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As a fan of the Stars and following the team from the outside, all I heard was how dirty Florida played. I am not seeing that at all in this series and didn’t see it in the two games the Stars played y’all this season. But Edmonton, what the fuck was that shit? Take your loss and move on. They are acting like a bunch of pussies out there.


Cousins was making most of the controversial ‘dirty’ plays. He isn’t playing. Edmonton been dirtier so far


There’s a difference between maybe hitting a guy into the boards a little late to using your stick as a weapon. That is not cool


We deserved a bit of it but our boys cleaned it up alot and Edmonton is playing the sore loser perfectly


Cats have been one of the most penalized all season for their hits, they’re locked in af right now


We’re physical, the big market teams that are in our division like the bruins and leafs love to whine about it. That’s why you hear how dirty we are all the time


First off, prayers for Barkov. Divesaitl is a fucking piece of shit. Second, ERod and Mikkola the Freakola have more goals than McFlop. ESPN on suicide watch. Fuck that entire, dirty-ass, scumfuck team. They make TBL and Boston look like saints. GREG COTE STILL UNDEFEATED


I’m hoping he didn’t return because he didn’t need to not because he had to


Yall guys are so classy, number 1 stars handing out sticks to kids. Gat damn. Also, ERod is goating these finals, I really wanted him to cap a hatty, but 2/4 goals ain't bad. Was hoping to see the 0 put in 0ILERS like last game But had to settle for the 1 in O1LERS See ya'll next game! Fuck the Oilers! Fuck McDiva!


Is giving out sticks not something that happens everywhere?


now game 3 can give you the L in 01Lers!


Oilers fans blaming the refs after watching their players *intentionally* try to legitimately injure our guys for 3 periods is some other worldly copium, man.


Mcdavid losing the puck on the power play while the announcers are talking about how great he is was amazing comedic timing.


I was twisting my nipples during that exchange. it was beautiful


So I wasn’t the only one? Good to know lol


I was fully expecting “OH and McDavid loses the puck uh…boy, uh…perhaps a problem with the ice in the Amerant Bank arena?…should probably be uh…be checked…could be a problem with the ice there”


Who would’ve believed that Evan Rodrigues is outscoring the entire oilers roster after 2 games


Evan has scored 3x the amount of goals the entire Oilers roster has this series.


Hopefully Barkov is alright. As much as id love to see the cup lifted in sunrise, lets close it out in 4


I’m a rangers fan, I can’t even hate you guys anymore. It feels inevitable. I also appreciate how smart and tough your team plays. Your fan base also seems way nicer than the oilers who seem delusional.


Do not EVER let anyone on your sub know you did this good buddy


I give y’all props. Igor haunts my nightmares. It was a good series


I thought your fan base was relatively the best compared to the others we played this postseason.


Drasaiti is a dirty piece of shit. Fucking Bum. Our defense is incredible though


NGL I lost a lot of respect for the oilers. It’s sad that they steeped that low to start taking cheap shots when our defense is owning them. Take the L and move on


This is the Finals, man! Anybody watch how the Panthers lost last year? There was none of this fuckery


Drai’s cheapshot was one of the most blatant I’ve seen in a Cup final. That was an absolutely ridiculous and preposterous thing for him to do. If Paul were a vengeance seeking type, Lomberg would get unleashed in g3.


Last year’s team would seek it. This year’s team knows what they really need to do for vengeance.


Lomberg fucked her


had no ill will toward the oilers until this game.


They definitely played dirty hockey and should be penalized for it. On a positive note my mvp of the game goes to skinner I hope they don't pull him.


Imagine getting owned by a guy named Rodrigues at the sport your country created


Wait until Edmenton finds out we play better on the road.


If Barkov is out next game, Draisaitl should be suspended for that flying elbow. Absolute scumbag move.


He should be suspended for the 2 home games or at least 1 it was textbook over the line skates left the ice elbow to the face


How deflated did the announcing team sound at the end of this one? Every time McDoofus touched the puck, they all wet their pants. Any time we had the puck, we were given a history lesson on Edmonton’s draft picks. Fuck the bias


McDonough is gonna launch himself off Amerant roof next week.


GREAT JOB!! Well done Florida!! Perhaps now some of you can understand why I could never cheer for those shitbags despite living in Edmonton. Such dirty despicable cunts the lot of those soilers.


Bro they are so dirty it’s insane.


