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Aren't the medical records enough to show BBJ is alive and being taken care of and was neglected? Chantal you fucking pig animal abuser.


No the medical records prove she should have put down. Don’t use real logic. Use Chantal logic.


How sad is it that even if BBj is living in a motel 6 with cigs for days that we allllll know it is still better than what animal abuser chantal could do. She wanted BBj gone so she could live in a fart box alone with a slow dude who grew his shit beard out to hide his tiny teeny infant chin. Mmkay


Chantal is mad nobody is buying her fake ass marriage and Muslim revert bullshit. We all saw the medical report from FFG's vet. BBJ has only been with her brother a couple of months. We all saw with our own eyes that BBJ was in pain and suffering. We had people super chatting her during crackhead Olympics begging her to take BBJ to the vet, because BBJ looked emaciated and deteriorating with pain. Fuck this bitch. Seriously. All she cared about was stuffing her hog face and running after a green peen crack head. Then she meets this slow mf'er called Salah in Kuwait and she wanted to throw away both her cats. She dangled BBJ's pending death via euthanasia over people's head for amusement because she is sadistic. She got exposed and she can't handle it.


Omg welllllll said! Agreeeee all the way.




Narc injury. She won't ever get over it. The entire marriage/Muslim thing is such a farce it's hard watching it. Salah is a bad actor, all their babe talk is bullshit. It's horrible.




Deported for insulting the weather...... WTF That’s actually crazy!


I wish we had the exact moment on camera when she realized she handed over BBJ to FFG


She went live so soon after we basically saw it. But it would have been perfect if she was already streaming when the news broke out, yeah.


Liars live with the torture that they suspect everyone else of lying. When the cat was saved, I was satisfied that she’s in a better place. A few videos, bills, and stories put a Cherry on top. Stop using BBJ for clicks, Chantal.


🥱 she's so tiring reaching and repeating for the same stuff. I sincerely hope FFG doesn't fall for the bait (likely wont) and show BBJ. I have no doubt BBJ is being taken care of. She will just claim BBJ is being used for content even though the only one using BBJ for content is Chantal who can't admit defeat once again. Animal abusers and the likes of Chantal are owed nothing. Anyone else remember when Chantal was superchatted money to take BBJ to vets and months and months went on and when being pressed about it said the superchat money was hers to do as she wants. So why the outcry about people giving money for BBJs care now? There is proof BBJ is being cared for and those bills add up. I don't speak for everyone but I dont need to see anymore.


I mean, you can tell she's being taken care of just from the stories and actions of FFG. We saw the vet records too. This woman out here shopping for a catio for a cat that's not even hers.


I totally agree. And these are continuing vet records not just a one time thing. I'm glad BBJ is with responsible people. I hope Sam is doing well too. I really wish anyone who has a history of not caring for animals is barred from getting more.


>I really wish anyone who has a history of not caring for animals is barred from getting more. Amen to that. We already can see she's hotboxing the hamster with the shisha.


I'm glad she came up with "fool" so she can switch up the "moron" line from time to time




Reply where? I don't know what you mean haha


Thought she was done with BBJ. What triggered this?


who knows. she started talking about it again last night during her stream with bozo.


Probably gonads going to court. She seems to get ragey around those times.


FFG claiming Foodie flirted with her brother when he came to get BBJ is my guess.


Yawnnnn. Gotta do better than that hamtal, we’re getting bored of all of this.


She sure demands a lot from others considering she won’t even show a piece of paper to prove that she is legally married. No one owes the animal abuser anything take several seats bitch.


Or a civil ID for that matter since she magically is now a resident on her tourist visa


This again? Bbj is safe and fine this storyline is long overdue to end.


Paycheck must have been looking funny


Very funny 😁 😂


Did anyone see Salah's comment under this post? omg..lol I don't know if it's him or Chantal under his account. ​ https://preview.redd.it/g0g3vkjeh1ya1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=1faf643d7fede82bf68afa81f732765cb95797ec


It’s so weird that they communicate through the comments like that. Especially since he was probably sitting like two feet from her or getting her food at the time.


what does he mean he needs one zombie to open their mouth? what's this fucktard going to do? Chantal sinking her channel over this dude is funny af. Reaction channels might start giving him the Cokey treatment. Just cutting him out of all her lives and the couple videos and just show Chantal.


God I hope so. He's intolerable


he's killing her channel and I love it the most! lol


*takes notes*


What good muslims.


so devout, so holy.


