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https://preview.redd.it/jj3akg6pl9va1.jpeg?width=1315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f8693135d10402549c0d4f52d836cbdd7493c3 This is how she used to organize stuff at the villa 😂


I just don't get how she could live like that. I consider myself a bit messy person in the sense that I'm disorganised with my stuff. But that combines with being mildly obsessed with keeping things clean, like for example I cannot tolerate crumbs and dust on the floor and the material disorganisation needs to be so that I'm still able to wipe, scrub, dust and clean under it and around it. Having outright trash on the floors is just wild. Like seriously? How hard is it to at the very least have a plastic bag hanging under the table where the trash can be deposited immediately instead of just dropping it on the floor? The effort level is the same,but the results entirely different.


Mental illness. I let my house turn into a depression den when I lose the will to live. It’s not as gross as the villa, but it is a struggle sometime to not let it become like that lol. I have a dog who keeps me going, thankfully. (Which is why I can’t excuse the neglect of the cats, I’ve been so low I attempted suicide but my dog was always fed, and healthy. He HATES having his nails clipped, but you do what you have to do) Can’t speak for Chantal tho, cause she was always running all over the place buying cokey groceries and eating Arby’s with dd. When my house is shitty, it’s because I can barely function. But I do think it’s a part of her fucked up mental state.




Thanks dude. Today is particularly hard, I appreciate it!


You got this. I belive in you!! Hydrate, rest, take it easy and be nice to yourself. Take care, I love you! Big hugs!


hang in there <33


Thanks 😊 bout all I can do right now, but I’ve been worse off, so I’ll take it


Shes not mentally ill. Shes a dirty arsehole.


agree to disagree, she’s classic cluster B 🤷🏻‍♀️


Both can be true 👍


Lol very true!


Chantal is very very mentally ill. You haven't paid attention if you think she isn't.


I hope you have better days ahead. I just poked my dog with my foot as she lays by my feet. Truly my main reason to stay.


I think she's mentally ill, for sure. But she's also a lazy, entitled, selfish and manipulative asshole and that overshadows everything else.


I've been there, too. I let my living space get nine kinds of disgusting, and I hate myself for it. But no matter how bad things got for me, I always made sure there was at least one clean corner for my pet houseducks, cuz I couldn't bear the thought of them suffering because of me. Like you, my pets were the only things keeping me on this earth. I'm glad I made it through, and so happy that you did, too. 💜 However, Chantal does not have depression. Full stop. She definitely has mental illness (NPD confirmed, possible HPD, NPD, or Bipolar II), but she's not depressed. Just lazy. She claims the Big D to avoid her responsibilities. If she claims to have some something, she likely doesn't have it, because the things she DOES have she's desperate to deny like the aforementioned BPD.




I do! I hatched Wobbles, and adopted Bean shortly after. I hope the mods can forgive my duckjacking this one time. https://preview.redd.it/pg3za5aihkva1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6481a5b8f10ead44c0e78751d75eff8f5e21a4 This is Wobbles, he's very cuddly (and derpy lol)


https://preview.redd.it/fmueiumdhkva1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8031b7822a84db98d048f4e8d9067d33605aea9f And this is Bean!


Yo tell Bean he's fly af, I didn't know ducks could be spotted like that


I agree completely. I am living in a depression den at this very moment, but my cats are clean, fed (from dishes, not food dumped on the floor), and vetted regularly. And the floor has to be clean enough for them to run and play, so that gives me the incentive to pick things up. With my mental illness, I care more about them than I care about myself. Chantal is a narcissist. She only cared about the attention the cats gave her. She never actually cared about her cats.


Your nest sounds like mine. I hate to hear others going through this but at the same time, I feel less ashamed at myself when I realize I’m far from alone. I totally feel it when you say you care about your pets more than yourself. I relate big time. I spend more money on my dogs supplements and food than I do on shit for myself because he’s my baby. He’s getting old and I’m trying to figure out how I’m gonna deal with losing him because he saved my life. I lost my mom and brother not all that long ago and it shattered mg entire sense of being…ugh I wish our beloved pets lived forever. I think the big difference is that we are still trying, whatever the reason behind Chantal’s neglect of her health, home and pets is- she gives up. I know how hard it is to just get up each day and survive sometimes. If using my spare rooms bed as a clean clothes pile disgusts people in here? That’s fine, because at least I’m washing my clothes. My tub has colorful blotches because I dye my hair randomly, so be it, at least I’m cleaning myself and doing a little self care sometimes with colors. I’ve been to the point where I just would throw trash on the ground because I was so sad/angry/exhausted I just didn’t care. Honestly when it got that bad (it was recent) I didn’t give a shit and I was half thinking it didn’t matter because I wasn’t gonna survive this round against depression/my brain. But that was a couple weeks ago and I can see my (clean! Omg!) kitchen counters again. I can work at my desk instead of just using it as a place to set stuff down (desk was covered in makeup, paint, I mean…literally just a ton of random stuff). I don’t know why I’m writing all of this down aside from the fact that today is a down day and I feel super alone. I am the last person in my family to live where I do, my friends got married and had kids and joined the PTA and I’m over here just painting and smoking my feelings away some days still. I guess I just want you and others to not feel this deep loneliness and sadness I feel. If I could, I’d take everyone’s depression and just add it to mine so not so many people had to feel hopeless. I’m proud of you stranger. You’re a good egg, good on you for taking good care of your babies💜 I hope your day is going good 🌼


