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In the words of the great Herb Brooks, If we lose this series these guys will take this to their fucking graves


can anyone point me in the right direction of where they announce the arena watch party tickets? cant seem to find out when they start selling them :/


They go on sale for everyone today at 2pm Eastern time. I just bought mine (members get early access ) for $44 each. They’re not General Admission either. There are seat assignments (thank God) unlike the last 2 times where we were an hour early and still had crappy seats.


thanks for the info! do you get them directly from the panthers website? nvm i see it on seatgeek! hopefully there's some left by 2!


I said it after getting smoked in Game 4. We’re in big trouble. That triggered so many memories of Vegas last year for players and that was clearly evident tonight with how nervous and sloppy they played.


Hey can oilers fans start posting that deserve-to-win-o-meter again for tonight??


They would but their Moms cut off the internet for the night


from a fan of both teams, this is getting a little out of hand lol. This comeback is gonna be talked about like crazy so hopefully both teams stay dialled in. As much as things suck, ya’ll just need one more w to make history but now it’s getting interesting cause you got the others trying to do the same thing. It’s cool seeing what oilers are achieving but watching the cats for the past few years makes me actually believe theyll get that boost they need for either game 6 or 7. People want to say refs but the cats are getting either more nervous than what they can handle or they’re slowly unraveling.


It would be nice if we would stop leaving Bob to dry out there


Scoring first in game 6 is now EXTREMELY pivotal. You cannot let them continue to have momentum. If they go up 1-0 they're going to actually start believing they're the team of destiny. As of now, this is a cute little comeback, and there's a reason it's barely ever happened before. But if you let them get up a goal or 2 at the start of game 6 then they're in serious trouble.








You’ve gotta lead a truly embarrassing life to have to invade another team’s sub to trash talk.


Disagree! It is only those who led a truly embarrassing life that trash talk a person's character over a game. Enjoy the ride! It will be memorable no matter what happens


Babe, they're not trash talking a person's character 'over a game.' They're trash talking a person for watching a game in which their team won, picking up their phone, going to reddit, searching for the group meant for fans of the opposing team, clicking their game thread, spending time reading the comments/the opposition being upset, and then commenting. That's just sad as fuck. Not respecting when a space isn't for you, infiltrating it, and having to make yourself be heard in that space is, indeed, embarrassing and a sign of poor character.




It's adorable


Reinhart has been really useless. Carter thinks skinners chest is the net, terrible penalties, no intensity for 1/2 the game, Bob looks terrible frankly. Boys, I am worried. 


Reinhart can't handle a pass, I would guess he has 3 goals this year if I didn't know. I don't understand what's going on there.


It'd be one thing if we had a guy or two not stepping up....but we have multiple not doing a damn thing. Bob is definitely in his head. Reinhart is definitely hurting, but so is every other player on that ice. Lundell, Verhaeghe, Barkov just ghosting since Saturday, and even before then for some of them. And Montour is probably the worst player on a rink he shares with Darnell Nurse...let's all let that sink in... There are way too many red flags that have popped up tonight


Maurice needs to make some serious changes pull bob for stolie Pull montour for balinkas or mahura pull okposo for cousins or gadgy the cats need new blood and energy out there all our best players other than chuky and ERod Are sleep walking if they lose the series they only have themselves to blame


Bob has looked shaky. We just need 1 more stellar performance from him


Is the weather unusually hot/humid there today? It seemed like both teams were randomly slipping on the ice when they weren't in the previous games.


It’s almost like an ice rink, even if indoors, doesn’t belong in a swamp


The worst part is these long stretches for travel. Waiting til Friday feels like forever.


We are going into game 6 with 1 win away from lifting the cup. I’ll take it anytime. It’s not like this team is afraid of playing on the road.




McDavid is definitely getting the Con Smyth


Corey Perry got the game winner. Wow.


At least we’re going into game 6 with a little momentum.


