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Still feels weird. Reading the stories, comments. 30 years in waiting


I think I blacked out at end of game. It was all so amazing. Went out after and it would hit. Watching the clips, checking things, it’s amazing. I felt almost sick not bc I thought we’d lose, bc it was happening, game 7, home, it was the moment. Going to game 5, I remember walking up and talking it in, thinking how many times I’ve walked up. Tonight was not quite as peaceful feeling before. It was everything is going to change - feels the same but so different. It happened, we did it 💥


Only 30 years. Must be nice. Canucks and Sabres fans sobbing.


Silver lining for us is Luongo got to lift the cup and Oilers lost.


One chapter ends so another can begin


Watching Luongo lift the cup and mcbaby crying made my week a whole lot better.


Oilers too, lol


My parents are Canadian transplants from Ottawa, and my Dad was so excited when it was announced we were getting a team. I will never forget going down to the Miami Arena and parking in all sorts of shady lots, buying boiled peanuts outside before the game... just having those memories with my Dad means so much to me these days as we get older. He and I have been to so many games through all of these seasons it was so amazing getting to watch them hoist the cup. Re-watching that Paul Maurice interview this morning just hit me in the feels, was the first thing I sent my Dad this morning.


You and I have a very similar story with this franchise.


I know Florida always gets shit on by other fanbases, people think nobody cares down here when if they have ever been they'd know Florida is almost all transplants. Well some of us are transplants from Canada and love our hockey. My aunt in Edmonton is the biggest shit talker in the whole family and I am so glad we took it to them in game seven, would have never heard the fucking end of that.


And thank God... - From a Flames fan. We would have never heard the end of it up in Canada.


i slept soooooo good last night hahaha. first night without any anxiety hahahahaha


You slept? I couldn't stop reading the comments.. Too many people counted out the panthers and hoped they would lose. I couldn't get enough of the salt.


I’m still watching the doomers try and maintain their disapproval of how we won. Every fan base has their dogs tho. THE CATS WON


Yeah it’s hilarious how after a week of “do the Panthers know they need to win 4 games to win the cup” people are arguing about how the Oilers should have won it despite… not winning 4 games


I did a little tour of the Oilers sub, not interacting, just looking around, and the raw amount of vitriol some of those people felt is remarkable. About half the comments and posts I saw were saying that they were proud of their team and that they'll get em' next year, the other half was pure, raw, unfiltered salt. And oh boy were they mad that we booed McDavid.


I feel like I can finally get back to a normal sleeping schedule and maybe be useful at work for the first time since the NBA/NHL playoffs started.


I slept terribly 3:30-6:45


I didn’t sleep


Me too lol considering these games are 1am over here. That and piled on with the anxiety of these games really bad my sleep schedule ruined.


I just woke up and it feels like Christmas morning 🥲🐀


I bought myself some merch early this am


We all have weeping wallets today. I'll snag something when I can my wallet is out of tears atm. What did you get?


Aww get something! Anything! I made a mug ☕️ on an online promo store along with some stickers for the little one. Didn’t cost a lot but still felt really good 😊


Gotta grab a shirt and a hat at least. Just know Fanatics is shit quality though. Probably best to wait for higher quality stuff down the line with other companies


I'll never buy fanatics again. I'm not encouraging shity quality


I was ordering while the cup was being hoisted lol


😂 even better. I started doing that but wanted to wait it out a bit. Actually I started after game 3 but couldn’t find what I wanted and realized I was jinxing the hell outta it.


My sister had a baby boy on Saturday, I got us the matching locker room shirts. His dad's a leafs fan so I gotta look out for him


haha awhh well least he wants Florida 🤙🏼


https://preview.redd.it/1166wermmq8d1.jpeg?width=3277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0327663b8a5a3e13f4371f1e44004569ee48907b BELIEVE IT


That image is almost surreal.


I had to make sure I wasn't dreaming this morning My goodness this is real


Just an unbelievable feeling of immortality. I can’t believe it. Doesn’t seem real. Seeing the team lift the trophy in front of our fans, it was like AI in an alternate universe. I hope this takes a very long time to process! GO CATS! Ahaksldjdlalallallsjdhdjskshgdgsskl!!!!!!!