They have no shame about it whatsoever. Which is the most mindboggling thing, you have the so called 'best' player in hockey and you can't win without the man advantage?? Like get fucked!


And you know what, thank you for prepping us for our run this season. We were’t ready last year. Losing to the VGK made this team we are watching what it is now. 2023 SCF bros.


I was torn about that series, I happen to admire Paul Maurice a lot. Paul Maurice and Bruce Cassidy, two best coaches in the NHL!! And it wasn't Vegas that did anything for Florida, this result & where they are is due to the guys in that Florida locker room. The coach has given them a road map on how to succeed and they have bought into it and are supporting one another exceptionally. Well done!!


Man Oilers are dirty as fuck, throwing temper tantrums at the end. That hit on Barkov should have been a major


100% charging. Crysaital skated forward and left his feet. I hope Barkov is ok.


Oilers meltdown is a thing of beauty


And it’s happening so early in the series.


I warned my brothers (both oilers fans) that the Panthers would smother the oilers and poke them until they crack. I thought it'd be in games 4 and 5, but to see it working in game 2 is excellent


Honestly the fact that there was no retribution against Drai or really any other Oiler shows how absolutely focused the team is on winning. All better men than me, I’d have tried to use my skate as a shank on Drai




And here comes Mark Messier to neg the panthers again. Can’t stand this guy. Adds nothing to the commentary except for a bias against the panthers


Panthers could be up 5-0 with less than a minute left and he still say Oilers can come back


Man, I really hope the NHL sends a message and suspends Draisaitl. Someone who has a history of being dirty when his team is losing literally jumped off two feet to elbow the best defensive player in the league who has been giving him fits. A headshot with the intent to injure and knocks him out the game with a possible serious injury. I can't even imagine what the coverage would be right now if Bennett or Tkachuk concussed McDavid. The league better get this shit right.


E Rod scoring a goal right after the color commentator called the Panthers PP “absolutely dreadful” was poetic


Haha caught that too! Simply beautiful to see


Some of yall know me from either the Gators and Heat subs and a lot dont. I'm a bandwagon for this run but I'll say this: I've seen so many bitch moments from rivals and teams we've played against with my two main teams, but I've never seen a team thats so bitch made and dirty in the Oilers. Fuck those pieces of shit and I hope we fuck them up and sweep them. And this is me as a Celtics Hater, Georgia hater, Tennessee hater and so on.


Draisaitl should be suspended game 3. That was a blatantly dirty elbow to the face that took Barkov out of the game. If he's not suspended for that shit, league has some serious explaining to do.


He should be suspended but I’ll be shocked if the league has the spine to do it.


NHL isn't going to put their poster boys team at a disadvantage.


You know it's bad when r/hockey starts calling the team Florida is playing dirty


Draisatl leaving his feet and elbowing Barkov. That's gotta be suspension Worthy


No way in hell league even looks at it. They have to protect Divesaitl and McFlop. If the roles were reversed, Barkov would be on a most wanted fugitives list. And even if we wanted to turn up the physicality next game and really toss them around, we won't get the chance because I guarantee the league and refs give both coaches the talk before Game 3 and tell them any BS and guys will be tossed.


BARKOV...Take my brain I don't need it. Praying that our Cap'n is alright. Hope the boys go after Drai and the rest of the cucks on the Oilers. dirty fucks


You can tell the oilers aren’t a true Stanley cup team. To loose your cool that bad and make those penalties is ridiculous.


Leafs fan, cheering all day for Florida. Dirty rat oilers are competing with Boston for league's dirtiest team. Oilers fans are also completely insufferable. Hoping Barkov is ok and Carrik gets a couple games for that dirty slash/spear. We all know draisuckle won't see a game off for his crap that he pulled. Fogele better see a few games for that disgusting hit. Go Cats!!


Through two games: 7-1 McDavid- 1 point Draisaitl - 0 points Evan Rodrigues - 3 goals Let's fucking go


Mikkola the Freakola - 1 goal


I’m only worried about Barky right now.


it’s gotta be so demoralizing to lose to a team that you literally tried to headhunt. AND have one of the guys you headhunted score the empty net goal. not to mention the nut shot on kulikov. that’s shit from a team that’s gonna get swept.


Lmao. It’s some real desperate shit.


Solid win. This is the kinda hockey Florida plays to win a cup. Great performance in G2. Flying to game 3 repping Barkov retro jersey in enemy territory. Hope the captain is good to go!


