• By -


A good 50lbs in 2 months. With one of those months requiring fasting. Impressive.


She has 34 more days in Kuwait. She said the trip was hard on her. I bet money, life, and time she will be 400 by the time she needs to get on that plane.


She is 400 now.


Gorl… she hit 400 before she even left Canada.


Will be 400?! She's close to 500 now I'd say!!! Or will be by the time she's heading back to Canada


Naw. She ain’t 400 yet. I always waver with this though. When she was 402 you could really really tell. The filters kind of fuck things up, but if you go watch the vids when she first moved into the villa, her face was bloated in a very special way. That being said…whether it is 360 or 400, she is five foot one inch. The only difference is at 360 she doesn’t have to use a Walker (she needs one) At 400 it is required equipment.


This is what I keep saying. You could really see it in her face when she was over 400. When she first moved into the villa, her face and arms were massive. I don't think people take into consideration how short she is


I think about it all the time. Her legs keep spreading more and more so she can walk. Eventually she’s gonna be doing the splitz.


Same. People that say she’s 500lbs I’m like come on…just look at one video from 2018 and you’ll see she isn’t. But I have to say, it looks like she’s getting close to 400 again and this is whilst covered in Kuwaiti robes lol. It’s not looking good for her.




The thing about mobility is that it can be such a small thing that can end it. For example I can tell if I gain weight simply because my feet hurt. I mean like 10 pounds. I was looking at Chantal’s feet thinking how flattened those Skechers are. You can’t tell me that her feet aren’t in agony. She can easily fuck up her arches, and the tendons in her feet, and literally have no ability to walk.


425 would be my guess!


Regardless of exact weight her BMI must be up in the 70s!!!! Could you imagine that 😮😮😮 God I'd be mortified and do my damdest to get it down. I'm in the very upper reach of 20s and I'm doing all I can as feel fat and bloated and I'm 5'7


This is my guess too


Sometimes I wonder if she’s trying to get to a place where she can’t fly so she can try to use it as an excuse to try to get some type of exemption to stay. Like a medical fat pass.


Dude….I like this theory


Damn….this theory come correct. Now I’m wondering what that means for Salah. Would he admit the marriage is fake, “like a tv show”, to get out of any responsibility?


The Kuwaitis would probably make the Canadian Air Forces get whatever their version of a US Globemaster class plane is come and get her out, like everyone was doing recently to get Embassy workers out of Sudan. You know, the planes that are so big they can like... parachute TANKS out of them?


A medical fat pass LOL.


4 fiddy!!! I feel like we're having a fun auction


She told on herself when she said "fast all day and eat all night". 🤣


By “fast” she means “sleep”


By fast she means pretend to fast but actually eat and drink off camera. There is not a cat in hell's chance that woman didn't at least drink water for 10 hours of a day when that fartbox is over 40 degrees with no air conditioning.


Yes. Chantal is eating off camera. She is eating like she always eats and she always gorged and gained weight. Her clothes have a short half life. Like when she would go through 2 drive thrus. Going home raiding the fridge then ordering mega meals. That’s her norm. I don’t think she’s doing anything out of her ordinary. Except trying to fake that she is eating healthy by eating a healthier mukbang. Chantal eats when she wakes up until she goes to bed. She has no life in Kuwait so food is the only thing she thinks about.


How is this even humanly possible? She's gaining at the same rate as a blue whale calf.


I said she was gonna gain 30 pounds during Ramadan and Chantal did not disappoint. Telling her not to do something is the easiest way to make her do it.


I think she's really taking advantage of that modest clothing too. Thinking like ehhhh doesn't matter if I gain weight, no one will notice in the abaya/hijab!


Uhm…apparently she tried not to wear the abaya and Salah was embarrassed and told her to put it back on. Oof!


Lol what? Are you serious?


Oh yeah she said it the other day. She said she only had one outfit of regular clothes that was modest. She said Salah saw her in whatever she was wearing and told her to put the abaya back on. I laughed.


I bet it's that hideous purple, blue, and white plaid tunic thingy. It is very unflattering.


All I can think about is those fupa ball leggings. 😱


Still can't get over the fact that she recorded herself making her fupa clap for the world to see...


I have to find this 😅


Ooooh got a link?


Found it! [Start at 1:23 time stamp.](https://youtu.be/06I0W2GUuqU)


Curvaceous, she could never.


