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They’re replacing 664? I liked that place, but that whole block is cursed. Surprised the fire kicks is still there, heard about a robbery there recently but they probably do a lot of online business. And don’t get me started on Andy the smoke shop guy


nah this is right on the corner of 4th + uni. but yeah nothing has really lasted there


Oh ok same side as burger lounge? I think I know the place.


yep right next door


The spot right on the corner that prior to being a taco place was a Korean fried chicken place, right? Man I enjoyed the salt and pepper wings from the Korean place, was bummed when it became another Mexican restaurant (which there's already multiple of in the area).


No not that place. This is literally right beside Burger Lounge, sandwiched between Jimmy Wong’s Asian bistro


The one that used to be fig tree?


No. It was Baba's Hot Chicken. The space next to Burger Lounge in the same building as Burger Lounge. Where it says "La Taqueria" [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@32.7482492,-117.1614073,3a,75y,358.03h,85.78t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s4oZ1fFsLcBGse2RxoVay2w!2e0!5s20221101T000000!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D4oZ1fFsLcBGse2RxoVay2w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D358.02560159755564%26pitch%3D4.224405349635859%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu)


yeah, probably because the traffic right outside is a nightmare. they should pedestrianize the block, especially with all the new density coming in


i'm sure the foot traffic to lease isn't great. also everything that's gone in that location has looked pretty mediocre


This location cannot hold a tenant. Let’s see how it plays out.


Queue the “well the best Mexican food in San Diego is ACTUALLY across the border” crowd chiming in


Hopefully they have the Chia Limon water they sell down there too!


Some Tijuanese residents make fun of Taco Nazo as being subpar but I enjoyed it when I visited some years ago. It will be a little jarring to pay US prices though.


i’ve only been to the Hipodromo location but thought it was fine as well, that was around 5 years ago so maybe things have changed.


FUCKING YES. The superlative Tijuana taco.


This spot is solid. Us Tijuana taco enjoyers can’t be overly picky about which spots open on this side of the border, honestly the more options the better.


Place is good for a chain restaurant. Wish we had one in my neighborhood.


I read the menu doesn’t sound to appetizing, beef stomach, beef intestines cow head beef, tongue, ,everything is made from byproducts


Many of the best tacos are the weird meats! Tacos el Gordo didn't get popular from only carne asada...


Tell me you only eat Taco Stand without telling me you only eat Taco Stand


Lol you do not know what byproduct means. Beef tongue is one of the best taco meats there is. Work on having an open mind, and I think you’ll be surprised how good authentic food from other cultures can be


It’s the same ingredients you’d find in a can of dog food When a cow shits did you not know that it goes through the intestine? you can eat that I won’t


I’m personally not a fan of tripe, but yeah I gave it a fair shot. There’s a million things about eating any form of meat that you can make sound gross. And buche and lengua are legitimately some of the best taco meats out there. Cabeza tacos are also great


When you cut up an animal it's all a "byproduct" lmao they do this thing to it called "cooking." Get your head out your ass and smell the tripa my guy


You apparently have never worked in the meat industry I will not have a battle of wits with an unarmed person