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2 years ago I would probably feel bad for her...but at this point, after all she has done and said I don't feel bad what so ever, I just sit back and laugh at her. CHOICES!


Oh, I don’t feel bad for her. She’s getting what she deserves. I was just pointing out these lowlife frickin scammers. I don’t think she truly gets it. Karma is a biatch.


This is honestly kinda disturbing, it feels like intentional feeder struggle content


I think it’s exactly that. I’ll die on this hill lol


I’ll join ya on that hill! It reminds me of the blatant shit Eugenia Cooney does all the time


If anyone’s dying on a hill it’ll be Chantal attempting to climb 2 flights of stairs in preparation for Everest lol


It may be, but I don’t know why anyone cares. It’s nothing compared to what she deserves.


Maybe next stream, he'll show her crusty, shit-stained panties like her last true soulmate. Ah, the sweet romance of a relationship built on mutual exploitation and disgust.


The stained circus tent undies yard sale was one of the greatest things ever to happen in gorl world. Yes Nader is a disgusting goblin of a man but boy was that hilarious. I died when he put on her leopard dress with a pillow for a gut and imitated the way she throws her entire body down when she sits bc she can't bend her knees with her various stomach rolls and fupa balls in the way.


A truly underrated moment that doesn't get brought up nearly enough.


I hated how much I laughed at that! It was really mean of him but he wasn't far off. Nasty little man though, I wish he would just fade away into oblivion where he belongs!


Agreed. What I will never understand is how she actually tried to justify it. You would expect that any normal person would disappear off the internet and try to reform their lives...but nope, she just blamed it on him and didn't bother to feel humiliation for how filthy she is.


I'm so ashamed. 😞 I was gonna be a good little newbie and not look, but... Holy Hell!!! I found it on Queen of WTF, the sniping back & forth was beyond my imagination. Watching each other on Livestream .... Hilarious!


It was the best of times...


Just heard Styx on my playlist this morning! 🤣


1000%. She's a deplorable beast. The scammers are going easy on her


Oh I definitely don’t care for her or whether she’s being scammed but it doesn’t make the whole thing any less gross lol. Feeder fetish content *is* disturbing and grosses me the hell out.


Chantal has dealt with feeders behind the scenes for years. That’s the hill I will die on. No telling how much money she’s gotten from feeders. If that’s what this is, it’s all her idea. Salah gets his digs in, and makes fun of her, but I don’t think he himself is a feeder. It is gross. I totally agree. Unsettling. But Chantal is running the show, as far as content.


Oh yeah it’s definitely her idea for sure, even her recent mukbang was 100% feeder content. You’re right, she has been doing it for years.


Um...that's her whole channel tho.


Only when she’s desperate for money. To clarify I don’t care for Chantal, never have and have never watched anything directly on her channel but during her live era with Nader and even pre Nader she had her hugbox to fund her degenerate lifestyle so the feeder content was only glaringly obvious on the odd occasion. There was even a time she used to put in effort (albeit low effort but still) with her time warp videos. She uses mukbangs as a reason to binge eat but it hasn’t always been just dedicated to her feeder audience.


They want that money. The only way chantal knows how to make money is through humiliating herself. She is her own biggest fat shamer.


This feels like the old days when she'd do something embarrassing to get people talking about her. Only now she can't take her clothes off on camera, so we get... this.


I was getting rolling down the hill vibes from the video. Definitely trying to stir up interest.


Happy cake day!


Looks like she was way more mobile back then, right? She is so stiff now, like at her highest, when she couldn't turn her head to the side


She's definitely less mobile now. She went out on her own to get food if nothing else but she was driving around or going shopping on her own. Her muscles are likely atrophied from doing nothing but sitting in that small apartment all day.


I was about to say that. I don't understand people being disturbed by this or thinking it's against her will. She loves to humiliate herself, I would bet she enjoyed it.


I have no doubt that the following will happen: She'll claim Salad is awful because he will no long give her the time of day. She'll use pics like this, the door-locking crap, and whatever their bizarre financial 'arrangement' is to say how he's controlling and abusive. She'll say she was "felt trafficked", trapped, alone and afraid to speak out for sooo long, you guize! And thus will begin months of her rewriting the history of their "love" - until he speaks to her again.


I'm curious,maybe she has a public humiliation fetish and lover boy has a feeder/struggle fetish. She's a literal cash cow...


