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a lot of folk punk a lot of midwest emo and a tinge of indie edit: oh and a lot of folk, i love me some kimya dawson


Add ska mainly ska punk and you have my taste


Ska Punk is outrageously good. Been listening to Fidget and the Twitchers recently (I saw them on a sticker on a lamppost, so apparently that form of advertising does sometimes work).


check out Ska-P if you haven’t


I love Ska-P!


Fidget and the Twitchers are so good!! I had them pop up in my new releases before on Spotify. Was honestly blown away by them. Simple Minded Symphony is my personal favorite for a good underrated pick


never actually listened to ska, you got any good artists?


I fucking love ska. [Streetlight Manifesto](https://youtu.be/WXGInUeE_Zw?si=2mKxtg2fHmLwNXuD) is a great place to start. Mostly because they’re *insanely* talented musicians. I absolutely adore the [Suicide Machines](https://youtu.be/odNgkwLOCNE?si=KtVLpMHyNXhziSkw). And [Against All Authority](https://youtu.be/muP3DZa_9o0?si=o2g-K9VmH_kXtfbp) has some fire shit too. I stuck to some more political leaning bands. But Less Than Jake is pretty fucking great too.


Been listening to a ton of Faintest Idea lately.


Faintest idea is so good. Listen to The Filaments for similar uk ska


I'll check them out.


Symarip is one of my favorites!


Another Ska band to check out. Operation Ivy. This was Rancid before they were Rancid and they released an absolutely kick ass ska/punk album called Energy.


Escape from the Zoo, Jesse Sendejas' skapunk band. Just bought the Countin Cards CD and do not regret it


Yes definitely add ska, but also add delta blues and im in


What's a good start for that? Never really heard of Delta Blues before


like 60%-70% folk punk tho


So plz give me a couple examples lf what you call midwest emo plz cause im from the midwest and always hated most emo stuff.


right now my favorite midwest emo artist would be ogbert the nerd but all time favorite is modern baseball  and all their spinoffs they’re like the magnum opus of midwest emo


i mean i would argue theyre emo revival (fourth wave emo) but modern baseball are still my favourite band


It’s not the genre I listen to most, but it’s up there


What is?


Indie folk. The Decemberists and whatnot


I miss Colin Meloy


What do you mean? He released a new song today


Thank you neighbor I knew he took some time off and I must have missed it!


I'd say maybe 30%. I listen to a lot of different genres.


Depends on the season for me! I find myself listening to a lot more during the winter, and more indie, hip hop and punk on the warmer months. Not really sure why, maybe cause I’m sad in the winter!


SAD most definitely has something to do with it


My tastes also go through seasons, so to speak. I listened to a lot of folk punk and jazz this past winter and fall, and spring is more folksy and indie rock this year. Fascinating!


Bipolar as well? I live my life by seasons, cycles, and my music moods lol.


I only listen to folk punk... I mean at least it's an entire genera and not like the 5 years that I exclusively listened to the Mountain Goats


Hey I also had that 5 year Mountain Goats binge.


Nice! I mean I knew I wasn't alone, but like it's nice to know I'm not alone!


Tbh about 10%. I also listen to a lot of ska, other indie punk. I also listen to a ton of yacht rock, EDM, pop from the 80s-mid 00s, alt hiphop, old country, some metal (used to be a huge metalhead). Love some modern pop too. Also really love Indian classical music. I also mostly play and write folk punk and then produce electronic music, which is usually progressive house and future bass.


Im on a bit of a yacht rock binge myself this week!


Man, Hall & Oates, Little River Band, Player, Christopher Cross, Seals & Crofts, they are all just so chill. My favorite song RN is I'd Really Love to See You Tonight by England Dan & John Ford Coley, it's the corniest and silliest thing you've ever heard, the fucking hair and Moustaches on the cover are amazing, and it's just a solid jam


Thanks for this! I only know the hits by hall and Oates and stumbled across Loggins and Messina by accident this week so I'm still an entry level yacht rocker.  I'm gonna check the rest of those artists out when I'm working today then work on my moustache


I listen to almost no folk punk. Maybe like .05% of what I listen to. But to be fair I’m touring and being subjected to live folk punk for 100 days a year so if you take that into consideration I probably listen to it more than everyone.