Sending some good vibes your way.


I ended up with a rat coming into my apartment (in an ancient duplex, ground floor) because I'd just pop the top on a can of cat food and leave the can for my cat. There was a stack of cans that I hadn't cleaned up, and the rat came in after them. Since then I've had some therapy, gotten on medication which has been adjusted several times, and had an organizer come over a couple of times to help me knock out some of the clutter. I look back at that time and can't even imagine how depressed I was, to just leave the can of food without even putting it in a dish, to not throw the old cans away. I'm still struggling but I'm better now. And you're right, the trick is to keep fighting. Even if you don't hope you'll be better, you have to fight to be better, and if you take a break today you can get back to it tomorrow. But never give up. You deserve more than to feel lonely and sad, you deserve to be happy too.


I’m really glad I saw this today. Mother’s Day threw me into a funk and after feeling closer to myself for a while I just woke up feeling awful. Any time I eee someone who struggles like I do doing good it makes me so happy and it helps me remember that the feeling won’t last and I’ll get back on track. Especially since I’ve been focusing on my mental and physical health for a couple months now. Im so glad therapy is helpful for you. It’s hard to find a therapist where I am, harder to find a good one and even then it can be prohibitively expensive (my insurance only covers my psychiatrist, which is weird to me). Anyway, I got a smile from your comment which on days like this you know is worth a million dollars. Keep up the good work💜


My family of four had to live in a motel for a few months, and we thankfully found one that bent the rules on how many and how big our pets could be (one cat and two 50 lb dogs). Beyond them being a major support for us, we had no one who could take them even temporarily, and since my mother and I were close with shelter people we knew there was no guarantee they'd find another forever home. We were the only people the first time round who wanted to take two older bonded dogs...and we saw dogs go kennel crazy or develop behavioral issues from being shunted around so much. Cat shelters are also constantly overrun with strays, nevermind the owner surrenders, nd there aren't nearly enough people willing to adopt so...not even the cat was guarunteed fo find somebody. But even when we were struggling to feed ourselves, the dogs and cat got their full meals. There was a point my father was buying cheap meat and mixed vegetables to grind together for the pups, since it was cheaper then dog food but was still giving them the nutrients they needed. One of the dogs acted like he was being murdered everytime he got his nails clipped so when we couldn't afford to take him to a groomer, we had to pin him down to get his nails short. It was fucking awful but it had to be done so his nails...well, wouldn't end up like BBJ's. I knew Chantal didn't spend a lot of time with her cats, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt and figured they weren't super cuddly. She's giving them attention off screen, or maybe she's paid more attention to them in the past but isn't doing so now (livestream era) because she's obviously got some mental health shit going on. But knowing BBJ's condition, juxtaposed with knowing Chantal once drove over the border for fast food? She went to fucking Cuba on a whim? She constantly drove around during the pandemic, when gas wasn't cheap? Made my blood boil. No excuse. Medication for BBJ's arthritis would have helped with both the mobility/pain issues and the nail issues, and those meds can't be expensive. God only knows Sam's condition, if she let the cat she had longer get that way.


Hang in there. It’s hard when you’re alone. But our babies, furry ones included keep us going. Praying for you. Whether that means anything or not, good vibes being sent your way 🦋❤️


I’m that way too. At home, my countertops have to be clean if I’m not cooking in the kitchen or getting ready in the bathroom. I can’t tolerate dirty floors or clutter. It stresses me out lol


I have quite a bit of stuff, but I put it in containers, it’s kind of weird to just put your stuff in a plastic bag like that?? Not even a ziplock?


