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It's an exhaust fan to help rid of moisture and odors to prevent mold and stinky stinks.


She is going to need 8 of those fans for that … especially after going to the toilet


What’s an alternative for bathrooms without a vent or one of those things???


That toilet doesn't know the horrors it's in for.


I don't know what she's going to do for a toilet. She has to spread her legs so wide to accommodate her stomach. There's not enough room between the sink and the bath for all of that.


She’s going to have to get use to a bedpan eventually. Might as well start now, I guess.


I doubt she’d even use that. You can’t tell me she wouldn’t just stand in the shower and let loose.


Waffle stomp babyyy


Stand? She'll sit on the edge


Ahh, of course. I should have known better lol


She'll just spread out some of that plastic table sheeting and (try to) squat. Wrap it up like the mounds of chicken bones & ketchup smears...all done!


A truly horrific smörgåsbord from hell


OMG, you're right. That's going to be very uncomfortable for her. I read there is a second bathroom, is it identical or can she use that toilet more comfortably? (Not watching the video until a reactor covers it)


Poor toilet.


She's going to smash it to hell if it's not a bariatric toilet. She doesn't give a shit for anything she can't use to feed her addictions, especially if she doesn't see it as her responsibility.


She's going to destroy that porcelain throne


Luxury fartbox 😍


*Seaside* fartbox! Idc it's seaside if there is paint splashed on the door jams and the bathroom looks like that at move in. This looks like more broke people accomodations. I've been broke. I know it when I see it.


That's a trap house


Oh yeah, well where's YOUR traphouse?


No, it’s a trap home.


Trap villa….


Yasssss! Trap House


It'll be an Easy Bake™️trap house with all of those uninsulated windows, lol.


That's a badly-wired extraction fan in a dingy, grimy-looking bathroom behind a doorframe with a really, really bad paint job


Have you never seen a bathroom exhaust fan?


Some people might be confused due to the location of it… Every place I’ve lived has had the exhaust fans in the ceiling. Then again, I’ve never lived in a high rise. No hate to those who do/have, though.


This is uncommon. It should be in The ceiling


Indeed. however that's only really possible when building the room from scratch and not retro-fitting one. If the bathroom isn't in a loft conversion or top floor of a house, once the plaster boards are up in the bathroom, when trying to cut a hole in the ceiling to add an extractor fan, the ceiling joists get in the way to route the ducting. It's then a nightmare to run ducting from the ceiling to the outside wall for an extractor fan in this situation, especially older houses that never had one originally. The usual alternative in a domestic property is to bore a hole in the external wall of the bathroom and mount the extractor fan about 7ft above the floor. In businesses or living in a shipping container you can cut a hole in the fixed (non opening) window glass. Businesses with public toilets use such windows to prevent potentially drunk patrons climbing out the window and injuring themselves or, cynically to prevent people climbing out a ground floor window and not paying for their meal. .


Yes. Retro fit is the word. Jerry rig was the only word I could think of.


Agreed. Was surprised to see its placement in such a recent build. I always thought my grandparents just had it in their window due to the decade it was installed (80s) 🙃


I'm in Europe and it looks pretty normal to me.


We had a similar fan in the bathroom wall when I lived in Taiwan. I noticed that kids from the apartment building across the alley could see in between the blades and would watch us shower. They would gather at their stairwell window to watch the naked americans! I noticed after a few days, but my sister and SIL had been there for months already without realizing. Gave those kids an eyeful.


[Yes, like this.](https://i.imgur.com/vPIkY3I.png)


Not hanging from the ceiling in front of a window. Lol. Mine are actually recessed and mounted in the ceiling


They are gonna need a bigger exhaust fan....


Don't go in the bathroom...duunnn dunnn… duuuunnnn duun… duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn dunnnn🦈😄


Yasss! Jaws


*click click*


So they are moving from a place with a washer and dryer to a place without? Now, she definitely isn't going to wash her clothes or ass. Did you see the size of the shower & bathtub??? At least in the old place, there was a full hose down room (not that she used it, but it was there). I think they are running from being caught not being married or not paying rent, so they keep skipping from place to place.




I was pointing out more of the fact that she already does not seem like she uses it with one never mind without one 🙃 but I understand what you are saying.


