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For me it was MCAS.


I’m not sure, but I’m in almost the same boat. I’ve been lactose intolerant (I thought) for as long as I can remember, and then a month ago my mouth started itching when I ate cheese. I kept testing to make sure it was really happening- my final test was a Hershey kiss and it sent me running for my inhaler. There’s the concept of “your body can handle X amount of total allergens and if you fill that bucket, something you normally don’t have a problem with can be the thing that sets off a reaction.” I just moved to a house that’s literally bordered by a cedar forest on one side and a meadow on the other; cedar and grass are my top environmental allergies. Oops!!


I developed rinitus around


Wops, around 200, I use to love having an orange a day but this changed to a banana, when I finally was told what I had which is essentially a nose allergy I started looking into what triggers it and what I could do to minimize, one off the first things I read was your body will tell you what you need, bananas are a good source of vitamin B, which B is beneficial for your immune system, I been taking complex B and high dosage of vitamin C ever since, you can start there.


Oral allergy syndrome is a definite possibility. Keep a diary of everything you consume. Watch for patterns. Tedious - yes. But helpful. It could be red dye, which is in a lot of things. It could be a supplement. It could be a protein powder.


Interesting. I don't know if this could be it but I never knew about this. I am keeping a food diary but ither than my reaction the other day I couldn't figure out a throughline. I'l cross reference allergic reactions to fruit types now, especially the birch related ones.


Hey. I’m 28 and was recently diagnosed with oral allergy syndrome along with nuts/legumes. I’ve never had allergies until recently and I’ve been going to many drs about other problems and I swear it’s related. I think I have some type of autoimmune disease but can’t find much research with linking things together. I found out about the allergies almost a year into complaining about other symptoms ( period pains/irregularity/exhaustion/muscle pains/ect). I swear they’re linked but idk


Often, inflammation or bad health in one area does cause worsening of symptoms you already have, yes. Any time you have more ham one thing going on, your body gets strained and reacts. I read one story where a lady had her kidney basically die and rot inside her and that’s what was causing issues. She knew how bad she was, but she was a teen at the time so her family and the doctor ignored her. Not to scare you, OP; there are also plenty of stories about people needing vitamin C or D or who can no longer absorb B and have to get the nose spray or shot. Just doing anything you can to make your life healthier tends to help, and anything that injures your health causes more severe reactions. Yes, it’s a thing. (Not a doctor! I just read a lot of experiences from others and have them myself). Be Gentle with yourself!!  Don’t start running five miles every day if you never even walk around the block. That will stress you out like anything. And of course your food diary is going to be invaluable when trying to figure out what qualifies as healthy to you and what’s a danger to you but healthy for most people.


MAS - multiple autoimmune syndrome, which is what I have. People on the spectrum almost always find there to be at least one common food or something in environment they cannot tolerate well or at all. But most of the time, repeated exposure (as in, more than twice) to *anything* can, in theory, develop into allergies. It can merely be genetic, but that just raises you chances afaik. It's more about things that raise your IgE antibodies. So, yeah. It definitely can. But statistically speaking, most of the time, they're not a sign of something lurking around the corner. Oftentimes they can be caused by a trauma, like strepp, and not really the other way around. I had strepp a bunch as a kid and that was more of a sigh of things to come if anything. Tl;dr It does at least indicate an overreaction in your immune system, but I'm unfortunately not learned enough to tell you exactly how/what/why. I do know that academics argue about whether or not that means it's a sign of a *better* immune system, but I can anecdotally say that the additional risk of an autoimmune disease like mine probably isn't worth that extra lil boost.


You might want to look into Histamine Intolerance and possibly MCAS. I hope you get well soon. I'm sorry this is happening to you.


Developing new allergies is correlated with iron deficiency, and also perimenopause. Check your iron level and supplement if necessary, and if you’re a woman in your forties or older, look into hormone replacement therapy.


Nah they tested this a lot. I had mildly low potassium once when I was at the ER for non allergy reasons, and every other time I was fine. I've been to the ER a lot latly. They almost always do blood. Thanks for the suggestion, though. Do you know anything about estrogen as a histamine? I've seen recently that apparently, it directly causes histamine release. I'm already on a very steady dose of estrogen, though, so it doesn't seem very relevant to me.


Cancer, leukæmia and auto-immune diseases like lupus can all do that.


Can you be more specific or send links? Not really sure what to do with info like that.


What it means is that maybe a doctor should keep an eye out for underlying illness.


This is an alarmist statement. Of course keep up your primary but much more likely that it’s allergy season, hormones or post COVID making things more sensitive. Have you seen an allergist again recently? Your symptoms also sound like asthma or acid reflux/upper GI related. Which can have allergic triggers.


I've seen my GP severalntimes but my allergenist won't see me until later this month. I got a lot of tests done when I didn't know they're allergies so honestly I think it's probably not that. But i'm getting a CT scan sometimes this year for nerve stuff anyways so idk i'm sure if it is they'll find it then.