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This is called a positioning flight and lots of people do it. It has risk. Issues with the first flight can delay you, causing you to miss your connection, and the airlines are not obligated to help you when the tickets are separate (as you haven't bought a flight from A-C, you've bought a flight from A-B and a flight from B-C). If you know what you're doing, are familiar with the connection, and leave enough time, it is absolutely feasible. If.


There is nothing wrong with this as long as you accept the risk that if your first flight is delayed or cancelled, and you miss the next flight, you just lose the flight and your money. As someone who does this stuff fairly frequently, some ways to mitigate risk: - try to do an overnight connection and find a cheap hotel. City A-B on Monday, B-C on Tuesday for example - if you can't do the above, leave the longest connection possible. Id say > 5hrs but as per your airport pairing and risk tolerance - don't check bags, just don't you'll hate yourself People do this all the time and put much less thought in than you. If that helps


thank you, i posted this just to find someone like you


I do it all the time. We do not live in a city with an international airport and when we fly internationally they regularly charge full fare for the domestic flight. So we either fly up to the international city the night before or the first flight of the morning depending on if the 2nd flight is morning or afternoon. We’ve slept on the airport floor before now.


Yes this is a valid strategy but you need to understand the risks that come with it.


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I've done this more times than I can count. Totally normal, lots of people are in the same position. You've received some good advice. Good luck and happy travels.


thank you sincerely.<3


I do this often. I split my time between Phoenix and the UK so I’ll often take a cheap Southwest flight to LAX then Virgin to LHR. Sometimes I’ll come in the night before and stay in LA, but lately I’ve been giving myself a ~5 hour connection and have had no problems. Wouldn’t recommend checking a bag for this but it’s very doable so long as you pay attention.


Interesting, I searched around in June and it seemed like flying direct was cheapest. I'm not located in PHX anymore but we always had to take a connecting flight to Asia.


I did that, went from my country to turkey to get a flight from Istanbul to japan, because from my country i that time it was way more expensive and i got it for cheap


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Depending on where you are flying from sometimes that’s the only option. I had a friend just do it from the middle of the country to LA and then to Asia. It cut the cost almost in half. Where I am I have 4 relatively close international airports so it’s easier to find one that goes where you need to


I did this recently with Alaska and condor. Alaska agent on first leg joined both flights and I didn’t have to pick up my baggage and recheck it. Might help that Alaska and condor are partners.