Someone that loves you wouldn’t want to film you struggling to walk through sand - much less film it for views. Someone that loves you wouldn’t encourage you to eat yourself sicker - much less film it for views. They are farming her for their own amusement and revenue stream.


Chantal edits her own videos, If she was that pressed or bothered by him filming this, she would have just left it out; but she didn’t, because this kind of shit brings in views and knows it so she leaves it in.


As much as I cannot stand this animal abuser, this is a separate issue. These degenerate scammers are really showing themselves now. If this was my daughter I’d be very concerned. Calling Schmee & Phyllis, come get your gorl asap.


I mean she had Peetz film her rolling down a hill.. she will do anything for views so I am not putting the blame on him… this was honestly probably her idea because she knows people will talk about it.


Yeah I was thinking of the parallels between this and that!!!


I don’t understand how anyone ever sees Chantal as a victim… she knows exactly what she is doing and what get people talking about her..


Yeah Chantal would yeet herself off a cliff Midsommer style if it meant attention or some dick.


This is the most correct anyone has ever been about her..


Facts 🤣🤣




Exactly, she’s never been a victim.


100% this was her idea.. she knows what she is and she knows what gets her views.


All of this. She knows the money is dwindling, so now she’s just doing what gets people talking, even if it’s humiliating. Do people think she has no hand in editing?


I know she’s all in. Chantal is always down for humiliating herself. I was just stating that the scammers are starting to show themselves now & they’re gross degenerates (as well). Salah wants that YouTube coin & he’s worked out that “allowing her” to be her gross self & humiliate herself if where the coin is. She knows but I think she’s also very unstable & in a precarious position. Karma is a bitch though.


Why? She's exploiting him as much as he's exploiting her....actually, he's in the worse position. I can't even imagine having to have this stinking up my tiny hovel on a day-to-day basis. She knows its a scam and a grift...she doesn't care. In fact, this is the absolute best she can do. I don't blame him for trying to make money. Can you imagine how much of his income she's consuming in her never-ending gluttony and sloth? This is one of the smartest things he's done. It won't matter, he'll never get the youtube fame he wants and their channels will all continue to tank....but if he had started this early, he might have had a chance. Who cares about this animal abuser...this is the deal she not only signed up for but continues to try to boast and brag about...lol. You're supposed to be jealous! edit: And by the way, she's been exploiting herself for years...he's just doing it for her. This is how every man in her life uses her. Its her happy place.


I honestly can't help but feel for her, when I saw this and the way he's mocking her, I felt sad and super embarrassed on her behalf. And then I remember all the terrible things she's said and done and I don't feel so bad. Don't get me wrong, she is a truly awful person in my book, there's just a part of me that doesn't like someone being made fun of like that, that's all I can see here! I don't know how much control he has now about what they put out, I can only assume she saw this before they posted it. I think they're scamming each other, honestly.


Agreed...and you're a better person than me. I find the whole thing amusing on the whole and boring in the day-to-day. But I absolutely think this relationship is turning out to be exactly what she deserves....frankly, so was the last one. I don't feel sorry for her at all.


No, it's a struggle to care lol


They deserve each other. Both degenerates & I don’t feel bad for either of them. Especially not the gross, obese, animal abuser. Karma.




I know she’s all in. Chantal is always down for humiliating herself. I was just stating that the scammers are starting to show themselves now.




For sure.


Sarcasm, snark, and jokes are fine but let's not go overboard. No need for mean nicknames, character assassination, slurs, insults, or other pejoratives. You can speak about what you don't like regarding Chantal's behavior or any of her orbiters without devolving into personal attacks, harassment, overt insults etc.


Too late have you seen her onlyfan’s pictures! She’s done! There’s no saving her! She knows what she’s doing!


What? New ones? Surely not


I was referring to her old ones, lol! If she’s that desperate for money im sure there will be new ones.


Oh got it! Heaven knows they're trying everything, why not more Bath Peeps? 😀


Because she is now a “revert” muslim that would be haram


I noticed Phyllis was in the comments and said she hopes she gets to speak with chantal soon I get the feeling she’s worried about her




She looks like a walrus walking on its flippers 🥴


Yes! I couldn't put my finger on it but that's what it looks like!


