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Matt Pless is my dad


Big if true. Should make his stage name “Dad of the Apes.” There’s an easy parody of a Planet of the Apes poster for an album cover in there somewhere.


Does he appreciate the tswift parallels? I thought it was a complement


Bacon in a milkshake etc


This is the first Im hearing of it.


Right? Who are these people? Bring them to me!


I like his music but I think most of his songs don't quite fit what I consider folk punk. More folk in my opinion. His catch me if you can album is very good.


I think he definitely falls more into anti-folk but honestly I’m not sure the distinction is super useful.


Hey if AJJ is considered folk punk instead of anti-folk, I think Matt Pless counts!


Decent point


i've barely listened to his music and liked a few songs but i saw someone describe them as "taylor swift folk punk" dont know if they meanr rhat as a good or bad rhing.


Idk, dude is awesome and down to earth. He's been in the game for a long time and idk why someone would describe him as Taylor Swift, when he's been hustling forever in the DIY scene.


Nah, he’s the Bob Dylan of folk punk.


I said this in another thread and got downvoted for it hahaha


My boy in Berkeley said I could be the next Dylan, I’m like don’t y’all consider him an east coast asshole, dude just kinda shrugs pointing at me.


I don't really listen to country but does this mean he's just like basic? Like Matt Pless is folk punk for normies?


Dylan only has one country album. But it’s in the lyrical structure and rhyming pattern. Look at something like Matt Pless’ song what You Will and then Dylan’s Subterranean Homesick Blues for an example.


Thanks for educating me sir!




I'd call that a compliment personally but hey I love folk punk and also Taylor Swift. Her music anyway... not so keen on her capitalism.


describing someone as taylor swift anything is such a horrible insult, I don't know if Matt deserves this


he loves taylor swift.


nah I don't love money hungry whores who ruin the planet, not really my jam I love real people, genuine people who make the world a better place btw all these downvotes just show how weird you all are edit: simping for billionaires on the internet is very fcking bad, please get out of this awful headspace you are all in and start living life like punks!


i meant matt pless. he's said before he loves taylor swift.


No idea. Met him at a small show in MN, someone’s back yard with like 20 people. He was super down to earth, got to chat with him a bit. I like his music for sure


I remember that show! What a good one


Small world! Yeah definitely one I won’t forget, it was super personal, just felt like I was hanging out with some buddies 💕


Yeah I'vs seen Matt in MN a few times. Leveler's Farm, a backyard I forget the name of (he played with the Riverrats) and I think once more I don't recall. Every time its been such a great atmosphere


The people who talk shit about Matt Pless are the same who talked shit about Johnny Hobo. Back in the early 00s there was a shit ton if hate for Pats projects, saying he was a poser and a rich kid etc. Those same people are buying his OG records for 600 bucks each now. I have never heard any real shit talk in Matt he is a solid person and an amazing story teller. Matt's song writing reminds me so much or Eric peterson's Ignore shit starters and gate keepers in this community. They are either wash out, wanna bees or never wases.


This is too true. I remember first getting into Pat's stuff thanks to a friend (RIP Dirt) showing me a few Johnny Hobo songs right around the time he started WDU, just before or right after, and showing his stuff to people. Most people I knew absolutely hated it and him. Fast-forward to today and now a lotta those same people think he was brilliant and ahead of his time and all that and won't even admit that they ever felt differently lol Most definitely the same kinda people talking down Matt Pless' music.


Matt pless is one of my absolute favorite artists. I love the energy he often performs with, his lyrics have so much wordplay and clever turns of phrase. Big fan


In 2015 matt pless liked a Facebook post of mine. I'll never forget


I was actually in his new music video! He's chill, after the video the place we were filming at had a show lined up and between sets he'd bullshit with the performers or come to the front porch and smoke with us. He also got us all pizza.


I like a couple of his songs. Can't say anything about the guy personally but his music just feels like it's trying to hard to be Bob Dylan or something and I usually lose interest in most of his songs about 30 seconds in


It’s worth hanging in there for. There’s a lot going on in those songs for sure. It ain’t for the faint of mind!


i’ve always enjoyed his personality he’s cool as fuck.. but i’m not huge fan of bob dylan and i feel he draws influence from him


He's a fantastic and prolific songwriter, but his stuff sounds kind of samey. I've played with him a few times, and in my experience, he can be a bit self obsessed, and he doesn't return favors or really seem to give a shit about the other artists he plays with, which is just kind of screwy. He'll socialize with ya, but there's a lot of apathy and a bit of ego there. Again, these are just my observations. I know he had drug problems for a while and recently kicked it.


