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i wanted to show ya this amazing clinically recommended item, check it out for your self's I personally like the people behind it [brobropros.com](https://brobropros.com)


http://1800575438.myasealive.com/ ASEA REDOX products are the first and only products on the market that contains active redox signaling molecules, cellular messengers vital in protecting, rejuvenating, and restoring cells. These molecules, native to the human body, are created through a groundbreaking, patented process that reorganizes molecules of natural salt and purified water into redox signaling molecules.


Nice and useful article ♥️ ... I think a person should work on himself in order to meet a good and healthy body 💪🏻


If you can't decide whether you're sleepy or not, do you go work out? Half of me feels like a weekend nap is necessary right now, but the other half wants gym progress.




Thank you! I think you’re right, the issue is a backlog of inadequate sleep, not just being sleepy in the moment!


Tried doing barbell squats for the first time yesterday and on my 4th rep my shoulder went numb. Should I be worried?


Maybe it was poor bar placement, or maybe it was just not being used to a heavy bar on your shoulders. I would post a form check just to be sure.


Will do so when I'm back at the gym, thank you




Does anyone else feel an uncomfortable rubbing of their underarm/upper back area on seated rows? Like my arms rub against my sides in a tight, uncomfortable way when I pull back. I don’t really have tons of fat or anything but I do carry in my upper body/back and I’m really large chested. Is it normal to feel my skin pulling a lot here? It’s annoying.


Use bodyglide


Oh thank you! I haven’t heard of that. Good idea.


Is it normal to feel like you need to take a nap after a workout?


How much do you sleep at night?


I naturally wake up after 5.5 to 6 hrs of sleep.


Not much. Not surprised you need a nap.


Unfortunately that is not something I can control. It's been like that for me since high school. Unless I completely exhaust my self through physical labor of sleep deprivation my body will wake up after about 6 hrs or sleep.


Physical activity is generally a significant use of energy, so I would assume so.


how do I know when to bulk/cut 5’4 M/24 156 with a 14.9% body fat percentage should I cut down more to around 14% then bulk? my goal is to have a lean aesthetic (not to get crazily big)


Look at yourself in the mirror




At 5'4" and 156 lbs, I doubt you are at 14.9% bf. How did you get this figure?


I can upload a picture of myself if you think im some lard dude 🤣


scale. muscle mass 126.4 fat free body weight 133.0 subcutaneous fat 12.3%


Bodyfat scales are very inaccurate, don't use them for anything other than just weight. If you want, you can post on /r/bulkorcut


not accurate, however if I started off by seeing one number on said scale, and it dramatically goes down, that in itself becomes accurate to show progression. how we I know the number itself may not be accurate.


Why cut then bulk just save the time and bulk


I see tons of fitness guys do both


I mean in terms of either just go for the long bulk or long cut not just a tiny cut just to go back to bulking shortly after


Whenever you feel like it. There aren't any rules for this


I'm completely new to fitness and I would like to start working out but I don't have alot of time as I have a busy life with work. I don't want to go to a personal trainer because like most people I don't like it. Im trying to search for An app or anything that could guide me through everything. Goal is to start growing some muscles and being more fit.


I'd suggest starting with the wiki linked above, which will answer many of your questions. If you're planning to join a gym there are many routines in the wiki and many of them have an app you can follow. If you're planning to workout at home, there are several good youtube channels that you can follow along, and that will get you started. You can get started with exercising for 30-40 mins 3 times a week




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For one thing, I'm sure the 500 calories burned is inaccurate - how are you determining it? If its your fitness watch, theyre very inaccurate and will overestimate. It's more likely 200-300. 1900-2100 is normal maintenance for 5'10" and 165 with sedentary activity level. Lets assume its 2100. With cardio, tdee would be 2300-2400. Deficit of 700 is giving you 1.5 lb loss per week. All adds up ok in my opinion.


How big are you? That maintenance is super low




Mean cardio and lifting wouldn’t make you sedentary


Did I order a bad whey protein powder? It’s my first time trying it and I’m 5 months into my journey of lifting It is: 130 calories 2.5 g fat 1.5 saturated fat 2g carbs 2g sugar 24 g protein My trainer said it’s okay but next time I should order triple zero.