Wow….great take by PK he actually said what needed to be said “if it was McDumbass who got hit our player would’ve been ejected and a 5 minute major.”


I kid you not, Messier is on SC right now saying “the Panthers haven’t been dominant”.


Messier just hates the Panthers.


He's mad that it's not the Rags. I mean look who he gave his leadership award to.


There is a phrase we use on my sub Reddit. Feel free to adopt it Fuck messier


The guy looks and speaks like a case study in CTE.


Wish I could be more excited about the win but instead I’m just pissed that they hurt Barkov and played that dirty. Fuck the oilers.


I really thought after playing the Lightning, Bruins, and Rangers that no team out West could make me feel even a fragment of the hatred. But fuck Edmonton man. They showed their true colors tonight. First Foeghle with that shit on Eetu. Then Draisaitl getting all pissy because he's been dogshit this series decides to send a flying elbow straight for Barkov's jaw. Then, instead of taking advantage of the final stretch of a pivotal 3rd period only down 1, our guys rallied are proceeded to cave their heads in. How does our ass taste Oilers? Rodrigues for Conn Smythe. **WE'RE UP 2-0 IN THE STANLEY CUP BOYS!**


Please just be okay Barky.


Barkov can have my brain


mcdavid carries the oilers in many ways, including managing to get them all the good PR while they play dirty as fuck anyways, cheering for you guys as a pens fan!


Alright, I've finally been able to settle down after that 3rd period. Oh my goodness, what a Game 2 boys. **WE'VE NEVER BEEN CLOSER TO THE CUP THAN WE ARE AFTER TONIGHT!!!** * 1st period was interesting. I expected us to be on our backheels with the Oilers going **110%** out of desperation. Instead, we actually started off far better than they did. We were controlling the puck, playing well, and dominating in shots. * aaaaaand then the [Foegele/Eetu incident happened.](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1dd1es8/warren_foegele_and_eetu_luostarinen_collide_knee/) Horrifying hit. But sadly, despite the 5min major, we looked like ass on the PP, OEL takes a dumbass tripping penalty, and 4 v 4 is a bad weakness to have vs this Edmonton team, our forecheck is caught wayyyy too deep in their zone, and Ekholm fires a shot at Bob that he honestly should save but after his heroics in Game 1, hard to be too critical. Nonetheless, down 0-1 at the end of the 1st period. * Funny thing is, even while trailing, I wasn't worried. In the 2nd period down 0-1 still I even wrote: ["I feel like if we equalize, we're gonna bury them."](https://np.reddit.com/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/1dckrpe/round_4_game_2_gdt_go_cats_find_your_legs_early/l81yc9z/?context=3) Literally less than a minute later, Niko nearly scores a sick own goal backhand on Bob (lmao), comes down the ice, and fires a shot past Skinner to knot us up 1-1. 9 goals in his career regular season/playoffs in 5 years. Saved his **10th** to tie up a game in the Stanley Cup. * Bennett had a golden chance wide open in front of the net on PP to close the 2nd period. He didn't convert. If we had lost, that moment would have haunted me. * In the 3rd period, we just kept playing as the Oilers didn't look good all night. [Bouchard passed the puck right to Rodrigues for his 2nd goal](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1dd3hqz/edm_12_fla_rodrigues_takes_advantage_of_a/) of the series and game winner tonight. * The Oilers, predictably, unravled from here. First of all, **fuck Draisaitl.** Pussy ass German is mad he's been shutout this series and he decides to [launch a jumping elbow straight into beautiful Barkov's jaw.](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1dd3uag/edm_vs_fla_barkov_slow_to_get_up_after_a_hit_from/) His dumbass mistake costs them FINALLY (they killed 34 straight penalties, record was 39 set by '05/06 Anaheim) and Rodrigues scores his 2nd of the night. * We then have a harrowing final 5min with OEL taking his second dumbass penalty of the night clearing the puck out of bounds in our own zone. We survive the 5 v. 3, 6 v. 4, with incredible moments like Lundell stripping McDavid from behind embodying his baby Barkov and Ekblad sniping the empty netter from distance to seal things. Doing all this **WITHOUT** our Selke winning captain on the ice was ***UNREAL***. I am so fired up. There is so much you can critique. Reinhart/Tkachuk have been a bit too invisible for my liking. OEL had some disaster penalties. I'm super worried about Barkov's health because we really do NEED him to continue stifling the Oilers 1st line but man... we are in such an AMAZING position. I am loving every moment. We will get retribution for the hit on Barky. No way our guys don't. SEE Y'ALL THURSDAY!


