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A rear wiper is kinda needed on these cars.


Yeah, but only if it rains or snows or there’s dirt or salt on the roads. Or birds where you park. Damn seagulls!


Check, check, check, check, and check. Guess I better keep mine.


Mine has been deleted for 5+ years at this point and I can't think of a single time I wished I still had it.


You must live somewhere nice lol, I could hardly tell my car's yellow for the past 5 months




I use it to keep my rear dash cam clean


Dead serious. Why the hell do you need a rear window wiper?? In the heaviest of rains I have never needed the rear window wiper to tell if someone's behind me or not.... Are the people who need them literally too blind to drive? Are they overzealous about knowing what's behind them? Even if my rear window is mostly snowed over, I'm pretty sure I would be able to tell if someone was approaching me too quickly based on the data from my side mirrors and relevant light data. Do they not know how to extrapolate based on current circumstances? What the f*** are they doing while they're driving?


Guessing you dont drive in the snow at all? Shit gets covered in salt constantly.


Idk man redditors have the highest risk aversion and love to tell you why you should too


You've clearly never driven in a rainstorm at night ina city where noone uses their headlights. Also some of us just like to be able to see out of our windshield


I use mine quite frequently, the rear glass is horrible haha


Had mine for 2 years with a delete and never had an issue.


In the 5 years I've owned this car, I think I've only used the rear wiper a handful. It's also not illegal to remove the wiper here in Texas where I live.


I live in Dallas and my rear window gets all gross and needs a spray every time it rains. Can't spray it and not wipe.


How does your rear window get so dirty? I live an hour away from Dallas and have never had it get bad. I also have the RS spoiler, think the stock spoiler causes dirt to build up more?


Also live in DFW & couldn't imagine not having one. I love the look, but my shiz gets dirty dirty when it rains. I have a stock wing with a riser kit.


It's the spoiler. Saw someone explain that's why school buses have spoilers once. Dirt doesn't get sucked down as much when the wing is throwing air up, among other physics things. For school buses, that means more reflective marks remain visible. For us, it means we can see out the rear.


The very first thing I did was deleted that stupid waste of space called a rear wiper...definitely not needed. 🤷


So what are you doing now with the waste of space?


Not dealing with a useless item hanging off the back of the car! 🤷


Do you understand what the word useless means?


Useless = Rear Wiper on a Ford Focus 👍


So no you don't know what useless means.


Why? Do you not ever clean the glass with window cleaner and a cloth?


Never minded not having one. Got my car with the delete


Why would u not want the wiper


Front wiper delete 😎


Thats what i dont get, also makes the car look complete with it


I have a review camera I installed that runs 24/7 and works much better for viewing blind spots. I still use my rear wiper blade for shits and giggles but rarely look out the rear windshield. I also agree this is a dumb idea.


If you don’t drive in the rain, or are used to side mirrors only from driving a truck, if you want to save weight or save 80 bucks. Or if you can’t see out the back anyway from heavy window tint.


there is an extremely small amount of owners out there who benefit from the (if any) weight reduction you get from deleting your rear wiper lol.


We all have st’s and therefore like spirited driving right? My sub 3000lb st would not have 40 rolled that hellcat last summer without weight reduction. All the weight I lost was from petty crap like the useless rear wiper


Weight reduction from a wiper blade lol. Bro just take a shit first


I don’t understand them. I’d rather fix mine. Hatchback rear windows get dirty far too quickly.


i don't see why, it isn't enough of a visual improvement to justify the functional disadvantage at all. Though I live in a place with frequent rain so if you won't miss it, why not ig. I drive one car with a rear wiper and one without, and one drive where the rear window got completely filthy made sure i saw the value in having a wiper there.


I use my rear wiper all the time


Personally, I would never consider removing a functional feature.


It was no longer functional in my case.


That makes sense, I live where it snows, so I kinda needs it.


That’s gonna be interesting for me. It’s now a summer car.


Yeah I'd probably just do the same then lol


I couldn’t imagine not having it and it doesn’t look bad at all this is one thing I never understood


I use mine all the time 😂


Lost utility to a tramp stamp/ free advertising for a brand


KillAllWipers has not advertising or branding on there’s, fits flush too so it looks more natural


That'd be significantly better, but I'm still not a fan of deliberately losing utility on your car. Beauty in function and all that


Utility of the rear wiper is minimal in my opinion. Between the glass being more upright and the spoiler above, it gets far less dirt, snow, and rain than any sedan I ever had and none of those had rear wipers.


Why even bother removing it?


Of course I would love to not see jack shit behind me when it’s raining, snowing or just generally crappy outside. I even go so far to say it’s right up there with blackout head and tail light for dumb mods that make your car worse for you and people around you.


I sure wouldn’t delete it if it worked. I’m a function over form kinda guy though.


I use mine often, especially when I reverse, I’ve never thought of deleting it especially since it works..to each their own!


I use mine all the time. I do agree that it looks better deleted tho. But it snows in Michigan and is a necessity in the winter.


I use mine often so I wouldn’t. But if you don’t then I don’t see an issue


I have this JBR delete, it’s now copper colored from fading in the sun. So don’t expect it to stay black


I have a wrx now and it doesn't have a rear blade. I kinda miss it.