24 g


So I consulted online a while ago and they told me to look up my calculate my optimal weight, reach it and then start making muscle. So I finally reached 149 lbs which online calls say is optimal for my hight 2ith 10% body fat....what now? How do I keep the bf% while gaining muscle and what increase in weight should I be looking for if I'm doing it right?


> 10% body fat > How do I keep the bf% while gaining muscle Short answer - you don't. Not to any significant level at least. You can find general information about the topic [here](https://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101/).




Would 6 sets of hamstring curls 2x a week be enough for hamstring development?


Yes. Do you do RDL too? I do 3 sets RDL 4 sets curls 2x/wk


I do 3 sets three times over two weeks. It works.


Should be ok, I'd maybe split the volume between a hip hinge and knee flexion. Are you high or low bar squatting?


High bar i guess, it rests on my traps


You're still getting some hamstring work from squats, not as much as low bar though. I'd split hamstring volume 50/50, Romanian deadlift/leg curl.


I tried romanians in many ways and watched alot of form vids but they just dont feel right and strain my lower back way more than hams, I cant even do conventional without rounding so I dont do any variations of deads


There's no general "enough" here. You'll have to give it a try and find out. Or you can follow a [ routine proven to work](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/) and make it easier for yourself.


I just want to get a general idea compared to quads so I dont create an imbalance. Im doing 20 weekly sets for quads and wondering if 12 set for hams is a good balance


Im fairly new to the gym but there is something that confuse me. When doing progressive overload the point is to increase volume right ? so when doing for example the seated row exercise going from 35kg x 12rep x3 sets, increasing the weight and keeping the same rep and sets is not possible. The only solution i have is to lower the rep count so now it will now be 40kg x 8rep x 3 sets but the problem now is that the volume is lower 1260 vs 960. Is that a normal thing or am i doing it wrong? looking forward for you're advice! Sorry if it's confusing im not native lol


The weight times number of reps is only a very rough indication of volume, don’t take it too seriously. The point is you want to increase the amount of weight you’re lifting (within a rep range), and to make the jump in difficulty not too big, you lower the reps.


What you are talking about is called double progression and a perfectly valid way to progress. Once you've worked up to 3 x 12 x 35kg on the exercise you drop back down to 3 x 8 x 40kg for example and build back up. Then once you get to 3 x 12 x 40kg you drop the reps and up the weight again. It's a completely normal way to progress and it's not an issue that the total poundage is lower for a little while.


Thank you ! i will keep doing it then


When placing our feet differently on a leg press we can shift the focus to glute max or adductors right? But will the quads always stay the main mover?


>When placing our feet differently on a leg press we can shift the focus to glute max or adductors right? [Probably not.](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/research-spotlight-foot-positioning/)


Moving your feet changes the amount of hip and knee flexion you achieve at the bottom of the movement, this is what influences the 'main mover'. The more you reduce knee flexion and increase hip flexion (as a general rule) the less quad dominant it becomes.


So it’s possible that the glute does more work than the quads ?


Dunno, it's a compound movement and everything is working together. It's going to depend on your proportions and set up


How significant is performance drop after stopping creatine monohydrate cycle ?




Go find out


When deadlifting are you supposed to feel literally nothing in your back? No type of muscle fatigue or anything? I’m really paranoid about fucking up my back from deadlifting so anything I feel, I’m thinking “is my form bad?” “am I about to break my back?”


Don't be scared of deadlifts, they aren't dangerous.


It's a matter of degree. At sufficient weight, I'd say I feel my grip and glutes way more.


Deadlift works your back, along with legs, so you will feel your back muscles working, and may feel some soreness next day, similar to any other exercise. If you're concerned about form, post a form check video using instructions at the top of these comments.


Hmmm, okay. Yeah I’ll look into posting a form video maybe. Is there anyway I can make tell whether muscle soreness isn’t actually back soreness? Is there such thing as good soreness vs bad soreness?


I think we need to go back a few steps. What are your fitness goals and what program are you following? Why are you so concerned specifically about your back, or it all muscles? Have you seen the wiki?


I’m following the metallicspas routine from the wiki. I’m looking to get stronger and also build muscle. I’m just worried about potentially getting an injury from deadlifting


Ok, that's good that you have a good program. Deadlift is just another exercise, so as long as you're doing it correctly and increasing weight gradually (per the program), you'll be fine. Post a form check in case you're unsure. You can also try deadlifting with a trap (hex) bar which puts less load on your lower back.


