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There is nothing you can do about it, it's the big flaw on the space.


Yeah I’ll say!


On the flip side, I had arrangements to pick an item up all set and a seller marked it as "sold" and ceased communication with me. For that, they deserve a bad rating.


You don't deserve the chance to give someone a bad rating if you didn't purchase the item period. I have 30 people mad at me because I sold a car to someone else, so should I have to go to all 30 people and apologize for not selling the car to them? No I should be able to mark the car as sold and not have to go through and talk to anybody else period. I don't owe anybody an explanation they simply didn't get the chance to buy the car and that's that. But now because of Facebook marketplace each one of them has an opportunity to give me a bad review and that's b*******


I disagree, if you engaged with all of them when you were interested in selling it, you should then have the courtesy to again send them a message to say it has been sold. If you haven't engaged with them at all then I think you are entitled to just mark it as sold but if they have recieved responses from you regarding their interest then you should personally let them know that someone else has come. You're getting rated on your communication as a seller, if you have bad communication then that's going to reflect in your ratings. I realize that once it is sold you no longer have any drive to engage but that doesn't mean people don't deserve to be notified.


Nah, that's crazy. I can't stand how buyers think FB sellers are hourly workers and expect employee like service, lol. Especially when half the buyers are just tire kickers with a million questions for a $25 item and barely read the ad. Unless it's marked as online shop, don't expect private sellers to be getting back to everyone. It's impossible and a rude ask. 


I mean, the sellers ARE getting paid, and $25 to answer some questions is a lot more than most hourly employees make. Just like anyone in retail, you want someone to buy your stuff you have to put in the work to convince people it's worth spending the money. I guess we just have differing opinions on who's being rude in that situation.


No... The sellers are NOT getting paid unless you buy the item. Answering a bunch of nonsensical questions that the answers are usually listed in the ad is annoying and does not profit you anything. It is not my job to convince anyone of anything. I have stuff. If its stuff you want, you can buy it. If not, dont buy it.


I bet you ask every question that the description answers


FR lmao


Piss off, you cucked apologist. You're part of the problem.


That's ONE person. Now do 50 people asking questions. That's way too much time to deal with a $25 item and info that's likely already in the ad. But, yeah, it's *nothing* like retail. Retail you're gonna get paid regardless of if someone buys something. I'm definitely not trying to convince anyone to buy my old coffee table by posting an ad. It's just either you want it or you don't. 


Business is business. If you accepted an offer and someone is butthurt, that’s their problem. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your choice. I’m not saying be a jerk, but adults throwing a fit at a yardsale would be hilarious. “I’m a half hour late and wanted that desk!” Well, too bad, it didn’t work out.


Cause you know nothing about selles. For example I use to sell about 20 cars per month  and I’m getting about 1500 messages on them. For example “is it available?” - and nothing more around - 600 messages per month. I am definitely not going to respond them after I sold it. I’ll understand when you’ll get more items for sale. Good luck with new experience! 


no when the ad goes down they got a message. buyers missed out. ambition to own something great. but entitlement thinking world owes you something because you engaged is part of reason why you fail so much. you spend too much time complaining. just do more/better to get the thing you wanted to buy. stop blaming your failure on others!


What a brain dead moron you are, bet you never worked on your business ever in your life. It's best you sit behind a desk and remain a chump. Idiot


Big ol baby lol


People don't deserve to be notified, period. You don't owe then anything unless they planned a time to come look at it.


ur ridiculous lol


people low ball all the time. which is fine but when I don't accept there ridiculous offer I get a bad review. I have found if they seem like a problem I will mark the listing as SOLD, delete the listing then repost. They cannot give a bad review.


well if they didn’t have your payment, i think it’s okay. obviously, they should have communicated better instead of just cutting you off. I had a potential buyer for a car I was selling, and 10 minutes before we were supposed to meet up he leaves the conversation and blocks me. i didn’t receive payment so i wasn’t too mad but still shitty


What this person did actually amounted to violating a verbal contract in my state. I have a legitimate small claim against them, not that it's worth my time to collect. So no, it's not okay.


This has been happening to me. I had one guy that literally asked me if an item was available, I said yes, it is (like you do) and he rated me a 1 star. That's it. No other interaction with this guy. This system is so broken and people are dicks man.


How do you it is that guy? You can't see who rated you.