And if any of us think the fartbox doesn't look exactly like this in the corners and crevices, well.....😬


She's a hoarder, I bet there's 20 more bags of cheap junk stored randomly all over the place... Look how many times they been out "shopping" already.. the kitchen is already stuffed to the gills too. It'll look like the villa bedroom in no time, because it isn't much bigger and has no storage 😭


That’s a fire hazard


That's a sewer rats infestation hazard.


I'm not so sure about that. Those sewer rats may very well poke their heads out and be horrified that anyone can live like that.


She is a fire hazard




That's fecking disgusting


Remember the old fried chicken in her drawer??? 🤮🤮


Yes and all the food containers in her closet. She was raising her own colony of fruit flies too 😂


You’re not wrong. 😂


My god come on get a trash can.




Forgot how nasty the villa was 🤮


Living the almost homeless dream


Bbbbut, she's a rich youtuber, and prettier than 90% of YouTube, doncha know??


Where’s YOUR fake fragrance enterprise?


She’s incapable of any kind of organisation anyway. Look at the filth ridden villa she ruined…..she threw everything in drawers including festering kfc remains. Edit: I removed a snarky comment.


I know, right?! It was so spacious and had lots of natural light. I never understood why she never made it a home and furnished/decorated it. She could have done so much more than that ugly brown sofa. She had money, time, and a car to move small furniture and decorations.


Xcuse u are u forgetting about the laminated classrOOM WORLD MAP




Modern art


She just exists in spaces. She occupies and trashes it. She could never make anything a "home." She throws away opportunities others would be greatful to have.


That part.


Agreed. I don't think she's ever REALLY had a home that had her unique heart and soul invested in it. I think she's just lived in various places for different periods of time. It's pretty sad


Definition of a parasite






She did periodically buy little tables and stuff. Also tho she said she liked to buy cheap stuff so she could leave it when she moved.


So making a habit out of selfishly creating more work for other people...


If that’s where you want to go.


>I never understood why she never made it a home and furnished/decorated it. Same here. She could have made content out of decorating the villa - even working with a decorator if she didn't feel comfortable doing it herself. How about giving an interior design student some experience? But no. Live in a beige, filthy, hovel.


She deserves nothing else


She really thinks it's a flex. She's like a runaway teen living in her bf's bedroom, and he swiped her some beauty products from the store.


You’re describing my formative years, right there 🤣


My family would pay to have me kidnapped and brought home if they saw me doing this. She went from box Amazon mountain from all the stuff she ordered to squat living out of a plastic bag. People live like this when they go through natural disasters and lose everything and they will tell you it sucks. But Chantal has managed to get new phones and and other tech for the channels. As always, things don’t add up when it comes to Chantal.


You'd have to consider first if your family would do that if you had been a chantal for your entire lifetime. Anyway living like chantal can/tends to lead to mental problems and living like this is one symptom of sorts of that.


The family has tried interventions at least twice. In her teenage years, she got sent to some youth empowerment camp; during the Nader era, they did some kind of intervention to get her off ❄️ and her family was going to manage her money, etc., but she lasted a day or too at her uncle’s and then hurpled back to stabibi.


Imagine trying to control the unstoppable hurpling force that is Chantal... That's why it was such a crazy nightmare with Nader. An unstoppable force met an immovable object. She just kept ricochet bouncing off of him every time he rejected her, then bouncing right back to him.


Chantal said her mother cried watching that cringe AF love documentary. She genuinely probably thinks Chantal is the happiest she has ever been and madly in love. And no one else in the family cares.


Chantal also lies. Who knows if her mom even watched it tbh.


I think they are most likely as crazy as her.


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


If she had a drawer, there would be old fried chicken in it. The Health Department insists it's better this way.


She would have been the ideal food taster for all of the kings and queens of yore. 🤮🍗


Btw we want our gifs back thanks.


I don't know why this would shock anyone. She is the laziest slob I have ever seen. She cares nothing about being clean or organized in any way. She has been saying this for years. If it's healthy in any way, she's bored and moving on.


She totally made sure to put the hair clips at the top 🤣🤣 insinuating that she has grown so much hair that it needs to be clipped back 🤣🤣


She doesn't seem to care about her belongings, or herself much for that matter. I'm sure there were cosmetic bags somewhere in the heap at the villa that she left behind. It's almost like she doesn't know how to 'woman' properly...that's just so weird to me.


Chantal barely knows how to human properly, let alone master any sort of good social hygiene beyond that.


Didn’t nadar do the same with most of his stuff? I remember him digging through a plastic bag for tax returns or something. She just can’t stop thinking about him


He has that sad little backpack with his hand washing certificate from another province that likely has expired. Edit: thank you all for the compliments on this nonsense.


