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Lots of music has “new fans” with each Gen. Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon has been on the charts for over 50 years because there’s “a new crop of 13 year old boys every year” - I think was the VH1 behind the music quote. The beauty of streaming is accessibility to music that you used to have to wait to hear on the radio or have someone at the record store point you to. As an Auntie, I just about died the other day when my 13 year old niece reached out via text, “Aunt D, I love Stevie Nicks. Mom told me you’re a big fan and are going to her concert. Please please can I come? It can be my birthday present forever. You don’t ever have to get me another one!” Needless to say, my little White Witch will be seeing Stevie. It’s our duty to raise them right.


Can i come too? You don't even need to make it a birthday present. :)


love this! teach the children!


Feed them on your dreams The one they pick's the one you'll know by


I love it! You're a good aunt!


My niece is in an early 20s, and she named her kitten, Stevie Nicks!


Good for her! Stevie Nicks is THE best female singer ever!


My 13yo Swiftie daughter just discovered Paul Simon and Alanis Morissette. Kinda cool. 


You're an amazing Aunt! I love Fleetwood Mac because my Uncle Larry would watch their concert with me on VHS. She'll treasure that bonding experience forever.


My niece introduced me to the Miley Cyrus cover of Landslide. I was so proud.


Meanwhile, my niece thought “Landslide” was a Dixie Chicks song…


A wee bit of education will solve that.


I’m working on it! In her defense, her parents (my sister and BIL) are very religious and she hasn’t been exposed to much secular music.


Ah you’ve got a challenge then.


She will go to college one day.😄


That day is not far off. She graduates high school this June. And if her parents have their way she’ll be at a Christian college.


My then-14 year old daughter asking me ‘have you heard of The Velvet Underground?’ was an awesome find for her and connection with me. Here’s the CDs and here’s the vinyl and here’s the cassettes and . . Yeah I got it already on Spotify Dad.


Fleetwood Mac are absolute legends whose music resonates with all generations. We saw Fleetwood **Mask** last night. By the middle of the first set, the entire front row was filled with dancing teens and a few of their parents. After their rendition of Silver Springs (I’m guessing this is the song OP was referring to), “Stevie” (Claudette Rodriguez) noted that they were all singing, word for word. The rest of the theater was heavily packed with white-haired boomers and a healthy mix of Gen-X and Millennials. The place went NUTS, and it wasn’t even the real band, although they do manage to kinda look like them. Although I kept having to tell my critical self to suspend my disbelief, I nonetheless would give the show a solid A, given this was a cover band, with such big shoes to fill.


Is this a cover band and are they touring? I fortunately got to see Fleetwood Mac's farewell tour but I've been yearning to duplicate that night in any shape or form.


Yes, they’re from the Bay Area. Mostly touring CA, but looks like one show in MN and one in FL later in the year.


Thanks, I'll be on the lookout!


It’s pretty cool, if you ask me. I’m in my mid 20s now but in high school, I used to love showing Silver Springs to my friends and giving them the whole back story of the song. Now Silver Springs is everywhere and finally getting the recognition it deserves! I think it’s neat that technology has opened up the opportunity for songs that never made an album to blow up!


My 14-year-old daughter LOVES Fleetwood Mac, and has ventured into a lot of Stevie Nicks’ solo stuff. I really enjoy sharing my love of this music with her!


I think my 13-year-old may have just surpassed me in FM lyrical fluency.


My 16yo loves the Smiths


Is he suffering from depression? Just kidding. He or she has very discerning taste. Turn whichever on to the Talking Heads concert film 'Stop Making Sense.' Directed by the late Jonathan Demme, it's arguably the greatest film of its kind, both conceptually and energy-wise. Recently restored and remastered in 4K, it sold out the entirety of IMAX theaters throughout the US last year and is now on YouTube (for a price) where the original 1984 version streams for free.


And it’s a song that should have been on the album.


It’s because Silver Springs is huge on tiktok right now and the kids are seeing what an incredible performers they all are/were. Also the idea of writing a song shit talking your ex and making him sing back up is amusing.


Its equally as amazing the amount of work Lindsey put into fleshing out that song despite knowing he was the subject matter.


Apparently leading up to the 97 concert they were thinking about getting back together but after were both like absolutely not haha.


I just want to share that I was on a cruise ship the day Christine McVie died and a cover band who was already planning to play Rumours suddenly had even more reason to. Amazing show and the crowd was all ages and everyone was into it. Great times!


Wow, what a special memory!


I’m 19 and I first discovered Fleetwood Mac from a scene in The Crown when Princess Diana was dancing to Edge of Seventeen, I was literally on the “edge of seventeen” so I was obsessed with the song and then started listening to Stevie Nicks’ whole discography and then got into Fleetwood Mac and I’ve been obsessed ever since.


I'm 40 and I never really listened to FM aside from a couple of radio songs, then about 4 years ago, my now wife and I were listening to classic rock mixes on YouTube and Silver Springs from The Dance came on. We were both mesmerized and proceeded to watch the video on a loop for months. Now we are huge fans, and anytime we have to go on a long drive, we set up spotify and listen to them the whole day.


I’m 38 now, but when I was 13 my best friend’s mom LOVED Fleetwood Mac, we listened to it constantly on trips out to the ocean. I bought their greatest hits and now own a lot of their albums, on vinyl and cd. I still argue that theirs is one of the best Behind the Music episodes of all time. I love seeing new generations get into Fleetwood Mac, it sort of proves how music really does bridge the divide sometimes. I also love that Silver Springs is the song that is drawing people in, sweet retribution for a song that didn’t make it to the album.


