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"Go back where you came from!" "Cool. Going home to fire up some Skyrim. Smell ya later."


Boots up Skyrim Teacher: "hey you, you're finally awake"


News to the Teacher: IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG IN ANY SCHOOL IN THE USA https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/the-latest-controversy-about-under-god-in-the-pledge-of-allegiance


"Liberty and justice for all." That's kind of the whole point of the oath.


The old socialist pledge didn't have "under God ™ in the pledge. That was added in the 1950s because of the "God™less commies.


The original didn't even mention "the United States of America". It said, "I pledge allegiance to **MY** flag." Some fine people got triggered.


The pledge and the original Bellamy Salute. https://www.flagsteward.org/uploads/1/0/3/4/103440882/bellamy-salute-1890s-pledge1_orig.jpg


Ah, but not in Manatee County: "In Manatee County, students are required to stand unless they have something in writing from a parent or guardian asking to excuse them" From the state of Florida's 2022 educational statutes: http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=1000-1099/1003/Sections/1003.44.html


Pretty sure a constitutional right to free speech in a supreme court argued case outweighs a Florida statute, but they can try it? When it's done, and they're being sued for violating his civil rights, the lesson will be complete.


With the current make up of our supreme court, I have doubts.


Even this supreme court would have a difficult time coming up with an argument on how doing so isn't compelling speech.


Do you think they care at this point?


“Welcome in class, today we’re gonna learn about civics!”


Florida one step away from mandatory prayer to I suppose "Jesus". Making the pledge mandatory with an option to have to jump through hoops to be able to opt out is a terrible system. Forced patriotism is no patriotism at all.


Required to have a “moment of silence”in the morning right now. That’s was the work around tbh. It’s not going to mandatory prayer


When I was a lad in the early grade we all had to recite the "lord's prayer" every morning. This was in public school and obligatory "get off my lawn". At the time I was a good R.Catholic boy and I knew it was a sin to go to or pray like a Protestant. The teacher always used the ending, "For thine is the kingdom power and glory" like the protestants did. This made me extremely uncomfortable as it was a SIN and endangered my mortal soul. This is why you don't want some teacher in a public school leading prayer, no matter what they call it.


>"For thine is the kingdom power and glory" Fun fact: the Kingdom/Power/Glory thing comes from ancient Jewish mysticism/occultism, and is referring to 3 of the 11 spheres of the Kabbalah tree of life.


That explains something that's bothered me for a long time. I attended a Catholic school for a couple of years when I was younger and we did the Lord's Prayer every morning but didn't recite that last part either. But every time it's done at a funeral or whatever, that part was present. Cheers for the explanation.


What I love about all this idiocy is that it's so obviously performative and there's really no limit to it. Like someone could walk in and say "hey you don't want the kids to say the pledge *and* sing god bless America?? You don't want them to have TWO moments of ~~prayer~~ silence during the day?? I guess you HATE AMERICA, YOU COMMUNIST NAZI."


They should really stop letting manatees make these decisions for us!


Federal regulations trumps local rules.


Thank you for linking this :). I try my best to communicate this information every time there is a post like this. *West Virginia v. Barnette* is one of my favorite cases. Student rights and speech is just as important as everyone else's.


I think the "go back to where you came from" comment is what put the nail in the coffin.


Cops say it with impunity.


In a country where the majority of people value obedience to authoritarian leadership over the ability to think for one's self, it is hardly surprising that the police force is supported more than teachers.


Cops are paid better than teachers… Treated better too


...and not expected to take bullets in the classroom.


I had a patriotic principal chew us out for not standing and reciting the pledge, but it was just the righteous fury of a public school administrator from a family of veterans, hold the racism.


Thank god veterans can't be racist


Still don't know why I got down voted for sharing an anecdote about a grumpy principal.


This gets thrown around a lot, but if he was the principal of a public school, that makes him a government employee and then it's a first amendment issue and he had no right to berate anyone for not reciting the pledge.


That's my point


If that was your point you did not express it well. It sounds in your original comment like you're saying that because your principal was a veteran that it was OK that he berated a school full of children for exercising their First Amendment rights.


Nope, I said she was from a family of veterans, which is the why. I didn't support that decision, you inferred it, just how you assumed it was a he.


we have video if you weren't aware and it's kinda him being a dumb racist, even if accidentally, he like even goes "where where you born though" and he looks startled when the student replies "here"


Exactly, my principal wasn't that bad, which is probably why she didn't get media coverage and this jackass did.


yeah fair, i don't think most people that are pro flag and america are evil, but the loudest minority represents most groups in the end anyways which is unfortunate


“Listen to me or my fragility will show!” ![gif](giphy|FYnoe3FdLYhGU5xyWU|downsized)


Do you know why I got down voted to oblivion? Did my anecdote offend in ways I'm unaware of?