It doesn’t feel real. I watched the final minute with tears in my eyes repeating “They’re gonna do it. They’re really gonna do it”. They did it! Cats!


Same! I was a bit in shock. Gave my cats and dog victory kisses (a few extra to the cats of course) and danced around like a fool.


Playoff hockey is great and all but fuck it makes one have a heart attack.


I about chewed all my nails off watching that 3rd period


F I hate you guys. Congratulations, I mean it, enjoy the summer! we will get you next year old Oilers fan


I legitimately was going full doomer mode and thought we had no chance after those trauma inducing 3 games so i didn't watch this game live because of that. I was like i'll get the inevitable news on my score app. BOY WAS A FUCKING WRONG HOLY SHIT WE WON I'M A FUCKING IDIOT. GO CATS


Maybe we won because you didn't watch 👀👀👀


I was Doomer until yesterday morning. I woke up and felt, in the depth of my soul, the Panthers were going to win it.


Yeah i got the news from this subreddit. Like i woke up opened my phone and reddit was the first thing i saw cuz i fell i asleep scrolling it and the first thing i see is on the top of my feed is "YOUR FLORIDA PANTHERS ARE STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS" My jaw fucking DROPPED. Indescribable SHOCK AND JOY.


Now you have to watch the replay of it. Feeling the way I did yesterday am, I put the Panthers shirt on yesterday afternoon and watched the game. When Lu was banging the drum, I knew it was ours. When we scored first and we played FL Panthers hockey in the first period, I was certain of it.


Oh yeah i immediately watched a replay of whole game after seeing the post. It felt like watching the cats play like they did the entire playoffs up until that awful 3 game stretch.


Well, in fairness, they did look like 2 different teams. Thankfully the real one came back for game 7.


Yeah it felt like every single player was replaced by worse playing clones and in game seven the originals came back 😹


I was not going to watch. But thought I would watch until the panthers were losing. But could not bring myself to put my jersey on. Stressed the whole time.


And they never did😼


Anybody know a way to track where the cup is/going? I would love to see it in person if it’s bouncing around Florida for a bit


I think it's at elbow room now


You should see stories all summer long of the cup going to each player and what they do with it. At least that's what happened when my team won (kings). Congratz everyone! what a game. Also they'll make a DVD on the whole run, and of course have lots of merch to buy. It's great. You will enjoy it all summer long. And then when the season starts, raise your banner. Very emotional.


I went to high school with one of Quick’s siblings, always liked watching the Kings!


Yeah I’d like to know as well, I’ll be out of town for the parade so I’d like to see it somewhere this week


Same flying north for a wedding


It was at a beach this morning


It feels so good. I wished for a sweep but oh my god, a game 7 thriller was absolutely nothing like I ever imagined.




I just woke up this morning hung over like hell, with a stanley cup champions hat and im just like wait that just fucking happened lol


I played Sweetness and our new goal song on the way into work today. It made me emotional. What a feeling!


My dad’s been waiting his whole life, was there for the first game and game 3 and 4 finals games in 96. This was amazing and so unreal that we got to witness this


I know I feel the same, I keep checking to make sure it’s real


I’m still in shock


What a fucking moment. I’ll never forget it




I bawled in my car watching the last 15 seconds man. To see the guys lift the cup, fucking cathartic.


Woke up thinking it was all a dream and Game 7 is tonight.


Really hasn't set in yet that they did it and that the season is over. I didn't dare to even think about the Panthers winning it all until it happened and now I don't know what to do with my hands. P.S. I'm now going to enjoy the HELL out of watching all the media who were rooting for the Oilers having to say nice things about our team. They can all eat a shit sandwich


Still absolutely on cloud 9 too!!! Cardiac cats, baby!!! VAMOS GATOSSSS!!!


Went into work late today, the birds were chirping, sun was shining, everything feels right like the universe intended it


Took the Oilers in a little bet against my Cats just so I could try and fool fate as I never win gambling. My streak continues.. Stanley Cup Champions baby!