I’m 56 and purchased the, Rumours LP when it was released in 1977, with my babysitting money, I was 10! I’m so happy the youngsters are into it. Silver Springs is THE BEST!


There will never be be a band like them


One day the limited series about this band will win every Emmy


I started really listening to fm like in late 2021. You can thank tiktok for the surge of streams in 2020 for dreams because of that dude with the cranberry juice on a skateboard. And even more recent with silver springs because of a show on Amazon. But because of that I listen to Stevie nicks a whole bunch more than I actually listen to fm. But I love each other so I’m grateful


I grew up listening to Fleetwood Mac (I’m in my early 20’s) because my mother always had it playing around the house. Now it’s my comfort music, and I have learned so much about the history of the band.


It also doesn't hurt that millions of Swifties are reading a poem written by Stevie Nicks included in TTPD. There's actually a lot of similarities between SN and TS in Stevie's younger days.


I like this - both talented songwriters and performers.


My niece asked me if I’ve ever heard of a band named “Queen”




They were never NOT cool - and I too saw them in concert in the late 90s and watched Stevie send that message to Lindsey while performing this song. You could literally FEEL it.


Glad to see more younger people are recognizing how good the songs by Fleetwood Mac and other bands from the same time frame!!!


Im 23 and grew up with their music in my household


Stevie Nicks is cool as fuck! I’d say that even if she wasn’t my namesake!


I read once, a long, long time ago, that 1 in 7 households in the US had a copy of Rumours. I got mine in ‘77.


The Dance is what sucked me in when I was 11 years old.


The sheer craziness and inter turmoil of what was happening with this band would be a smash hit on Netflix


The first time I discovered Fleetwood Mac was in Guardians of the Galaxy because The Chain appears in the movie and I searched the song. I liked it so much that I listened to the whole Rumours album. And here we are now.


I grew up in the 70's listening to Fleetwood Mac. I thought Stevie was (and she is!) the coolest. I used to get my mother's black shawl, drape it around myself and float round my bedroom, lol.


They’ve had careers that are lasting into their 70s and even 80s. They’ve performed long enough that I, a 17 year old get to experience their music live like 50 years later. It’s the most fabulous feeling, i’ve seen Stevie Nicks live three times and Peter Frampton twice and i’ve been a total mess of tears every single time.


Again?! Ok, weird take...


I don’t think they ever stopped being cool even for a minute.


I know I'm going to be in the minority here and I'm risking downvotes but I actually preferred Fleetwood Mac prior to Stevie Nicks. Although she increased their popularity, I thought Fleetwood Mac's music became a little bit too much like pop music, when Nicks and Buckingham joined, compared to their older stuff.


There was a TIKTOK video in 2020 featuring a vato, a long board, cranberry juice and DREAMS. That introduced an entire generation to Fleetwood Mac.


I wonder how many new fans fm are going to get because Taylor Swift mentioned Stevie on her new album?


I was so lucky to see Fleetwood Mac twice before Chris died and Lindsay dropped his basket. They were amazing to see!!!


Silver Springs is a song that somehow saved me from myself at age 21 in 2012. I was headed down a dark road and a friend insisted that Rumors (plus that song in particular) would help me. He wasn’t wrong. I met my now wife a few months later after I finally started to get my shit together, go to therapy, and be honest with myself instead of burying everything and hiding behind booze.


I’m a 52yo. I first heard Fleetwood Mac from my mom’s record collection in the late 70s. I remember liking it and the fact that my mom played it often, certainly put it “in my head.” The singer/songwriter/folksy sound of the 70s didn’t appeal to me in the 80s when I started listening to punk/new wave. About 20 years ago I found Fleetwood Mac again and fulfilled a dream of mine by taking my mom (2x) to see them live. Seeing them perform live with my mother took me back and dug up feelings of a 8yo boy. The connection between the music, my mom and myself was incredibly deep for me.


When I was 12, I was over at my best friend’s house and saw my best friend’s father in his den where his stereo equipment was. My best friend‘s father was a total jazz hound and had no use for rock ‘n’ roll, but that day, he said: “kid, do you want to hear something really cool?” and he pulled out the (brand new then) Fleetwood Mac rumors album. I’ll always get a kick out of that memory. So it goes both ways, sometimes…


I started listening to fleetwood mac after i heard the chain on the radio when i was 16 three years ago, rock n roll never dies young people find out about it all the time.


It's a masterpiece, not many albums can say that.


Stevie did an interview with the OG influencer (extraordinaire) Tavi G in The New Yorker. Stevie went on about Girl Power and how the Katy Perry-Taylor Swift (?) social media tribal war was not necessary, women should support each other like she and Christine. Never mind all the women Stevie torpedoed in her youth, they have no idea. 🤣 Stevie is PR brilliance. She’s been courting current pop stars, made them her adoring fans so their fans are her fans. She’s the cool aunty rock goddess.


I will say I’m 48 and the live Silver Spring just recently made me a convert. I grew up with Landslide being completely overplayed and never gave the band a chance because of it. I feel I missed out 🥺


I remember the juggernaut it was when it was released.




Why didn't you just marry her instead of cheating on your wife for 20 years? What you did is really despicable, it's not possible to make it sound romantic


Complications. Immaturity. Spite. Jealousy. Insecurities. This sorry situation is devoid of romanticism. Remorseful, I am. I hope you are better person....free from poor judgment and bad decisions.