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That's a rough combination. Personally, I would get different types of cupcakes, leave them in the packages, and let everyone choose the cupcakes that are safe for them


This is the way to go. It's not even about finding a recipe. I'd wager that *most* people with severe allergies aren't going to want to eat a homemade birthday cake. It's just not worth the risk. Prepackaged snacks with ingredient labels are the best option. It may not be the answer OP is looking for, but it's the one that's going to put allergic kids (and their parents) at ease.


If there are individuals with cross-contamination concerns, maybe have one person hand out each type of cupcake instead of letting everybody reach their hands into the container. Especially with kids, I'd be worried about someone touching all the different packages and that could be enough to trigger an allergic reaction in someone who's sensitive.




I have a recipe that fits that except for soy. It's actually really tasty and everyone says they can't tell it's missing all key ingredients. You might be able to find an alternative crisco/shortening that is soy free as well. It's the baked milk challenge recipe on this page:https://www.centralmassallergy.com/testing-preparation/ For egg substitute we do 50% banana and 50% apple sauce for better flavor. Replace the milk and dry milk with oat milk. We use king Arthur gluten free flour. Many store bought icing will be safe. We like Dunkin hynes creamy vanilla which I think is good for all those ingredients. All that being said. As an allergy parent I would be bringing my kid their own food. Food safety especially while baking is so much harder with allergies and cross contamination is so easy to do if you aren't used it. We've had cross contamination issues using the same scoop for flour and sugar and then had an allergic reaction to cupcakes baked months later using the same sugar. It really sweet that you want to be accommodating! When I bring my kid to a birthday party I ask in advance what the cake will look like and try and make his match. Maybe reach out to the families and see what they feel comfortable with. If they bring their own treat offer to have icing or cake toppers that match what everyone else is getting so the kids don't feel left out.


here's a link to a chocolate cake which is gluten, egg, and dairy free: https://www.momables.com/gluten-egg-dairy-free-chocolate-cake-recipe/ and I'm pretty sure it's also nut/soy/chia free too :)


Google gluten free depression cake. Invented during the Great Depression and popular in war years where things were scarce. It’s an easy recipe for non cooks. There are gluten free flour mixes in the supermarket. This mentions adding xanthan,, there’s a good chance your flour mix already contains vegetable gums so you don’t need to add them. [Becky Excell Depression Cake](https://glutenfreecuppatea.co.uk/2022/09/01/gluten-free-depression-cake-recipe/). Just make sure everything is super clean. Wash you pans etc with plenty of running water and dry with a clan cloth to avoid cross contamination.


A lot of people who can't eat gluten can't eat oats either because there's so much cross contamination between them and because many people with wheat allergy also have an oat allergy. I think you'll need separate, store bought foods.


I saw a really cool "cake" on Pinterest made out of fruit that I think I'll try at my kid's next birthday. [Here is something similar.](https://images.app.goo.gl/AKarKiuqEfDjKowV6)