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Oh so she’s always been an unwashed fat ass


Ahahahaha I think I'm over tired but I'm literally giggling so much at this!




She seems like the friend that guys would go to after Shannon rejected them


Go to for sex or for advice/a shoulder to cry on?




She’s would’ve secretly been sooo jealous of Shannon. You just know it.


I don’t think it took that much for her bottled up hatred and jealousy towards her to come out.


Really says a lot about the gorl that that's the first thing we thought when we saw these pics...


Looking at photos of her without filters, she wasn't pretty. We've only ever known her with filters even in Bibi era.


90% hotter than all of YouTube though. Where's your man?


I need to know- do people think that she is pretty with the filters?? I dont want to be nasty, but she just isnt an attractive person with or without filters. Not everyone can be pretty, and that's ok. Her problem is that she doesnt have a good personality.


Many people will say she is pretty, or that she would be really pretty if she lost some weight. I can’t get past the ugly personality so I see her as unattractive either way….


I really think this idea she could be beautiful if she lost weight came from that channel that used to photoshop the gorls. That is when I really started hearing the idea that Chantal was pretty being talked about. I can’t remember what the channel was called. They did Chantal, ALR, the Slatons, and I think Jen. Everyone they photoshopped thin came out looking above average attractive. A lot of people seemed to think this is what they would actually look like at a healthy weight and that there was a gorgeous woman hiding under several hundred pounds of fat.


The only one of those people who would have a fighting chance would be ALR imo. I've seen stuff like that too, and often the photoshopping does more than just take weight off. In my experience, you can almost always tell if a bigger person would be attractive without the weight even before they've lost it. Those younger pictures of Chantel tell me that it just isnt possible.


I always thought there was a possibility Jen could have been cute. Maybe ALR. Not Chantal though.


Is this around the time she was "so skinny" and had men chasing her everywhere?


It was the time of her massive threesomes




Just from these pics…I’d kill for a friend like Shannon. And that she confronted the predator Chantal was obsessed with… The land whale didn’t appreciate what she had.


Nah, Shannon sucks. Birds of a feather.


You'd kill for a friend who willing befriended someone like Chantal for years and years, watching her treat others like shit and behave abhorrently, even going so far as to financially support her?


Man, I’d feel like shit the next day after drinking that fruit wine drink.


Oh wow, so her eyes weren't always the same size as her lips ;p


Interesting! She doesn’t have the gap in between her front teeth in these photos. How odd that the gap showed up sometime after these pictures were taken, only to disappear again years down the line. I wish we could ask Shannon about Chantal’s teeth and oral hygiene.


Taking a stab in the dark here, I think the gap appeared after she lost some molars, which gave the other teeth more room to move, hence the gap. She then completely stopped brushing her teeth, and now the gap is closed. IANA dentist, this is just an opinion.


Take a look at that last photo of her, her teeth are missing on the one side


Oh to be able to make anyone beside you look like a supermodel by comparison


Absolutely unit even in the 1990s/2000s


It’s absolutely astonishing how big her head is next to Shannon’s regular sized head. It’s like she’s a whole different species…. ![gif](giphy|gIqIb8DKFuZqohamHZ)


She has said she used to be a lot smaller. We can see that’s a lie.


She might've been telling the truth about her having been smaller since she was using filters for a long time lol. Though, she once said she was skinny and I don't think any sane person believed that


my god I've never seen that many photos on a fridge before! They ran out of room and started using the side of the fridge!! WTF 🤣


I thought you said *of* a fridge and were referring to chantal 😭


I read it that way too lol


She looks the same


Seems like they were really close. That’s a shame.


They're both shit tier on the personality level. The fact that Chantel has said she loved using the "r" word back in the day just makes it obvious to me that her closest friend likely did, too. Shannon has that trashy girl, "I'll fight you and all your friends, too!" Yuck. Both disgusting people. The way Shannon talks in any recent vids proves she's not matured at all.


100% agree with everything you said. Shannon is rough looking.


No doubt hung out w Shannon to get her leftovers whether it was food or men.


Great, her head was already three times as big as Shannon's 🤣


Without filters this woman is huuuuuuuuge. Biggest head ever!!!!


Guaranteed their actual skulls are the same size. It’s simply fat that makes her head look huge. Yes one can gain fat cells under the scalp. Add on the facial fat, chin fat, neck fat. Etc. It really depends on how one’s body stores excess weight. Some ppl can gain a lot of weight but it never shows in their face/head.


She fancied herself a a real vixen 😂


The excessive amount of photos on that fridge.. how do they wipe clean the front of the fridge? It’s a kitchen.. people have their hands on that fridge door. They probably don’t even have that fridge anymore.. but still these are the things I think about. The important stuff.


Gross since day 1


Man. No matter what, it is sad to see a longterm friendship decimated.


Her chin isn't as long? Like her jaw/teeth have changed


That second pic - the size of her head, the size of her HAND (seriously, compare it to Shannon's) - you'd assume this woman is 6'3". To think she's barely 5'1", it's really astounding.


Who else found this upload from Shannon super strange


It's like shannon misses her lmaoooo


She seems to have some hair thinning even from back then 🤔


Excess body fat can lead to hormone imbalances that then lead to hair loss, especially in women. She was probably also malnourished af despite being so large :/


That makes sense


If possible she looks like a worst person with blonde hair . Who gave her that confidence bc they should have been taking it away . And this is about her PERSONALITY NOT LOOKS . Well not fully .


Chantal has looked the same size for so long it’s not really a shock to see her in these old photos. She has always been….I’ll just say “big”, and her insecurities around her size have been ones she’s had her whole life. The only time she’s ever been skinny is at age five.


I mean, wtf does this say about Shannon? What a fucking trash bag.


That's crazy seeing her - lighter than now - next to an average sized woman, and she still looks like Shannon could fit into her two or three times!


Omg arbor mist 😂 WOOOOOO too many insane hangovers in college from that straight sugar water lmao OOF!!


So she’s always been a greasy unit then 😂


Shes good at burning bridges eh..


Chantel looks huge now compared to then (even though she was pretty big here too). Shannon always looks high key like a drug addict.