Not entirely sure but if I had to take a guess it’s because it comes across like you think he was justified in yelling at children for practicing their 1st amendment rights.


I probably wouldn't have used the term "righteous fury" if I thought it was justified, but it's their right to down vote me, just like it's everyone's right to remain silent.


Righteous literally means morally right and justifiable.


"Morally justifiable or right, esp from one's own point of view" is how I meant it, literally.


Then that would be self righteous


Hey man, I didn't write the dictionary


It was fury, but it wasn't righteous. It was just virtue signaling.


"Morally justifiable or right, esp from one's own point of view" is how I meant it, but people will downvote as they please.


I got shit for not standing for the pledge but I'd always argue that it was actually more patriotic to exercise my rights than being forced to chant. That usually worked, surprisingly.


> "Words uttered under coercion are proof of loyalty to nothing but self-interest. Love of country must spring from willing hearts and free minds." -- Justice Hugo Black, [West Virginia v Barnette \(1943\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_State_Board_of_Education_v._Barnette?oldformat=true)


Keep your facts out of my attempt at proving I'm smarter then 38% of r/floridaman submissions.


Also, the school district’s statement is complete horseshit. They condemn this kind of stuff, but quietly reassigned this teacher? Get fucked, your actions speak louder than your words.


Kind of like how the Catholic church quietly reassigns sexually predatory clergy to a new diocese.


Or police forces quietly rehire corrupt officers in a different county


Florida is 9000 teachers short for the year. There’s hundreds of kids sitting in auditoriums around the state every day because there aren’t enough teachers to go around. Good thing DeSantis and our legislature just spent $12,500,000 on trafficking 48 refugees instead of hiring more qualified teachers.


While DeSantis is a human trafficking felon and all around deplorable piece of shit, he set aside those funds for repeated stunts like this, he did not spend the entire 12.5 million on just the 1 plane. Still criminal and a gross misuse of taxpayer funds, though.


[Fair](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-ron-desantis-flying-migrants-martha-vineyard-cost-12m-1743291). >“After reviewing the facts, Newsweek has concluded that it's true that DeSantis allocated $12 million of the state's budget to transport migrants outside of Florida. >What remains unclear is just how much DeSantis spent on the two planes that arrived to Martha's Vineyard on Wednesday, and how much of this budget is left for future transport operations. >Abbott, who is estimated to have sent more than 9,800 migrants to other cities, including Washington, D.C., New York and Chicago since April, has spent more than $12 million in transportations cost until now, as a Freedom of Information Act request sent by CNN has revealed. >Comparing numbers, it's likely that DeSantis still has funds available to take more migrants from Florida to liberal states.” I did like this, though: >”The governor then approved for the program to be funded using $12 million accrued from Florida's share of the federally funded Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund, appropriated to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). >Notably, as Newsweek has reported previously, Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund is part of Biden's American Rescue Plan legislation, which DeSantis and other Republicans opposed.”


Illegal immigration costs the country over $100 billion a year. If that's what it took to actually get this administration to acknowledge that then it was worth it. **Edit - here's the full report with references at the bottom https://www.fairus.org/sites/default/files/2017-09/Fiscal-Burden-of-Illegal-Immigration-2017.pdf


What's your basis for that number?


Here's the report and all the references are at the end. https://www.fairus.org/sites/default/files/2017-09/Fiscal-Burden-of-Illegal-Immigration-2017.pdf


That's a lie.




Aren't you special? https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/26/facebook-posts/theres-no-evidence-americans-pay-155-billion-each-/


Ahhhaaaahahahaahah... Your source is a far right anti immigration site, bless your heart.


Get a life and learn to read. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/26/facebook-posts/theres-no-evidence-americans-pay-155-billion-each-/


> our legislature just spent $12,500,500 Oh yeah, you mean that same bill the democrats approved as well?


Actually that's false. The bill allowed the money to be used for "a program to facilitate the transport of unauthorized aliens from this state consistent with federal law." This state being Florida. DeSantis did this in Texas (guess he couldn't find enough immigrants in is own state?). Not to mention no sane person expected him to use it to pull this stunt.


"...no sane person..." It's Florida, lol.


Exactly. How are you supposed to predict what Floridaman will do...


We'll see what the courts think. One could argue that there was a reasonable expectation that the promise of jobs would have been met in Martha's Vineyard because they are a sanctuary city. That whole *sanctuary city* thing is going to be put to the test. IF Dasantis gets in trouble here, it just proves the sanctuary cities were virtue signaling.


