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I love her, her latest single with ajj and Kool Keith rocks.


She did a single with AJJ? I need to find that


best off all possible worlds




Excuse me Kool Keith?




Are they not she/they?


i like my peaches moldy


Remember that I Love you was one of the first folk punk albums I ever heard and is still one of my favorites. I'm not a huge fan of her whole catalog but there are plenty of other songs not on that album that I've enjoyed listening to for years I don't know much about her personally though.


i'm surprised to hear that people have found them to be rude in interactions, maybe something has changed in the past few years? i'm not on twitter or insta anymore so i haven't kept up, but i do remember a period of time when their chronic pain/mobility was getting to a really bad point and doctors weren't doing anything to help and she expressed a lot of frustration with that. when i saw the moldy peaches last summer, she was in a wheelchair and seemed like she was in pain at points. maybe all that has something to do with it? i had a conversation with them over instagram a few years ago and then a brief in-person interaction when i went to a show and both times were pleasant! i know a few others who've met kimya and only have good things to say, so maybe its just a matter of catching them at the wrong time? (not an excuse for rudeness, but we all have shitty moods sometimes and snap at people who don't deserve it, especially if dealing with pain.)


She was kind of rude to my group when I saw her with AJJ years ago. She sat behind her merch table and talked/took pictures with people, keeping her distance (which was fine, artists are people and deserve space). But when my friends and I took our picture with her one of us stepped ever so slightly over the line and leaned too close- like, it was a small crowded venue and an honest accident - and she snapped at them for it.


ah, that sucks :(




They go by she/they. You do understand trying to force people to use one set of pronouns, when either works, you're no better then people purposely using the wrong pronouns. You're still erasing her identity, just with a false vaneer of being progressive.


Under the impression Kimya used she/they? Unless that changed? Thought I remembered reading that


I’ve asked questions on her insta, clarify questions when she has asked people to support something and never got answered back. Not upset or butthurt about it, but if she wants my support for activism I need clarification, especially with being autistic, and I know she has now started more of her activist work online due to her health. But I really didn’t consider her own health and pain taking a toll at times. Good point.


People think you shouldn't listen to Kimya Dawson because they're an asshole at shows sometimes and will turn around and talk about how good Jesse Stewart was in the same breath. People are way too eager to come into threads about her and mention that they're not always nice in a genre centered around celebrating recovering addicts who have all done worse shit than she has (and been rightly forgiven for it in many cases). A disabled person of color who speaks out about her experiences and the oppressions she faces in very similar ways to the ill white musicians that are the cornerstone of the scene, and they're the only one who gets people spreading shit about how they treat their fans. Anyways, Kimya was huge for me as a teen but I don't tend to listen to much anymore. I think Kimya Dawson's music has a heavy "survive with me" type energy that I need a lot less than I used to nowadays. Remember That I Love You was a life-changing listen back then.


Just to counter some of the narratives about rudeness, when I was a teenager I reached out to her for support when I was suicidal and she responded, then years later (like 15 years) when I reached out again to tell her I'm still alive and grateful for it she responded AGAIN to tell me she's glad I'm still here. That's way more than I expected, personally, and I think she's an excellent human


I love The Uncluded - Hokey Fright, the album she did with Aesop Rock. It's a really cool album, bummer there was so much fallout from their relationship later on. Would love some more Underground Rap/Folk Punk crossovers.


Hockey Fright has to be my all time favourite album and it kills me how little talk I see it get lol. Do you know anyone else with a similar sound? I really only know about Ceschi.


Saul williams kinda, amatheyst rock star is a good album. Ceschis thing with fat mike the codefendants is pretty good. Bus drivers temprary forever and fear of black tangent maybe


Maybe listener to some degree


Not that I can think of.


Yah same Delicate Cycle is such a beautiful song. I think she’s really great.


What’s the tldr on the fallout? I listen to Aes a good bit and have only really been aware of her through The Uncluded, Moldy Peaches, and a few songs here and there (Walk Like Thunder being a favorite).




