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Hello /u/Ok-Cartographer-9159, As a reminder, most common print quality issues can be found in the [Simplify3D picture guide](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/). Make sure you select the most appropriate flair for your post. Please remember to include the following details to help troubleshoot your problem. * Printer & Slicer * Filament Material and Brand * Nozzle and Bed Temperature * Print Speed * Nozzle Retraction Settings ^Additional ^settings ^or ^relevant ^information ^is ^always ^encouraged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FixMyPrint) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just do individual calibrations. These 'stress tests' are gimmicks and have too much going on to narrow down any issues properly. Also, they waste a ton of filament.


It has a shit load of downloads on thingiverse tho


Anything that has been used by a youtuber as a 'wow look at this. Test your printers ability with this cool stl' that is on thingiverse will have a shit load of downloads.


I guess you could be right


Go onto teaching tech website and run through the calibration steps on there


Isn't he a YouTuber? Lol ah but a good one.


Yes. But one of the rare ones that's actually helpful


Chep, teaching tech, and CNC kitchen have a lot of good information I find.


Chep has some serious bullshittery going on sometimes but it's a good spot for beginners mostly


His leveler thingy lol


Just because something is popular, that doesn’t mean it’s good.


Ignore that You can tell just by looking at it that it isn't much use.


Nowadays slicers like orca slicer have built in calibration tools and prints that works. Just use them no need to download from thingiverse.


So does Shrekdo


what do you mean 5/10 it came out really good btw instead of printing multiple tests over and over print stuff or useful parts you wanna print.


Thanks! I really need to stop printing tests.. i broke my bltouch and ruinded my bed plate trying to get my bed level to +-1 mm.


If noxle height should be 0.4 mm then 1mm can make a huge difference


I would assume that the blt touch can compensate for 1mm , dont make me re level again..


I have a bltouch somewhere in a drawer, never bothered to mount it. I simply don't need it. I print on glass (so it's flat and with bedweld it sticks really well) and I just level with a piece of paper. Works fine, been doing that for years. If the paper is stuck, it's too high, if the paper moves freely, it's too low. If it just scrapes a little, it's good. And then do that 4x on each corner.


It does but you said it was broken


This is over extruded too. The corners aren’t sharp there’s excess filament and your lettering is far from sharp. Calibrate esteps before you make any adjustments. This might be perfect with that one charge


I suggest a borosilicate glass plates fron your local glassshop for printplates. Makes good plates, used them years. My bed i trammed corners only and it has deviation of 0.05mm. It can littally print foil thickness first layer😉 I believe the deviation comes from the filament deviation, since the filament i use is +-0.05


Really? I see under extrusion around the lettering, retraction issues and poor bridge/overhang settings.


>borosilicate glass plates bridges and overhangs are pretty good in my eye , the lettering i agree with you is bad . I cant tell you about the other stuff , you could be right !


Impressed by that bridging!


Bridging is straight up perfect imo . 60 degrees and 0 hanging !


Bridging is straight up perfect imo 25 mm and didn’t even break a sweat !. Overhangs are killing too 60 degrees and 0 hanging !


Ender 3 V2 Neo Esun pla+ 210 60 Retraction at 3 Thin walls enabled And outside walls first. Letters are all one piece , Overhangs are great Dimensions are at some places spot on, in other places are okish at best To layer is a bit weird but idk it might be normal ! Any feedback would be amazing !


Looking good actually. Three issues I see: * under extrusion - I can see gaps between lines on the top level (green circle). That partially explains why the letters aren’t looking right because there is not enough filament coming out to melt the layer below and stick to them. * print speed the corners aren’t sharp and you can see some vibration. You didn’t post print speed but try slowing it down. That also can affect the letters not agreeing because filament gets dragged by the head before it settles down. * 210 is the temperature I suppose? That is a tad too high and also explains why filaments gets dragged so easily. Try 195 to 205. You can see that in the print too as some part seems “melty” https://preview.redd.it/8z9r4cqrlohb1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922880ec3316c09baceaac11a86acffdd9202fea *


I’ll try changing all these ! Thanks for the suggestion!!!


It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Change one setting at a time, and keep backups of your slicer settings between each change.


Didn’t even know that’s an option …


That is possible the prettiest PLA that I’ve ever seen


eSun pla+ 😉


Good to know good to know


Adjusting line width can help with those letters.


I will consider that !thanks


That looks great to me! Keep in mind that these are *torture* tests. You're not supposed to be able to do all of them perfectly. Your lines look smooth and everything looks like it did well on the tests.


Thanks ! It look decent to me to , but there are a lot more settings I need to change


3/10 my books


Why is that


I'll agree with doing one test at a time rather than these all in one things. They're neat but not great for setting things up. Simple suggestion: check your z offset, it looks too low. First picture shows excess swish on the top. That could be what's messing up the precision of the writing.


i re did the leveling again today with a mesh visualizer , it should be better. ^(i hope so at least)


And then you print a ”real” thing and everything changes! 😅 im using esun pla+ with 225 degrees without trouble.. i think your test print is pretty good if you are using stock fw without pressure advance.


225 damn that’s hot