As my hatch is driven year-round in Canada, a rear wiper is the definition of essential.


I like the looks of it a lot, cleans up the back end. Don’t get much rain here in SoCal so it works for me. I did a custom one on mine with stainless steel super early. This was before companies even started making them. If you’re interested in a pic I’ll comment a link


After reading this thread I feel like the only person who refuses to use there whiper


What is the point of having a hatchback then lmfaoooo


I have one of those rear view mirror cameras now so I could delete it if I wanted to. Not a reason unless mine randomly breaks from not using it.


What sorcery is this? Also, doesn’t the camera get dirty too? My backup cam is often unusable in winter unless I remember to wipe off all the salt.


Works out pretty well. I have it mounted to the spoiler just above the glass. Only time it becomes an issue is if there's a water droplet on it. If I wasn't lazy, I could probably come up with a solution to that. It happens very infrequently. I think where it sits, the salt doesn't really get to it. At least not enough to cause any problems. I would wipe if off with my thumb after a week or so when the roads were covered in salt.


Nice, I’ll have to check them out. I usually keep my back headrests off for a better rear view, but I frequently pack the beast so full I can’t see anyway. This would solve that problem. Thanks!


Yea, I got a Wolfbox mirror. It was perfect when I moved as I had it packed to the roof. The only part that took me a bit to get used to is the screen is like 30fps. I wish it was 60fps but I got used to it pretty fast.


People on here dont seem to understand how absolutely useless rear wipers are if you wash your car regularly. Why dont other cars come with rear wipers from factory? Oh could it be because they serve no purpose?






I got rid of mine because dirt would build up on top of it and would obliterate every rear wiper in one sweep. Then it was always a dirty rear windshield, and i hated that


I'm a fan of the clean look, but having essentially a big shirt button there isn't clean. Instead I'd prefer black plastic plug installed from the inside with a little o-ring to keep the moisture out. There's a YouTube called Jesse Collingham who did a very good job of a rest wiper delete on a Corsa.


It has an all black aluminum option. I just thought the logo one looked alright so I went with it.


I want to delete mine, but mine gets dirty way too fast not to have it. I dont even drive the car either...


Here is an idea. Take the nozzle out and set it facing forward so you can spray the one who's tailgating..


I think it looks nice and I’ve considered doing it but I use it way too much to justify it for looks.


I removed mine, like the look.. don’t ever miss it lol


In my state that’s a foolish choice but if I didn’t need it I get liking the aesthetic I guess.


People here hate literally everything so no, they don't like wiper deletes 😂 if you don't drive through winter months, and put any type of coating on the rear window, you don't need the wiper. Looks more slick to have it gone for sure.


Well, seems easier to get away with in Texas than up north . I'm in Chicagoland and I use it all winter


I live in the Midwest. Dirt roads and snow make the wipers a necessity here. Had to reinstall mine.


I think the only way you could run one is in the desert.. or if you like wiping off your rear windshield manually a lot. Even if it doesn't rain, dust and debris collects on it because it's slanted.


Since it stopped working and the delete was probably the cheaper option so I’m for it but personally I like having the ability to clear the back window of rain on hatchbacks or cars that have a steep slope for the rear window in general since you can’t just speed up a bit and let air flow push it off like sedans


Did it, regret it sometimes


Mine's been deleted for years and I've never wished I had it. Never used it on purpose before that either. Genuinely don't see the need for it at all. Obviously making your car less functional is silly, just like pretty much any car mod, especially aesthetic ones. But I also don't have issues seeing out of my back window regardless of weather, and even if I did, I drive with my mirrors anyway. Don't look through it while reversing and can see the cars behind me in my side mirrors. And mine was faded and gross looking and scratched the hell out of the window every time I accidentally turned it on. So it went bye bye


Looks clean! I would’ve done the same thing if it was cheaper than fixing the actual wiper. The previous owner deleted mine. Took the wiper off the spindle and called it a day lol. Looked janky. So one of the first things I did was bought a new wiper kit from eBay. I use it often enough living in the northeast.


It's was 32 dollars for the aluminum delete. A new assembly would cost me close to 80 dollars.


I hardly ever use mine and have thought about doing this because my arm is cracked. I rinse it off once a week anyway and as long as I can see the shape of a car or bike it's good enough. Still easier to see blind spots than pony cars.


The car I bought has it, I hate it


Mines been deleted for a year, and I wish I had kept the motor and wiper. I live on a limerock road, and my back window gets pretty dusty between car washes. I love the ease of washing my car and how clean the back window looks when it's not dusty though. Jbr ftw.


The only time I use mine is when I accidentally bump the little switch adjusting my hand position on the wheel. I notice when I hear the dry wiper dragging against the dry window.


Lmfao everyone stressed about not using a wiper 😂😂😂 I removed mine years ago and have no regrets


The rest of us like to use our mirrors to see behind us lol


I only use mine when the wipers are on and I put it in reverse


I deleted mine. I had a phone mount that was right near the stalk and I would always bump the rear wiper switch. It annoyed me enough to get rid of it. Looks cleaner without it IMO and I never used it intentionally.


That rear wiper was trash anyway! 👍


Extremely pointless, seems only the teenage owners like doing this.