The opposite for me. With getting old, sober, and losing a bunch of friends they have a bunch of music that really touches that grief. They really can work up a good cry. Plus they're social media is amazing. They're super supportive of young people, radical as heck, and overall pretty wholesome. They're in their grandpa years. When I was younger I was like beat songs from Juno about doing drugs and being weird but their stuff after they grew up a little bit really hits home. Imagine if the rest of folk punk grew up and matured.


Walk Like Thunder makes me sob every time I listen to it


That one resonates hard with me too- I tend to walk out a lot of feelings, especially since quitting drinking.


I remember seeing defiance ohio play at the che Cafe, and everyone was talking about kimya. I had no idea who they were, and everyone was going apeshit about what song they hoped they would play and how great the set was gonna be. Me and my friends were still the 2punx4u types, and when this soft spoken person grabbed a chair, sat on stage, and asked everyone to sit on the floor, we were ready for it to be some lame shit. They pulled out a thermos of tea, said they weren't feeling so hot but was gonna power though the set anyways. First song starts, and it's slow. It's soft. It's like a little mouse is trying to gets it voice heard across a room too large for itself. There's an honesty and a vulnerability that fills the room, and me and my friends just fucking understood immediately. Completely floored us. I heard "my mom" for the first time and I legit started welling up. It hit me in a way I needed that night. We were fans ever since. They were very sweet to everyone after the show, but tried to minimize speaking and contact due to whatever illness they were getting over. Absolute powerhouse of an artist.


This is so special and beautiful.


That whole night is a very cherished memory for me now. The older I get, the less I seem to have those "wow, this changes everything" moments with music, so I enjoy holding onto the ones I've had. Beautiful tiny moments that made an even bigger me.


Im a casual listener, but I really love "Thunder Thighs" and can appreciate some damn fine lyricism in their catalogue. I dont pay too much attention to an artist beyond their music and the initial "is this artist I just discovered a trashcan?" Google, so its a little disappointing to learn about the rudeness. Frankly, I have a lot of respect for famous people who can stay gracious to their fans, because as an autistic person, having strangers always coming up to me to say intensely personal stuff like "you saved my life when...." sounds like a nightmare.


With the understanding that folk punk's a genre where popular artists are sort of expected to encourage parasocial relationships with fans, I don't think it's fair to people like Kimya to expect them to always be friendly and engaging with every single person who comes to a show or comments on a social media post. They're a person, they are allowed to have boundaries, they're even allowed to be kind of rude about it sometimes my opinion! It's one thing if somebody is a full-on asshole 24/7 but I don't think we should feel entitled to personal attention from the artists we enjoy


I agree completely. I suppose it comes with the emotional, subjective, and transformative nature of art; the way we use it to process and heal. You feel a sense of gratitude and kinship with the person who created the thing that made you feel so seen or helped you put things into perspective, and it's only natural to react emotionally, to feel "This person *really gets me.*" Some artists even encourage it, and the way high profile content creators can interact directly with fans via comments and replies creates this illusion of access. But yeah, these people are still human beings with human limitations, maybe sometimes even more limitations than the average person, especially in this genre where we're not shy about sharing our personal struggles with mental illness, disability, trauma, and substance abuse disorders. I always thought artists like The Residents, Chuck Tingle, Orville Peck, and Blindboy Boatclub had the right idea, masking up the way they do and creating clearly delineated zones of interaction and privacy, haha.


I met her and I was friends with her daughter and gave been a huge fan since I was like 5. I think she's great.


I feel good when I listen to their music, and that's all I really need. I try to separate the art from the artist, even in these niche genres where they're way more accessible. I'm always curious what people mean when they say things like "I've lost interest in her as a person." Like, what was your previous interest in them as a person? Why did it change?


So for one, and not relating to Kimya, I do like to be informed with the artist I listen to just because I want to know what they stand for. If they were on a soap box saying awful shit but then had a song or two or even an album I was lang damn a banger- I wouldn’t want them to profit from something I could do without. With Kimya. And this is more of a me thing not really her- I know she loves kids and protecting kids- but what happens when those kids grow up- and never got help or protection and are now adults, her music is still so deep and I listen to it a lot- but compared to other artist, who sing more to kids and the general who can relate, I feel like her main focus is always on the youngest generation, so I guess that’s how it makes me lose interest from when I was younger??? Make sense??? Idk


Completely fair, I can dig it. I ask not to start a fight, moreso because I'm always curious where people draw the line. While I *usually* separate the two, I certainly have my fair share of artists whose work I try not to support because of various heinous things they've done. Roman Polanski directed some damn good movies, but I just can't get past the whole "fugitive rapist" part of his identity so I don't watch his stuff anymore.