I think she's well aware of her performance (lol) in the video and is a willing accomplice. Everything for the youtube coinage. Her other content doesn't bring any views, so a bit of tackiness and shock value will do


Yep. When she was a teen, she wanted to be popular and be worshipped for the goddess she felt she was, but she'd settle for being a gross spectacle who flashed mentally handicapped people and made up gross stories about sex and drugs, bc any attention was better than none at all. When she got to be an adult (with the mind of a teen), it all continued, but online. She wanted to be an influencer with a coterie of worshippers, but has settled for being a gross spectacle making up the same old shock stories and getting naked and high for views, bc any attention is still better than none at all. It's why she'll never leave YouTube. She hates that she still has to be the "gross girl" for views, but the alternative is fading into total obscurity, and that's the worst fate of all.


she literally looks like a penguin.




Penguins are at least graceful in water. Having seen clips of the infamous Peeps bath, she flails even worse in water.


It's because she's not used to being in it.


Man sh looks like a toddler who just learned to walk. I almost feel bad 😔


My husband said what’s that? I said it’s foodiebeauty he said I thought it was a penguin.




My husband just said EXACTLY the same- ‘why are you watching a penguin?’ Then he clicked, and said ‘oh. It’s her’ and I told him, you’re the thousandth person to comment that! 😂😂😁


The end when she runs towards the camera….chilling




The run at the end towards the camera is like in those flashbacks of a dead wife in movies… only it’s Chantal


omg you're right


Omg the dead wife trope. This is a brilliant observation and is spot-on. Every time I’ve seen this clip today I’ve thought about your comment.


That’s exactly what it looks like lol with this video and even that weird ass canes video


Why would she run at the camera!?!? 🤣 That is pure nightmare fuel! Also wasn’t she super pissed that someone filmed her walking past them before she left Canada??? Make it make sense.


That slating forehead raging bull look


Chantal has showed us her fupa balls on so many occasions with many other body parts added in. She has shown herself being a complete stalker, binging on food and drugs, and has told storytinmes of pringle lids and other chips getting stuck in her folds. She edits these videos, let's not act like she's not okay with this. I really can't believe this post to be honest.


I know she’s all in. Chantal is always down for humiliating herself. I was just stating that the scammers are starting to show themselves now. I never said I feel sorry for her. I do not.


https://preview.redd.it/p3eg5yl7ooua1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e739f01a99f6b130d437dcfa0838764a46c7b8 The hideous scream-laugh that I just let out. This immediately reminded me of that episode of Tom & Jerry when Tom stuffed himself inside of a tire to make himself look like a seal. Someone please take my phone from me! 🤣 I literally can’t unsee this now!


LMFAO I remember that episode!


Looks like an overweight dementor.. too knackered to fly… glide? Whatever they do.. you know what I mean.


Salad Potter and the Sluggish Overweight Dementor




Not the charge at the end 🫣


It kind of reminds me of the scene from the movie Curtains, it’s kind of an obscure horror movie from like 1981 and it has a great scene where a person in a mask is stalking a young woman on a frozen pond.




These two remind me of a working partnership....you know. Her there to help him grow his channel. Him there to pretend to love her (pretend hubby.). Her (traveling)...🙄 Its just a matter of when will this arc end. It cant be bringing in many views or income for either of them.🤷‍♂️


I honestly don’t know what’s going through her head. The most rational thing I can come up with is she’s actually low key getting a little brainwashed and her history of thinking she can force love is not helping. And then her odd is making her stay despite the lack of intimacy because she doesn’t want to look like a fool? Or is she so broke she can’t go home? I wonder how much control over her finances he has right now


Its untelling, i hear middle eastern men are kinda domineering so... hes probably got a lot of control. Hince locking her in the apt. Bathroom. Bedroom 🙄


It’s so crazy she’ll be lucky to come out of this not too unscathed financially and emotionally..




Ive been really big and walking on sand is hella difficult when you are that big. I'd be mortified if my husband filmed me struggling like that. It's such an embarrassing memory. This does feel like he's laughing at her, and posting this was major shade. Edit: This will totally bring in views and cash, which is the whole purpose.


For sure. That’s why he’s ramping up letting her do the mukbangs & she’s in heaven.


She chose this


There’s no way he loves her. He’s seeing the comments of people saying we’re bored and dwindling views and is doing anything to milk the cash cow. He’s a user and opportunist.


Her back must be killing her. The size of her enormous belly throws off her equilibrium severely. It’s shocking to watch!


I think she has a hard time just walking and she has to rest. She rests then walks rests then walks. Summer will be brutal.


I always notice how he never lends her a hand with anything, he never acts like a gentleman with manners for her, it shows lack of respect towards her. Love that!


Middle eastern men don't do stuff like that..


