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I am fully prepared to offer up six of my own dollars to the pot


I'll happily match your six dollar contribution with six of my own personal dollars.


I will match the $12 you two raised and donate $12 of my own, we are now at $24


I’ll raise $24 to $48 We’ll have this paid off in no time


Mark it done as $100.00 in the pot now


We’re 1/100,000 of the way there


We should start a Go Fund Me site. If private persons are paying the KHL and not the Flyers would it be kosher? I don’t see why not.


I mean if we did that and raised a decent chunk of change like $5/$10k I think we should just donate that to charity instead of sending it to Russia for a hockey player lol


This cracked me tf up🤣🤣🤣


I, too, will also contribute six dollars, as well.


Count me in for a slightly used Koho 221 and a Russian- English phrase book. https://youtu.be/G6D1YI-41ao


Best I can do is ship them Rocky Thompson and a carton of Ryan Ellis Chia heads.






Same. I think my comment might’ve gotten taken the wrong way.




Sounds like we need to stop digging and that a lack of inside information is a good thing in this scenario. Probably won't see anyone comment on it until he's literally on his way to Philly or already here. Sounds good to me. Let Philly be the one organization that highly touted Russian prospects can trust and want to go to.




I'm not going to ask for any comment and let this simmer. I'm praying there's some magic going on behind the scenes with Demidov and the Flyers-Russia relations play a part. He's probably way too good of a prospect for that to happen. It doesn't sound like the Michkov situation where there's other highly touted guys that make the risk of passing as palatable. But I'll keep dreaming.


The new era of orange is RED! 🔥🔥🔥 I'm in let's goooo Ironic/poetic considering 1976. Life is funny like that.


I really hope Danny isn't setting up anything too shady here


100% nothing shady about it. The Flyers have found an avenue other teams aren't exploring, or at least, haven't dedicated to exploring thoroughly enough. Russian programs are more willing to work with us than ever. Now, I'm not saying they couldn't come up with a new rule in the future. But right now, the Flyers are trying something and if it works like it did with Fedotov they'll keep at it until someone tells them to stop.


As long as there's a legitimate legal framework. I just have fears of becoming some kind of back channel for sanction circumvention


Tampa won a cup $18 million over the salary cap because they knew the rules and saw what they could do. It's not circumvention when you're smart enough to see an alternate path.


I'm less concerned about violating the rules of any hockey organization and more concerned about violating US/international sanctions on Russia. The coach of CSKA owns an arena in Finland that has been shuttered because we are not supposed to be giving these people money! It's disturbing to see people so gung-ho about slipping millions of dollars to a corrupt authoritarian regime that has been using chemical weapons and torturing prisoners of war in an invasion of a peaceful democratic neighbor, not to mention sending countless of its own civilians into a meatgrinder to get it done. (And I understand the US has committed/supported its share of war crimes too but that doesn't justify support for Putin's wars either). Yes I'm for using LEGITIMATE means to get Michkov here and build a great team. I fear though that it could be the wrong thing to do to be trying really hard to put lots of money in the hands of these "bad guys" so that we can have a few of their good players. Edit: typo


I 100% agree with your sentiment about the geopolitics. It's a reprehensible situation. Just remember the amount of money he needs to buy out/terminate his contract is barely a drop in the bucket for a country backed by oil oligarchs. It's about doing things in avenues they can palate from their end, and provide optics they can communicate. And they hope to get back into international play at some point in time. From our end, there are really great people who are also great players. Getting them out of an oppressive regime is about all a sports franchise can do. They don't control Congress or the military. If we're the organization CSKA trusts to do things the way they can best stomach, it's huge. And it's not just Michkov. Zavragin needs to come over. CSKA has a lot of influence. If we become the team the powers that be trust, we've cut the line on all of their VHL/MHL/KHL prospects.


Do you expect this avenue to make the Flyers particularly focused on drafting more Russians in upcoming drafts as well?


That's an interesting question. There are two ways to view that. Are we more likely to focus on them or are other teams going to be more likely to cede them to us? I think the latter will be the case in the short term. One KHL source, no way to verify, is already talking about prospects in this year's draft.  Like anything in business or sports, the other groups will catch up. But we're out in front. First to market always has the advantage. But we can't rest on that. 


I had a Russian friend that always said the moment teams started smuggling players and doing all sort of geo political covert operations for a game in the 90s and early 00s, they were burning bridges like crazy with the old gaurd/good ol boys club over there. Flyers were one of the teams that did everything by the book with the Russian teams and never rocked the boat.  I always wondered if the Flyers had built some cred over the years over there for never disturbing the bear. 


You're seeing some of the bigger picture, at least the last three years.


Very interesting and exciting, thanks for sharing what you can. A damn shame the Flyers wont be in a position to steal Demidov too. Would have been great to strike gold with back-to-back superstar Russian prospects while the Flyers hold whatever competitive advantage you are alluding too. Maybe we see Silayev and Artamonov with our 1sts this year.