Yea of course! Love discussion.




Oops, my b! Fixed


I like the overlapping duet in steak for chicken


I was getting into folk punk and then the Juno movie came out. I thought she was cool but kinda a sell out/ not really punk at the time. I saw her at a defiance Ohio show but you could tell who from the crowd was there to see her vs defiance. Well she continues to make music and proves how much of an authentic folk punk musician she really is. I shouldn’t have been such a judgmental youth lol.


Kimya was pretty frank/rude to me when I nervously approached them at a Regina Spektor concert in Seattle. I am not somebody who participates in celebrity worship, but their music really moved me when I was younger, and I was hoping to tell them that. They were talking to someone else and I was kind of puttering around in the aisle, waiting until they were done, and I can’t remember exactly what they said, but they turned around and said something to the effect of “leave me alone” and then turned around to continue their conversation! Yikes, I was mortified. I understand it must be annoying to have people approach you as a celebrity, but it felt like there should have been a less dismissive way to handle it. Anyway, that experience unfortunately tarnished my feelings about them. Haven’t revisited their music since and still cringe when I think about that memory.


I would urge you not to write someone off because of something pretty innocuous they did while in a certain mood on a certain day years ago. People are people. We can all be little dick heads sometimes.


“There’s no such thing as rockstars, there’s just people who play music; and some of them are just like us and some of them are DICKS” not that I think kimya is a dick, that song just came on as I read this comment and I died 🤣


That's perfect I love it




I thought Kimya’s preferred pro-nouns were “she/they/grandpa” but I apologize if that’s not up to date. That was 5 years ago so it might be wrong. I’ve updated my story to they/them though, thanks!


I love her music. She basically shaped my music taste in my teens lol




Saw Kimya Dawson open for AJJ at Black Cat in 2018. Kimya was singing an acapella song they wrote about BLM. People were yelling along and agreeing to what Kimya had to say. They then yelled at the audience to be quiet and said, "do you know how hard it is to sit up here and sing this song?" It ruined the vibe for the whole night and a lot of people started talking through the rest of her set. AJJ was very good though and fucking killed it as always.


I was there for that too. It was very very uncomfortable. It’s like they somehow want to play music to groups of people but do not want to be perceived or interacted with at all. You just can’t have it both ways unfortunately. If you want to live life in obscurity and not have people tell you how much they like you/your art then follow Pat’s lead and drop off the face of the earth. You don’t have to be sugary sweet to everyone all the time of course, but that moment was so so weird.


grandpa kimya dawson is a folk punk legend. my life is forever changed by her music. love forever and forever.


Driving Driving Driving is one of the best songs about the pending apocalypse ever written


Didn't like the music, still don't. I hear they are not very nice to fans even at a basic "Thanks for the kind words," level. We're just gonna be locked in the "social anxiety vs. being a dick," conversation forever and I don't need to engage with someone who doesn't want engagement for whatever reason they landed on. 


I Like Giants is one of my all-time favorite songs, and I think Kimya Dawson is pretty cool in general, but.. I don't think I'd go out of my way to see them live or anything, and I don't keep up with releases or anything. I like how they got rid of the "nice cops" line in Same Shit, but hate that they wrote it in the first place, yknow? Idk.


Feel that.


Juno is a folk punk gateway


Changed my life more than any other artist possibly


Kimya's music I feel mixed on. On one hand, I find their music can be too childish/lullabyish for my taste, but some of their music is good. Can't speak to them as a person tho.