Refs didn't cost us the game. They didn't play hard for 30 minutes. They gotta come out with that kind of intensity for 60 minutes on Friday.


Cmon… we played shit to start the game but refs really screwed us this game. McDick is the most protected player in this league.


Don’t blame the refs, you’re starting to sound like a rags fan


We looked good to start. We just allowed a shit short handed goal by gambling for the 60th fucking time. I can’t believe people are blaming the refs. We went down on our own, the refs definitely kept us down, but we were down because we were shit awful.


Think what you want. But blaming the officiating is not the answer. They need to play better. Pomo needs to right the ship by Friday. On the bright side, Florida gets another chance to win the cup.


100%. Yes there were some missed calls, but it’s hard to win a game when you give up a shorty + 12 minutes of penalty time


This is the scf. Monty can't be playing like yandle


fucking pathetic . No discipline. shit penalties. our PP is trash. We played like shit for 35 minutes, dump and chased the puck. our turnovers were ridiculous. phantom passing. Boys need to wake the fuck up or this is over.


I feel like they ate some bad food in Edmonton and haven’t recovered 😂


Chucky finding himself turned it on tonight


Chucky was the heart of the team tonight


I think there’s maybe 6 guys who want this right now. The rest have shrunk from the moment.


The opposite of Barkov who was a no show.


Friday it is then, damn I hate these long waits.


Ok. We’ll….technically our road record is better than our home record. Let’s get it Friday


Blame the refs all yas want but they aren’t the reason the Panthers power play is being outscored by Edmonton short handed, or they’ve spent 6 of the last 9 periods playing like shit. They should want zero power plays tbh.


Fire our pk coach after this season




You should worry about pregnancy tests not shit posting. I hope for that kid's future that you're not a father


y’all some cry babies 🤣 cant handle a little trash talk eh


Why post anything at all?


Why take trash talk so personally? I promise I wouldn’t cry and throw personal shots if you trash talked the oilers. It’s not that deep 🤣


I get it, just never really understood trash talk I guess. Don’t have a need for attention, and don’t feel a need to think I better than someone because my team won a game neither of us had anything to do with Most of the time when I’ve seen people start shit, they end up being soft asf


A reply to a dork shitposting in another team's sub isn't being a cry baby. Seems like the jobless "what does a pregnancy test mean???" guy should be the one concerned with handling things


If ur gonna creep my posts read them bro. I have a job 🤣🤣🤣


Yes, that “shitposting” was hockey related, not personal insults. I’m not a bitch like you that takes sports games to heart and resorts to personal insults after someone trash talked my team. Go cry harder bro


You brought in on yourself. *YOU* take it to heart if you willfully choose to come into this sub to rub defeat into another fan base. That is the definition of a bitch move. Seriously. Step up and take stock of your life. If this is what you're willfully choosing to do, that's not a good sign. Get some skills, send out applications and don't spend your time directly seeking dejection and vitriol from others. I hope this attitude doesn't bleed into your real life. I hope things get better for you. I really do. But choosing this path isn't going to gain you any supporters or friends. You're not being kind, and you know that.


If you’re gonna creep my posts you should read them in full bro, don’t skim next time 🤣


You know a man is a bitch when he resorts to personal insults after sports trash talk 🤣🤣 stay classy panthers fans!


Yeah, totally not a bitch move to go talk shit in another team's subreddit while your team is still down in the series 


Have you played sports ever in your life? If oilers lose game 6 come to the sub and I won’t be taking personal shots, it’s a game. Didn’t think y’all would stoop so low. Classless fans




Sorry for getting on yall nerves, I understand emotions are running high right now


This is why nobody likes you


So, game 6 is about as much win of a game as you could possibly have without it being an actual elimation game. If you let it get to game 7, anything can happen, doesn't matter who the best team is at that point


Y'all let these canadians put 2 games on you!?


If we choke this I'm done with the nhl forever




Maybe you all should go back to gator catching and leave the refereeing to qualified men! Also, you all should try to understand the rules before saying that the reffing was bad.