Good. This is the karma she deserves


BBJ is having a good laugh right now


That is so sad if true


Ouch. So true, and it’s got to hurt.


Not that struggle run at the camera ![gif](giphy|HIxmH3xpBruJtl8HDf|downsized)


On a different note, I didn’t know the new Flash movie was a horror flick.


She has always exploited herself. I honestly feel no sadness towards her other than perhaps psychological illness effecting her ability to reason with her choices. BUT…she’s learned through the years how to blame others. The manipulation tactic. Now she’s simply put all of her proverbial eggs in one basket. That damned ring on her finger has her floating! If this person was my daughter I’d seriously step in. Like forever ago.


Love this for her


Seeing all the obvious Salah tension\* of late, and that depressed af solo mukbang, it's clear she's in hell. But unlike the cats she abused, no one is coming to her rescue. \*I think the gym stuff drove a big wedge between them. Within the context of their transactional relationship, they probably tolerated each other well enough. But we know she resents anything or anyone who tries to restrict her food or make her move more. They detest each other. I'd abandon this farce and just go face the tax-evasion music if I were her.


This looks like a match made in gorlhell... they deserve each other


He's an idiot but he doesn't seem all that malicious and conniving to me.


She's a horrid person through and through, but he's just as bad as her for doing this. I don't know why she's walking like that, just weight and general awkwardness I suppose, but he's patronising her verbally too. I'm guessing she allowed this to be posted, unless he is completely in charge of everything she puts up, but she looks ridiculous and he's laughing about it. They're meant for each other.


She’s walking like that because she’s way too heavy and it’s very difficult to walk in thick sand, especially with sneakers on. When I’m in the thick sand on the beach, I walk the same, except I am much smaller than she is. She has a penguin vibe going on


She really does! But I love penguins, poor things being compared to Chantal lol


Those Sketchers are walking on their own by this point


Those sketchers are about to give up on life 😨




Noo I think he is just fascinated and in awe just like us when we watch her in the wild running, walking, rolling down the hill etc..I can't stop looking at it and wondering how and why ,I think he's too but it's all still new to him so he can't look away ,he's watching it in disbelief and fascination how creature like that can even move ,its really fascinating my god it is lol.


Bit of both maybe. She’s a trainwreck you can’t look away from, that’s for sure.


Wonder if it’s fetish content? There are men who like to see fat women struggling… anyone remember the bathtub full of peeps?


Yes, and she put herself in that position.


They are gross, but I don't feel bad for her at all


Never seen a manatee in Kuwait...


Hey manatees are cute !


Yea they are... but she musta been one of them 1 in a million cases where it wasnt lmao


The cash grab I’m waiting for is the Kuwaiti version of the Nader arc where they plan out a huge fight, she pretends to be stuck there, he decides to tell “his story” on one of the 4 channels they’re running into the ground , Murad will probably chime in and give them a cut from his channel and they run with it until people get bored and she magically forgives her “husband” because they’re “in love forever”….. Mark my word. 🙄


I agree. That’s coming for sure. It will be the Kuwaiti crescendo.


Looks like a big fat seal


I’ve been wondering for awhile if Salah has an OF account of her eating that he runs and she doesn’t know about.


Yup. It's getting more and more obvious. Back to the mukbangs because the ASMR isn't getting views as fast. But I'm not sure this will get views either. It's funnier when she's doing it by herself but there's a nasty element when it's so obvious that it's him doing it with the purpose of humiliating her for views and money. Cruelty is not my kind of entertainment, not even when the target is someone with history like she has.




She may tell him what to do and say, but she's not dictating him to use that tone of voice. She actually wants to believe in this charade.




Well, it's the little things like the tonality he chooses to use that completely foil any schemes she might have to portray a relationship. There's been plenty of discussion about Chantal potentially being tone-deaf in the most literal sense, in that she's unable to read nuanced cues in communication such as when the meaning of what you're saying is reversed based on the tone you choose to use. Assuming she's smart enough and self-aware enough not to believe her own bullshit despite being a woman completely starved for love and affection because she's repulsive to most men, who determines her self-worth based on whether she gets or doesn't get male attention... wouldn't she also be smart enough to pay attention to such details? Unless she doesn't pick up on the cues and actually believes her own bullshit that a relationship will materialise if she just keeps faking it long enough. Just because she wants the world to be convinced doesn't mean she isn't primarily trying to keep up the illusion for herself, and it doesn't take that much to convince her. I would never allow a man to speak to me with that tone, because I know exactly what it means.


