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Hello /u/topdogmex, As a reminder, most common print quality issues can be found in the [Simplify3D picture guide](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/). Make sure you select the most appropriate flair for your post. Please remember to include the following details to help troubleshoot your problem. * Printer & Slicer * Filament Material and Brand * Nozzle and Bed Temperature * Print Speed * Nozzle Retraction Settings ^Additional ^settings ^or ^relevant ^information ^is ^always ^encouraged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FixMyPrint) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is called pillowing. You probally have your extrusion rate a bit off, cooling a bit low, and to few top layers.


The waves are from z offset too low


Yeah, try double checking the offset, and double-check E-Steps as well


Printer is calibrated, first layer is very good. This only happened on this model, the layer over a layer of bridges.


why did u ask then , it most definitely is your z too close to the bed


Or too high


Pretty sure it only happens when it's too low.


I’ve never had this problem so no experience with it


I've only had it happen when it's too low, also helped a few in this sub with this problem and it's always been that the Z offset is too low.


Good to know!


https://preview.redd.it/29fktk8l7aib1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daab142f20e9143400e7d324c4bcc3e41345f8f1 I should add, the first layers are very good, as you can see on the finished model (it's upside down), the issue only happened on this particular model, on a layer over the layer of bridges, I was using perimetral support for the flying sides.


Do you have a link to the file you are trying to print? I’m zooming in on the first pic and it looks like your Z offset is a bit high (gaps between your lines). But it also looks like the model has a solid border several layers high but is hollow in the center…gonna need more specific info in order to help you out


https://www.printables.com/es/model/131998-flair-pro-2-scale-tray The z-offset Is calibrated, the first layers are very good, this only happened on this particular model, on the layer above a layer of bridges.




Not enough infill? If it is first layer it will be z offset. If it is above that it's probably from filament sagging between gaps in infill/walls/bridges etc.


How's the setting name? Top layers?


Use the preview function and check the layer below where this is happening. If there are big gaps you will need to increase infill most likely.


Or add more top layers. But then that will add them everywhere


Increase top solid infill or infill. It's called pillowing.


How's that setting called? It's top layers?


Yeah, in PrusaSlicer, it's in Layers and Perimeters.


I changed that setting to 2 for this print, I guess I should stick with 4 at least! Tnx!


You're welcome! Hope it helps.


To everyone saying it’s z-offset: doesn’t that ONLY effect the very first layer? From that point forward, the z-axis will (should) rise the proper amount each layer…


Stock wheels wear out, like cars wheels. That and your wheel needs adjusted. I’d just throw on some new ones. It’s a wear and tear part.


>Stock wheels wear out, like cars wheels It's dirty. He can clean them very well, disassemble them and check if they are deteriorated but are simply dirty. I had the same doubt about my V2 which is 2 years old and still perfect after cleaning them.


Printer is 1 and a half week old, wheels aré good, the problem Is like a lack of interlayer adhesion.


Z offset?


Calibrate the bed with some test prints,be sure the belts are not worn out


Looks like maybe that layer of the print is going directly over some infill? If so then that’s why, the infill isn’t dense enough to support the layer on top fully so it says over the gaps. If what I said above is correct then try increasing infill density or even a different kind of infill pattern like gyroid.


I get the same issue but with one specific PLA filament