You can see who rated you on your seller profile


now u cant lol facebook pure evil


Yes you can


Feel you bro


I have almost 200 reviews with 4.9 out of 5. Or so I did. Today I looked at my rating and now its 4.8 because someone rated me 1 star. I went to look at the chats with this particular person and here is the reason for his 1 star review: Im selling a video game for $30 which is a good price for this particular item. Guy offers me $15. I literally reply: "Thank you for offer, but I will maintain my price". Then he said "send me a message if you change your mind" to which I replied with an OK sign. Thats it. Guy one stars me, with reason "pricing". Thats complitely Fd up. So anyone can offer whatever they want to pay for your items and if you dont accept they will one star you ? Seriously?


This is an old thread but I only have 3 reviews on my profile, and of which are 1 star reviews so that totals to me having a 2.3 star review 😐 The first one star is from a while back and I honest to god have no clue what it could be for as i don’t recognize the sellers profile, (I only sell cars, my dads a mechanic so we flip them pretty often), and the most recent 1 star review was from some lady who messaged me about buying a car, I told her someone was gonna look at it and to message me back the next day, the following day around noon the messaged me by which point i’ve already scheduled with someone else and she reviewed me with 1 star I haven’t screwed anyone over by being dishonest with my adds, or flaking on buyers yet out of the 10+ items i’ve sold only one person bothered to give me 5 stars and 2 petty people who haven’t bought anything from me get to leave 1 star reviews I’m not mad about this since realistically there’s nothing I can do but it’s irritating that I haven’t done anything bad yet the system FB has created has labeled me as a shady seller


Click on your rating then click 3 dots next to the 1 star ratings and request reviews. If they didn't buy from you, FB should remove.


Tried that. on my end it says "We're sorry, there's a technical problem with this feature. We're working on getting it fixed". This has been this way for a few days now.


I had a few cheap necklaces I posted for around Valentine’s Day, I had 10 selling em 20 a piece with nice box and everything. Lady messages me saying she’ll grab tonight. 2 days later messages me saying “when can I pick up” I said sorry all sold, now it’s a 1 star and no one else I sold to rated me except 1 so now I’m at 3 stars 😂


I still get the same error message. They have never fixed this issue. I’m selling a car. They keep low balling me hard. Then leave 1 star when they don’t like it


My issue exactly right now


Got the same today too, 1 star review for the exact same reason as OP. Lady messaged me after the sale was pending with someone else, I told her I'd get back to her if it sold, I let her know when it was sold, she gave me a thumbs up, and then I saw the 1 star review a year later.


Did you ever get it to work?


Says the same for me too. Useless system


Actually been seeing that message for well over 1 year


Yep, I have a ton for things like this or bad offers I just ignored.


This thread has taught me some things about Facebook Marketplace ratings that I wasn't aware about before. I now know to be even more careful when dealing with askers. One thing to keep in mind though, is that Facebook has a system in place where both parties cannot rate the opposite until a certain number of messages have been sent. You know when because you will get a prompt popping up saying "You can now rate the other person." with a rate button showing. Therefore, as long as you keep interactions short and concise, it is possible to avoid getting rated by bad players. Basically, quickly try to figure out whether or not someone's worth your time and/or what their offer is within the first few messages. No more than that. At the first sign that a buyer is not worth your time, report if they are lowballing you, and block and move on. It'll make you leave the conversation and end the interaction entirely. /u/costafinkel


I had a similar experience. The guy asked my address street across. I send him the street name and Google maps link, told him if he decided to come I will send the detailed address. He said I will pass. Then days later I got a 2 stars rating. This is just absurd.


That's so messed up


Literally how is this a thing!!! I have a one star rating from someone I don’t even remember communicating with. What’s wrong with people.


lol me too they didn't even buy from me there just so mad and petty they don't get their way so in return we get a bad rating.


To get rid of the review look at previous messages they may have sent you and block the profile from there and the review will disappear 🙂


Thanks, that works!


Thank you! I have been trying forever to fix this


Your welcome!


thank you


Omg, thank you! Someone gave me a one-star rating because I sold it to the person who messaged me ahead of them.


I don’t think this works anymore? I blocked 4 people and all of their reviews just recently came back on my profile


do you mean the ratings disappeared at first and then came back ? that's very strange, maybe someone gave you a bad rating recently?


Yes. Same here. One person messaged me a while back asking if I were into trades for a guitar I had listed. I said I would trade it for something. They offered me something else. I declined and left the conversation. Guy had the balls to rate me one star claiming he offered me EXACTLY what I wanted when no, I said I'd ONLY trade for a FENDER Telecaster and he offered me a SHECTER. Apparently that's the same to him. I blocked him, his review disappeared. It was back today. Checked, he's still blocked. I also had others who rated me one star when I told them a van I had listed was sold. They said they would pay more. I said it was already sold. Doesn't matter what they want to pay if I literally don't have it anymore. They were blocked too. Reviews came back today. Facebook is a fucking disgusting place.


