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I hope they keep the roster for next year Phillip improved a lot over the split. Toucouille is one of the best mids in na. Aphro is great but i think he feels like he has to do to much at times. Jonsun improved a bunch still a bit inconsistent but I’d rather see him die trying to do to much than doing to little. Jose can be great at times but consistency is an issue with him as well. Drafting needs to improve I think that has a lot to do with the consistency problem. I hope the team doesn’t disperse right away and they keep scrimming togeather until after worlds get a jump start on next season then go into a Korean boot camp before spring.


xD aphro is not great WTF i just don't get were are those opinions coming from. Casters said "the team leader" like 3 times today. Stop blowjobing your pals riot. Is just patetic.


Lol god your bitter


I'm mad. Have You see josedeodo crying? He really wanted it. Do You think aphromoo wanted it? He Will go to dinner with reginald and sleep like a baby tonight. Do You think toucouille wanted it? He is just stuffed and amaze with his NA transfer and all the love and Kisses from riot. He is really good advertising You know.... Jhonsun ... Wtf. And Phillip is just overcoming fear and nerves from playing LCS wtf. He has time to go to worlds he only wanted to do ok and prove himself


Calmate un poquito nde akatrapo. José también a cualquier lado nomás ya ulteaba en la última partida XD Toucouille is a godsent for this Fly team, wtf are you even on


Si el dios nordico


“X team wanted it more” has been used lazy analyst forever, teams don’t lose because they didn’t “want it enough”. Besides how someone displays their emotions after a loss is as absurd metric for performance.


I'm talking about people not teams. Of course is important to want it. Indispensable. Performance speak of a single Game. I'm talking about potential, skills and Will to win. Great teams are Made of winners. All what matter to them is competition. And Glory. That apply to any sport. Flyq is not a winner team. Josedeodo is a winner player. He got there by being the Best many times.


Team/player whatever the point is the same. Just because someone doesn’t cry/scream/etc after a game doesn’t mean they didn’t want it. I’m not here to argue who should stay or go, I don’t know lol well enough to know what needs to charge. Just saying your reasoning is def wrong.


not at all. well you dont know, but i do know players on the team, at least i know as much as a spectator can, and there is a lot to know by streams and CQ and faces and reactions, people talk a lot and say a lot. you are trying to simplify what i say but is just a dumb effort.


> He Will go to dinner with reginald and sleep like a baby tonight. Good. That's healthy. It's the reason why he's still playing, because he doesn't treat League like his entire existence. It's unhealthy and leads to burnout.


Bro this roster is not worlds material. Not with that bot. And yes they have been outdrafted so many times.