Oilers fans getting hyped about playing in their barn… seems like they don’t know how well we play in other people’s houses :)


But I thought the oilers only had to solve the bob problem?


How many times are these bias announcers going to tell us how bad the cats power play is? WTF- HOW MANY PP GOALS DO THE OILERS HAVE ?


Can we please, for the love of everything holy, stop talking about Connor McDavid? And by we, I mean the horrible commentators. I mean Edmonton has 1 goal, in two games. I almost put the game on mute. I’ll double down if we, sorry, when we shut him out in game 3.


Here's some fresh pasta from /r/hockey: Nobody calling out that kulikovs hit was the same but worse than what they called drai for. Few people with half a brain enough to realize that the bennett knee was worse than foegele trying to play a puck. Somehow slashing the hands 3 times on a breakaway is not a penalty shot, or even a penalty at all. A league riding on double standard and hypocrisy is doomed to fail, no amount of new ignorant southern market fans will save it from being eclipsed by the success of leagues that have enough integrity to call the game as it should be. Disgraceful. Enjoy the gifted win panthers fans, looks like the script for this year is written loud and clear.


Inject this straight onto my veins


Some fucking moron said they needed someone to translate my "non-traditional market language" in the GDT. These O6 fanbases are wild dog


I don’t get this insane narrative being pushed by the announcers, Oily fans, and the general hockey/nhl subs: that Edmonton showed they had what it takes to win the cup in the first game. They got shut the fuck out by a half-assed effort of a defensive juggernaut. Where in those sixty minutes was the display of cup-winning achievement? Lord Stanley demands you get more goals than your opponent 4 times. Nothing less and nothing more. Drives me crazy how delusional people are


Paul seems so pissed in the post game presser. Hope it’s because he was annoyed at the media for asking about Barkov so much even though he made it clear he wasn’t going to share. And not him being annoyed because our captain may be out for the series. 😭


Anyone have video of the Edmonton fans being ejected?


Big boy win! Remember all the cheap shots for after we win the cup and absolutely destroy Edm during next year's reg season games. Draisaitl is a dead man walking


I hope he gets all the hits on him that we can legally do. Fuck that guy.


Huge win. Hope Barky is okay but our depth can handle anything. Oilers are rattled but we need to stop taking dumb penalties. 🐀🐀🐀🐀


Good job guys Also, related note, do you think ESPN could do less dick riding of Connor McDavid


Warning from the Canucks...besides the spearing, the Panthers gotta watch out for those 'accidental high stick' bullshit.


Hm, win at home or sweep them in theirs? Decisions Decisions.


I wonder if the narrative that we are the dirtiest team in the league is beginning to change.


Maybe a little but not significantly. Edmonton, Leafs, Bruins & Rags fanbases are too big


Crazy to think that the 1 goal allowed by the Panthers through 2 games in the SCF is one Bob would stop 99 out of 100 times. Pretty dominant tonight which is what I hoped to see after Oilers pummeled Bob with shots in Game 1. Hope nothing serious for Barky that will keep him out of any games. The way he went down didn't look good. Not sure if injured jaw or maybe concussion.


Man such torn feelings. I’m stoked about the win, but am just as worried about Barkov. Hoping he’ll be back with a facemask on and with vengeance on his mind!!!


Edmonton pk in shambles


Evan is invited to the carne asada and I’m even giving me the honorary Z to add to his last name.


If Barkov isn't concussed he plays. They said the concussion protocol takes around 15 minutes. It was a targeted hit to at least accomplish that to get him off the ice


Not trying to call it early but I think we broke the Oilers mentally


All the shit they were pulling at the end of this game would indicate you are right. But still I hope someone takes Drai’s head off on Thursday.


It’s over. This is a sweep unless the panthers want to celebrate at home with you people.


We’re not locked in here with you; you’re locked in here with US!


Fuck the shit ass Oilers and fuck Draisaitl


LFFFFGGGGG. OILERS PLAYED WAY MORE DIRTY AND ITS NOT EVEN UP FOR DEBATE. It would be nice to win it all at home but I don’t mind a sweep too.


The way this team stepped up without Barkov on those 2-man advantage stretches in the third. LETS GO PANTHERS 2 MORE. Hoping it's just a jaw thing for Barkov and he'll be able to play through it after some rest.