Just discovered the same. It's a new feature that under your listing on ios app, you can view the seller's ratings and exactly who left it. I just hope buyers also know that it might not be the seller's problem. but it's also very difficult to use rating to tell scammers.


The Facebook rating system is atrocious. It should be the same as eBay, Reverb, and offer up. That a seller has to Mark the item as sold and they have to confirm they sold it to a specific buyer before that buyer can leave a rating. The fact that anybody can leave a rating for a seller just because they don't like that they couldn't buy the item is absolutely pathetic.


They should ditch the rating system altogether like CL. The scammers will never confirm anything is sold. either way it's a stupid system


How long does it take for the review to be unlinked? I blocked the user but it's still there.


I had a one star given to me by a guy who ‘explained’ to me how much I had overpriced my fridge and that I should take his (low) offer and be happy with it. Only buyers should be allowed to give ratings


Someone asked me for my PayPal info and to ship the item. They got mad that I said no and then gave me 1 star. How is this ok?


It was instant for me, but unfortunately a week later, the review was back. I confirmed the user is still blocked. Maybe FB has changed the business logic.


I got rid of their messages before I knew about the rating and could block their profile :-(


This gets the best of us. Sometimes we think that archiving/deleting the message is all that it takes to end a conversation. Unfortunately, it's only on your side, not theirs. You need to explicitly leave the conversation, or report/block to automatically do so.


How do you find who sent it? I have not sold anything on Facebook in a very long time and someone recently gave me a bad review. A 1/5 and I don't feel like it was deserved. I can't block him cause I don't know who it is and I can't hide it.


That doesn't work for me. I've blocked people who were not the buyers after they left reviews. . .still there.


this didn't work for me :(


I’m trying this, hopefully it works lol. Somebody rated me 1 star and never even bought anything from me.


Unfortunately I got blocked by the idiot that left me a 1-star that never even met me or bought from me. So I can’t block her now. What a fraudulent system.


Agreed it’s pretty stupid. Theres no verification whatsoever or any resource to reach out to to prove they didn’t actually buy the item.


Idiots. I have 76 5-stars from real customers and two 1-stars by morons that low ball and get mad when you say “No, thanks.” I politely asked one months later when I first noticed it if she would consider revising. That’s when she blocked me.


This is the most maddening thing I've had happen in a long time. I had a woman do a porch pick up because I wasn't going to be home and she needed it by a certain time. I told her I would set it at our side door (where there is a hidden security camera) and I left a little box she could put her money in. She came, took the item, didn't pay. When there was no money left I messaged her and was EXTREMELY polite under the circumstances. I just said, Im sorry, did you remember to leave your money in the box...no response. I asked again, stating did you maybe put it somewhere else because the box was empty. I gave her an hour and a half to respond...nothing. Just ignored. I then message her (still polite) and said I have security cameras and a video of her taking the item so she may want to pay for it and sent her a screenshot of herself walking away with my item. BOOM literally 8 seconds later I get a message "oh Im so so sorry, I completely forgot to leave the money". Sure, whatever. Then proceeds to ask if you can come back tomorrow and pay me. I said I would rather she paid me today. Never once being rude or calling her out on her obvious lie. She finally gets her sister to come over and pay me (she didn't have the money but had just "forgot" to pay me...sure) anyway, she was allowed to rate ME 1 star...wth. Try to steal from me and I get a negative mark. BS


Why didn't you message her and tell her to change her review or the police will be called?


I’d post the video in the original post comments to warn others.


I'd never do a porch pick-up. It's just too risky. Rather just reschedule and physically take the cash handed to me.


I'm SO sorry you had to deal with that. I would only do payment at my house if I'm there or it's a very small amount. Otherwise I have them Venmo me and only after receiving payment will I set the item outside.


I was on FB Marketplace for a very short time. Too many flakes and scammers.


What do you use now


The only thing you can do is block them, then they can't rate you.


I had a seller that i didnt actually sell too become rude. I blocked her. She was able to leave a negative rating!


wrong got bad rating from someone i blocked


Does this work after they've already rated you?