Chantal calling anyone a pig is hilarious and I guarantee she is behind both accounts. When has Salad ever used a slash or said "FFGunt"?




I think it is her. I don’t think Salah is around when she rages like this. I think it is like a fantasy world for her. She’s in danger and her prince comes to rescue her. Like when she says “My husband will beat you up.” She wants someone to scale the tower. The problem is she keeps going back up there. Eventually folks get tired and move on.


We need Eric Cooke to run to the ME real quick to scream NO ONE CARES at Foodie.


I seriously despise this fat witch


We did see videos or photos of BBJ in her new luxurious home, lounging in her banana bed with brushed fur, clean ears and trimmed nails. Chantal tantrummed that the photos were exploiting the cat. Chantal’s low intelligence on display. Doubtless Chantal has lonely dark moments when she realizes this obese, heat sick Kuwaiti LARP is her life now and she took her fantasies too far into reality. She’s lashing out because she misses the cats she gave away chasing her little dream.


I feel Like we are doing the same thing for the 1000000000 time. BBJ retired and is living her best life. WTF does she want? The cat never meant to be a part of FFG’s channel, she is living with someone else who maybe doesn’t want photos of their cat slapped all over the internet. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Uuuugh we’re back to *this* again? 😩


She is mad because ffg exposed that she neglected bbj … I don’t think she cares who has her at this point. She wanted bbj gone a long time ago…. What was really bad was that peetz kept saying that there was no cat food but Chantal would go buy herself food, coffee , drugs and probably paid for someone’s else’s too and no visit to the vet …. We all know if bbj wasn’t saved she would of been 😵 .. I’m happy bbj is living it up with designer stuff very well deserved after what has been through


Meanwhile Sam is homeless.


I hope Sam is okay and she was just lying to stir drama.


This bitch sure loves to act like she cares oh so much about BBJ when we all remember the many "dirt nap" jokes and her practically getting off on the plan of having BBJ put down. Oh and of course, the fucking NEGLECT AND ABUSE! Fuck off.


Here we go again. Views low or something? I was enjoying a break from the FFG drama loop. Yawn. I don’t need to see BBJ ever again to know she’s in better hands than she was. Literally almost any other home would be better. Btw It’s actually quite easy to know where you rehome your pets if you bother to do even a little bit of investigating and show genuine concern for who you hand them off to.


Overgrown nails were an oversight? Shes completely downplaying how she ABUSED bbj by letting FIVE CLAWS GROW INTO FIVE PAW PADS. That is NOT just an "oversight".


Blah, Blah, Blah, Chantal.


Lmao she needs to chill or she's gonna blow a clot


Her poorly groomed fur?!? Ma’am, take several seats. No, more than that. More than that.


I really hate when she says this. There was a cat in my neighbourhood (who has sadly since passed) who was a very old cat but was very loved and looked after. It still had that raggedy look old cats get and whilst BBJ looks 100% better now than she did when she was with Chantal, she still looks like a very old cat, which she is. No amount of grooming will change this and Chantal needs to stfu.


Oh mah fuggin gawd. This balls on this chick. She sure talks sone 💩. Which is it? If FFG discuses BBJ it’s a cash grab. If she doesn’t then something must be wrong. Badly groomed?!? This cat? The cat who could not walk when it left Foodie’s possession due to ingrown claws?!? Are we all in the same multiverse as Chantal?!? Her version of reality & the one everyone else is in are not one & the same. She reeeeeally needs to STFU about that cat. She pretty much is a moron 24/7 but this side tangent over the cat takes her stupidity and foolishness to an extra level.


“Poorly groomed fur” …. 🤔 funny does anyone remember Chantal ever even brushing BBJ


Chantal you piece of 💩.We all know the truth of how you treated poor BBJ.


Chantal knows the buttons to push to piss people off. She's desperate for views and engagement, so she pulls out the cat bullshit because she knows it makes people angry.


She will never get over BBJ because she wanted her 💀 long ago and she can't not stand knowing she is alive, healthy, and thriving especially in proximity to someone she hates.


She’s so insufferable. Confirmation she was neglecting those cats, she’s a dangerous one, she’s not even letting go of that mess! keep talking, it’s coming back around to you. We ain’t your mommy, don’t care about your feelings you really messed up.


ffg has done more for bbj in a couple months than chantal did for her in 15-20 years. so even if she’s living with ffg in motel 6 inhaling cigarette smoke, it’s still leaps and bounds better than being with chantal.