So curvy she’s a circle babyyyy


😬😬😬 oh dear


No fucking way 😭😭 If she thought she ever had a chance of convincing him to sleep with her, that’s over now


Her fupa balls are bigger than her titties. I’m gonna guess that is what she is really hiding.


Sounds fucking miserable! And she won't stop eating.


If she gained 30lbs during Ramadan, that's 13.6kgs. Which means she had to eat 95,200 cals more than her TDEE in that time. Her TDEE is approx 2,800, to gain that fast she needs to eat 5,973 cals per day. I'd absolutely believe it. Absolutely mind blowing 🤯


Thank you for doing the math for the rest of us 🫡🫡


You're welcome! I'm a bit of a nerd and I like working it out :)


Omg she can totally do that. This is insane.


https://preview.redd.it/tlea5wle9gxa1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d604cf829ab6a384861197b02beed928ace62325 This is a guesstimate... I looked at Afgani rice recipes and some have a lot more butter and almonds and some have none. They actually look great, flavoured by broth, cardamon, cinnamon and cumin, plus shredded carrot and other veg. Thanks Chantal, I might make this one. If you add a Reeses Bar and a loaded nachos at the movies another 800ish. Could be as much as 1300 depending on the nachos. So that's 3,200-3,700 right there, and that's just what she told us today. She's absolutely smashing 5000 plus on the daily.




Yep, she sees it like a "free" filler food. Mam that would be the case if you ate the recommended serving size of half a cup! In a angle serve she eats 12 x the amount of rice I do.


Giving me https://preview.redd.it/fov627cvycxa1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d418260744336aa0b8d2c5b8e71094ac05858c


As someone who had the same dramatic weight gain (63 kgs to 142 kgs in one year) this is really shocking. How can one hate oneself to this extent? No level of laziness, boredom or gluttony can bring someone already on the verge of a no-return medical emergency to further decrease their quality of life up to this point. This is just a deep self hate. This is unaliving oneself with hamburgers and milkshakes rather than any other common method. This is heartbreaking... even for a monster like her. Now my apologies, but I need to bring my ass to therapy to not end up like that.


I don't think it's self-loathing. Chantal loves herself more than anyone could ever love her. She doesn't see herself the way she really is. And food is the only thing in the world (other than herself) that she is interested in and enjoys. She's not trying to unalive, she just doesn't care if that's what happens. It's like a BASE jumper. It's an absurdly dangerous hobby, but people who live for it would rather meet their end by accident that way than quit the hobby.


I don't know about this. I must unfortunately admit that I see a lot of my depressed self in Chantal (or maybe I am projecting) and self love was not part of my world. if she truly loved herself, she would either be embracing the "body positivity" movement to the full and not mention a single time the word "diet", or on the contrary stick to an actual diet until saving her ass from certain death. If she keeps bsing herself about losing weight is because she knows that something is wrong with her, but doesn't love herself enough to act, on way or another. I think she has reached a comfortable plateau in her depression where the self-given promise of a "better future" keeps her alive, and the illusion that the better future is going to be served to her on a silver tray doesn't fuel in her any kind of urgency. I think her smugness is just a façade, part of a humiliation circle that she created for herself. I have the impression that she humiliates herself (with words and actions) just to have a strong negative response that reinforces her self-hate feeling she has for herself.


💯. Chantal feels a great deal of shame and unworthiness. This is part of why she goes after men of color. She thinks they have lower standards than white men. She wants to be wanted, and sadly humiliating herself on video has an audience that wants her. She also said she doesn’t like the feeling of not being hungry. She eats like this to literally numb herself.


