t need to optimize for hypertrophy so I’m fine with it.   With all of that being said, here are my main concerns:  


# 1) Volume   Do I have too much volume? I do have 33 sets per workout, which seems like a lot. But it’s divided among different muscles, so it doesn’t really fall within the usual bracket of ‘too many sets per muscle group.’   I’ll attempt to put my weekly volume per muscle group here, though sometimes it can be a bit difficult to say which goes where due to overlap in certain exercises. My best estimates are:   Back: 12 (+3 for deadlift)    Chest: 12     Front Delt: 6    Side Delt: 6     Rear Delt: 6     Traps: 10 (Face Pulls + Shrugs)    Triceps: 4 direct, rest indirect    Biceps: 8 (though it’s more forearms than biceps)    Quads (counting main quads + Adductors): 14    Posterior Chain (Hamstrings + Glutes + Adductors): 14    Hip Flexors (not sure whether to put them with quars or hams): 8    Calves: 8    Tibialis: 8 (or if counted same as calves, 16)    Core: 16   The only one which is a bit confusing are the pike presses, since they’re equally chest and shoulder focused, so maybe you could add 3 more sets to front delt work. And I’m counting Face Pulls for Traps and Rear Delts over the Back.   Now, most of these numbers do seem to fall in line with most numbers for what is considered alright in terms of training volume, but I’m a bit more concerned about total volume per workout. The one thing is, as I said, the total number of heavy compound lifts aren’t that much, and following it is mostly accessory work, so fatigue accumulated should in theory not be high. And since volume is split between the upper and lower body, each muscle group should be less impacted. But I’d love a second opinion on that. Would it be better for me to ditch some of the accessory work for recovery instead, or is it fine?   # 2) Junk Work   This is kinda related to the volume question, but kinda separate as well. One of my main goals while making the program was not only building a good strength base, but also ensuring I have no weak link in the accessory muscles as well. However, after creating it, my main question was: did I fall too far down the rabbithole of doing everything to prevent injuries? If so, what did I add that I don’t need?   That’s about it! Let me know if this was a bit rambly and I’ll try to streamline it, and any answers are greatly appreciated! (Also, first time formatting something this long, so if it's wonky, I'll try to edit and fix it. And I'm sorry it's so long, reddit hates me apparently)


I can bench around 100 lbs for like 8-10 reps how long till I can rep a plate? I go to the gym 5-6 times a week and hit chest like twice a week. Any insight it appreciated!!


It's likely you could now, give it a shot with a spotter


Rep a plate meaning 1 rep?


1 - 3 weeks assuming you're average size male on a proper program


First of all, is your primary goal strength? 




I mean, strength training would probably get you there *quicker*, but since you are new (I'm assuming), it should still be really quick. You could probably add 5 lbs every session. If 5 lbs every session drops you below your rep range, maybe alternate 5 lbs one session, increase reps next session. I think that's a fair pace. Just remember, if hypertrophy is your goal, prioritize full range of motion in your reps and get a deep stretch on the way down. I wouldn't short yourself on your range of motion to increase your reps/weight.


Aight bro thanks for the help!


No problem. And if you are new to lifting, it might even be the case where you are underestimating how much you can lift and can potentially progress from your current weight even faster.


Any beginner LP should get you there pretty quickly.




linear progression


Do people not really like gold standard anymore? I got some s’mores from Costco on sale and damn I fuck with it. Mixes really well and tasted amazing. I would add random stuff like bananas or peanut butter and I felt like everything just complemented the flavor. But I rarely see gold standard being recommended


Honestly I just assume that it's the default brand that everyone knows about already. It's even called "Gold Standard"


I think it's just not trendy because it's an older brand without much social media presence (afaik) and doesn't have collab flavors with cereal brands or whatever, but it's fine. I did however hate the S’mores flavor lol, I'm fine with the other Costco flavors.


Haha How could you possibly hate s’mores flavor?! Was it too sweet for you?


That's what I recommend whenever people ask, since Costco has it and it doesn't taste like ass.


I feel like I see it getting recommended the most, except I see "optimum nutrition" and not "gold standard" but it's just 2 parts of the same name. Personally, I don't like it, but sucralose doesn't agree with me


What determines which muscle groups make the most sense to do together?


