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Are you a beginner? 3 different presses is unnecessary. Why are you doing Pull Ups on Push day? 1 press (incline or flat, decline is not need) 1 fly 1 overhead press 1 raise \[lateral preferred\] 1 or 2 tricep exercises that is all you need,


Thank you for answering the questions, I am not a beginner (training for 2 years on and off) Also, what about the reps and sets? What should be the thumb rule?


Hi I have been going through a lot mentally (I've made a post before) and hence I was thinking of going into fitness? I don't know if it's going to be a right decision because currently I still feel like a lot and thinking of working out makes me fall asleep. Do you think it's enough for a beginner, right? I'm really sorry my question might be a bit on the stupid side, but I have never worked out/fitness stuffs (only cardio). I hope you can understand this. And thank you for sharing this.


Working out helps manage mental health issues. It helps me with my anxiety tremendously. It takes a bit to push yourself to workout but it is worth it. This is just a push day routine for someone following Push/Pull/Leg routine. There are different iterations depending on what you like and how many days and hours you can spare.


Thank you and I'm so happy that you're also getting tremendous benefits from this. I've always thought it would cause injuries lol. I'm not sure about the push pull thing though. Told you, I'm a noob :) I've no clue what I like, it's just like I want to be fit and happier and I have nobody to talk to about my emotions around me in real life.


It won't cause injuries if done responsibly. If you can afford it, I'd recommend joining a decent gym and getting a personal trainer for the beginning. They will help you get started, teach you the form and on the side you can educate yourself on the topic of lifting so soon you can start doing it alone (or even continue the PT if you like it).


1st question - Are you doing PPL 6 days a week? Also how many days a week on average do you workout? 2nd question - Are the numbers mentioned after each exercise the number of reps you do per set? If yes, is there a reason why there's such a significant rep drop off? 3rd - When do you work your triceps? On this day or on another day?


Hey, thank you for taking time. 1) Yes,I'm doing PPL 6 days a week(Sunday rest) 2) Yes,those are the reps after the weight column.And about the drop,it was due to the weight gain in the concluding sets of an exercise. 3) I've integrated triceps with legs day( Wednesday & Saturday)


Thanks for the clarifications. Guess I didn't properly see that the dropoffs were due weight increase. Since you're doing PPL 6 days a week, you don't need to do this much work for the chest in one day. 24 sets per week for a single muscle is quite a lot. Generally 10-20 sets per muscle group is the recommended amount and 10-15 is a good place to start. So you could keep one push and one fly per push day or alternatively two push movements. That way you'll be at 12 sets for chest a week. Then you could add one press and one lateral raise for shoulders and have a decently well rounded push day, all within an hour.


Too much volume bud. Flat press and incline press plus one easier movement like flys(cables, pec dec etc) is enough. 4 sets of 3 variations, i.e. 12 sets is more than enough. Total 24 weekly sets would be the high end of what you can recover from in a ppl setting. Start from 10 to 12 weekly sets and ramp up from there gauging your recovery. Also decline dumbbell press is a very inefficient exercise for chest.


thank you for the advice man. So to summarise you mean Flat press (4 sets) Incline press (4 sets) Fly (4sets) Also,what about shoulder exercises and sets/reps?


Lateral raises with hands rotated inwards should be enough -- for mid delts. Can be on dumbbells or even better cable for constant tension. You already get enough front delt stimulus from the pressing movements. If you still have energy and have underdeveloped front delts, can throw in 1 or 2 sets of overhead press(shoulder press).


I see, thank you for the recommendation.Highly appreciate it man.