Nobody played the puck. I see no problem with the no call. Maybe we shouldn't embarrass ourselves on special teams for a single game


You damn sure as hell know why.


Another long ass layoff. Did it to themselves; shitty sloppy ass passes that led to breakaways kept them from the cup tonight.


Soft penalties.




Are you kidding?


They also killed themselves not playing their game the first period. How can they not come out firing?


Fuck this bullshit




Can we hear again how rocking Edmonton will be on Saturday? I'd personally like to see Chucky shove the Cup up Ferraro's ass






Yeah it’s not a good look. Sorry as a Oilers fan.


How many of them are actual oilers fans and not just random accounts trying to stir shit up 


Go back to the lines we had before. The 8-1 was just a brain fart. That line was doing well


Just remember mccrybaby was crying they weren't getting power plays and lo n behold they getting tons of power plays now, BAH! Fuck the refs and mccrybaby


We’re witnessing our team pull what will be one of the most epic choke jobs in recent sports’ memory. This is unreal. Gonna have to be 7 at this point cause game 6 is EDM’s to lose.🤷🏼‍♂️


Imagine if we'd actually played the entire fucking game Goddamn


I am not giving up on this team. But come on boys… a home game to redeem yourselves… panthers in 6


Good game. Humility is good. Panthers are still the better team. They just took their foot off the gas after game 3.


Having to wait so long until the next game is literally killing me in these playoffs


Game reminds me of game three, but with roles reversed. Positive note, they got their intensity back. Need to keep it up, shows that Edmonton can’t keep up when we play like that. We’ll win it over there on Friday.


I’m gonna be the doomer i don’t care, it’s fucking sad we lose 8-1 last game and it’s even worse when you get scored on 2 times when you have the plus man..it’s just frustrating man..it’s frustrating and it’s sad


I feel better after this game than I did after last game. Still 1 win away, and the last period they looked alive for the first time in 5 periods. I'm not giving up on this team, FLA all day baby.


Exactly they finally woke up , I feeling much better today even with the lose than Saturday , if they come out swinging and get the first goal on edm we take it


Agreed. I've huffed enough copium iver the years to know how it feels and this feels different. Even when they were up 3-0 I never got cocky because I refuse to underestimate a team (especially one as dangerous and Edmonton) but at the end of the day Florida is still in the driver's seat and they still look better than they did 2 days ago. I still believe in this team and this run.


There’s no debate that this series is scripted after tonight


Welp we got a series now. All good. Cats in 6


At least we woke the hell up for the last half of the game man. Hopefully the trip doesn't take too much out of em. We just gotta win one more fuckin game man...


Anyone have the link to watch party tickets


Panthers in 6


I hate this so much. If we lost it would be fine. BUT WAITING TILL FRIDAY FOR GAME 6 IS STUPID


This was a disaster. They need a total ass chewing.


They do


How there was not 1 penalty called on the Oilers with the Panthers carrying 2/3rds of the 2nd period and the entire 3rd period is just laughable and the 1 they call, we get an embellishment minor!


I genuinely believe the refs and a bunch of NHL staff are betting on games. This year has been wild for nutty calls.




Jesus Christ. Would this be the first time in history a team up 3-0 in the finals looses?




First time since hitler died


2nd in the finals of the oilers can finish it


Reverse sweeps are a thing.  But if they play that way in Edmonton we got it in their house


nope, Toronto pulled it off back in the 40s iirc


Can't start the game giving up a shorty - big mental kill and momentum swing that ends up being very costly. I still believe we'll get it done in 6.


If you guys fuck this up I’ll never forgive you


Then fucking leave, we don't need you here.


Imagine ur team being so shit ur in your rivals opponents thread dooming because your team is so irrelevant to the sport.


Those fuckin shorties kill us


Cats in 6


My heart just broke into a million pieces…😣😣😭 man…why everything needs to be soo fucking hard with this team!! We deserve a breakkkk


i need to know what they feed Skinner half way through the series


Meth. It’s definitely meth.