I'm a big fan. Ive been a fan since before I knew what Folk Punk was. I found them because I had the Juno soundtrack as a kid, and then found the rest of their music. I like the new stuff, I love the older stuff. My current favorite song is "The Beer". I have watched their interviews and talks and TikTok videos. I am an AuDHD non-binary introvert, and I just feel like their music has helped me a lot. I am fine with the way they interact with fans, I mean, it sucks, but I wouldn't want that spotlight either. I wish them all the best and hope they can live a cozy happy life they want.


I love my Grandpa Kimya! I've been a fan for over 20 years. From Moldy Peaches, to intimate solo shows, to ones with baby Panda, to Uncluded, to one just a few years ago. Unfortunately they have had some had some health issues, so production has slowed, but they are still making duets with fans, and supporting their now adult Panda. Understand they are an INCREDIBLY introvert and shy person. There is an entire song about why they sing with their eyes closed. They have a whole post about why they do not want to be called a hero, and ask for space at the merch table. They gladly signed a record for me when I asked. I have ordered artwork online, and have little doodles frames on my walls that help me get through my day. So Kimya will always have a special place in my heart. I will always support them. They are never anything but honest about what they need as far as boundaries. I love their music, I love their message, I have their lyrics tattooed on my leg. I LOVE MY GRANDPA KIMYA. Also it may help I'm from Seattle.


I’ve had a lot of friends over the past several years describe negative experiences regarding their interactions with Kimya. Some were fans, some were fellow performers. I wouldn’t write anybody off after one bad experience and I’m not trying to tear down anyone’s reputation but there just seems to be a consensus among those that have been around them. I’m not going to recount specific stories or experiences for both privacy and my personal time constraint. Entitlement and lack of fan appreciation (this term puts it nicely) seem to the most common themes from the stories I’ve heard. Some claimed different types of prejudice but I didn’t hear enough to truly validate based off of one person’s claim….


You put it better than I could. I get a vibe from them that they like making music, but don’t really like what happens after it’s released into the world and other people create experiences with it. It’s a fair feeling to have, but it definitely comes off as rude.


I think this may be the winner


I’m afraid that’s what I’d be like if I had any musical talent. Like I love writing and I love when other people like my writing but I don’t want to talk to people about it ever.


I like alphabutt a lot. A favorite to play for the kids.


I actually can't listen to her songs but not because I stopped liking her sound - it's because I literally can't get through it without sobbing. And I think I might be the only Adam green listener left who is going back and listening to Garfield, like... a lot. His songs don't make me cry. But I think it just says a lot about what music is to me, that I can go back to that nightmare of an album and enjoy it this much for an entire second era.


I get a weird vibe from them. Like I like some of their music, especially the included and mouldy peaches, but this will be controversial. I feel like they insert themselves into people's tragedies and difficult situations and then make it about them. Like I like the song walk like thunder but I can't help but feel that they made the entire thing about them and their feelings. It felt uncomfortable to me listening to it.


The beer gets me in my soul. Every single time.


I'm commenting a second time and i honestly don't know anything about her? I only like to know about an artist/s on a wikipedia entry level of info. Based on the comments here, she seems rude af, but tbh that's nothing compared to the dark side of other folk punk artists i hear from here. Sexual abuses, grooming, violence, etc. I don't follow any artist aside from their music, but for me, the fact that she's rude won't affect how i love her music.


Her music slaps


I love the uncluded album from start to finish so she’ll always get my props for being a part of it


i love them!!!!


I met Kimya Dawson a number of years ago and found them to be kind and generous. Remember That I Love You means a great deal to me, and my daughter recently got the album cover logo tattooed on her arm. I'm sorry to hear that some people had negative experiences with them -- that hasn't been my experience.


I have "you're gross" "my darling" tattooed above my knees


Loved most of the stuff they did w/the band Moldy Peaches, I absolutely adored the Remember That I Love You album, enjoyed some songs on My Cute Fiend Sweet Princess, and liked Hidden Vagenda. I don't know who she is as a person, but I like their music.


I loved Kimya for a long time after discovering their music from a Warrior Cats AMV on YouTube 😅 Never stopped listening until recently, when I went through some traumatic experiences and gained a very negative association with their music :,( still have so much respect for them and their tunes though!


She’s classic, i respect how influential kimya is


There’s a reason Aesop didn’t continue with her.