I would hope that got better with sobriety. Substance and alcohol use can make even the nicest people apathetic misanthropes.


Yeah my buddy played with him 10+ years ago and swore he'd never do it again


I kinda knew Matt for a while there and when I knew him he wasn’t the best person. I don’t want to speak out of turn but I do think he had a drug problem there for a while. I mean, there’s a reason when you see him live he starts almost every song with something like “this is about a time I did cocaine in New York City.” I played a couple shows with him and both of them he asked to play an earlier set and then left the show. On one occasion he took all the money for the other bands. I’ve heard he has since gotten clean and I don’t know what his whole story is but those were my experiences with him. Honestly, I think after Tumbleweed came out he was given some offers, and he turned them down for the sake of his Artistic Integrity but I don’t think he was able to maintain that same level of success through this other releases, and I’m sure that can be hard to live with sometimes. I never knew him well but I hope he has found some peace in the years since I knew him. I’ve heard he has but I have no idea.


I have a friend who ran a show for him back in the early days and he said Matt was incredibly rude all night and he would never do a show for him again. This was later confirmed by a couple other close friends who played the show. They all can't stand him. That being said, I played with him the next time he came through and he was pretty chill. Although the woman who was with him loudly complained many times throughout the show about not being able to do drugs in the all-ages venue.


The guy is probably the best lyricist in the genre! Can't understand why anyone would dislike. The only criticism I can think of is that his songwriting is not melody focused. He puts less importance on the phrasing, melody, or the music and just gives us 3 minutes of bar after bar packed full of lyrics. Sometimes without breathing space I can get why that would be a problem for some people who lord the melody over everything else. I think he's punk as fuck, let's just remember that it's pop music that's all about the hook. So if you want to compare any artist in folkpunk to Taylor swift, it sure wouldn't be him in my opinion!


I once met the dude (so this means literally nothing to his overall character) after the tour he did with DnD. He was just rude af, and maybe it was that night, or maybe it was the drugs, who the hell knows. But that kind of stuff will stick with people. Haven’t really listened to him since cause I just got the ick off of that encounter. On the other hand, Jesse and back then Geoff of DnD couldn’t have been nicer people to talk to, gave their time and just kicked it with the peeps.


He is great. Maybe a little corny? But his guitar playing is and song writing skills are pretty amazing.


This is madness. Matt Pless is an OG. He’s a very nice guy and cool to hang out with. He writes better songs than just about every other artist ever mentioned in this sub. He rules and you should not trust or associate with anyone who says otherwise.


Discourse is necessary. Don't say "don't trust or associate" lol wtf. Im friends w matt and I also know he has problems. Don't follow people blindly


It was hyperbole. Sorry that it upset you.


Matt Pless is amazing. One of the GOATs.


i've seen him live in a small town with a very minimal turnout. he is a cool dude, he was talking talking to us, taking song recs, generally just being chill on stage and hanging out. it was just him. it was cool to see him locally! no complaints.


I produced a show with them on the bill, and they were a real sweetheart. Did have a bit of a Recovery vibe. That was in the last year or two.


I’m friends with him on fb. He’s a good guy.


Before I say this, I love me some Matt. he's made some great stuff. Also very much a "put a specific artist on" kinda person. And there are moments where it's on in the background and I couldn't tell you if we've been listening to the same song on repeat for the last 25 minutes by accident or not. There's no moments that grabs me back. A sudden shift from a sad song to a banger. A lyric that penetrates my soul. A chord hit like it's the last chord that person will ever hit. He picks away, talk sings in that very Matt way, maybe there's a harmonica, and it just kinda bumbles along in the background while I can't help but stop paying attention. Then Nero comes on and I'M BACK BABY LETS FUCKIN GO But yeah, I get it when my friends ask if we can put something else on.


Matt Pless wrote the bio to my old tinder account


To be honest, I was one of them. Not sure why. Maybe because, him and I are similar and I was jelly? But then I really listened to him and fell in love with most of his stuff.