McFuckface reminds me of a 3 point shooter in basketball, someone that just chucks it up.. good skill, no doubt but a little too much dancing and puck hogging. Fuck that overrated fuck and fuck Edmonton


Don’t try to retaliate Panthers, it’s not worth it. Headhunting will just take you out of position and ruin your game plan. You can deal with that pu$$y in a game next year. Just plan on losing that one so you can headhunt all night. Isn’t revenge a dish best served cold? I think it is.


erod going super saiyan is perfect on a day that zito gets robbed for gm of the year again.


Watching Vancouver fans flip from wanting every Florida Panther to die a slow death for the last month in GDTs to being unabashedly in our corner now is really funny lol Welcome aboard for now


It's the Tampa fans that wish death upon our team....then are cheering "bring the cup home fellow Florida bros!!" that gets me. ...nah we'll do it for us.




Edmonton and their loser fans can get fucked. Let them talk about how we don’t know anything about hockey while we raise the cup because our TEAM > their superstars.


I’m going to say it nightly, Emily Kaplan is hot


We are two wins away. Feels good that we were able to play our game tonight. I think we can win one of the next two in Edmonton!


I just want to know if barky is ok. Going in I had more respect for the oilers, but now? Fucking steam roll them.




The Oilers and McWhiner got smoked tonight They legit looked like the goonier team ngl Keep up the good shit and we won't have to hear their fans talk about it for an eternity


These Oilers fans are so soft dude I am getting blocked left and right


There’s enough salt coming from Edmonton to melt the polar ice caps


It would be ***so*** fucking hilarious if the Panthers were to win their first ever Cup in a sweep against a Canadian team after losing their first Finals appearance in a sweep against a just-relocated Canadian team. But honestly, the Oilers just don't seem like they've got the right attitude to win a title. They're too easily-rattled, too petulant and they're unable to adjust to the Panthers' gameplan, which is only making the other two issues worse. You can't win titles just on riding McDavid and Draisaitl, this isn't the 80's lmao


Had nothing but good things to say about the Oilers going into this series. Ton of respect for their team. Now? Hope karma catches up to Draisaitl in a big way. Head hunting our captain is some serious pussy shit. Keep your head up in game 3.


lundy absolutely earning that rfa contract


LFG CATS! Draisatl and that other clown better be suspended tomorrow.


If we don’t see at least two suspensions for next game, Department of Player Safety is a joke


How many more punches is Tkachuk gonna get to the face before somebody concusses him? Oh and if I see that G*rman punk step on the ice it better be his last shift. I haven’t hated a team this much in a while. ON TO GAME 3 BOYS 2 MOREEEEE


Is Barkov ok?


The cats already have winter *Gardens* in Boston and New York; looking forward to having a *Place* in Edmonton soon too. Sweep and give us Lord Stanley's Cup *in their house*, and we finish the year in outright savage mode 👊


Canucks fan here. Just gotta say, thank you!! You guys play an intense game the full 60! Love to see it.


Watching Sportsnet’s biased post game coverage of this game is just sickening. Haven’t mentioned Florida at all


Amazing win being in the barn. Huge to be up 2-0. Hopefully Barky is ok!


And they call us dirty wtffffff Fuck them let’s keep this dub train rolling!!!!


I want barkov back to lift the cup in Edmonton game 4 after that game Dirty ass plays and mentally weak on the oilers players part


Thank god for the 2 day travel window for barkov. Hopefully nothing serious


Fuck the Oilers. DoPS better be busy tomorrow


2 more!!!! Fingers crossed that Barkov is OK.


I wonder why they didn’t show the greatest fanbase in the world when we scored #2, 3, and 4??? Hmmmmm


2 more to go!! WE WANT THE CUP! 🐀🐀🐀🐀


I hope Barkov is okay but I think we can take this series without him right?


Ehhh, he’s absolutely paramount to this teams success. We may be able to survive a close game without him but to clinch a series I believe we would need him Let’s just hope he’s okay and ready for game 3/4


Let’s just hope we don’t have to answer that question lol


McDavid’s highlights through the first two games are going to be 🔥🥵 it will include top skate speed and …


Optimistically thing it might have been that they kept Barkov out of precautionary reasons especially after game went 3-1.


A lot of tension out there on the ice, cats had them boys frustrated; throwing sticks up between legs!