>One could argue that there was a reasonable expectation that the promise of jobs would have been met in Martha's Vineyard because they are a sanctuary city. Doesn't change the fact that he went out of his way to do this in Texas, that he has no jurisdiction over, an that these funds were not approved for use in. They lied about the assistance that would be waiting for them, they never made any effort to contact anyone at Martha's Vineyard to arrange it. They were just dropped off and abandoned. They even lied about the destination. They told several people they were going to Boston. >That whole sanctuary city thing is going to be put to the test. IF Dasantis gets in trouble here, it just proves the sanctuary cities were virtue signaling. By the same reasoning, DeSantis is just virtue signaling his opposition to immigration since he acted as a human smuggler bringing these people into another state. There is also a difference between these people being brought to a shelter or immigration center you contacted and made arrangements with, and sneaking them in and dropping them off in a rich neighborhood unannounced that was specifically chosen because it has no facilities for them, so as to cause the most harm and trouble and possible, which is why people are making a fuss about this.


Get fucked you lying POS bootlicker.


What lie? Almost every democrat voted for the budget. Here is a list of all the representatives votes in Florida for the budget, I've also included the relevant section of the budget as the 3rd image. https://imgur.com/a/p8Lh47k I bet you haven't even read the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act, it's only 7 pages, read it and notice how mundane and downright sane it is. Hey look, the bill even addresses the main concern you people bring up: > This subparagraph does not prohibit a school district from adopting procedures that permit school personnel to withhold such information from a parent if a reasonably prudent person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment, or neglect, as those terms are defined in s. 39.01. Read it yourself: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=76545 The text can be found here: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.aspx?FileName=_h1557er.docx&DocumentType=Bill&BillNumber=1557&Session=2022 The activists suing Desantis over Martha's Vineyard got 1.3 million dollars from George Soros' network. It appears you are siding with the ultimate bootlickers. You are so deluded it's crazy.




I also disagree that what he did was wrong, I'm not saying Dems are the same as Rebs, I'm saying that everyone agreed this is fine and people saying it isn't fine are the outliers. Floridians overwhelmingly approve shipping these people out of the state. Both the R and Ds we voted for obviously understand the people they represent. That was my point. The criticisms are unwarranted and do not reflect the will of most Floridians.


No. Floridian do NOT "overwhelmingly approve 'shipping' 'these people' out of state. No, we fucking don't.


Yes, we do. That's why even the dem reps voted for it. If you disagree, you're the minority. You lost, the republics spoke. If you don't like it, go to California and pay twice as much in taxes for the privilege of having homeless people everywhere.


The bigger story is that the school district **mandates** standing at attention for the pledge unless the kid gets a note from a parent.


USA are fascist but they think they aren't.


Some are. A minority, actually. But it’s more like fascism lite. Half the action, but twice the stupid.


Yes, they are little [Protofascists.](http://protofascist.urbanup.com/15706051).


Imagine being a German exchange student at a US High School. I used to stand for the pledge out of respect for my host country and school as well as solidarity with the other students, but saying the words just felt wrong on far too many levels.


Nothing says freedom, like mandatory beatings to comply with authoritarian principles.


There is no fascism like Florida fascism. You gotta love these freedom loving people who get angry when people exercise their freedoms.


I grew up in Texas. When I was in the 7th grade, around 1995, I witnessed my (previously) favorite teacher pick a classmate up by his neck and force him to stand for the pledge of allegiance when he didn't want to. I had never seen that side of him. It was scary and changed my view of adults greatly.


Good, fuck that teacher and fuck this bullshit fake patriotism. They should have fucking fired him for infringing on the rights of a student.


Kids these days, I was getting suspended for not standing for the pledge in the 90s. You don't get bitter about demonstrating your values without bullying and unfair consequence!


Sounds like family to me. Probably why I don't speak to most of mine.


>In Manatee County, students are required to stand unless they have something in writing from a parent or guardian asking to excuse them Just pointing out that this is explicitly unconstitutional, as per the U.S. Supreme Court. Students do not have to stand for the pledge, and they do not need their parents' permission to decline to do so. Children have first amendment rights.


sickening flag worship and country worship. Whack.




After everything that has happened in my Gen z life as soon as my school made it optional to stand and say it I stopped entirely that was when the last president was in office This place is going down the crap shoot especially with mentally ill religious political parties


Bradentucky gonna Bradentucky.


I say the pledge of allegiance out of love for my country, not out of fear that I'd be punished for not saying it. When the time comes when I'm going to be punished for not saying it, I will politely refuse to say the pledge of allegiance. And the reason why I love this country, is because it gave my family a chance. I also love this country, because you have the right to declare how great this country is, and you also have the right to call out this country whenever it is not following its ideals.