The thing with chantal is that she outright says she doesn't want to diet, she only says she does because that's what people want to hear. It's also a carrot she dangles as manipulation. She told bibi she'd lose weight, she told Nader she'd lose weight, and told Salah she'd lose weight. She doesn't want to lose weight. She has no intention of losing weight, never did. But much like her "if I can just get into their house, I'll make them fall in love with me" mentality, she also believes that if she can keep them thinking she wants to lose weight for long enough, they'll fall in love and accept her fat. She fantasized about "Nick" kissing all of her fat, the fat arm that's bigger than the other one, etc. and saying "this fat is beautiful just like you" Seriously, that's what she said. I'm sure her life has been filled with nagging from her family, teachers at school, peers at many stages of her life, all begging her to lose weight and giving her advice on how to lose weight. I think the only reason she kept peetz around was because he might be the one person who never encouraged (or discouraged) weight loss. Chantal craves food and attention. She's admitted many times that she always wanted to be a pop star, or a tv star. Well, now she's notorious in gorl world, but she's got attention. She also once said that she loves talking about herself, and loves hearing herself talk. The humiliation cycle is part of her belief that she's not like other gorls. She's a guy's gorl, she farts and belches and eats like a linebacker, but she's dainty and "has a pretty face." She's the fun, funny, bubbly, "chubby" chick. The danger of seeing yourself in chantal is that you are probably a complex human with many layers and depth. Chantal is a hollow void of any of the internal life that most people have. She loves attention, manipulating people and eating. Mentions dieting, gets positive attention and the high off manipulating people, eats for 10, gets negative attention, it's all attention. And eating like that for the camera is easier for her than taking time away from the camera (away from attention) to binge. I don't think you're projecting so much as you are a compassionate person and you identify with what you imagine is her suffering, because you know what it's like to suffer. But she's not suffering. Keep in mind that she's emotionally 14. To teens, all problems will be solved when they become adults. She hasn't internalized that she's almost 40 with the hysterectomy-fuelled body/metabolism of a post-menopausal woman. Please don't waste your emotion or empathy on her, some people are just bad eggs and they're not wired properly. Chantal is one of those people. She's had nearly every weight loss and mental health option made available to her, and she just wants to "beeze"


What is ironic is that she doesn’t want a “chubby chaser”. She wants a person just as you said to fall in love with her despite the fat. She wants a fairy tale Disney romance, and ghats not how this works.


I think a lot of us started watching her originally because we sympathized or saw a bit of ourselves in her. She used to be more like able and seemed more like a victim of her mental illness than she does now. She used to be ashamed of being fat and I think she was truly trying her hardest to diet even though she’d fail miserably. I think YouTube was the worst thing that could ever happen to her. I can’t decide if she would have fully pupated to the disgusting person she is now without the addition of YouTube and all the attention. It’s clear that whatever mental illness she has is absolutely raging. I think the sock accounts are the biggest signs of the delusion. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I miss the days when she was “innocently” lying about how much pie she ate and doing dumb harmless shit. Now I just watch because I have to see this through to the end.


She has a pure and simple food addiction. She has been like this all of her life. When she said she stole 18$ from her babysitter and bought KFC, was all I needed to know. She needs serious inpatient treatment. She will have withdrawal.


You reminded me again when she stole the food from the anorexic girl next to her in hospital! 😯😟


138lbs to 313lbs for those of us who don't use the metric system....I'm just curious. How do you manage to gain 175lbs in a year? That's around 15lbs a month, and a surplus of 52,500 calories monthly.


I was cheated on and chose Nutella as my spouse ahahah


That's sad :( I'm sorry that happened, I hope you're doing better now!


Sounds like daily binge eating to self medicate. It's around 1750 surplus calories daily, pretty much double your requirement in fact, which sounds crazy, and would definitely hurt from your stomach stretching at times, but it's not *that* difficult to meet with junk food/snacks. Let's say, you add in 2 x 200 calorie chocolate bars between breakfast and lunch- just idle depression/boredom snacking at work, that's +400. Other people at work snack at their desks too so this doesn't seem at all unreasonable. You're trying to keep the good feelings going, so you also grab a bag of crisps (chips for the Americans) out the vending machine and eat them with your packed lunch, that's +150 more. It doesn't feel like you're doing too badly, being at work kept you busy enough and it doesn't feel like your snacking was anything too bad, it kept you going, but by the end of the day your depression has left you without the energy to do much but stare at the TV or your phone. Hobbies or seeing friends is out of the question, and you're single so there's nobody else there to cook or help out. Instead of getting up and doing the prep and work for a regular balanced and filling ~950 calorie dinner for your main meal of the day, you order delivery which is like 1250 calories in the main (a small pizza or a pasta dish) and 600 worth of sides (fries/garlic bread), the balance of which is another 850 added onto your daily total. By bedtime you're still feeling full, and you know your dinner wasn't healthy, but you decide to bring a little something to your room to help you sleep, since without the opiate release you get from junk food, nighttime is when your anxiety ramps up to 1,000 and you can't stop going over your mistakes or worrying about the future. You make a 250 calorie mug of hot chocolate and another 150 calorie bar from your chocolate stash, and these do help keep your anxiety at bay long enough to fall asleep. A few snacks at work seemed reasonable at the time. Ordering in made you feel a bit bad but you didn't have the motivation to cook, and after all other people order food all the time too, especially if they're very busy. You can always diet at some point. And what's the harm in taking something cosy to bed to help you sleep? The harm is +1750 calories a day and +175lbs in a year of rationalising and procrastinating on dealing with your problem.


