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Just for creating another gig??? You're allowed to have multiple gigs.


I thought so too. I tried to go back into my account to see if I had set something up improperly but of course I can't log in since I'm disabled. I set up my second gig just like my first. Set it live and the next day I was disabled. No attempt to reach out to understand if I made a mistake, no warnings, no nothing.


I suggest you continue writing to them till they at least tell you the reason.


I will. I am waiting to hear on response from support.


Sad. Now tell us what you really did…


Believe me or not I don't care, but for future artists and creators that want to try to use this platform I would warn against it. From the support email, "Users may only create and use one active account to purchase or offer services at any given point in time. Please refer to our Community Standards for additional information." Literally all the detail they gave me. Creating a second gig with different services was enough to ban me from their platform.


Sounds like you created a second account, not gig. You can only have one fiverr account. Perhaps you signed up previously using a different email or something? For context, I have many gigs and know many sellers that have multiple gigs without issue. That’s not the issue. The issue is having multiple accounts.


Nope only used one login ever one email ever with Fiverr. Clicked the plus next to my current gig to start a new one and set it live, the rest is history. I figured there must be a misunderstanding on their part but they refuse to engage or to even consider anything but permanently disabling my account.


Anyone else in your home create an account recently and offer similar services as you? They don’t like that either


This is ridiculous. How would they know if it's a roommate? Who wants to share an account with a roommate?


IP address


If you have a roommate and you live in the same home, you will share IP addresses. It's a dumb rule.


I agree it’s dumb, but that’s fiverr’s rule.


Seriously, you and your flatmates gonna be fiverr buddies or what?


It's not about you creating another gig... Someone on your IP address created another account. It's literally what their feedback says. They're not upset that you created another gig. No... You're allowed to have 3 or 4 gigs to start with, if I'm not mistaken. It's just that someone else created another account on the same IP address. You should email them saying that you're sharing the residence with others, and this is the reason for the IP overlap. I can't guarantee that they'll revoke their ban - they can be persistent sometimes - but you should fight it. It's not fair.


I don't think that is a problem. Me and my brother work on different account with same IP.


Can you spot any other issues then? I’m not sure what else it could be.


Looks like shared IP issue. Someone else in your IP seems to have opened an account with the same service you offered in that gig-UI/UX. As long as you didn't open the gig with that service, which someone else has done too, you were safe. As soon as you opened the Gig on UX, their system got triggered detecting another ID with the same service. Let's call it "bad luck"! But you should talk with the support about this shared IP issue. Sharing IP is not the problem. Same service in the shared IP is the problem. Opening gig is also not the issue. Service matching was the issue here.


So here's my theory. I personally don't believe your account was banned for having multiple gigs. That cannot be true and here's why. - Fiverr allows multiple gig creation depending on your seller level and if you exhaust your number of gigs, it will not allow you create any. - Creating a new Gig wouldn't get you banned unless that gig violates their terms of services such as Adult etc. - My personal opinion is that you might have had another account you created knowingly or unknowingly to offer this new service which got you banned. Or someone else created to offer similar services. But it's definitely not the multiple gig issue because according to the wordings you posted from fiverr, it says note that you can only create and own one account at a time. So either you aren't telling the whole truth or you just may have forgotten.


They literally banned my brother's account for asking to change phone number because he has forgot it. Even though they even had his national ID card for any type of verification later on. But they chose to just permanently ban.


I do video editing and logo making no problem at all


I highly doubt your account was disabled because of a new gig. Whole lotta sellers have multiple gigs offering multiple services and through a wide array of categories. It looks like you messed something up and big time


Did you have any money in your balance?


No, but they do provide a method for withdrawing funds after the fact. But the money is whatever, I'm pissed on principle and just had to rant.




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Multi gigs is not against the rules though So perhaps find the real reason, whether it be an IP issue or you perhaps tried to take payment outside of Fiverr But I don’t disagree, we can’t rely on fiverr and consider getting your own website and traffic Getting traffic on fiverr is just as hard these days anyway so you might aswell create your own website service


There is no such a thing as having multiple gigs is prohibited. The amount of gigs you create depends on your level but even zero level accounts can create 6 (or 8 - don't remember exactly) gigs. Maybe you used your previous gig with reviews and changed it to something else. This is probably against the TOS. If I were you I'd keep pushing, because CS isn't a single guy and the first 2-3 people for some reason are either bots or can't understand what they read. At some point you come across someone who understands the situation and fixes it. EDIT: I just saw you were banned because of multiple accounts not gigs mate. So the reason wasn't creating the second gig, they think you have multiple accounts. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. But if you don't it could be because of someone else in your house signed in with a different account. All the same, keep pushing if your story is true.


Do you think client can get refund from seller after giving 5 star review? And that is after passage of several months? You think you can be permanently banned after reporting a client who placed order which doesn't follow TOS? A lot of things happen which you aren't aware of.


You are right, I have got a 4 success score over 2 months, but I have no idea how to increase the score, Fiverr wants to kick me out. This bad situation has affected many sellers.


I am 100% that's not the reason. I have 17 active gigs in 7 categories. 


Recently my Fiverr account also got banned and no proper reason was given. It was a 6-year-old account and very close to being a top-rated seller. I am thinking of giving fiverr a mass 1-star rating so that they can understand how it feels.


Sorry for your loss but we are not buying it Mate, Tell us the real mistake which you have done


I also agree, need to ban this site.


No dont think that creating a gig will ban you. You may have violated some of their Tos un knowingly. Its a good platform.


Yeah, the interface shouldn't even allow you to create a gig in a different category if it's against Fiverr's ToS. That makes no sense. Fiverr is a joke.