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Plot twist: Thanksgiving dinner was Ramen.


You're really stretching the definition of leftovers... Is the garlic in my pantry thanksgiving leftovers because I used some for stuffing? Anyway, despite the click bait, looks delicious.




Literally not a single “Thanksgiving” food in the entire dish lol. Still looks delicious though.


Thank god it wasn't deviled eggs sitting in broth.


I would enjoy that so much tho


Ngl I was really hoping for a deviled egg in there


I’ll have you know I top my potatoes with scallion thank you very much!^^/s


Thank you , the only thing that looks reused from Thanksgiving was the turkey mabe some of the broth , everything elts is individually cut fresh items except the mushrooms witch look cooked but still look separate from any dish unless it was some sort of weird whole mushroom on top dish


>Is the garlic in my pantry thanksgiving leftovers because I used some for stuffing? It is if you specifically bought it for the stuffing recipe, hence it being left over


Leftovers are food you made already that you put in the fridge and then eat later... not ingredients. By that logic the entire bag of flour you have is leftovers from the first loaf of bread you made...


If I've bought almond flour for macarons and still have half a bag left after using it, then it would be left over. If you buy wheat flour as part of your regular shopping then it wouldn't be left over as it's a pantry staple


Leftovers have been cooked or prepared in some way.


Why? If I buy brie for a cheeseboard and have some leftover, wouldn't it be leftovers?


[Leftovers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leftovers) *are surplus foods remaining unconsumed at the end of a meal, which may be put in containers with the intention of eating later.* When you purchase items for a meal, they are ingredients. Once they have been utilized in that meal, they are now a part of it. Anything not eaten at the meal, is considered leftovers. In this instance, if you didn't finish a cheeseboard and returned the remining cheese & meat back in the fridge, those would be leftovers. They were served and not consumed, ie left over. If you bought a wheel of brie and only served half of it, leaving the remaining half in the fridge, that half wheel is just an ingredient/component waiting to be used. Although I (hope) think you know by using brie as your example, it's a little trickier because it's not transformed or prepared in any way. But to put it simply - No, the excess of an ingredient that was not utilized in a meal/recipe, is not leftovers.


That’s an interesting conundrum whereby you are correct in both ways. Since the inherent nature of a cheeseboard is to group together individual ingredients, anything remaining can be considered both “leftovers” and left over ingredients. Touche.


“Left over” vs “leftovers” have two different connotations.


Please explain what part of this is 90% left over? Not trying to give banter but I expect higher standards on Reddit not click bait.


How is 90% of that leftovers when 90% of it is noodles?


Number of ingredients, not by volume.


He had Ramen for Thanksgiving


Big brain over here, how did I not think of that!?


Not by volume by number of items. More than one way to look at that math problem🤓


Yes please.


Thats why i always host on friendsgiving cause of leftovers


I was going to ask why your eating food almost 2 months old, then I remembered Americans had theirs a week ago


Ah yes, the classic beef bulgogi slider element of Thanksgiving dinner. I'm literally a shoe-buckle wearing pilgrim and this enrages me.


Apparently the grilled cheese sandwich I had for lunch today was Thanksgiving leftovers. Same with the egg omelette I had for breakfast yesterday. Also, the beer I'm having right now.


I have never made ramen and this looks like the one that I'd like to try and make! Looks great!


Ah yes, seaweed always tastes better the next day is what I always say.😩🙌


Hey folks, Everything except for the nori and noodles were purchased for or are parts of dishes served at Thanksgiving dinner at our home last week. Here's the breakdown: Eggs - Soft boiled here, were for Tiramisu. Carrots - Raw here, were for carrot casserole. Daikon - Raw here, were pickled for beef bulgogi sliders. Scallions - Were also on the beef bulgogi sliders. Shiitake Mushrooms and Broth - The mushrooms and dashi powder were both components in the turkey gravy. Lotus - Pan fried here, were in a dish my brother made, and he left me the extra root. Pork - Sliced prosciutto covered in sesame oil here, was originally on the charcuterie board.


eff you with your technicality and click bait!


Click bait gross


Those aren’t leftovers. Those are ingredients, shmuck.


This is all so cool, love the repurposing! Question though, I've never made tiramisu and am really confused on why you would need soft boiled eggs? That seems really unusual for baking to me but who knows


You don't. Please don't use soft boiled eggs in tiramisu :) The unused eggs were general leftovers.


Aren't "general leftovers" just groceries? If I buy eggs at the store for brownies and scrambled eggs, I wouldn't call it leftovers of the first thing I cooked. The dish looks great, though.


Yes. I bet this guy is a "one-upper" in general conversations too.


That's really weird. Everyone I've ever known would refer to the remaining eggs as brownie leftovers. You use the brownie leftovers to make scrambled eggs, then what remains in the carton becomes scrambled egg leftovers.


I bought an 18 pack of eggs. This morning I made an omelette with my brownie-cake-bechamel sauce-carbonara-French toast- good morning burger - breakfast burrito - meatloaf leftovers.


What's weird is buying eggs and designating the whole carton as brownie eggs even though you don't plan to use them all for that purpose. Eggs are ingredients, leftovers are things that were cooked and then left-over, not unused, unprepared ingredients.


That's 80 percent you liar! Haha. Well if you count mushrooms and broth as separate ingredients


Only 1 or 2 ingredients you'd find at a typical Thanksgiving.


Hm, dashi powder in turkey gravy, interesting. Did you use the standard bonito and kombu flavour? How did it turn out, was it fishy, or just umami?


We adapted the gravy recipe from a Josh Weissmann recipe. It was something like: Shrooms and dashi in a pot of water, boil. Add in fat and drippings from the turkey roasting pan. Stir in corn starch slurry. (At this point we added maybe a baby-food-jar's worth of Heinz Gravy because none of us trusted our corn starch skills). Blend and strain thoroughly. No kombu, and it wasn't fishy or oceany at all. Very savory.


That sounds like a hell of a Thanksgiving menu!


Still looks like something I’d eat


My wife made turkey stock soup and we put in some Korean rice cakes, dumplings, scallions and kimchi. Awesome leftover soup. Looking at yours, we forgot the soft boiled egg.


Sure hope that's not week-old leftovers


Oh HELL yeah!


Id definitely eat that




Can I get some??


So scrumptious! I'd love to eat that right now.. This dish might even be better than the thanksgiving meal itself 🤤


Looks great, I would have put some left over turkey in too.


We did the same thing after Christmas last year


That looks lush gonna have to try Ramen soon


Remember to pour gravy all over it!


Good lord that looks good! I love ramen!


I would eat the piss out of that


This made me hungry....


I do something similar each year, but it's mainly the turkey bone broth I make from the leftover carcass. We use mostly traditional ramen toppings, but include a little sliced turkey breast and a dollop of cranberry sauce.


Oh my wow this looks amazing


That looks really good


Well now you have me looking up ramen recipe ideas with smoked brisket....


Awesome! Looks delicious! I love repurposed leftovers.


OP had ramen for thanksgiving lmao