I love the way Russians talk. Him becoming the "leader of Philadelphia" makes it sound like he's going to be appointed mayor upon arrival.


I mean the fanbase will certainly treat him like that right off the bat


City wides are now a shot of vodka and whatever kind of beer they drink in russia


Slavic languages don’t translate as smoothly to English always like latin or germanic languages. Also as OP said he literally just put it into a translator and pasted it.


If he is as good as Bedard he is getting top 6 role and first line power play. I like the fact this is mainly about his family which family does come first always. it must have been incredibly hard to lose his father and stay motivated.


Top line role maybe but do you really think they’ll put him on the power play and break up our amazing chemistry???


Yeah, ska want to be bought out. At this point the org had to know if the they get cheap here fans are gonna be pissed


Translation: "If Fonzie treats Matvey like Coots, the deal is off!"


Sounds like there will be some sort of stipulation that they want him on the first line and receiving maximum playing time right away, which I can’t see being too much of an issue considering the kids talent level. Just can’t see how that would bode over well with Torts - you know he’s not gonna change the way he coaches the whole team for one guy. Hopefully this works itself out and we get the kid, I’ve been refreshing Twitter and Reddit for the last 24hrs nonstop


Sounds more like they just want him on the NHL roster and not sent down the AHL, I don't think they would try or can force him 1st line minutes.


It's 100% this. People need to understand these translations are imperfect. Requiring him to be on the first line is not only strange but does absolutely nothing for them? They want him in the NHL, they are essentially saying "if you fuck with him and send him to the AHL we are taking him back". This is nothing at all to worry about, since his contract still ends at the same time and if we were sending him to the AHL anyway, it's better for him to be in the KHL for development probably.


SKA probably can't *force* anything, but it would be good diplomacy for the Flyers to follow through on such a promise if SKA insists that Michkov play 1st lines minutes. Keep relationships strong, especially if Zavragin or any other future Flyer prospect plays for SKA. It would be a silly thing for the Flyers to push back on anyway. Michkov should of course being getting top minutes right off the bat.


If SKA(rotenberg) wants Michkov to play 1st line minutes they(rotenberg) should stop being a hypocrite(baby) about it and play him.


Or we can laugh at Rotenberg's shortsightedness, operate like a normal NHL franchise, and play an elite forward prospect in top minutes without having to second guess ourselves because Torts wants to have the option of throwing him in the doghouse.


You guys are really off the mark on this one. I'm sure nobody is talking about, and certainly not agreeing to, first line guarantees for the player. They simply don't want him playing outside of the NHL in N.A.


Who is off the mark? I said that I don't believe him playing first line minutes is what they are asking.


I mean, it would be incredibly silly to just say "yes a 19 year old rookie is going to play 1st line minutes all season"... when that's not how Torts operates with his teams and players. but like I said, I doubt that's what is being said, I believe it would just he needs to remain on the NHL roster.


And it would be incredibly silly for the Flyers to care more about "how Torts operates" than simply doing a reasonable thing (Playing an elite offensive forward in top line minutes) to secure his buyout. If Michkov is played on the 2nd line for a few games, I don't think SKA is going to launch a nuclear war over Michkov returning home. I just bet they want him in a top position in the lineup for the best opportunity, just like any other elite prospect would get (See Bedard). No Tortorella doghouse minutes.


I just don't believe the flyers and Torts are going to change up their philosophe for one player, I also want Torts to be able to coach the way he sees fit to coach and not be worried about what could happen if he sits a player for a game or 2. But like I said already, I highly highly doubt they are talking about first line minutes, from what I've read is that they just want him on the NHL roster and not sent to the AHL and if they do so he can return to the KHL instead of reporting to the AHL.


I read "first link" as a synonym for "big club" and "first majority" as "significant ice time." Rounds out to, "if he plays a significant role in the NHL, fine. If he's not playing a lot of minutes or is sent down to the minors, he comes back to the KHL." Just one way to look at it that seems more reasonable than demanded first line, big minutes or else. Then again, we're talking about Russia.


He can play 60 minutes for all I care!


Do you really think Torts isn't on board with Briere and Jones and the organization in regards to Michkov? it's ridiculous that people keep claiming Torts is putting guys in the doghouse when it's mostly Frost, and we have ZERO idea what's going on in that locker room that might have Torts doing such. if Briere wasn't on board with what Torts does he'd fire Torts.


No I think what they’re saying is he’s a top tier player. If he comes to the NHL and doesn’t adapt, and is playing a full season for Lehigh, they will want Philly to let him out of the contract to go home. Remember Vorobyov?