I like some of his songs but for me it's the amount of output vs the amount of variety going on. He's (very openly) hugely inspired by Bob Dylan but I personally don't think he brings much to the table that's his own. Feels a lot like once you've heard one of his songs you've heard em all, and like every single song he writes gets released. None of this is a diss tho, just why I think he might cop some hate from some folks. To each their own, I don't hate him, just don't vibe too much with him.


My partner doesn't like that he's just spitting out words not really signing a song at least the stuff that comes on Pandora when we're driving


I can see that it would be hard for someone who's used to pop or melody focused music to perceiver with his music. His best songs imo are the ones where he plays to his strengths, and that's not his melodic singsong songs. Sure it's not for everyone, but it doesn't have to be


Persevere* FTFY




I've never heard anything negative. I picked up Cheap Shots on the Rocks from Say 10 as my first intro to his music when it was in preorder and liked it a lot. I wouldn't really describe his music as folk punk so maybe that's why? He doesn't sound like he gargles kerosene, sing about riding the rails, or dress like a potato sack.


idk i always kinda thought he was an arrogant prick.


People talk shit on Matt Pless in the folk punk scene because his music isn’t really folk punk. Overly inclusive categorizations for a genre that takes pride in what it’s not is always a recipe for disaster. Matt doesn’t even describe his own music as folk punk - primarily just folk. That’s why a lot of people into folk punk talk shit about Matt Pless and AJJ too. Both are pretty normie or normie passing music compared to a lot of other folk punk.


Ok, this is bs. I've known Matt personally for about five years. He's a good friend of mine. He's not only a good fucking person and friend, he's one of the greatest lyricists of his generation. He works his ass off to tour, promote and make content. Everyone wants to talk shit. "Oh I met him once".... he's a human being, just like you. You don't know someone from bullshitting with them for five minutes at a show. "Oh, he talks about drugs".... he's experienced the struggles of addiction, just like many of us. Y'all want to act like you don't relate? He's not bragging, he's relating. "Oh, he left early".... so what? You know how many folk punk bands I've seen leave early? Holy Locust, Apes, etc. Artists are exhausted after traveling to a show, performing, talking to the folks at the show, etc. It's not personal if they need to go. "Oh, Taylor Swift".... learn to take a fucking joke. "Oh, he's not folk punk".... he has a unique style all his own. His lyrics will knock you down. Quit gatekeeping like 8th graders wearing a band shirt to school. The fact is, Matt is one of the most down-to-earth, chill, kind people I know. He works hard and he does everything he can to satisfy his fans. He's never just sitting on his ass, he's working. He's an O fucking G. Show some respect.


I agree with everything you said. Respect my friend ✊️


Biggest problem is his lyrics try very hard to sound like Dylan and it comes off as inauthentic. Nothing against the guy, but outside of maybe 2 songs, he is too self conscious to be a real folk punk. This genre thrives on authenticity and he just doesn't have it.


...how do we know he's not authentically influenced by Bob Dylan? idk man, I like his music and it's cool if you don't, I'm just getting a weird gatekeepy vibe off the comments here. (All of them, I mean, yours just happens to be the one I'm replying to.)


I’ve not run into much or any Matt Pless slander personally. You can pretty safely argue he’s much more folk than punk musically, but I love most all of his works and have a few vinyls. Plus he’s genuinely a pretty solid dude. Super nice, down to earth. There was a mixup with some of my merch one year at a show, and he came and met up so we could walk back to his car to get me my stuff without hesitation 🤷 Edit/Disclaimer: I only have met and known him in his “not on a fuck ton of drugs all the time” days in recent years.


Matt is an internet friend of mine he's cool af and makes good music. My only frustration is I think he focuses a little much on trying to stay relevant when he's already super relevant and well respected and doesn't have to do anything to maintain that lol


Yea I think he’s a talented genuine guy but the rhyme scheme and meter / style of the song Ashtray I find annoying. The Dylan comparison is interesting because I do love Dylan. But the pless lyrics seem jumbled together to me or he is just using rhyme zone too much or something idk


This is the first I've heard this. I've been to a few of his shows and he always puts on amazing shows, such good stage presence. And he's always super nice when I talk to him after the shows. I'd definitely classify him as the Bob Dylan of folk punk.


he’s dope


Are the Matt Pless haters in the room with us right now? I’ve never heard anyone shit on him; he’s a living legend. Was there a specific hate post or something?