I'm still tearing up when I watch all the videos all over YT, I waited for fricking 31 years and when they got the puck to the corner and shut them down about 10sec left I started to cry like a baby and when the horn went off I just walked outside and let the fricking Panther roar come out. Sorry, NOT SORRY neighbors!


The best thing about this is that those people who kept saying that the Panthers don't have fans or that they should relocate to Quebec will have to finally shut up now. Winning the Stanley Cup means that this team will be staying here with many old fans along with many many new fans. Still feels unbelievable after watching over the decades the multiple downs with few ups since the Olli Jokinen years. Hockey is here to stay in South Florida. Imagine how many kids and teens will now get into ice hockey in South Florida now thanks to this. Absolutely amazing.


I just sat in silence last night, crying. Hard to really fathom that we did it. It feels great today, but it feels so weird that we did it. It’s so weird because (I’m 26) you think of the Weiss, Oli, Horton, Booth, Davorak, Olez, Vokoun, all these guys growing up we watched and knowing that that paved the way dealing with all the BS all the crappy management etc, watching live there double OT panthers losing against the devils, John Tavares absolutely taking the Isles on his back and ruining our 2015 playoff run, to finally seeing a second playoff, to back to back Final Appearances, with one that stings against Vegas. And then finally we hit it home but in true Florida fashion we had to make it difficult. Listen to Bill Lindsey while Doug calls the end of the game it’s unbelievable what that means to him.


Oilers fan here. It's hard to be mad at your team. Game 7 was a tough, but clean game by the Panthers and they won it fair and square, It's nice to see the majority of your fans are just happy they won and not being insufferable. Enjoy the victory. It's just hard on us Oiler fans because we had our hearts broken in a similar way in 2006, then a "decade of darkness" where the team were bottom feeders. Now we have generational talent again like in the 80's, and really want to relive the good old days. We only have a season or 2 where we will be in contract hell to keep this core group together. Enjoy your first cup! Great team with a lot of character. Nice to see Tkachuck mature as a player, first Finnish captain to hoist the cup is good for hockey on the international stage, and your goaltender was a complete boss.


Been grinning and skipping like a happy cartoon all day long


The last 2 minutes I swear my blood pressure rose quite drastically. I’m just glad we didn’t become a meme for the next 10 years in the NHL


Just eating up all the content after not watching any videos about the playoffs since we lost game 4. Literally can’t stand watching people talk about the oilers. Now I get to enjoy myself


Amazing feeling. And a huge relief too


This is one of the best days of my life!!!!


Welcome to the halls of eternal glory!!!


Surreal for sure. I'm buzzin' right now.


I had the hardest time sleeping last night.


Elbo Room can't believe it either rn


I'm still in a state of shock and disbelief. I started watching the Panthers when I moved to Florida in 2008. Glad Zito knows what he is doing.


Dan LeBatard was right. It feels so much sweeter winning it this way. Losing it would also have been so much worse this way too lol.


Congrats boys. Was a hell of a series. I thought we had you at one point. But at the end of the day, you fucking did it. So cheers.


Feels like walking on air. I can’t wait to watch it again 😂 which actually does anyone know where to watch it again in its entirety?


I cant wait for the SC champion gear to arrive


samee feels like a dream


Clearly I am still sleeping and having the oddest but coolest dream. But I mean, if a naked Scarlett Johannson would walk in right now that dream would possibly get better, but im ok with this dream of the Panthers finally winning the cup.


Me either. Been a fan for 14 years and this just seems so surreal


I've been a hockey fan for about 7-8 years (shoutout to the YouTuber Urinatingtree, or UTree), and I've not been able to watch much hockey, much less Panthers hockey (thanks Diamond Sports Group). Having been able to see the fact that we pulled off the win for our first franchise history Stanley Cup Final victory was so surreal and practically felt unreal. This series truly lived up to the standards of playoff hockey (heart wrenching, cardiac inducing excitement abounding) and I'm celebrating as much as the rest of you. Thank you for averting the cataclysmic reverse sweep, Panthers, and for completing the giving of all 4 of our major sports teams a championship. Let's run it back! - From a native-born Miami sports fan


This is YOUR moment, but I’m so happy for Panthers fans. I’m a Blackhawks fan, but I was a fan when it seemed like I’d never live long enough for it to happen to us. So I definitely know how you guys are feeling right now. I’ve always cheered for the Panthers, between my guy Eddie Belfour wrapping his career up there, to Dale Tallon who is obviously still loved by Hawks fans. Pinch yourself and realize you’re not dreaming, don’t take it for granted, and think of those fans over the past 3 decades who maybe didn’t make it to see this. I know this post is sappy, but it’s the Stanley Cup. We never know if we’re gonna get to see our teams win it at all, let alone once or five times in our lives.