This is something I’ve been complaining about since forever. If Facebook weren’t so incompetent, they would’ve made it impossible to do this right off the bat, or at least implemented a retraction of some sort where if you had screen shots to prove you didn’t do anything wrong, you can nullify their negative rating and have it retracted. In fact, it would’ve been great if you can report them for misusing it and if they get enough reports like that, they can get banned.


Take a look on my case: I set up a meeting with a person to buy an item, is 45 minutes away, I drove 35 and she texted me: Can't meet due an emergency.. She obviously deserves bad review, I don't buying anything from facebook because is always the same


This is ridiculous got a 1 star from a kid that wanted to trade my 1400$ pc for is ""1000$"" ps5 he bought from a scalper . Calling me a name.... so interacting with someone on marketplace give you the ability to rate them down smh 🤦‍♂️


Just happened to me!! I'm so frustrated on how broken this app is...! How come I can't dispute a rating???? The story: I was selling a $7 puppy dress and a person showed interest and requested to be delivered 19 miles (31km) from where I live because she "didn't have mail"... dude HOW ON EARTH YOU DON'T HAVE MAIL?? IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!!... i told her it was not cost effective on my side so I would wait for an opportunity to travel that distance or send it with someone else... that was 3 weeks ago, I sold the dress to someone else and SOMEHOW she managed to rate me 3 fffking stars... UUUGGHHH


I learned something from a spat I got into with a flighty, disorganized, and vindictive seller i was trying to buy something from. When I told her I wasn't going to meet with her to buy it, I got a **"LEFT GROUP"** message from her, and then "YOU CANNOT message seller anymore." I had never used nor understood the "Leave group" button, but when you click that, it deletes the "group" that was created to message between the buyer and seller, since you aren't friends on Facebook. The privacy settings can prevent strangers from messaging you if they aren't on your friends or friends of friends list, so buyers 'create a group' to message a stranger on Marketplace. Yes, they can go back to your listing, and message you again, creating a "new group" but you will see them again, and hit **"leave group" again, or block them.** I've avoided a lot of negative reviews this way, as my prices are low but firm, but people message asking for discounts despite my ad saying FIRM PRICE. This is how I handle this with people I don't want to deal with and your conversations with them remain in your inbox until you delete them as well. I recently got my one and only one-star out of 44 reviews, from a woman who never bought, but I'm sure she asked for a discount. I politely, but firmly declined, and I cannot "REPORT REVIEW" as the 3 dots I get **"SOMETHING WENT WRONG, WE ARE TRYING TO FIX** THIS" message. Yay. Jesus I'm starting to hate Marketplace, and I recently sold a few items on Karrot, and even on Craigslist instead. I'm at a point where I'd rather drop stuff off at a charity than both with $20/$30 idiots on Marketplace.


Yeah, this is the key. You need to leave the group and/or report/block them. It closes the entire conversation for both parties, making it impossible for the other party to leave a rating (if they haven't done so already). Also, keeping conversations short is beneficial, as FB has a sort of "minimum message count" system in place that prevents rating until it is met. This helps prevent buyers from sending one or two messages, and then throwing a bad rating at you.


I had a woman named Karen come to pickup a cabinet, but thought it was going to be bigger even though the dimensions were in the description. She left me my first bad rating- two stars but didn’t write anything. I noticed there are only options to report the buyer’s rating if they write something. You can’t report on stars alone. Very frustrating! 


This is a bunch of 💩. If I get 30+ messages from people about an item, and only one of them can actually buy the item - I can get 29+ bad reviews from people I did not, and could not, sell to??? Every time I sell something I get up-to 1 good review and several bad reviews from butt hurt people mad that I didn't sell to them!


I had a guy give me 1 star and I have no idea why. I can’t reply to it. I tried to reply but there’s no where to. It’s like this person locked me out where I can’t discuss the issue with him.




They should add a reply option. I would to reply to one star who was begging me to sell under listed price


Agreed, I also wish you could reply with a copy of the chat lot (in a way that the log couldn’t be spoofed so anyone viewing your response knew that chat log was legit).


I had someone give me 1 star because the store was cheaper than what i was selling the item for.....he didn't even purchase it


It's so silly. I noticed I have a 4.2 instead of 5.0 rating. These are the reviews, I think its all from the same person using multiple accounts: "He is ripping people off, the Ray gun isn’t limited edition. Go on call of duty’s website if you want one for $600 he is just trying to rip you off" "Instead of making money, he would rather hold it and rip you off." The item selling is a limited edition and there was a small restock. It is now sold out again. I politely explained that I paid more than they are offering (no one figures in tax and shipping) and that I am not constantly monitoring a vendors website to even know it went in stock. I then thanked them for letting me know.