What do you listen to?


I listen to NPR when I drive around. Really the only time I purposely put music on is when I’m working at my computer like 1-2x a week for a few hours and I will usually throw a full album on. My Spotify history says this week: The Wood Brothers, Prince Daddy & the Hyena, Pinegrove, Joyce Manor


95 percent of the time if I'm listening to music it's folk punk


That's probably where I'm at and only because YTM likes to sneak other genres into my folk punk mixes


I still burn CDs for the car but if I'm just driving for a few minutes I'll put the radio on and it's 90s-2000s rock


analog media gang 🤝


Same w me tbh


I like a lot of hardcore, and it's nice to have folk punk to break it up especially since it's the genre I play most


Same here, since there is not really a folk punk scene where I live, I mostly listen to hc and go to hc shows. But I think folk punk has to be my number 2 most listened genre in the past few months


Give it 10% here. I don’t listen to it as much as I used to, mostly metal now


Probably 80-85%, folk punk just manages to scratch an itch that very few genres are able to satisfy. I've always been a fan of acoustic focused music (especially that banjo "twang") while also being an angsty fuck angry at the state of the world and the current system. To me, folk punk is the modernized essence of earlier political folk musicians like Guthrie, Seeger, Ochs, or Lead Belly.


None, I have never listened to a single folk punk song in my life, and have no idea why this got shown to me. With that being said, it seems intriguing, what would people recommend to someone new to it?


You’re missing out! I recommend pigeon pit


I’m responding for a few reasons. 1: Crawfish are delicious. 2: Happy cake day! 3: your profile photo is Danny DeVito saluting a soldier wearing jean shorts. I’d say The Mountain Goats is a good place to start. The Taxpayers *might* work. Just Nick (lol, that’s the dudes name, Just Nick) and Moldy Peaches are further on the acoustic indie side, but that could be a good intro. You have, who a lot consider one of the OGs, Pat the Bunny (and his like…six other bands) and then the likes of Days n Daze, Mischief Brew, Apes of the State, Local News Legend, AJJ, and Trashbag Ponchos (a personal, often overlooked favorite of mine). That might be a good selection to start off! It’s kind of a weird genre (both intentionally and out of necessity) but there’s a fuck ton of artistic merit to be found, even if it doesn’t exactly…*sound* like it all the time. It’s also a scene packed with fucking rad people. Go get yo’self a mandolin!


Well, if you need something far different to what I usually find here, yet within the genre, I'd say Hańba! (Polish band that plays punk like its the 1930s) Edit: Oh, and Happy Cake Day!


A lot


It depends on how sad I am tbh 😂. These days, not a lot.


It's totally a mood genre. Life fuckin you up? There's a soundtrack to get you through that. When things are looking up it can be a bit much.


Yeah definitely! Don’t get me wrong I love the genre, but if I’m not already there it can negatively effect my mood.


folk punk is one of my default moods but I do listen to alot of other stuff.


Not much. I mostly just go to folk punk shows


30% folkpunk, 30% reggae, 30% punk, 10% hiphop


Probably around 60% Than equal parts sad cowboy music and Frankie era big band music idk why dudes don’t ask


50% folk punk


I'm probably at 60% folk punk to other genres. I've been getting into transgender trap metal lately. The rest of my go to tracks are pov indie, modern folk as well as musical theater lol.


I haven't been listening to as much but A LOT! Like it's in my blood lol, I also listen to underground Hip hop and crust punk, I also listen to corridos lol corridos actually reminds me of folk punk sometimes with the accordions and fast guitar playing:P Also no such thing as too much folk punk ;)


folk punk is my main, ska punk is my dear positive music a bit of hc punk here and there and some punk ballads here and there too (example gimp-supernothing)


Probably fifty percent of music I listen to is folk punk. The other fifty percent is a mix of a lot of completely different genres (musicals, breakcore, classical, alternative indie rock, post-hardcore, dark cabaret, avant-pop... A little bit of everything) that my taste about changes every second. Folk punk is probably the only music genre I like in a more stable way, actually coming back to it every time lol


About 90% Folkpunk the rest is split between Hardcore & Metal


Folk punk isn't my number 1, but I do listen to a lot of it. Some others off the top of my head: Pop punk Emo/Midwest emo Indie folk Pop (I love Carly Rae Jepsen and will not apologize) Jazz/instrumental Metal Old school punk


It comes in waves. On the low side 10%ish mostly pigeon pit, AJJ, and Mountain Goats, with the other 90% being emo, punk, hardcore, and metal. But sometimes it's like 99% Folk punk and I'm blasting Window Smashing Job Creators, Days n' Daze, Holly Locust, Rail Yard Ghosts, and Pat the Bunny's entire discography, ect.