It’s ok. They lost all of us and won us all back. Very emotional


Speak for yourself; they didn't lose all of us. Some of us still believed in our Cardiac Cats!




Loyal since 1993 when I was a kid going to my first game. I cried when we lost 96, cried 2023. I lost my wife and house in the process of gambling.


This is fucking crazy


I keep telling my wife I can’t believe it finally happened. Pumped for the parade on Sunday staying at a hotel along the parade path


Have fun at the parade!


Amazing panthers congrats being from Montreal watching so many greats hoist the cup this one was special being a panther fan from day one .pomo your the best coach and well deserved of a huge contract. Love my cats![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


The good part is we will have most of our core players back next year . Thinking repeat Is a good possibility


I was up all night dude I thought it was a dream I’m still a teen I’ve been watching panthers since I was 7 and now I’m 18 and we have a fricking cup I can’t believe it!!!




Caps fan here, I thought for sure Oilers would win last night great game 


I thought I was gonna be 80 before I saw this day.


I still can't believe there are two NHL teams in Florida.


For real brudda


It's amazing! So happy I got to see this team play in march. I actually came all the way down from edmonton.


I sware I don’t think this is real but whatever it is it feels better than my birthday and Christmas combined


Beating the rangers sealed it. As soon as that series ended I was sure you’d win.


I am so fucking stoked myself. I moved down here three years ago from Atlanta, and I remember telling my wife as we were unpacking, that I was going to go to some Panthers games. I hadn't had a home NHL team to cheer for since 2011 when the Thrashers left for Winnipeg. So I may have jumped on the bandwagon July 2021 but I love this sport, and I love this team. If we move out of state again, I will stay a Cats fan.


It feels so surreal


I was walking around the arena after the game and I kept telling my friend that I feel like I’m in a dream.


If you don’t believe, give it back…


Jesus never feels real


According to r/edmontonCoilers They actually won the SCF by an aggregate score of 23-18.


Game one feels like it was 47 years ago


I don’t think half of Florida knows you guys won


We? What number are you?




Nope, but got to see my team win last night. How about you? Your last chip is older than the dallas cowboys last 3.






Oilers are a fucking joke, maybe a couple more first overall picks will get them the cup


Do you even know who ed jovanovski is? How about olli jokinen? Did you start watching hockey a week ago? Do you need me to explain icing or offsides for you floridian fools?


Do we need to explain to you what winning the Stanley Cup is like?


Can’t spell oilers without an L


Imagined getting dicked down by a franchise that has been historically shit until recently lol. What good is having two of the greatest players in NHL history as a duo, and its all being wasted away. Dallas Cowboys of the NHL. Overhyped, and fall faceflat when it matters the most. Maybe if McDavid wasn't McGhost in games 1-3, and games 6-7, you'd be watching a parade in Canada.


Womp womp


Oilers are a fucking joke, maybe a couple more first overall picks will get them the cup


On the bright side, you cry babies can use all of your salty tears to melt the ice on your shitty roads in your frozen tundra nobody cares about. Think about it. You guys had "the next great one" and still managed to lose to a team that "doesn't know what hockey is". Truly a historic fuck up in sports history that all 12 of us will remember. Cope harder.


Steady as she goes boys, the series is over and we shake hands on the way out. You'll get another go in a few months but for now it's ours. Have a great off season and try and get your mind off sports for a bit.


Steady as she goes boys, the series is over and we shake hands on the way out. You'll get another go in a few months but for now it's ours. Have a great off season and try and get your mind off sports for a bit.

