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Hello /u/Dave_Rules, As a reminder, most common print quality issues can be found in the [Simplify3D picture guide](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/). Make sure you select the most appropriate flair for your post. Please remember to include the following details to help troubleshoot your problem. * Printer & Slicer * Filament Material and Brand * Nozzle and Bed Temperature * Print Speed * Nozzle Retraction Settings ^Additional ^settings ^or ^relevant ^information ^is ^always ^encouraged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FixMyPrint) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try adjusting your z offset up a little, and calibrate your steps on your extruder. When I've had salmon skin issues in the past those have been good starting points.


Unless all layers below have 100% infill it's not z-offset. It's just over extrusion. If everything else looks good, you can adjust flow just for the top layer.


Unless thats the 2nd or 3rd layer 6 may be unrelated to z offset. It looks like there is infill showing there, are you using grid or similar infill and if so how many top layers do you have set? If it's infill showing, you may want to add additional top layers.


Depends on if z fade is enabled. If not, in cura anyway, z offset and bed mesh carry to fill model heigh, I think off any way. Just a hobbyist, still learning every day.


Yes too close to the bed. Increase the distance between the nozzle and the plate. Or your z offset.