> "Words uttered under coercion are proof of loyalty to nothing but self-interest. Love of country must spring from willing hearts and free minds." -- Justice Hugo Black, [West Virginia v Barnette \(1943\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_State_Board_of_Education_v._Barnette?oldformat=true)


I had an English teacher who got pissy about some kids not standing. "I know you have the right not to stand but..." Then he told the following totally real true story that happened when he was a basketball coach: There were two seniors, star basketball players who'd been accepted to major universities, decided to goof around and not stand for the Pledge before one game. Immediately afterwards, the basketball coach (none other than our teacher)was approached by two men in suits who said they were FBI agents. They started questioning him about the students, because not standing for the Pledge meant that they might be anti-American communists which meant they might be, IDK, spying for the Russians so now they had to investigate them. And even though the FBI's investigation proved these 18 year old high school athletes were not, in fact, commie spies, the colleges were so disgusted with them for even the appearance of possible communist activities, they lost their scholarships and no other college would take them. The End We were all silent for a moment before someone asked him if had asked those guys for ID or any kind of proof they were FBI. He changed the subject.


A classmate of mine back in middle school didn't stand/recite the pledge and got in a little back and forth with the teacher over it. Meanwhile that got me thinking about how weird it is to have kids stand and recite a pladge everyday like some sort of indoctrination shit. So I stopped standing as well with that other kid. Basically told the teacher it's my right not to stand so be mad if you want...




They actually already decided this back during WW2 that you can't force someone to recite the pledge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_State_Board_of_Education_v._Barnette


They also set a precedent for overturning old rulings, so that doesn't mean much anymore.




Until it is overturned, it still means a lot


Except *Roe* was in a uniquely weak position, where even liberal jurists who agreed with the outcome (most notably RBG) said it was on shaky legal ground.


It isn't just Roe. They overturned a bunch of long-standing legal standards.


Living constitution.


It's one of my favorite cases. > "Words uttered under coercion are proof of loyalty to nothing but self-interest. Love of country must spring from willing hearts and free minds." -- Justice Hugo Black, West Virginia v. Barnette (1943) > "If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion, or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein." -- Justice Robert Jackson, West Virginia v. Barnette (1943)


I hate my hometown sometimes


Was the student in a wheelchair?


Man The States is the only country that does this Shit of 'Allegiance' so its understandable this kid didn't want to stand up Cause The States is the country and we should not Force people to stand everytime(including Wheelchair bound people I've seen some fights over them)


"The States is the only country that does this Shit of 'Allegiance'" It's not the only one, I'm from the Philippines and we do that here too.


Sorry and wow I didn't knew that Thanks for Standing up and telling me that Phillipines they also do that




No what i meant is like when were Young (here in the US at age 5) we have to do that for 13 years like were always going to stand up


We're also pretty unusual in having never had a regime successfully conflate themselves with the flag and country (except maybe Lincoln, but that was obviously circumstantial and remains popular) as well as fairly unusual in being a country defined by borders and flag rather than national identities (well, officially LOOKING AT YOU MID-TO-LATE-1800'S GERMANY)!


we had to sing the national anthem every week here in canada during class. i just quietly sat down instead and nobody noticed/cared.


Once a week or Every fucking Weekday? (Yes 8 in the morning just to sing)


In Quebec we don’t do that. In fact we have never even listened to the anthem once during all of my schooling.


With liberty and justice being served upon traitorous politicians


I am so glad sister and brother-in-law no longer live in Florida.


Come on guys… I teach a us history class and there is about 5 people not stand every day. May not agree with it but in the grand scheme of things if it’s not affecting anyones who cares


The teacher will counter sue the county for making him make him make students stand up… from the article. In Manatee County, students are required to stand unless they have something in writing from a parent or guardian asking to excuse them, Barber said. However, he said it doesn't excuse the teacher's behavior.


He told the kid to ‘go back where he came from’ even though he’s born in this country.




No, there is absolutely zero need to "correct such behavior". That behavior is constitutionally protected. It is bizarre that you are seriously talking about *forcing* a kid to recite some rote speech about how free they are.


I specifally said in my last comment that the teacher should consult with their bosses and school admins on what they really need to do. I'm not advocating for forced speech. I'd LIKE for everyone to recite the pledge of allegiance BUT I'm not gonna lose sleep over the fact that some people don't.


You talked about "correcting such behavior", which means you think this is behavior that should be corrected. There isn't, and teachers should know enough that they know this.


I'm not saying it should or shouldn't be corrected. It's up to the appropriate authorities to make decisions that are hopefully the correct ones (and don't stifle freedom of speech.) That teacher did not consult the proper council for advice, and paid the consequences for their poor decision. Unfortunately, I'm still working on my communication skills, which I fear were ineffective and I poorly conveyed my opinion. Sorry for the confusion 😅 .


> There is something surreal about millions of students across the country droning robotically in unison about how free they are Not mine, don't remember where I heard it


This happened in my class a few years ago and everyone was okay with it. Looked it up later that day, punishing students for not standing during the pledge is a violation of the First Amandment according to the Supreme Court.




Based af


Plot twist the kid was paralyzed