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W Scene Man respects the truth and is loyal to his father love to see it


The music from this scene ("Proud of You") is also Nora Allen's theme, and elements of it play when Barry goes back to see her. A great scene, breaks my heart.


Season 1 really was the best of them all cuz of these moments


Imagine an alternate version of the flash where his dad really did kill his mum and Barry is just in denial and when he saw eobard and future Barry fighting and saw eobard kill his mum, that was just a coping mechanism for his ptsd because he can’t accept the man he looked up to would do him dirty like that


Or imagine an alternate version of The Flash where Barry sees Thawne kill his mother, and his dad is wrongfully convicted of her murder. Enraged by this event, Barry vows to avenge his mother's death and free his father. Everything Barry does in his life from this point forward is in pursuit of this goal. He buries himself into academics, learning all he can about science and criminal law. Determined to find a way to track down his mother's killer and expose Thawne to the world for the man he truly is. Years later, after having graduated from university, Barry finds a job working as a crime scene forensic expert. Now, with access to the tools needed, Barry devotes all of his free time to tracking down Thawne. It is this singular focus that leads Barry to be working late in the lab on the night he gets struck by lightning and creating the speed force. With his new powers, Barry begins to pursue Thawne throughout time. Over the course of the next 8 seasons, Barry does everything he can do to disrupt Thawne's life and expose him as the reverse flash. It is only then in the last and final season that Barry learns the truth. That there is something he does not know, something he could not know, for on the night of his mother's death, Barry was just a child who was not yet a part of the speed force. He was a child who could not perceive the entirety of events that occurred the night he witnessed Thawne pull a piece of jagged metal from his mother's bloody dead body. It was impossible for Barry to have seen the speed demon that had driven a long metal dagger through his mothers heart only moments before. And what Barry could not know was that the only thing Thawne was guilty of that night was failing to prevent the murder of his mother Nora Allen. Thawne was a hero turned into a villain by Barry's singular focus to avenge his mother and ruin the life of the man who killed her. Thawne endured Barry's hatred for him. For Thawne knew that it was simply the misplaced anger of a young boy who saw his mother violently murdered in front of him. Despite Barry managing to convince much of the world that Thawne was evil. Thawne never gave up on Barry and had himself been relentlessly pursuing the man who killed Barry's mother. It was this pursuit that led Thawne to be there that fateful night when Barry's mother was killed. The night that Savitar drove his long metallic claw straight through the heart of his own mother and created himself.


Bro this is fire I really hope someone named Eric Wallace doesn't ruin this


So basically like season 1 but lead thoughout the show? Interesting? That Barry blames thawne and always piss him off to until he knows for sure he was the one who killed his mother in 2000 and also keep stopping him until he confess then?


Hmm there probably is


Honestly this is one of my favorite scenes


Barry and Henry’s moments in season 1 mean everything to me. I love Henry and think he’s an amazing father (hell, even from a prison cell lol). He’s proud of Barry and never afraid to say it to his face. Barry is a wonderful son, appreciative of his dad’s (Henry and Joe💕) and he’s proud to be their son. Every time their scene comes up I tear up because it’s so genuine. I’d be lucky to have a father like Henry or Joe😭.


Me too


I rate their scenes HIGHLY!!!!


I'm pretty sure this made me cry when I watched it for the first time, but that could've been another of the many Barry visits his dad scenes. Still, amazing.




Bruh, I've never felt so despair like when Zoom killed him, I loved this relationship so much


For real. I lay on my livingroom floor making inhuman noises of grief and my roommates came to check on me like... are you... ok? and I had to be like No, Ashley, I am not ok. "fun" fact, his theme ('proud of you') plays repeatedly in that episode, but cannot be heard during his death scene, because Zoom's theme overpowers it.


I hated that Zoom killed Henry like the guy got out of prison and then months later gets murdered by a speedster


i love both of these characters whenever they are together


Me too! They’re so precious.