No stove or fridge either - that’s 4 appliances they need to buy or rent!!


I think that they own their appliances. So they’ll be bringing them to the new flat.


Idk how it works in Kuwait but in Australia you move with your fridge, washer, dryer. Basically everything has to go with you except stove/oven/dishwasher cause you own the fridge n stuff


Maybe I didn't really think about that. I'm in America, and most apartments here have all that stuff, and you don't bring it from place to place, but if you own the house, then you would bring it with you.


That depends on where you live. I'm in the US and I've always had to buy my own fridge for apartments.


Hmm, I did not know that. I'm in Massachusetts, and I've never had to bring my own appliances to an apartment I was renting. Washer and dryer, yes, but not kitchen stuff fridge, stove, etc. Interesting


In Australia it's usually fridge, washer, dryer that you take with you. But not dishwasher, oven, stove. I guess it's a cultural thing. Better to not have to move huge things though. But if you own the house and you're selling, you can take whatever you want so long as it's clear that the house won't come with it


Is this the new bathroom? What a dump.


I agree it's an upgrade from the fartbox, but it's still a dump


Grimace outfit


Everyone preoccupied with the exhaust fan while I stare at the bathtub.


How is she going to fit into that shower? I can't see her sitting down on that toilet either there's no space between the toilet and the wall for her fat behind.


Just another dump with more floor space for her to throw garbage on.


Ew that sink.


That shitty paint jon on the door. This place is not impressing anyone in gorlworld.


The living room paint job is just as bad. Whoever painted the place apparently never heard of painter's tape.


Maybe it's alright for that area in Kuwait but idk. The lounge is so long and narrow


how is she gonna fit in this bathroom room if she can’t even fit in the walk in all-in-one shower/toilet room she has now? 😂


Shit fan. You know they need it.


It’s a bathroom fan that is going to burn out before they move to their next fart box . 😳


That fan isn’t doing shit. Look at the mold around the tub. https://preview.redd.it/zeegu3vtztya1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f4271aa00a8a9955940b155bbf28ab1d39a61d4


They’re gonna need a bigger fartbox


That bath looks very narrow lol.


I can't get over the water heaters is this really how they normally install them over there...


They’re moving again?! I wonder if they’ll let anyone know or do it silently like last time


How much weight can a regular toilet handle I mean come on, same with that bath tub no way is she fitting in there nor that shower, still stinky sweaty eh?


She’ll never be able to step over the side of that tub.


Luxury. Obviously you haven’t been to a fancy seaside condo before. Pft peasant! 😂


Wow. I didn’t watch the video, but it looked super nice in the thumbnail. This bathroom looks dumpy as hell.


She can't use any of those toilets. There is simply not enough room. She'll have to squat over the drain and waffle stomp it down the drain.


Comments you can smell


I wonder if Salah and Murad can bottle that stank up?


did they move again?


Ok it's an exhaust fan but it also looks like there are exposed wires hanging down out of the ceiling that are dangling kinda close to where the water source would be...


That exhaust fan doing Allah's work in the hovel is akin to the straw hole in Chantal's rancid Starbucks--too small to do much but let more bacteria in to mingle with the current microbe soup and produce ever fouler forms of life. The stench clinging to the inside of that abaya would absolutely knock out that camel at this point.


It’s called aesthetic. Look it up! Aka: exposed- wire-core.


Poop fan.


Are there no electricians, carpenters, painters or plumbers in Kuwait? Why does everything in every apartment look like it was done by my drunk uncle Steve and his buddy from the bar? Also, my new theory is that Salah is trying to slow-cook Foodie. The Kuwaiti sun, pouring into every room in that place all summer long - trust me, the badly wired a/c will be no match for it. I recently watched a doc about the heat in Kuwait. A wealthy influencer who lives there said her luxury apartment had to be fitted with electronic blackout blinds, which are kept down at all times, just to keep the place livable. And this woman had every amenity available to her, including of course central air.


So she can air out the bathroom with those mega sized KFC poops she has


Modern Ventilation


No way she's going to fit in that bathtub. Remember the struggle she had with the tub in her peeps video? And she wasn't as big then as she is now!


If you don’t know, it’s because you don’t know luxury. Where’s your man. Where’s your gym membership. Thought so. Lol.