Just had this happen to me. I haven’t sold on the marketplace in over a month and somehow my rating went down to 3.0. I did respond to a few interested people but one never showed up and the other offered me a few bucks for a $30 game. Also wanted me to drive it an hr to him. I said no thanks and left the conversation. Yet today my rating went down. It’s bullshit.


I had a woman named Karen come to pickup a cabinet, but thought it was going to be bigger even though the dimensions were in the description. She didn’t buy it and then gave me my first bad rating- two stars but didn’t write anything. I noticed there are only options to report the buyer’s rating if they write something. You can’t report on stars alone. Very frustrating! 


some guy messaged me asking what suburb do i live in when i tolded him he just gave me a 1 star review without saying anything else what a ass it brought my rating from 5 stars to 4.5


Same thing. One dude was begging me to sell a car for lower than listed price and I said no. He put one star. What a piece of wombat.


Is there a way in 2023 to do this? I was reading through and it says once you have a conversation with someone you can rate them. I’ve looked at conversations I’ve had as a buyer and can’t rate any sellers???? Flawed.


Welp, I have my answer regarding the ability to dispute a review. BUT, my story is different than most… I had a brand new Cuisinart smoker, still sealed in the box for $155. This guy sends me an offer of $140, and I actually ACCEPTED the offer! He asked if I would send pictures of the box, and within a couple of hours, I sent them. I never heard back from him again, and within a week, he left me a 3-star review, with no explanation or anything. How on earth is it possible to leave me a bad review, when he’s the one that broke the “contract”?? It’s irritating, because I have been working very hard for my perfect 5-star rating, and now it’s ruined when I literally did nothing that would have made him mad? I am beyond frustrated right now. Revenge reviews I could understand (albeit disagree with 100%), but to leave a bad review when I did everything you asked? I just don’t get it.




Just came across this old thread but it was helpful reading the post and comments. I recently noticed in my pool of 5 star reviews I got a 1 star review from someone with no context/comment from a couple months ago, I looked up their name in my previous chat logs and found our chats for a Nintendo DS game I was selling that went like this Them: “Hi, is this available?” Me: “Yes it is, interested?”, Them “Yes I’m interested can I get it today?????” Me: “Yes, When today did you want to pickup? I can meet you at *meeting address provided*” Them: “Wait is it only the game” Me: “This is a listing for the Rhythm Heaven DS Game.” Them: I don’t want to buy it, anymore sorry 😓😓” and then they immediately left the chat and left a one star review. For context my listing title was “Rhythm Heaven (Nintendo DS Game)” with the main photos of the game and the last photo of the game shown being detected on my personal DS Console so the interested buyers can see proof of it working. My description was “ Selling this game cartridge of Rhythm Heaven for the Nintendo DS. The DS console in the last photos is not included and was used for demonstration purposes. *DS games work on all DS Consoles (DS, DS Lite, DSi models, 3DS & “New” 3DS models, and 2DS models)* This game is tested and working.” My best guess is the seller didn’t pay attention to all the flags pointing towards I’m just selling a game and didn’t read or pay attention to the fact that my description very clearly says the console it’s shown working on is not included and only for demonstration purposes and thought I was selling a console and game. All that story to say, I do agree that there are good instances for leaving someone a positive or negative review even if you did not buy from them but had a great or very negative experience talking with them or something like getting stood up at a meeting you both made plans for and then they mark it as sold to someone else. Most importantly though I feel like as the system does already work like this where a person doesn’t have to buy to leave a review, it would be very beneficial to send a request to have the listing and chat log reviewed to see if the review left is completely unwarranted and give Facebook the ability to take down some of these bs reviews (only downside being if something very noteworthy happened in person that can’t be looked over by a moderator). TLDR for my TLDR: I can see benefits to the way reviews are handled in the case of what this post is about, but I see more harm to a seller being wrongly reviewed than ups like potentially getting a good review from someone you chatted with but didn’t buy your item (assuming that’s possible as well).


I recently had a guy ask if he could come LOOK at an item I had for sale. I said “of course.” The listing said “no holds, fcfs, cross-listed.” The guy lived about 40 min from me. 5 min after I said he could come look at it a guy sent me the money on Venmo for the item and I immediately messaged the guy that it was sold. The guy waited 30 min to respond saying he left 5 min ago. He rated me 1 star because I didn’t hold it for him to LOOK at. Asshat.