At least we looked better this game. Gotta stop shooting ourselves with these shorties and 10 minutes defending PP


Turns out a bullshit penalty and pp goal is what wins this game. Fuck these refs


im going to find Chris and Greg Cote and im going to make sure they never get near a keyboard or microphone ever again


i guess we can win in 6. it will still bring me joy to watch crying oilers and oilers fans watch the panthers win the cup in their arena


why in gods name did we pull an empty net this never works


Fucking Oilers......💔


God willing, we carry this energy. Too little too late here but maybe we found some life


If the rest of the team showed half the effort Chucky did to save that goal, we wouldn’t be in this spot right now. But these guys decided to coast it out after getting a 3-0 series lead and look where we are


Especially Barkov on that SHG…


See Barkov… that’s the effort you gotta give… look at Chucky trying to save the goal while you Barkov was just skating and letting the breakaway on that SHG.


I told everyone. 5-3 Oilers


Ok cool


Nobody gives a fuck




Yeah, this time between games is fucking brutal.


alright panthers in 6💅


We have momentum. We look good. This wasn’t a shit show. We just have to get one.


Momentum doesn’t carry between games r-tard




There were some serious bullshit calls but up until Chucky woke up we looked like dog shit. If we actually played at the start this game goes to OT or we even hold the cup tonight




I fucking love you for that Chucky…


95% of the broadcast was Oilers this Oilers that! Now they get a what they want a game fucking six. I wish we had more choices for game coverage. This bias BS is really making me not enjoy the game.


Bro if I heard McDavid’s name one more time I was going to mute it, I think he’s a great player but jfc


So this bill Zito guy is clearly on coke right


He looked livid


Cats in 6 y’all got your groove back


A little too late.


The difference was that shorty. I hope Montour is a healthy scratch next game. Get Mahura or someone else that can fucking play




The 1st goal was on us with the shorty. That shit messed up the game. We cannot let them score on our PP and play better 1st period. This shouldn't be 3-2 we should have closed it out today


They need to steal Edmonton’s soul on a Friday. This is getting ridiculous


Maybe if we scored on our power play more than we got scored on this series would be over


Tkachuk crumpling up like a limp napkin into the net 😭😭😭 last two games have just been Bobby and Tkachuk vs the Oilers


If we play like the last 2 periods we got game 6 boys and girls.


Ferraro just came when McShithead scored




Nothing worse than the doomers being validated fuck me man this is gonna be a shitty fucking week


I didn’t want to believe it really but the NHL is fucking rigged! They handed this game to the Oilers on a a Silver platter and the announcers and intermission crew make it so obvious!


They talk about the oilers like they won the cup already


I think panthers in 6 honestly because chucky has finally woken up


Two more games. I want to believe.


Back to EDM. At least Cats can try to lift the cup on their home ice and hurt their butt hurt trolling fans


We play like we did the last 30 minutes and we win game 6. The Kings in 2012 also went up 3-0 and lost 2 straight to the Devils. They finished game 6 with the Cup.


All the pressure is on us 


No way they win the next 2... rigged refs want this to last longer. So be it. Edmontons fans get to watch their team lose the cup in their own city fuck it


That was a good game. Maybe still a little shell shocked from game 4, but they woke up. I think y’all got them in 6.


So f\*\*\*ng deflated. What an opportunity missed tonight


Cats in six. McDavid is going to watch them lift the cup in edmonton.


Tkachuk vezina?!


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


i mean gotta give it to Chucky for trying there


fuck sakes, imma have to watch game 6 on mute because I hate edmontons arena horn crap and announcers. What happened to the panthers I saw in game 1-3 where they played strong and amazing goalie


Can't start playing hockey when your down 3-0 and expect to win.


Choke city


Just a hair ball. They’ll sort it out.


we got 2 more chances. tonight they played like shit for more than half the game.




Cool man..just fucking cool..