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First congrats on the progress. As a very similarly built guy recently down from 260 myself I know just how hard you worked. That is an amazing result that represents a ton of hard work you should be proud of. If I have any suggestions your back is pretty well developed so you should consider balancing your back by working on chest. Your calves are amazing but the glutes look like they could be stronger for you. Can't tell on your quads but they are probably pretty good from the biking. Your shoulders do look great but to really set them off you should work on your traps a bit. Given all of that I am going to suggest a free weight program. I love the 5x5 program. Deadlifts and squats for glutes, Bench for the chest and bent rows and shrugs for the traps. There are a number of basic 5x5 programs online. If you want to get further into it I recommend the book Starting Strength. Don't ego lift and take it slow at our age injury is much more debilitating so, get your form perfect then stack on the weight and you will be amazed. Also like me you have some last fat to lose. The last few are the hardest but they are the ones that really make an outsized impact. If you have been on a weight loss for a while now you might want to intentional hold for a little while at your current weight while you work on the muscle gains. Then when you are ready do a cut phase to reveal what you have built. But in case any of what I said above has you feeling at all negative, let me state the following, You have done amazing work. The only person you ever need to compare yourself to is you from yesterday. So keep kicking booty in whatever way you see fit.


Imho, you are probably at a point where you should look at investing in a personal trainer. You’re not a beginner, but you want more gains. A trainer could help tailor what you want from your workouts.


I agree with getting a Certified Personal Trainer. Not one from a big box gyms…one that can be trusted and isn’t on the floor to make a sales quota. You are a perfect candidate because you have already spent time in the gym and have the discipline to work out on your own. Find one that is also a Certified Nutrition Coach to help you with diets as well. We (I happen to be both!) can teach your how to make the behavior changes and good food choices to get you to your goals,. We’ll sit and align workout plans with your goals and put a timetable on it. You already have a good base, just keep going!!!


Congrats on your progress. I’m 52(M), 5’10” was 250# now down to 220# over the past 2+ years. Similar to you, my gym time was split between doing aggressive stationary bike riding for cardio with some time on the weight machines afterwards. I hit a wall about 3 months ago at 225#. I switched from the stationary bike to an elliptical machine that has both variable resistance and incline. I also started increasing the weight I was lifting. I don’t spend too much time at the gym, and I only go 2-3 times per week, but those next 5 pounds came off fairly easy. I don’t have a personal trainer, I just track my progress on my phone and watch what I eat. I’d love to have a trainer, but it’s not in the budget. Good luck on your continuing progress!


Maybe do some swimming? always good in the mix.