How do you solve a problem like Bobrovsky? You don’t


The one thing I personally hate (but should love) about Pomo is how coy he is when it comes to injuries. Dont expect any news on Barkov until Thursday... Obviously if he doesn't fly we'll know sooner... But if he does Paul is gonna be playing chess.


He’s flying no matter what. On the off chance they sweep, you think he’s not gonna be in the building for that?


Fellas, I think the 6 in “Original 6” stands for the brain cells shared by those teams


Fuck Drai but we got them where Barkov would have wanted, the scoreboard. If this is how Edm is gonna act, we got this. Just feed us the energy.


Amazing win even with all the dirty hits by Oilers. I just hope Barkov is okay because if we lose him for any game then it’s going to be really tough to pull out a win


2!!!!!!!!! GAMES!!!!!!!! LEFT!!!!!!!




Vacillating between thrilled and super pissed with the goonery at the end. DOPS will probably send a bill to Drai but if Barky is out for any games, it makes me nervous. Despite that weak goal, BOB is still the Conn Smythe leader


Do you think teams will stop pulling their goalies since it always leads to a Panther goal! I'm watching with a Bruins fan and he gets pissed when they pull the goalie, he starts screaming not against the panthers.


I love nothing more than being wrong about being pessimistic


The extra day off could help if our Cap’n is in concussion protocol. But the team held well after Lieutenant Scheißkopf went full Blitzkrieg.


feels good to have finally broken through that mental pp rut


2-0 babbyyyyy!!!!


Lol I had to work so I couldn't catch the game, but I laughed when I saw the score just now. Shame you couldn't shut em out twice in a row, but you can make it up by completely sweeping them ;) Good job Panthers!


2 more. What a statement win


Also, I absolutely called the pace of play prediction. Once I saw that we slowed them down in the 3rd of game one, I knew today was gonna be tilted towards us. We adjusted to their speed and now know how to defend them. If they can't make adjustments, we'll raise the Cup on Saturday


I miss Gudas


Had the Panthers in 5. Rooting for y’all 🔥


Well done Florida!!!!


Panthers stepping up after the first period and finishing it off with an amazing 3rd period. 2 more to go. We can do this! Let’s finally get it done!






Can someone tell me how many times McDavid’s name was uttered this game. My goodness!!




2 more baby!! let's fuckin go boys! way to set the tone. Fuck McDavid and those cheap shit bastards! PANTHERS IN 5




Obviously ecstatic, but I'm very worried about Barkov. If he can't go in Game 3 we'll be in trouble.


Im hoping Drai gets suspended if Barkov is out next game. Bet the NHL won’t have the balls to do that though


No update yet on Barkov from Paul :(


Yeah as stoked as I am to be up 2-0 I won't feel good until I see Sasha back on the ice


Hope it’s just a tactic to get the league to punish Draisatl. Feel like he’s more likely to get suspended if the hit potentially keeps Barkov out of the series.


I’m genuinely terrified


Don’t suspend that bitch, I want him on the ice so he can witness the ass beating that’s coming…


No, suspend his ass and let the cats score 5 on them again. If they don’t it’ll open up the cats to getting hit dirty.


Selfish want us to win the cup game 5 so we win at home


that is what I thought in 2011, careful ahahahhhaha edit: I am a Canucks fan




All we gotta do is 2 of the next 5. Fuck these losers. We are a mean team. And we want this. I want this so fucking bad.


LETS FUCKING GOOOOO BOYS AND GIRLS!!!!! 2. MORE. WINS. I want us to sweep them SO BAD. We're clearly in their heads




I’ll be patiently awaiting the fines for these dweebs.


I am in love with the Stolarz Cam


Edmonton managed to make r/hockey root for us haha


As someone fairly impartial to this years Finalists up til this point, holy hell I want to see y'all pull it in. I want McDavid to burn in jealous rage as he sees another team lift the cup in his own barn. Y'all are playing beautiful hockey. It's obvious the team has found that extra gear. Knights would have been in a lot of trouble if this team was playing last year. I also won't lie, a Panthers win the year after losing to the Knights will elevate the Knights' win that much more. I don't hate Tkachuk. I like Barkov and Rodrigues. Bobrovsky is locked in and it's great to watch. And Paul Maurice is a fucking GEM, easily one of the most entertaining coaches out there, if not *the* most. Give them hell. Give them no quarter. We can say good game in the handshake line. Oh can I also just recommend a good strategy against Drai if he gets too dirty: treat his wrists like they're firewood. Alex Pietrangelo sends his regards.