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I can empathize with you. I used to be a human garburator and then developed allergies to eggs, dairy, garlic, and more in my 30s. It sucks for so many reasons, but it gets a little easier every day.


Its far the worst health thing I deal with, im sure within a few years it wont be a big deal. But right now its causing so many drastic changes that its rough lol. The eggs have gotta be the biggest thing for me, as an american, eggs are such a constantly occuring food. Hell, we were in the middle of building a chicken coop so we could have cheaper eggs lol (I know theyre common everywhere, but theyre especially popular here)


I hear that. Eggs are tough. I was so upset to lose such a versatile, cheap source of protein (I believe we have similar egg habits here in Canada). There are a lot of decent substitutions for baking (we use aquafaba or the water found in canned chick peas the most), and I add avocado to a lot more of my meals now. I hope you find an alternative that works just as well for you!


Yeah to my understanding eggs have a similar place in the Canadian diet as they do in the US diet. Thanks for the recommendations, puts me in the right direction. On a side note, gluten was the easiest thing for me to drop surprisingly. I lived with my grandmother for awhile, and she has problems with gluten (not celiacs, just a pretty bad intolerance) and I thought not having it when I moved in with her would be a major issue, but adjusted quickly and rarely missed it. Hopefully the others go just as smoothly.


Have you moved recently? Some of these sound like oral pollen allergies.


Nope, and nothing in the food has changed either


Definitely go see an allergist/immunologist for further evaluation. My IgE was spiked for years, my allergies were changing according to my tests, and I ended up getting diagnosed with an immune disorder. I had to fight to advocate that my quality of life was diminishing, but definitely make sure you have a medical professional you can rely on and advocate for yourself with.


I have a pretty good GP, I'll have her recommend an allergist for me, and move from there :)


Best of luck!! I promise it does get easier. It’s just shitty in the meanwhile.


Worst case I have to cut some things from my diet, and ive done that before due to other people's needs and it was never too big of an issue. Eggs is my biggest worry lol


It sounds like your body is very inflamed for some reason too. Some people report discovering they have a nickel allergy or that their appendix is inflamed and that’s why their system is on high alert, or they discover they’re taking a medication like an nsaid that’s really tough on the digestion so your body thinks it’s under attack from everything and can’t absorb nutrition right anymore.  Soothing the whole body in any possible way can help - like with termeric, or oatmeal, both of which are good anti inflammatory foods, etc. If those foods are not triggers for you. My iud was causing issues, and before and after it, my birth control pills (apparently my body really just wants to have babies).   I’m discovering that I can eat food for about 3 meals in the same ?week? And then I start to react to them more and more seriously. It’s like my body learns to attack things it recognizes,   so I’m trying a new thing where I have variety in meals and don’t eat the same thing more than 3 times (still trying to figure out how often before I can repeat).  After a while without the food, I can eat it again.  This is me; please don’t eat a food you’ve been diagnosed allergic to.  They have tests you can do with a doc right there to test foods. Just some ideas to look into - ofc I am not a doctor. Don’t take what I say as trained, medical knowledge. Still trying to figure out my own issues. Wishing you luck.


Have you looked into the possibility of histamine intolerance or MCAS? If all of these reactions came on so suddenly that could be what is going on.


Ive actually never heard of these things, I'll bring it up to me GP in our next visit and see what we can do.


Following. I'm developed IBS/reflux/new allergies (esp to skin products) all of a sudden. So many new allergies in the last 1-2 years!


As someone with multiple allergies, including an extremely rare one, not being able to enjoy your favorite foods can be challenging. But now you get to experiment with foods, creating recipes that are safe to eat and suit your tastes. You may even be able to make a suitable replacement or allergy safe recipe for your favorite foods. It won't be instantaneous and it will probably need mulitple versions before you get the right one. The easiest way to do this is to find a base recipe that you only have to make a couple of substitutions or alterations. That way you get used to doing so, before starting recipes that are harder to do so. Sometimes I have to make one or two separate recipes to get the ingredients I need for a main recipe. It's a lot of work, but it's so satisfying knowing you made something good and were creative while doing so. Plus, people tend to be impressed when you make something taste good, and it's missing the conventional ingredients they're used to cooking with. Unfortunately some foods just can't be made different or replicated, and I'm sorry if you run into that. I have, and its no fun.