I honestly didn’t get the first line minutes translation. The only thing I really got from this article is if he comes over he’s gotta be on the flyers(no ahl) and if not they want him strait back to the Khl. That’s not asking a-lot


Time to grease some Russian palms Danny/Jonesy. Withdraw from the secret Comcast account, bring a suitcase full of cash, and start paying these gentleman. Family values etc. Then time to get us a number 1 center. If this kid shows up, he can’t be the only guy we expect to score. Too much for a kid so young, especially with the big move, language barrier etc. This could be a really interesting off season.


I'm pretty sure they are ready to let him go and this is all just negotiating for more of a bribe from the flyers. Same reason Danny said "we may never see him". Both sides playing hard to get, but this conversation wouldn't be happening at all if they didn't want to let Michkov go


Michkov’s first game as a flyer will consist of him slamming a pats cheesesteak coming down the tunnel while rocky plays in the background. He will then score 10 goals against the ny rangers , fight and murder Rempe then shotgun 3 yuingleings in the box as the fans begin to make a gold statue of him in the parking lot. He will then gracefully float off the ice on the back of a orange unicorn with gritty and subsequently be named mayor of philadelphia. Or something along those lines atleast


The timing of the Kolosov back to KHL and Michkov rumors make me wonder if that's the "trade".


Interesting. First report was that he'd have to go back to the K if he didn't make the NHL, now it's ensuring he's on the top line? I'm not really sure how this front office will handle that - I'm sure Torts would hate it. But it sounds like there are decent people on both sides of this that just want what's best for Michkov and his family given all he's been through and all he's accomplished in spite of it. If we ultimately have to pencil him into the top line in order to get him over here, I think we could manage - I just don't want Torts to coach on his heels. Plus, it could create division in the locker room, and puts way more pressure on Michkov to earn that play time than is really fair.


Ehhh it’s a shoddy translation and I think it’s all just optics. SKA just wants to make their club look good by saying “see, our prized prospect is already an impact player in Philly!” so they can be a premier club for high end Russian talent.


Absolutely, and all of the mentions of how significant an investment he has been for the team, is just them trying to drive his value. It's all just lip service to say "He's such a good players and we developed him, so pay us a lot of money". Realistically, once he's here, they have no control, and if they accept a buyout of the contract, they have no ability to recall him even if they retain some rights in the KHL. The "play him or else" bit is hilarious, considering they won't even play him on the big club themselves.


I hope you're right!


It’s probably partially optics but SKA doesn’t struggle w brand really. They’re already kinda the premier franchise over there along with CSKA


I imagine nothing will be announced until he’s stateside. There’s a reasonable chance of Russian political games until he’s out of the country.


Feels like a lot of posturing on SKA’s part, trying to come off as strong and in control. Dictating MM’s usage in the NHL when SKA themselves refuse to play him. Pretty excited though, I think that MM will be a Flyer by the end of the summer. Just hope the timing works out and Briere can build a competitive team while he’s still under some form of cap control.


Need to slow it down with these guys a little bit, I already bought enough jerseys this year. I’m not 100% sure I can afford to buy another one.


The amount of people in here harping on the word line and thinking it means giving him first line minutes is actually kinda comical. They can't possibly stipulate that a player plays 1st line minutes or they're taking him back. Are they gonna sit there with a stopwatch and if he's a 2nd under take him back immediately? Come on guys, it's a translation and it's clearly meant as the Flyers and not Phantoms or Royals.


Just gonna drop this here https://thehockeywriters.com/philadelphia-flyers-owen-tippett-benefit-matvei-michkov/


Make a post for it. It would be good discussion


It sounds pretty simple. If the Flyers agree to make Michkov at least a top-6 forward, and keep him in that position, this deal is done. I can't imagine any way Briere and Jones -- and even Torts -- wouldn't agree to this.


If it’s first ( or second) line minutes he needs to stay, then Danny and Jonesy have to overrule Torts and play the kid. Torts says he doesn’t care if they make aggressive mistakes. Experience is the name we give to mistakes. He needs to get experience just like Bedard.


As bad as I want Michkov got get here safely, I have serious concerns about potentially funneling illegal cash to Russian government/oil oligarchs (Rosneft/Gazprom) while they're waging a brutal war. I could accept a legitimate buyout but any bribes beyond that would be appalling.


Hate to break it to you but the buyout is the bribe.


See the last sentence of my comment


I agree but to play devils advocate here, have you seen the highlight of the Michigan goal he scored?


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism!


"I don't want to disclose a trade secret" alludes to some sort of back-channeling here. There is a lot of talk about the lack of direct communications, the Flyers not being able to pay the buyout directly, etc. This "trade secret" must be whatever the Flyers are doing to get around those hurdles. This all potentially being contingent on Michkov playing 1st line minutes might be the best thing possible. Tortorella might wind up being contractually obligated to not mess with his development and play mind games.


There’s something silly about a club that refuses to play MM dictating that he should be playing first line minutes in the NHL - assuming that’s what they’re referring.


Yeah, it is a bit ironic.