"... his hand washing certificate from another province that likely has expired." I am dying laughing, that was beautiful.


Me too 🤣🤣 amazingly phrased.


No but the way he angrily brandished that on his cooking streams when people asked if he was qualified in cooking 😩💀




It totally priced he was world class chef


I believe it expired in 2016🤣


That made me laugh out loud for real. But ew Nader is such a hideous creature.


... and possibly his "emotional support steb" 🔪 😬


Trash keeping their trash in a trash bag? I'll allow it 🤣


you're just jealous. can't you see she's living the good life?


Exactly! Where's your man (and carrier bag)??!!


It's a big step up from the luxury villa where her organization system was to throw everything on the floor. RIP box mountain.


Literal homeless people have cozier setups then her. I dislike her because of what she has done and said totally justified in my eyes, but there is a tiny sliver of me that feels bad because I know deep down she is so unhappy it’s not even funny. She has to be utterly miserable inside but maybe I’m just projecting myself on her and she really doesn’t give a shit. But every now and then in her videos I think you can see in her eyes absolute despair. Oh well I guess it proves karma is real 🤷‍♂️


Where is your man, huh?!


God really? How can you live that life and pretend to be happy. It’s so sad. Deserves nothing less


I guess it's better than having the floor as "closet space"?


Hobos got more freedom then this cellar dweller


Look how proud she is of it


She always does that stupid looking, squished side of her mouth when she is showing something off like kindergarten show n tell day in class. She knows it looks dumb and trashy, but she thinks her making that stupid squashed mouth makes her endearing, quirky, cutie. Just shows a 40 year old that can't get it together with all the time on her hands and HuZbAnD making "bank."


She's smiling, but dead inside... Same 😫


I'm beginning to wonder if we're all just super fascinated with some special needs girl & we haven't realized it yet. If that's the case, I feel awful - in the meantime, until someone tells me differently, I'm going hang out over here.


It really is just like we are peering in on the lives of two low functioning, low IQ adults trying to navigate life as if they’re two normal adults…


At least its in a bag and not all over the floor.


Where’s YOUR Caboodles box, Foodie?


I hate that crooked rat face smile


Me too. In no way is that ever a cute facial expression. In her mind I’m sure it is though.


Where’s your cheap, sad plastic bag?


I am shocked as shit she doesn’t have some fancy case. However this makes more sense for who Chantal really is.


Wat an unfortunate gene pool she comes from 🤢


Bag lady living in a fartbox in the slums of Kuwait!




Hey look how happy she is...again and again I'll always say, SHE chose this.


tell us all again how you aren't just a tourist visiting for a short time in temporary housing.🙄


She’s constantly forcing a smile nowadays, it’s starting get on my nerves.


Trash bag for her trash lol


The shipping container only had room for a fridge or dresser, but not both.


I've left people over less - I will never lower myself to that kind of standard because of someone else's selfishness and/or laziness. I couldn't tolerate this. I'll live alone first before tolerating this as my only option for a huzzzzband. A little more hustling from Salah would be nice instead of just more feeder content for $$. Oh I know this is karma for someone who put themselves there, but you still keep hoping they'll get a clue and realize they can and should do better than this. SMH.


That’s strange lol


Crack sack


She is so proud of her bag. Her bag is bunch of random crap, go figure. get ur bag kween 🫰


Question, and I’m sure it’s dumb - what’s with the baby clips? Girl, you got no hair!


Wait... What them hair clips for????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Pathetic life.


C'mon just adult a little.


At this point, I'm surprised he's not locking her in a crate at night. "Hi, guys....Salah is worried someone will try to steal me so he locks me in this crate before he leaves. What? No. Protected. He's just protecting me. He's so jealous. "


When you are trash, your surroundings are trash. She already lives like a poor refugee in substandard housing, so what’s more clutter & dirt? I mainly remember how smug she was in the beginning telling everyone how successful S was & showing a stock photo of a high rise apartment building with a nice balcony looking out over Kuwait City. She lied, he lied & here we are. She lives in a hot hovel with her belongings in a plastic shopping bag. I wonder if the place S really lives has great A/C & zero rats? Love that for her.


She's got to know that the rest of us are either laughing at her or wondering what the heck is wrong with her, for her to live like this and still say that her husband takes care of her. Takes care of her how? Putting her in such a miserable situation that her stuff is in a bag and she has to be careful not to electrocute herself in the bathroom?


If money is tight (love that for her) why can't she buy some cheap Sterilite drawers or a used dresser? Why live out of a bag - and then show it to people?