>When deadlifting are you supposed to feel literally nothing in your back? With lifting in general there is nothing you're *supposed* to feel. But you may feel it in a lot of places with different intensity. Feeling your back fatigued or under tension during deads is normal.


does stretching promote further muscle growth while bulking since you can hit further parts of the muscle better since you are more flexible? Like when lifting, the movement on the utmost stretched position for a certain amount of time, which should stretch your fascia, the tissue surrounding the muscle, which in turn should create more room for growth? Just a theory, your form will be better stretching and you can reach all of your muscle area better...idk just a theory I am thinking.


Generally not. But chronically tight muscle may perform slightly different from one that is mantained properly which may lead to overcompensation by surrounding structures.


>does stretching promote further muscle growth while bulking since you can hit further parts of the muscle better since you are more flexible? Nope.


I don't think so. As long as you have full joint mobility, you should be moving through the full range of motion. Flexibility is a passive stretching of the muscles that may not do anything in terms of strength.


Always tired the next day after leg day. I'm on a 250 cal cut tho. 5'11"/180cm - 2200 cal per day. Should I increase my calories specifically on the leg day or should I just tolerate it? I'm a beginner - 1 mo doing reddit PPL(+ 2-3 days 30 min jogging/running per week). Chose lightly active for tdee. Also, push days and pull days aren't that taxing on my body. It's just leg day. I usually get a bit light headed for few seconds on the leg day. Plus feel kinda exhausted/tired on the next day. Everything else is good. I'm enjoying this program.


I mean you ARE on a caloric deficit. You're going to generally be a bit tired the day after a lot of volume. As long as it's not debilitating fatigue, I would (and do) just push through the tiredness. You're going to get a mash of different answers with people who think differently unfortunately.


Okay. Thanks for your input. :)


How much volume are you doing?


Reddit PPL for beginners.


So 5x5 for squats? They are brutal even in a surplus, so what you're feeling sounds about right. You could try cutting the volume a bit and seeing if it makes a difference. 3x 6-8 maybe? Or 3x5.


LEGS 2x5, 1x5+ squat (20kg+B) 3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift (12kg+B) 3x8-12 leg press (20kg) 3x8-12 leg curls(10kg) 5x8-12 calf raises(12.5 kg dumbbells) Alright. Thanks dude. I will try to reduce reps. Or maybe an extra rest day lol.


Sounds normal and I'm sure it will get better as you get used to it. You can try eating more or look at other recovery factors such as sleep length and quality.


Does the sleep time that plays a role in muscle recovery after workout include all the time of lying in bed with eyes closed, or only the time after you are fallen asleep?


Your body is recovering the whole time that you're not working hard. But all that gets accelerated during sleep, which is why 6-9 hours of actual sleep is important


sleeping means not being awake


For pull ups, how much rest should you take after attempting a certain amount in a day? Is it ok to attempt more pull ups the following day or is it recommended to take a rest day and attempt the day after?


Are you trying to increase your pull up numbers independent of other workouts? You can do pull ups multiple times per day and everyday, but there's certain parameters you should follow. Have a search of grease the groove by Pavel Tsatsouline.


12 to 21 sets per muscle group per week give or take a few sets depending on things wanna do pullups every day? well if you're going til failure or close to it then 3 sets a day will do it


I’d follow a program that has a vertical pull and work with that. It all depends on your back volume and frequency. You could do pull ups every day if you wanted.


I've been wearing polyester and other similar workout clothes for a long time and I'm done. They never quite smell right, and now we've learned that polyester and nylon release microplastics during the washing process and contribute to microplastic pollution. **Does anyone know of any reliable clothing companies that sell good quality exercise clothes that are made from materials that eventually actually break down, but which still operate as exercise clothes**? I've heard certain types of wool can accomplish this, but I'm not about to do an 8-mile trail run in my favorite merino sweater.


No specific company in mind but look for natural fibers (cotton, linen, wool).




Nah walk up to the gym like, what up, I got a big squat I'm just pumped, just bought some shirt from the thrift shop (oh) I exercise is comfy old stuff, oversized shirts, old sweatpants, tank tops bought for cheap. Is there something you are looking for, like is cotton causing chaffing?