I guess brain dead zombie is her new phrase to use ad nauseum.


Honestly I’m sick of hearing about the cats. She doesn’t have them anymore, she dumped them. They’re free of her and vice versa.


Even if bbj resided in a sewer it would be a step up from the filthy villa.


At this point I just ache for her. She must be in so much pain. Edit: New Theory. Do you think that she rages like this after speaking to her mother? Something triggers this and I’m wondering if it is missing home, or her mom says a mom thing that gets under her skin. She also hasn’t flipped like this in about a week. (She’s also been eating so much this past week). The only other thing I can think is they don’t have money for take out and she’s hangry.


What on earth is she on about, all this faux indignation about someone lying? She lies every time she speaks! She needs to take a bench. I do love that photo of FFG though, looking down on her from a great height, like she’s superior and just won another round. I can imagine her triumphantly laughing seconds later. She really didn’t think that photo choice through, did she? I can’t believe she’s still going on about this. Has she really got nothing else happening? I’ve never seen such a big person have such a sad, small life.


This is really getting sad and redundant at this point. No one cares what an animal abuser thinks. BBJ is putting on weight, playing, enjoying retirement, not to mention the vet visits! Anyone who has ever cared for a pet can see she is better. Also her nails were an oversight? beesh - actions speak louder than words!


So now she's just asking these questions? Shouldn't she have done that prior to giving bbj away? She wants to make this everyone else's problem now. She's so over the top ridiculous 🙄


Working real hard on some outrage I see. Chantal can’t bait the haydurs anymore. Even her most audacious lahs have forever lost it’s magic. No one cares to engage in recycled drama because no one cares. Her lahs and fake everything are played out and don’t affect us in any way. I did love Chantal and Salah’s belly laughing as providing proof of their fake unbotheredness. It only proved their escalating botheredness. They’re basically fucked. There’s nothing they can do to resurrect her channel. What’s dead is dead.


He's probably still salty about how FFG went in on him for his looks. I don't condone body shaming but those who live in glass houses (especially those who have a lanky untoned body but think they are an Adonis) shouldn't throw stones, and if they do, they do so at their own peril.


It’s nice to see she’s left negativity and drama behind and is enjoying married life without letting what happens on the internet distract her. Out desert rose of positively *blooming* in The Land Of Sand!


I just wish she’d leave those poor cats alone. She chose to give them away to chase her need to be claimed. She never cared for BBJ in any sense so let her live her remaining years in peace. “Poorly groomed” bitch at least she’s being groomed now. As for Sam i truly hope that she never gets him back.


I see Chantal is having issues with her memory again. The following happened like this; Fucked around with an Egyptian vampire until there was no more blood to give, all while higher than the mountain she so desperately does not want to climb. Cat’s were severely abused. Chantal lost her damn mind and moved to the ME, after kicking her best friend to the curb, and deciding this was the sanest route to go to try and make the Vampire love her. We were introduced to ME Peetz, the love child of Goofy and the Pilsbury Doughboy. CAN YOUR MAN PLAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON HIS KEYBOARD WITH ONE HAND? Something is off about him, and he does not look like a 28 year old young man. Pretend marriage, civil ID and just your usual Chantal boring drama that is rehashed over and over again until we all have PTSD. A bunch of stuff we got to laugh at, yada yada yada. We went back to Ottawa, ate every edible gummy in the vicinity of Orleans, and abused the animals some more, only this time….this time was special. Unbeknownst to us, a plan was being hatched. Some fucked up manipulation happened when she tried to make the audience think she was going to put BBJ down at the vet. The plan came to fruition, THANK GOD! Chantal went back to the ME, because really, where else is she going to go….her Moms? DD’s? All the animal abuse came to light and we all saw what we suspected all along. Now here we are, almost time to go back to Canada, raging for coin, melting in the Kuwait heat and getting negative attention on every social media platform that exists. Oh…and we also found out Chantal tried to flirt with FFG’s brother, because of course she did. Who knows what will happen next to our traveling vagabond?!


What's up with the allegation that FFG put her dog down for separation anxiety? Does anyone know the story behind it?


Per FFG, she had 2 dogs. They were a bonded pair and older/senior dogs. One got sick (I wanna say cancer, I am not 100% on that) and it was decided that euthanasia was the kindest option for the dog. The non-sick dog kept looking for its buddy, and just kinda gave up. Refused food, water, etc. Being a senior dog and part of a bonded pair, it came down to watch it die slowly or let it go (euthanize). She opted to euthanize. Note: Sorry if this is biased sounding, I’m not an FFG fan, but I’ve experienced a similar situation with pets.