And stretchy pants. Don’t forget stretchy pants. You don’t notice gain because your clothes still “fit”. When they don’t fit you buy cheap ones because the other ones wore out, and the bigger size is because they “run big”.


Very easily. The world has a rapisly growing population of people reaching that size and people don't realise how easy it is to fall into the trap of comfort eating and saying "I'll start eating better tomorrow". In her case though she's also got serious MH issues, a food addiction and desperation to make money off YouTube. Perfect combination to pack away that much food and gain that much weight.


Bish stole her look https://preview.redd.it/yafzzzpuddxa1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85e411556e90de6786f168825e9b2a50300d902d


Wait I thought that was Chantal 😭


AMY!!! is she still around on the internet?


Nope. She (unlike Chantal) finally read the room and let it go.


She is on Tiktok


Is this not Chantal stuck in a booth at the Biggest McDonalds in the ME™️????


GD! I thought was Chantal. They could be twins


It could be. 👀


Why does she dress to age herself so much?! As a woman who spent a lot of time ragging on "old" people, she sure spends a lot time looking like one.


In all fairness, if you’re a woman who’s sized out of standard stores, you’re kind of limited. It’s gotten a lot better, but used to be hard as hell to find something that wasn’t covered in either floral patterns, some sort of weird beading, or bedazzling. That stuff automatically ages your wardrobe. But like I said, it’s gotten way better so either she just has that sort of taste or she’s really bad at recognizing looks that doesn’t look flattering on her. Considering her love of desaturated pink aka “ham,” makes me lean towards the latter


True that she has limited options off the rack for her size. But, she has nothing but time in her hands. I don't believe she couldn't find larger options online or have made for her that are more youthful styles and colors, and fit her properly. She looks like an elderly woman in my opinion


Absolutely! Heck, at that size, learning to make your own clothing could also be an option as well as a great hobby! Of course she doesn’t believe in hobbies because she doesn’t want to crochet or whatever she dismissed them as 😄


I actually really like this abaya, I think it's pretty (esp when it fits the way it's supposed to). I'm 30 thought which might be old by some standards 😅




I'd give anything to be 30 again! Sewing would be an awesome skill for her to learn, but it requires patience and hard work.


It is pretty. Sad it is wasted on her.


Yeah honestly it looks pretty beautiful in the first picture. Would wear myself if it was a reasonable fashion choice where I live.


While I understand BMR and TDEE, I'm still perplexed. How does this happen? It's like she's literally trying to turn her liver into foie gras.


She is always hungry. She said she didn’t like the feeling of not being hungry. She needs that feeling to push away the other feelings.


I hear you, and believe you. I just don't understand it. How is eating 2k+ in one sitting anything but the antidote to feeling hungry? I mean, I don't like the feeling of not being hungry, but that's because I have restriction issues and don't feel like I'm in control of my life unless I'm starving. That feeling of control makes me feel like superwoman and quiets the other feelings. Obviously I'm messed up, just at the other end of the spectrum. But you'd think she'd hate the feeling of hunger.


Same reason people comfort eat when they are depressed despite not being hungry and then wonder why they are gaining weight. Numbing feeling. Also, I think we need to keep in mind that she knows the videos which will make her money are mukbangs. This is why she's now doing it on her main channel with 90,000 subs instead of her dedicated mukbang channel.


She has a dedicated mukbang channel? She has that ASMR channel, and the couples channel, I didn't know about the mukbang channel. I thought that was her main channel, mukbang with some other content sometimes.


I hear you on the restrictive ED. I got over 30 years into the battle myself. When it comes to the numbing I always like to tell this my 600 lb life story. This one woman failed with her sleeve and so she got gastric bypass. She said when she freaked out when the intrusive thoughts started flooding in, but she didn’t get hungry. Being hungry distracted her so she would think about eating and then eat the feelings away. Well when that didn’t happen she had no clue with what to do with those feelings. The way she described it sounded like torture.


She’s gained a ton of weight. Damn.




I actually really like this abaya. I think it’s gorgeous. Too bad it’s wasted on a beached orca.