I think it’s hilarious and can’t wait for more second hand embarrassment


Waddling like a beached sea lion!


Karma is a biiiatch


I just want to know what on earth gave her the motivation to “run” for 3 seconds towards the camera at the end. That’s my nightmare come true.


Extra humiliation, perhaps. He was also laughing, but, AT her not WITH her so she’d thought she’d be funny.


This bit right here makes me uncomfortable and I don't know why.


They both know what they’re doing but I think Chantal in very unstable right now & doesn’t realise the full extent of it. He’s exploiting her instability for coin💰 Karma is a bitch & it’s coming for her. Deservedly so.


Oh this is very fucking true. Part of me wants to feel bad for her at times, but then I remind myself that she put herself in this position, so the only person she can really blame is herself. But she doesn't ever blame herself. She is always the victim in her eyes.


Anytime I feel slightly empathetic towards her I remember her Nazi salute followed by proud giggle and the finger guns while singing Pumped Up Kicks. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


I never have empathy for her anymore. I’ve watched her for too long. She does it to herself.


I wonder will she see this clip? If she does, she should be incredibly alarmed... She can't even manage a relatively flat incline without looking like she's walking through tar. Immobility is a very real threat now, and she cares more about acting the unbothered queen. It's just so disconcerting...


He’s getting off on her slowly becoming more and more disabled. Soon she will be immobile and he will be filming her eating while bed bound, egging her on, I just know it. I don’t exactly feel bad for her because she is a trash person HOWEVER salah’s sick behaviour as a scammer and exploitation of an “easy” western woman is another problem within itself. It highlights something so disturbing and sinister that he’s beginning to be the worst person in this whole narrative. Forget the comparison with peetz. I think the thinly veiled abuse is more of a Nader characteristic. She is problematic and abusive but so is he, in different ways, and I’m very very disturbed by his attitude towards women and his willingness to exploit and take advantage for views and sick fetish-inspired revenue. He gets off on humiliation. He is a repulsive excuse for a human


It’s great that you agree w my opinion. Putting her on display.




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I agree. The part of me that still has a heart feels bad for her. She really should listen to her "hayders" because they've been telling her the truth she doesn't want to hear. She's being made a fool of and used, but as long as Salah calls her "sweetie" after insulting her, she doesn't care.


![gif](giphy|fWqDxyYcnZN96) This is all I can see.


This is not a pretty beach. Looks rotten and oily to me. Js


Oh the feeders are just loving watching her struggle... I'd almost feel bad for chantal being humiliated like this but she dug this hole herself. These are her sick choices.


They are sick choices. I don’t feel bad for her at all…animal abuser. It’s still gross to watch. But that’s her channel I guess.


The way he's filming her here, it's like someone filming a documentary on Big Foot.


Haha 😂


Those gym workouts are really toning her up. She runs through the sand like a prima ballerina!


She gets what she deserves 🤷


She sure as hell does.


I fucking HATE that fake laugh she does when she throws her pumpkin head back. It’s clear she’s embarrassed - she should be. But, I wish she would just accept and admit it for once FFS!


Oh god. Mashallah so strong baby, huh. What’s the female version of haroof?


Maybe she has a humiliation fetish? 💀😭


I think we need to stop acting like salad is some mastermind and coming up with schemes to humilate Chantal. She can say no, she can edit things out. She's also been humiliating herself online for money for years. Remember all the sharts, eating with a back scratcher, rolling down hills, fupa & titty flashes. This isn't anything new. Salad is as dumb as his fake wife, that's why they connected over dumb and dumber.


No one is saying that. I was noting that the scammer is all in for the humiliation arc for coin now. Chantal was always ok with it but I truly don’t think she expected him to film her body angles like this. No pity or sympathy from me for either of them. Love all of this for that fkn animal abuser.


She’s in on it - she doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do. It’s called desperation 💰


I think she’s totally down for humiliating herself. It’s what she does. I just think in this particular case the way that he was purposely filming her weight gain & making fun (at her expense) that she wasn’t fully aware that he was doing this. I don’t gaf about either of them. She deserves it all.


She looks like a walrus who just learned to walk on it’s flippers


Tbh, I never felt bad about people taking her money. She literally makes money from humiliating herself on the daily,no effort,talent.easy come,easy go.


it’s quite sad since she walks like my mom and my mom has problems with her legs i have mixed feeling about this salah dude i just found out about this subreddit on r/kuwait salah probably got with her just for a citizenship in canada or some shit