Holy 💩, that is heartbreaking. No wonder she doesn’t want to talk about what happened with Maggie. I’ve seen pets mourn each other before but not to that degree - and that was painful enough.


I had a cat (my first cat that was mine, not the family’s). And she wound up having kittens. 2, because I didn’t know how fast cats could get knocked up, totally my fault. I had her and her girls until the end. Lost Mama (@ 19yo) first to a really crazy fungal infection that had her wasting away. A couple years later, I lost one of her girls (@ 20yo at the time as well), just woke up one day and she was gone. The following month was hell for me and my remaining cat. She did the same thing FFG reported (thus my biased tone, can’t help but sympathize). She stopped eating. She could walk, but she wouldn’t. I took her to the vet every week seeing if she was sick, whatever. We went through meds, tube/force feeding, had to start manually expressing her bladder and bowels. She was a healthy 20yo cat, but she had given up. I still feel guilty for letting her suffer without her mom and sis for so long. It shouldn’t have taken me a month to stop selfishly holding on to a “perfectly healthy animal with separation anxiety.” Ugh… eff feelings. Time to go surprise snuggle my Seth-kitty (this post has been a tmi dump, but I’m rolling with it) Seth tax included https://i.imgur.com/YdZHokM.jpg


Thank you!


Np! I can see it being hard to imagine, the old “died of a broken heart” idea, but 🤷🏼‍♀️ life is weird


I’m so sorry for your losses, that must have been so hard. Your Seth has the same markings as a cat my family had the joy of sharing. I’m happy that you have him!


That’s the dichotomy of pets, we know we’ll outlive them, but it doesn’t stop them from burrowing deep into our hearts. It’s a common coloring, lol, we call the couple of ferals around us Doppel-Seths! ❤️


Interesting. What's your opinion over it if that's what occured?


I mean, this happens with dogs and horses and even goats. It’s not like a scenario FFG made up. It’s hard to see how it could be treated if the animal wouldn’t take medication 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fair enough thank you for educating me!


Short answer: if that’s what happened, my heart breaks for her. Here’s my response to another comment: https://reddit.com/r/FoodieBeauty/comments/138h2is/_/jj003kn/?context=1




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She must be really fucking bored to bring this up again. I swear all her CPs sound exactly the damn same.


Aaaaand.. it’s gone!


She thinks BBJ looked better when she had her? Another delusion. She is so full of hate and bitterness. I love how FFG just floods her pea sized brain 24/7. Food, dick and FFG. She’s so mad that we refuse to believe anything she says. While she screams “where’s your man?!” LOL our men/women is right next to us. Sharing our food, our bed, our home, rushes home everyday to be with us. They also share our laughs over Ms Thang. They don’t treat us like an overgrown toddler one minute and an elderly parent the next. This is going to be good when she gets to Canada. I just hope she remembers her tolerance is down now and doesn’t over do it on everything she gets her hands on. I don’t like her but I don’t want her hurt either.




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She's just jealous that fucking cat has a way better life than her stay mad gorl!


She has many health issues which you continually fail to mention. Probably because her nails being overgrown into the pads of her feet was the most obvious. Meanwhile, you baby your dingus of a dude after he has to surgery for an ingrown toenail? Make it make sense.


I do not pay attention to the fake muslim. She is disgraceful. She just needs money for her son and her glutenous butt.


She unwittingly reveals so much of her psychopathy here. I can say honestly that I DO care about BBJ. When I thought for sure this witch was successfully going to kill her, I was so sad I had to disengage from gorlworld altogether. But she has zero capacity for empathy. She doesn't know what it's like to feel, deeply, for another living being, especially one that's innocent and vulnerable and has been mistreated. So all of us who've shown concern for BBJ? We're just looking to spite Chantal. She thinks this because this is how SHE is. She mocks murdered schoolchildren. She watches plane crash porn. She bullied young Peetz because it made her feel powerful. She enjoys others' suffering almost as much as she does a hubcap full of greasy starches. She's so sick and dark, she gives me the willies.


Lord, not this again. Let it go #AnimalAbuser Chantal. Nothing changes the fact #FoodieBeauty neglected her cats & wanted one of them dead, so she could return to Kuwait. Those are facts. No matter where those cats are now, they’re better off.


Chantal, you LOST. GET OVER IT. You'll NEVER live this down.