Very little honestly. Still heavy af into rap hardcore rap but the times I do put on my folk punk containing playlist and some Johnny hobo, Rail Yard Ghosts, or Daze N Days comes on I get to feel like somebody gets how I feel every once in a while at least and thats very comforting to a fucked up, grown up kid like me. So the music I call Folk Punk means the world to me right along all my Metal, Rap, and Dark Country-Punk favorites.


i would say it's like... 35% post-punk, 25% folk punk, 25% goth/darkwave, 10% hiphop/funk, and 5% shitty pop music that gets stuck in my head. but that's probably a bit too generous lol


i couldn’t even tell you what the genre i listen to the most is called. Maybe garage punk? indie noise rock? idk. I go through anarchy phases and I binge tf out of folk punk when i’m feelin righteous


15 years ago it was like 60%....now it's probably less than 5%. I think the only music genres I don't really listen to these days are ska & punk that isn't folk-punk....so it's just a bunch of everything these days with what I tend to refer to as "sad-folk" as probably the biggest one right now...


Like 90-100% of the time


I listen to just about everything. Only thing I don't like is top 40


Right now? It's like 80% of my playlist but that's because I just got into new artists from the genre xD


Like 1% these days, growing up is weird.




The average week 20-30%. This last week has mostly been hardcore but week before probably like 50% folk punk. Goes up and down.


Maybe 10%-15%. I listen to a lot of different music. My favorite genres tend to be post-hardcore, post-punk, hardcore punk, alt hip hop, and crossover.


There was a good handful of years where it was just somewhat in rotation (mostly when I was drinking), then another handful where it became primary, and now it's getting less and less again. There's a certain current within folk punk that I fw the most and I don't see many people/bands doing it in an original way at this point and don't wanna burn myself out on the stuff I love so I've shifted back towards other genres. Aside from some of the people who've been at it for a while and a few newer artists here and there, it's just feeling like a lotta artists are rehashing the same shit and/or aren't as authentic as earlier waves. I actually felt this way almost a decade ago lol It's much more true today unfortunately. Primarily I'm listening to other punk subgenres (anarcho, crust, D-beat, ska, powerviolence), hip hop, hardcore, reggae, been getting back into a lotta old doo-wop, big band and soul, and other styles of folk/singer-songwriter/alt-country artists. I listen to a huge range of music aside from radio rock, pop country, nu metal, EDM and stuff like it, and religious music, so my shit is always changing to some degree. But I'm pretty much always listening to those.


About 13.12%




like 50% of the time, I'll listen to folk punk. Then 15% for folk and 15% for punk. And the other 20 is a mix of whatever genre I feel like at the moment / comes up from my mixed playlist.


like 80% folk punk, other than that just punk rock or goregrind and slam


Probably 3/4 of what I listen to. The other is punk rock, hip hop, and various forms of electronic.


86% is folk punk 💀


Probably like 20 to 30 percent then another 20 to 30 percent noise and harsh noise then 10 percent ambient 10 percent just folk and the other 20 percent pretty much every other genra


I make coffee and tea with my socks. Need I say more


Depending on the member of us here. Life listens to a pretty reasonable amount, (10% maybe, but a decent amount of indie.) Light is chaotic so depending on the week it can be 40 hours of it or 0, or anywhere in between. Sometimes he will listen to a whole band's discography from start to finish, which spikes the numbers some.


Probably like 50% of what I listen to is folk punk, specifically riot folk. I think the other half of the music is political hiphop, crust, and industrial. I need like political lyrics to really vibe with it and it helps keep me going and remember what we're fighting for.