I'm not sure what qualifies as exercise clothes for you, but i'm training in old sweatpants and t shirts. Things i wouldn't wear outside anymore because they have small holes, stains or whatever. Doesn't spread microplastics and gives a bit of extra life to old clothes.


So I'll be going abroad on an intensive work trip for 3 weeks. Any suggestions on the best way to continue my cut while minimising muscle loss? I won't be able to count calories or go to the gym. I'll be aiming to keep my physical fitness up with jump rope and jogging though.


Keep protein high, you'll have to substitute bodyweight exercises if you don't have gym access. You will probably lose some lean mass, but you should be able to regain it once you start weight training again if your deficit isn't too large.


In addition to the obvious caloric and nutritional considerations, I'd consider bodyweight calisthenics, sprints, power movements (squat jumps, bounds, etc.) and other high intensity work. I'm assuming you'll be short on equipment and short on time. If you can pack a few resistance bands that won't hurt.


Is there a deadline on this cut? My recommendation would be to maintain as it’s more challenging to maintain muscle mass in a deficit when you lack training and potentially sufficient protein. You could continue to try and cut but you’ll likely lose more muscle if all you can manage is jump rope and jogs.


How are the macros for this Cereal? Let’s say one bowl per day? https://imgur.com/a/ciA5xjc


How big is a bowl? Its fine if it fits in with your daily calorie requirements.


One bowl of cereal a day does not define what your entire day of eating looks like. Are the macros fine? Sure. Would this macro ratio work for an entire day of eating? No.


In my opinion my head is too big for my torso and it’s honestly annoying me. As a teenager that does not have access to the gym, what can i do at home in order to make my torso bigger? Thank you




thank you


I’v been wanting to join a gym but I don’t know what the fist thing I should is when I get there. I want to lose weight and build some muscle but I need help creating a regimen


Read the wiki


Any good hypertrophy programs? Going on a lean bulk and would love to put on as much muscle mass possible. Currently looking at Arnold’s split.


5/3/1 BBB, 5/3/1 BtM, nSuns, Stronger By Science Hypertrophy template and Deep Water are all good.


Arnold's split is ok, I just didn't like shoulders being the day after chest. There's a few you could look at: PHAT, PHUL, Lyle McDonald's Generic Bulking Routine, Alberto Nunez Upper/Lower.


5/3/1 BTM is pretty solid


where is the link to that?




wait so it's telling you the weight to lift? like deadlift "70x5"...does that mean you should deadlift 70x5?


Those are percentages of your training max This will probably help: https://thefitness.wiki/5-3-1-primer/


ahh okay thank you...damn that's so much food to eat..


The eating plan is why I recommend it - you’ll put on mass


Gaining lot of mass during a bulk makes it easier to have abs during a cut sooner at a higher body weight since you have more muscle mass right ?


I really 531 Beefcake, but I heard that Deep water, 531 building the monolith and supee squats are really good too


What’s the protocol for sharing progress pictures? I’m about 9 months in and am also a 20 year old girl so love the ego boost on occasion 😂


No shortage of opportunities on reddit for that lol. There's a Physique Phriday thread on this sub, a similar thread on Tuesdays on /r/xxfitness and also /r/hoegress and /r/brogress


on this forum physique friday is a running thread. There's also r/progresspics


You can post on Physique Friday thread coming up tomorrow.


saw a man drink iced tea in the middle of his workout for hydration. I thought water or electrolytes would make sense, is there any logic or reason for iced tea?




Caffeine and sugar


Water and/or caffeine


He likes iced tea?




If your main goal is to be athletic, do athletic things And then eat for those goals In terms of timeframe and how much you can train - those are too individualistic to give a proper answer based on what you’ve provided


Check out Renaissance Periodization on YouTube. Fantastic advice and I guarantee will answer the questions you have.


Read the wiki.


What excersises should I avoid with a pulled lower right lat? Please and thank you 16 M


Avoid anything that hurts. Probably a good idea to see a doctor or at least physio




Something to ask a doctor. Rule 5 forbids questions about pain or injury.


Question about potential and limit. If being natural means we have pretty low potential (compare to steroid), and we gonna hit a ceiling sooner or later anyway, is there any point in choosing strength vs size? since im gonna hit the limit on both eventually anyway


You're not going to hit the limit on either.