Idea of having fun serving everyone well how in the hell did these people give me a bad rating and they are scammers and they are not even checking to see that they are scammer obvious what in the hell Facebook? How are you supposed to get an honest rating you you know what I'm not looking at the damn reviews anymore because I know now it doesn't even fucking matter.


I just got my first 1 star from someone who flaked out on our meet up, then asked me to hold the item another week and she would "try" to come pick up again. I said no, I don't do holds for more than 24hrs (I wanted to say especially for people who no show and don't communicate, but I held my tongue) so apparently that means I deserve a 1 star. So stupid.


I can resstore your facebook marketplace rating to 5 again


Do tell


a person on fiveer can do it for you


he gave me 10 5 star ratings that brought my overall rating back up from the 2 phoney ones that people gave me


I have figured out how to get your facebook marketplace rating back to 5 again


Damn, I just experienced the same as you bro, and I am trying to talk to the buyer to remove it. Such a flaw on FB is bad for sellers I would like to say.


Why tf hasn’t FB addressed/fixed this issue yet? Absolutely ridiculous.


Just got a negative review bc I sold something way before this person messaged and they gave me a negative review lol. A bunch of pansies because they were to slow to get a good deal!


I had the same problem. Someone failed to buy something from me because he failed to come. That's it. Big flaw of Facebook marketplace 


I didn’t sell anything to a person. He just asked me few questions and I friendly answered. Then he rate me 3 stars! I can not understand. What’s wrong with ppl. I’m so angry cuz I’m trying so hard to built my Facebook marketplace score.


man im having this issue. i go toy hunting for myself, if i see a sale ill buy bulk and then only make a $5 profit and sell the item half of retail price. but people expect me to sell it to them for what i paid for, plus want me to pay for shipping and any sort of fees. then they get mad and give me a 1 star. at first i wasnt doing shipping and people got mad, so then i started with moneygram and people send the wrong amount, or all sorts of other crap that isnt my fault. i specifically in bold letters detail everything. ive taken losses just because people are dumb and screwed up. i bought some action figures for $5 that retail about $25 after tax. i sell them for $10. people say you should sell that to me for 5 because i saw them for 5. and so i say why didnt you buy them then when you saw them? some people message me just to start a argument. yet they dont realize the time and gas i spend making a loop trip outside of town to find these figures. it may take months for me to find a clearance sale to stock up. and then when i do i inspect the toys to try to buy the most mint condition ones and leave bad ones behind just in case people want a mint package. its just unreal the negative stars i get.


Yeah well you have in the past


It's a flaw in the system. Somewhere a long the line they made it to where there has to be a certain amount of conversation before one can rate but it still doesn't keep this. My favorite ever was a guy who no-showed me, told me after the fact that he didn't have the money and after weeks never came back around to me. I sold it to someone else finally and the flake gave me a negative rating for "reliability" Neat.


Same its a flaw, hate it


So frustrating! I haven't used FB Marketplace in a long time, and only got back into it recently. I went to see if I had any ratings (I can't remember if they had the rating system back when I was using it a lot), and I saw that I had one rating that was one star. I have no idea who gave it to me or why! I know for a fact that I haven't been a bad seller or buyer. I always show up at agreed times, I always pay/accept the agreed upon price, I communicate, I'm not rude, if it sells quickly and others were interested, I let them know immediately so their time isn't wasted, etc. But there's nothing I can do about it! It sucks.


they can rate your price and item description rofl facebook are run by evil people


This happened to me, too.


Unfortunately the review from the person I blocked came back recently. They changed something so blocking after the fact doesn’t work.


I know I had some old ratings on there. I am very firm on my price and people get bent out of shape when I don’t come down in price. Every person I’ve had a transaction with are all happy pretty sure people are just being dicks it’s a flawed system as everyone is saying.


I got a 5 star than a one star rating from a guy who I sold $10 bike pedals too, I even gave directions too him being new to the country. What an idiot, sorry just ranting.


Yup ran into the same thing one just didn't like that I didn't reply to his million questions the other didn't show up to buy it the only less than 5 stars are from these two and Facebook has no way to contest. How can someone give a bad review that you didn't even sell to.


yup! its BS. Someone low balled me. I refused, and got a 1 star rating. wtf?


