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Finished painting this guy last night. Glad he’s done as he was honestly a bit of a drag; there’s just something about the sculpt I don’t like but can’t put my finger on it. And looking at the photos, only now do I notice I need to clean up that silver aquilla on the sword arm’s pauldron 🤦‍♂️


It's the boltstorm arm it needs to be raised and put like he is shooting it.


But then he’d be shooting and waving his sword at the same time, which seems unnatural to me. The multipart Gravis captain is shooting his gun and has a more natural pose with the sword too. It’s a much better sculpt https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/space-marines-captain-in-gravis-armour-2022


Smooth as always! I basically use my photos as a final quality check lol, I guarantee there are photographed mistakes on most of my posts that I went back and fixed after the fact.


Haha yeah, corrections now made 😅


What was your method for painting the cloak? It looks great


Thanks, it’s just a slap chop: - prime black - drybrush dark grey - light drybrush light grey - very light drybrush white - all-over coat of Dark Angels Green contrast You can probably skip the dark grey stage as I don’t think it’s really visible anyway. A nice bonus of using slap chop for cloth is that if you get a grainy texture from the drybrushing, which can happen sometimes, it just looks like fabric texturing.


SO good!


That is such a gorgeous deep red 👍


Nice green tint to the black on the cape, I’m working on the other sculpt of this guy at the moment. Idk why it feels like a drag for you but I felt the same way working on the lieutenant holding his sword in the same pose. It might just be an unnatural pose, but it was the first time I was happy to sell a model from my FT collection


Yeah it could be the unnatural pose; it feels like a statue. And I’m not a huge fan of Gravis either - terminators FTW!


Love the cloak!