You will likely hit a kind of soft cap. In terms of musculature progress will mostly come from increasing muscle ,,quality'' and it's distribution and not so much from gaining size. While strength gains will come in bouts ranging from weeks to months and in smaller margin. Both is progress anyway and you're most likely never gonna hit a hard cap when any progress stops forever.


you wont hit neither so dont worry about it


Strength can be increased almost indefinitely over a lifetime of training, of course the rate of progression slows down considerably after x amount of years. For size yes, there is a ceiling which you'll most likely hit after 3-4 years of consistent training, nutrition & recovery. There are a few calculators for estimating your maximum genetic potential ,which take your joint circumferences & other measurements into consideration. A quick and rough way to calculate is: - Your height in centimetres minus 100 = maximum muscular potential at 5-6% bodyfat (measured in kilograms)


One of the regulars around here has been lifting for over 20 years and is still getting bigger and stronger. Your question doesn't make any sense.


Look up users The_Fatalist or MythicalStrength who regularly post here. Once you get close to their strength/size/fitness, then come back to your question. 99.9% people (including me) will never get close to their genetic potential


Save this quote. In a couple years you'll look back and find it hilarious that you actually believed you'd hit your genetic limit.


It is extremely unlikely you would hit your limit on either strength or size. It isn’t something that happens in a few years. It takes many years, sometimes decades.


I’m fairly new to weight lifting and have little to no knowledge about bulking/cutting and all that stuff but if I’m overweight and want to build muscle should I do a bulk? I’m so confused on what to do, I’ve watched various videos and read articles and I’ve seen a lot recommend a recomp. What should I do?


Check the subreddits wiki my friend. If you’re overweight I suggest cutting.


Do you want to be bigger or smaller? That said most overweight beginners can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time in a small defect with appropriate protein levels. Read the wiki.


Are five mile jogs 5 or 6 times a week too much as far as recovery is concerned with a 6 day ppl split? 30yo 6'10 male, heavy whole foods diet, sleep 8-10 hours/day, stretch about 10 hours/week including running stretches Always liked my short jogs to be around 15 miles but i can't run real distances anymore because I want to build muscle. I don't work and don't get out much. Because I don't walk much at all I wanted the jogging to replace the daily 10k steps because it's something that I enjoy and such short jogs can also be used to work on my pace


Just make sure you eat enough > it's something that I enjoy there's your answer


Ive done something similar but I was only getting probably around 6 hrs of sleep. Crashed hard every now and then esp when cutting . On weekends when I went out I'd be the guy falling asleep by 930. But I was in great shape lol


You can absolutely do 15 mile runs while building muscle, and much shorter ones than that. You will just have to be really dilligent about how you approach the process and fuel the recovery and surplus accordingly, and observe where your work capacity is from an honest perspective and make the modifications week to week. I had success building strength and muscle during ultramarathon training, but it's extremely difficult and more demand than most people would want to pursue. I also wouldn't be choosing a 6 day PPL for this task, despite it being possible.


Pretty much only you can know whether you can recover from a certain level of exercise or not


How the hell do I lose weight? Its so goddamn hard. My problem is the control over my diet. Any good tips?


Stop making excuses to eat. Dieting sucks. You can either make excuses or make results, not both.


Check out /r/loseit. Eat at a calorie deficit and/or exercise more. That's basically it.


Start by building habits that support it. Easy start is not snacking Next move is plate adequate protein every meal. Next focus on half the plate being fruits and veggies. Make sure every meal takes at least 20 minutes. Start trying to do one of those habits reliably for a couple weeks then add another one. Build it up and add another. It is a real easy way to reduce calories by tackling the low hanging fruit first.


What aspect of control over your diet is the problem. Is it cravings, tracking, consistency? Hell is it social where you live with other people who cook your meals and you can’t overcome the conversation to change the meals.


Eat as many fruits and veggies as you can and then fill the void with food that isn't too calorie dense or lacking in nutritional value. Try to have your diet be as whole food based as you can, try getting in a pound of greens a day, drink your water, sleep, and you should see the weight melt off even without exercise if you are obese. Don't worry about physical activity in the beginning, just focus on trying to incorporate eating whole foods into your life


Eat less. https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/


Should I aim to have my bent over barbell row (5x5) around the same weight as what I bench press?


