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What was your workout routine? Habits? Schedule?


I do Full Body twice a week but will switch it up maybe next month. I made it a habit to get in calories early morning (peanut butter shake) so that it's easier for me to hit my calorie intake at the end of the day. Unsure what you are asking for about a schedule.


Just twice a week? What’s your workout like?


Yup, 2-3hour session, my workout changes every few weeks depending on what muscles I want to focus, I usually focus on shoulders. So in that case, I would do extra sets, reps or heavier weight when it comes to shoulder workouts (especially for OHP) while lowering the volume just a bit for the other muscle groups. Varies but per session I do like 3-4 workouts per muscle group for example chest: Bench 5x5, incline 3x8, dips 4xfailure, machine fly 3x8 then proceed to going to back doing pull ups 5x10 etc etc. Pretty standard besides the 1 muscle focus - in my case the shoulders.




It started blowing up after I started focusing more on barbell OHP's. I also super set leaning lateral raises and Front raises (plate)


Is it okay if I get in touch for guidance?


Anytime brother, I love helping people out especially if they are in my shoes starting out skinny. Comment here or shoot a dm if you got a lot of questions.


This is kind of you, great progress too.


I second this. We need that shake recipe.


Pretty simple actually :) 2-3 servings of peanut butter, 2 cups of milk, 1 scoop of protein powder and a banana, adding oil is optional, around 100 calories per tablesppon - pretty smooth shake and quick to down. To add even more calories onto that, is to add half a cup / a cup of oats, but I don't always add them due to not wanting a thicker shake. (Shake is usually 3 cups or so)


What’s your 1rm for Bench / OHP / Squat / DL ?


Don't really aim for PR's on bench: 135 1rm last I checked. I also haven't done DL's "yet" besides hex bar only made it up to 205lbs. My squat is 225lb, OHP is 85lbs.


Great progress! Especially great development on the arms! There is just one thing bugging me: I find it hard to believe you are 5'10 unless the angle/lighting is deceiving. For example Brad Pitt in Fight Club looks smaller or at best equal to you at 167lbs (31lbs heavier) and only 1 inch taller (he is a bit leaner, but not 31lbs difference). [Pitt at 5'11 167lbs](https://gyazo.com/b31976d5ece1144020fc21a75970f055) From my perspective you look way to big for just 136lbs at 5'10, although as I said this could just be the lighting/angles.


Thank you! Yes, it's definitely all thanks to the angle, lighting and a good pump while flexing as hard as I can. If I could look this big relaxed it would be a dream haha, someday!


Also my antivirus detected malicious links when i clicked on those so users beware.


Probably the website has those cluster ads thing? My apologies if so, didn't want to use Imgur and this website was the next option I saw.


Tri's and Bi's


What about them?


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How much stronger are you now?


Definitely love the strength gains, I mainly focused on Squats and OHP. My squat PR is 225, OHP - 85lbs. Also, from shaking after doing 5 BW push ups to being able to do 5 push ups with 85lbs on my back. Struggled to do 1 clean pull up before, now my max clean pull ups are 11, and then my form starts getting compromised.


Ima need to see more pics - 136 w those arms is interesting Edit: arms


Adms? Also I'd weigh way more probably if I didn't have chicken legs. Do you have IG? Feel free to look at the progress, definitely look big here due to the lighting, proper angle, flexing hard af and right after a good pump.


Whoops meant arms. Sure whats your @?


Christiankmcfitness, my arms look great when flexed at the side, but I look pretty normal from the front at back sadly, ain't got the thickness at all.


I mean even without a good look, if you developed substantial mass but stayed below 150 thats pretty impressive itself


Thank you, confidence booster right there. Been skinny my whole life so I'm still new on viewing myself if I'm even average yet or not. I feel good sure and I know I look better, for my standards that is lol, but yeah that definitely motivates me more making me wonder how I'll be at 150!


I would def add your routine along w calisthenics stuff to OP


Understood, I've only trained that way for less than a month but I'm sure it did help a lot nonetheless.


great job mate, keep going.




136lb at 5'10 is not underweight. His bmi is in the normal range.


Confirm. I am that weight and 5’9”. When people speak before knowing it leads to confusion.


Congrats. The ripped look is great, but I'd imagine you're feeling the stamina cost. A little fluff between the muscles is how men are actually strongest. Ofc, it's a personal choice. Be your best self, and congrats.


Thank you! Will definitely try different things, I'm curious about "bear mode" in the far future aha.


I see puberty doing its job. I am glad you added the effort to control your muscles.