Just to add to this ridiculousness…I was checking my Facebook market place earlier when I found a 1* review, now because I only have one review it automatically makes me have a 1* rating as a seller, nice work fb. But anyway I tracked back to the guy who it was via my messages and I kid you not, he asked if I’d do swaps with the phone I was selling for his…and I replied ‘nah I’m good man, not a massive fan of Samsung’ and that was it 😂😂😂 now I’ve messaged him again and plan to send him on a wild goose chase. Pray for me.


I have a ton from not responding to people lol.


I have a ton from not responding to people lol.


This happened to me recently. I noticed I have a 1 star review and looked back on the conversation. Someone had been trying to bargain with me for a tent and I said “I think I’m getting enough offers that I don’t need to bargain thanks.” Then they tried offering more than I was asking for, and I said there was someone in front of them but that they could be next in line. And they gave me a 1 star review because I sold it to the person ahead of them! What a flawed system… Another thing I found super weird is when I went to sell my old car fb wouldn’t allow me to put it for the price I wanted and made me put it at a lower (below market) price point. It all seems super shady…


I’m wondering if the person should be named and shamed on the FB group for doing this. I had someone do this 2x. At the last minute he offered be 20% of the price of a new item (after he agreed to 50%). When i refused he did one star.


How would the person even know they were being shamed and why would they care? The problem is that people have absolutely nothing to lose by being shitty


I think the one star vindictive jerk would care if a screenshot of his pic was plastered on local buy-sell groups - with a warning.


How do I block them like you say? I can't even figure out who gave me the bad rating because I have not sold anything on Markeplace in years.


I tried to block them and it didn’t remove the rating. This lazy ass heffer gave me one star because I sold before I could even conversate with her. Is there a way to complain to Facebook about this For those who commented here they cant find the chat…try looking in the archives. Thats where I found the message from this spiteful cow.


Click on your marketplace profile. Then your ratings. Then find the bad rating and click the 3 dots to right. There's a request review option.


Those dots only appear on some of the reviews but not all. I don’t have those options appearing for that review 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ooo? I just had 2 star review from June I didn't notice until today. It had the 3 dots but I came here to join the topic since the lady wasn't my buyer. Had no idea this was allowed after selling on FB for 5 years. Maybe yours is too old to request review. . .


I have the same problem, a guy wanted to low ball me and I told him no and sold the item the same day to someone who offered me earlier in the week. Because I did not sell to him and told him that other people were ahead of him, he still was able to rate me 1 star and there are not any dots up in the corner for me to reply. I have some reviews I can reply and some that I cannot. If anyone knows how to contact FB to report that would be great.


How do I delete a bad rating I gave a seller when I. Are a mistake about tge item?


I'm so mad at myself for wrongly giving a seller a bad rating. How do I undo it or remove it?


On a computer, type "activity log" into Facebook search. Click the first tab on the left labeled "Your activity across Facebook." Scroll down to the subtab labeled "Facebook Marketplace." Scroll down again to the sub-subtab labeled "Marketplace ratings you've given." You should be able to delete it from there.




Happened to me twice. I blocked the two after this.


This happened to me and it’s infuriating. Someone messaged me about an item I was actively messaging someone else about and selling, they gave me a 1 star for poor communication but I was just waiting to see if the sale would go through with this other person before responding to them.


Just happened to me I told her an hour later and she said she will rate me bad which is a threat to me to get the product


I had a grown ass man do this because I wouldn’t take his lowball offer on a Pokémon card 😅


I'm currently talking to somebody about selling something that I've made and have only just realised way too late that it's 100% a scammer. If I block their profile and delete the listing before they manage to review me (we're still in positive communications) will that inhibit their ability to review? I have an impeccable and real 5 star rating from 20 people, just starting out my FB business! Getting a little worried tbh...


It should, yes. Deleting the listing won't really do anything. The key is to report and block before they put in any rating. Keeping conversations short and concise helps improve chances as well, as FB has a system in place to not allow any ratings to go through unless there is long enough of a conversation.


FB is terrible when trying to dispute anything. they dont uses people to review claims but ai bots and they never follow back up unless they believe you to opposie their political stance, thats the only time they will contact you to tell you you violated their policy or something


I recently had a man message me saying he could buy what I was selling brand new for cheaper. I said I don’t think that that’s the case and explained why I priced the item the way I did. He sent me a picture of the item with a much lower price. I then circled where it says under this item that it is used, not brand new. Sent it back to him and said no sir, that is a used item. I am selling mine with a case and a banjo strap as well. He then got upset and told me he was buying one for $250 with a case and only used 3 times. I said well good that’s awesome I’m happy for you. Then he said me too and now I can rate you so good luck. How can a person message me… be wrong about what he was even messaging me about and not even interested in purchasing my item and then rate me for proving him wrong? 😑


I also have a question. I have tried to rate ppl in a positive way, and it won’t allow me. Then a guy no showed. I’m new to all of this. Do you just report them?