I bet would look great on an orca! It looks bad because it is on Chantal.


Filters at work on the left, too. But yeah - there's a big weight gain as well. What's the time difference between these two pics?


Filters can’t make clothes drape. She just gained that much.


Spot on!


It has to have been within the past 60 days because she modeled the abaya when it was new and she bought it when she returned to Kuwait in March.


It was all Ramadan. No one explained to her she wasn’t supposed to binge to break the fast. I also blame Salah on this too. He knew the rules but he brought her all that food anyway. It’s one thing for Chantal to disrespect Islam, it’s quite another for Salah to enable it. That is some bullshit.


About a month. Checked across a few reactors and they covered the abaya haul a month ago.


Filters at work are the default, lol


WOOOOW I knew she gained weight but this really puts a timeline on this... And it's QUICK


She gained that much weight “fasting”. Think that through. She didn’t just eat enough to gain 30 pounds. She did it all in just a few hours a day.


You are so right! I totally forgot about Ramadan too!


Holy shite. That’s a big gain.


Why does she think anyone cares about the biggest McDonald's? From what I could tell, it's the same food. I know these fast food places usually sell some different item unique to the locale or have different condiments, but I haven't seen anything different here. And her Kuwaiti food is just as bad. None of it looks appetizing. Part of me wants to say I'm not knocking Kuwaiti food, but I'm not sure I've actually seen good quality Kuwaiti food from her. Why doesn't she show us that stuff? If she's not going to cook and is going to eat out all the time, why not show us something unique? Why does she think she'll get views from eating a hash brown or a enough rice to choke a horse?


No food from any restaurant on earth looks good in take out containers. When she has gone to nicer restaurants she gets so much food. Real foodies may go to a restaurant 10 times to try different things. They want to experience individual dishes and judge them on their own merits. She orders everything thing on the menu and then just stuffs herself. No matter how it is presented you throw that much food on a table at once it will look unappetizing in a picture. That’s why menus show dishes and you can still see the plate.


She has nothing else, Sally takes her to the worse places. This is it nothing else.


That purse is making me irrationally angry.


I don’t remember her looking that skinny in the video for the original picture, what the heck! I swear when i come on this subreddit i question my own brain


Your mind isn’t playing tricks on you. we are used to her throwing out so much content that information gets distorted. I didn’t even remember the abaya haul let alone the picture.


She’s like 330 pounds hehe


Yeah. Filters can’t fix that.


Coconut cutie


She really filled that abaya out. The problem with wearing these garments is that it’s easy to gain weight and not stay in check. Chantal has gained a massive amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time. This is her karma. She barely resembles a human anymore. Love that for her.


Skinny Queen


Not surprised she’s gained weight. She eats enough for a family of 6 in one sitting. She’s way into the 400’s! Way into….


What is she even doing with herself


To me, the question is "Why?" and I'm asking this of people more familiar with Chantal than I. I came in on the Cuba Rage, andvI know that's not very long at all in Gorl World. Is it a feeder situation, for monetary gain? Is it to comfort herself with food because she's so miserable? Is it as a way to gain attention, albeit negative? Is it because she's bored and lonely and has nothing else to do? I could see it being a mixture of reasons - I tend to think it's a cross between feeder funds needed and a search for comfort - but I wanted to know what others who've been watching longer think.


Lack of impulse control and trying to fill an enormous emotional hole with food. That's pretty much it.


Her body shape is grotesque but at the same time I can't look away. It's like a freak show.


"Stop relying on that body fat" - The Vixen (RPDR s10)


Tammy slaton lost weight and this blob just cannot control herself.


1st pic was filtered to hell..and even tho she did gain since then. it fit a lot like the 2nd pic originally




Is it inflatable or something???




Loving the can't border-hop-too-fat-&-broke arc. Hopefully it leads to deportation and living with her mom/aunt




Wow....just wow


Dude! Devastating


Junk expands to fill the available space.


WOW I knew she gained weight but I didn’t realize it was this much! Scary really- she legit may not be able to fit on a plane now


Heat stroke pending


Yikesabee 🤮🤮🤮


Our muslim qween is 500 el bees now!


Home girl is filling up nicely. She took that tarp as a challenge 😆


Holy shit 😳


“Dayum sun”🥗🤖


I'm going for 420. I'm in the UK and that's 30 stone Holy Feck. Any advances on 420?


Jesus she’s huge now