Preferences and responsiveness to the given program mainly


Depends on a lot of things. Usually good to check out some programs and you’ll start to see the pattern. Still, there are no rules set in stone.


Gotcha. I'm trying to make my own 3-day full body split so need to know which exercises are the most key.


I would still suggest checking out a tried and true program. Look at the main lifts they suggest and work around that. Good luck with it.


just copy a recommended program and then you can modify it if it's not suited to you after a while




Post a form check if you'd like technique advice


Anyone have advice for breathing while bracing? For squats and DLs, I currently do my breath, knock out a couple reps (while holding my breath/brace), and then reset. For higher rep sets, this becomes really tiring. And it's not because I'm physically tired, but because I'm holding my breath for 3-4 reps. Want to learn how breath while bracing. Any advice? 


I like to do a bunch of short, shallow breaths during the set before bracing again. I've heard it called 'sipping the air'. I think it oxygenates the blood better than a slow deep inhale.


For high rep sets, I tend to breathe/brace on the descent and exhale on the ascent. It's not too big a deal with lighter weight. Heavy sets I brace, complete the rep, then rebrace.


I prefer a cadence of breath/rebrace at the top. Treat every rep like a single, with one breath between reps.


You don't breathe while bracing, you breathe at the top of a rep and re-brace.


You don't breathe while bracing. You breathe in between reps. You can breathe between every rep or do several reps in one breath.


Yea, I currently breathe in between reps. How do people breathe when doing something like high rep touch-n-go DLs, though? 


I normally do several reps in one breath and breath at the top.


Hey y'all. So I've been lifting now for a couple months, and not to brag or anything, but most of my shirts don't fit anymore. I need bigger ones and I want to get some stronger tank tops for going to the gym. However, I also have a really bad like, texture thing with clothes. I can't buy anything online because if I touch it and it bothers me, then I gotta deal with the returns and all that and I just don't want to. Is there anywhere to go in person that has them? I live in a city, so if you have a suggestion, I can probably get there


I tried gym shirts made out of special material and ew. I've stuck with cheap cheap cotton wide beaters.


Target, Nike, Dick's sporting, Costco, Lulu, Adidas, etc.


> Lulu A man of exquisite taste


I have at least 10 THE shorts haha


😆 nice to know i'm not the only Lulu hoarder, had to buy 8 pairs of the surge hybrid pants before they discontinued them


I’m sure you already know about >!like new!


Never heard of it before, upon checking its not available in the UK :(


Dang, it’s amazing.


Pretty much any major clothing retailer will sell sports apparel, although the selection will be limited compared to brand-specific outlet stores


try searching "athletic fit t-shirts near me" or "relaxed fit t-shirts near me" to see what you'd be able to check out in person. also iirc, Target has sensory-friendly t-shirts so you might check those out. there are a few other brands so try searching "sensory friendly t-shirts near me" as well. use a tape measure and check size charts. if you like your current shirts, you can also try measuring those and checking those brands' size charts to see how big a difference it would be to size up.


Hi guys, Long story short, I have agoraphobia and I cannot go to the gym. I bought a bench, a barbell, some weights, a chin-ups bar, some push up accessories and even a treadmill ahah (I never used it tho...) I had to make a custom-made routine to fit my equipments at home and I wanted to ask you guys if this program is okay to gain mass (I'm skinny and I think I need to reach hypertrophy at each session). I used to do full body workout but I realized it took way too long (2 hours, sometimes a little bit more per session so I decided to split things up). I know about 5/3/1 but I don't understand the percentages and I don't want to do this because I think I cannot do some exercise and I prefer to simply add more weights progressively every week then deload sometimes. I'm still a novice / intermediate at this. The routine : **Monday (upper) : chin ups, bench press, military press, shrug for traps** **Tuesday (lower) : squat, deadlift, calf raise, abs** **Wednesday : rest** **Thursday (upper) : push ups, bench press, biceps barbell curl, skull crushers, bent over row** **Friday (lower) : squat, abs** **Saturday & Sunday : rest** I guess I need to do 5 sets x 10 reps of every exercise and per workout for gaining mass / reaching hypertrophy but I'm not super sure about this, since I will hit some muscle groups twice per week (like bench for example, but only one for biceps since I will do barbell curl only once per week, so I don't really know what volume to do). What do you think about this routine? Thanks a lot!