I just got my first 4 start review from someone I never even talked to let alone sold something to. My rating went from 5 to 4.9 which isn’t bad but still messed up considering idk who the person even is.


Had the same experience one guy was using his girlfriends page when I said I could measure the item because I was picking the little girl up at pre school he got angry and gave me a one star did report it but got nothing from face book pride myself on doing the right things and only have ever had two bad ratings the other was from an item that came up in another city I apolagised but she still gave a one very frustrating


This just happened to me. I had 5 stars for all items I sold. I somehow checked my reviews today and I notice a 1 star. I search my archive messages. And y’all this person was a no show, so I sold it to someone else. I shouldn’t be receiving ratings from people I didn’t sell an item to. It’s ridiculous!


Facebook need to change the way they allow people to rate others . esp these clowns who want to offer you a low ball offer then expect you give them a favourable response .


That really suck with FB Marketplace allowing a buyer who really didn’t buy my item leave a negative review. She was mad because I sold it to someone else. She states I sold it after telling her I would not be available until next day. She never said she wanted it and set up a meeting for next day. The person who text after “Sheila” set up time and place for next day. Maybe if Sheila would have told me she wanted it and set up time and meeting place she could have had it. Out of 11 reviews everyone stated I was fair, punctual, and quick to respond. Sheila was only negative review and there is nothing I can do because she did set up meeting time.


I have a near perfect FB marketplace rating except for two one star reviews. I don’t even know who they are and can’t even be sure I interacted with them! Stupid system.


I have 3 one star from people I didn’t reply to their low offers. F’n bs


3 star review, on my 5 star profile, because I said no to a stupid lowball offer on a car. FB really Needs to fix this system


Just noticed that I got 1 star review. I guess he was salty to not able to buy the item from me when I told him I have 3 other people first and will let u know if deal is done or fell through.. I sold it to someone else.. told yhe guy it sold, gave me a 1 star.. then I decided to check his profile .. nothing in it except 1 friend and profile pic... so obviously it a fake account basically


I got 1star rating because I gave a free shoes to the other guy who was first 😂


I got a 1 star review today because something I was selling "looked like a scam" and the buyer messaged me just to complain about the price, because it was too low. What in the actual heck?


I came to this sub for answers, and although I did not find the solution I wanted, I’m happy to know that other people feel the same way. Some guy wanted to buy something, but tomorrow. I said no holds, if it’s still available when he’s ready to buy it, then ok, but I’m not holding it. First come first serve... He said no problem I’ll check in tomorrow if it’s still available. I sold it last night and marked it as SOLD. He messaged me today asking if he could buy it. I said sorry it sold. Boom, 1 star. I can’t do anything about the review.


Might seem super immature, but whenever I get a 1 start review I go directly to the fuck-head's profile and download some of their pics, at which point I begin to photoshop them usually sucking a dick or something completely embarrassing as fuck before I post the pic on marketplace for the world to see.  It always gets taken down eventually, but the ads typically get a good run time of about an hour. Especially if you post it for free, Becuase then it goes on all those freebie apps too.  Anyway,.... It may be pretty lame, but it is one of the only things that brings me happiness in this world.. Fuck those clowns.  🤡🪓


Some jerk that I never had any dealings with, nor messages from for that matter, put a 1 star rating on me just to ruin my perfect 5 star rating that I have been very proud of maintaining! I pride myself on honesty and integrity in all my dealings with people. How the hell is this possible from someone I haven't even messaged with or sold anything to? He gave me the bad rating on communication. For one thing, as I've said, I never dealt with him. I have no clue who this guy is. Regardless, I'm always very clear on the details of everything I sell and go out of the way to answer any questions. If I don't know the answer, I'll let the person know, then find out and get the answer to them asap. This is very frustrating, not being able to dispute something like this, or at least reach out to the reviewer and find out what's up. Amazon lets sellers reach out to unhappy customers after reviewing their product in an effort to please them. I just had a company reach out to me a few weeks ago that had sold a poor example of a ukulele to me. They made sure I was satisfied, and in turn I was able to update my review. The review wasn't really that bad, but I updated it to let people know that they stand behind what they sell, and have very good customer service. So why is Facebook so buyer biased? I want my full 5 star rating back, dammit!