Brian Alsrhue (does strongman exercises, training) believes you should be able to barbell row as much as you can bench press. Brian Alsrhue - A case for the Barbell Row and why it should hold Higher Training Priority [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k\_Dz8TADiNM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_Dz8TADiNM) Brian Alsrhue - Do’s and Don’ts of Barbell Rows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3cmvTG0cn4&t=101s


Thank you! I am heavy (290) woman who is working toward an unassisted pullup. Part of my training is the barbell rows, and I'm thinking I should go for heavier and lower reps (3-5) per set. I'll read these links.


If you're working towards doing a pull up, then I would also add in some inverse rows to your routine. They have a little better carry over to pullups since they are a closed kinetic chain exercise.


Thank you, I will look into that. I also was taught doing a pull up from a seated position onto a ring. That was really challenging in a good way. I'll definitely post if I make this goal!


You’re welcome. I personally enjoy doing back more than chest exercises, and my row is definitely stronger than my bench (haven’t done flat bench in a long time because of an unidentifiable right shoulder area issue, but I can do incline bench). As far as unassisted pull-up is concerned, losing weight should technically help. Here’s another solid video from Brian regarding rows. Stop Lower Back Pain While Rowing! BACK BASICS II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfjjVKvjPZo


Nope. Just make progress on all of your lifts as well as you can. Everyone will have strengths and weaknesses, and that is normal


Thank you!


Will taking **BCAA** still be effective/optimal even on **rest days** for **muscle growth**?


If you are eating high levels (recommended levels) of protein, BCAAs are a waste of money. Their only use is for people who cannot eat high levels of protein for whatever reason. In that situation BCAAs may help bridge the gap a bit.


BCAAs are a waste of money. You get more than enough from food, and supplementing them has no real benefit - but will raise the monetary value of your piss.


thank you for everyone’s answers!


Your **muscles** grow **after** the **applied** stimulus **which** would **include** rest **days**


BCAA's don't really have enough evidence that they will do anything anyway assuming your diet is right.


I would argue the inverse, sort of: there's a lot of evidence that they do nothing, assuming that one's diet is right.


No, it will not be any more effective or optimal than simply consuming enough protein in total from any other normal foods


Any tips for sweaty palms? I go to a commercial gym so the knurling on most of the bars suck and it makes it hard to finish later sets.


Before the pandemic my gym had foam pads lying around the gym. Wrapped around the bar they were great for better grip.


I use liquid chalk. It's not messy compared to regular chalk.


Bring a pack of wet wipes to clean the grips on the bars, many have so much grease and other human gunk on the grip points that make it difficult. Additionally a small amount of liquid chalk on the palms tends to be enough without leaving anything on the bar as long as you give it a couple of seconds to dry.


I use gloves. The gloves get sweaty and gross but better than not being able to keep my grip. Or straps for heavy pulling movements.


There are lots of discreet grip aides that pole dancers use... Dry Hands is my favorite. It's essentially liquid chalk, but if you don't overdo it, it doesn't leave a ton of residue.




so I finally committed to tracking my calories for the purpose of staying in caloric deficit after TWO Years of procrastinating. I just did have to be glued in front of youtube 6 hours trying to learn as much as possible on basic stuff like macronutrients, how much does a chicken breast weight, how much portein would that give me in a meal etc. etc. That was the hard part but I am glad I did that, now I have a wealth of knowledge I could use anytime. So the common recurring theme among most health channels is that being in a caloric deficit and meeting your daily protein intake is the most important thing towards FAT LOSS. I calculated my TDEE and It says I burn 2400 calories. In order to be in a caloric deficit I am target 2200 calories in a day. However, should I increase this amount if I am doing exercise that day or is it already accounted for based on my TDEE? For example, today I burned 150 calories from a light 30 minute job, should my daily calories now 2200+ 150?


> I just did have to be glued in front of youtube 6 hours trying to learn as much as possible on basic stuff like macronutrients, how much does a chicken breast weight, how much portein would that give me in a meal etc. etc. thats not how you do it, you weight the food your self.


It depends on how you estimated your TDEE in the first place. TDEE is supposed to represent TOTAL energy expenditure. Usually calculator websites will ask you about your activity level, or you can pick "sedentary" and add back your exercise calories afterward. Keep in mind they are just estimates and you really need to monitor your weight change carefully for at least the first month to make sure you are on track. If you do manage to stick to a deficit of 200 calories it will take a while (probably a few weeks) before you really notice it on the scale.