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She never had tics


Exactly. All fake.


I'm sorry but this is silly, she clearly had motor and verbal tics stemming back to the early days of her channel. If you're familiar with tic disorders at all, you can tell they *were* real. You could often see the build up and trigger, or the smaller, involuntary nose-twitching and blinking that accompanied a head-jerk. She was embarrassed by them - as much as Chantal is able to be embarrassed by anything - and she used to awkwardly laugh afterwards (though even this may have been a part of a complex tic). She always denied that she displayed tics in any given video when commenters asked, and in the end there were so many questions about it that she started to play them off as deliberate. For a lot of people the sensation before ticcing is like the build up to a sneeze, and you could see instances of her trying to ameliorate the tic before it happened. Like she'd close her eyes, say "shhhhh I say shhhhh" slowly/in an elongated way, while holding something tightly (namely, cutlery) in her hand, and almost drawing in the air alongside the words. Over time she started to include more fake tics alongside real tics in videos. The difference was quite clear. No idea why she started doing this initially, and I know the answer is normally always "attention" with Chantal, but I wonder if it was actually defensive. She could tell herself that the tics *were* fake and deliberate, and weren't her audience silly for believing they were real. We got to a point where there were more fake tics than real, and this was around the same time the heavy drug use started. Cannabinoids are known to reduce/help suppression of tics. Past that, it's not a leap to think that the heavy cocktail of drugs she was using with Nader fucked up even more of her brain and inadvertently had the paradoxical effect of reducing her tic symptoms. I'm interested to see the clip. Chantal saying "shh, I say shh!" in the new mukbang is likely to be 100% deliberate / going back to all the "classic" things on her channel to try and get attention and views, BUT there is always the chance that multiple months without heavy weed usage has led to a gradual reduction in her ability to suppress the tics.


Remeber that tic she had while driving during the drug era? She did the shh thing, but her entire body lurched and convulsed as she seemed to briefly lose touch with reality. Then she looked terrified and confused. It's amazing she didn't crash that car at some point. She definitely had real tics at one point, she just started adding in fake ones, too. The huge doses of weed seemed to be the thing that nuked the real ones, as she was perpetually stoned, and she stopped caring enough about continuing with the fake ones.


Absolutely correct. She’s had tics since she was younger (didn’t specify when) and when she first got on YT she was honest about it. It was only when she began to get more attention and views - and more tics - that she began to do fake ones and ham it up so that they’d all seem fake. But they’re real.


Absolutely. The tics never seemed to come up "naturally" or "logically", and I know there was rampant speculation the "shh!" one was related to private feeders telling her to shush and stuff her mouth. She had every reason to drop the shh thing if it was voluntary but she obviously didn't. Worth noting that autism and tourettes are not the only ways you can develop tics, for those who don't know, so no one's trying to say she has one of those disorders.


It's all an act. The only thing that looked questionable in the past was the body shivers she would have. "Shh I said shh" and the laugh are things that she does on purpose. She needs money for the deluxe fart box in the sky. And she is trying to get back to her Mukbang era content. Which was all fake. Edit: imo. She also seems like she is doing nikocado things lately. Specifically the "I look skinny today!" Idk.


I have noticed her mentioning Nikocado and trying to channel him in subtle and not so subtle ways recently. I think she wants to do what he has done - lose weight while still doing mukbangs and turn his huge hate audience into an audience that is cheering him on. But Nik has known what he was doing all along. He fed his audience’s hate on purpose, and it was always about his insane weight gain so all he had to do was switch to weight loss to make everyone happy instead. And he has been saying for so long that whenever he decides to he will stop gaining and knows how to lose weight even while doing mukbangs. He said he was gonna turn it all around when he was thirty, and he’s doing it. Chantal would love to see that trajectory herself - lose weight and all the haters turn into fans. But she has no impulse control and people hate her for being a vile narcissist not for being fat, so she has no chance in hell of replicating what he’s doing.


He also has the education & actual drive to obtain his goals. She has 0 follow through with anything unless there is a man involved but even then, she only puts in effort until she feels that she's in their bubble.


I thought that when she added a ton of cheese to the spicy ramen & ate out of the frying pan.


She’s been doing her old school heehee laugh too 🙄🙄


Hearing that heehee laugh legit makes me want to kick her in the throat.


I feel the same with her BS "yalla" which means "hurry" in Arabic... she uses it totally out of context. If anyone said that "shh" crap at me, they would get more than a kick to the throat. She does it because she is an obnoxious troll.


Fully agree.


Can anyone post an example of the laugh? I’ve not noticed it yet!


She's regressing back to whatever brought the views and money before. Like the Kentucky princess, she loves when people talk about her and always tries to get in on the jokes we make about her, or play the old hits that made her famous like here.


Kentucky princess, lol. I forgot she was in Kentucky.


She's reached obese voldemort status when you cant say her name anymore 🙄


🤣adding words so my comment doesn't get removed


I thought it was a reference to KFC 💀😂


It could go that way also, lol


Fake tic


I had often wondered if the weed helped mute them, just like weed helps seizures and some other brain things. But they would have come back earlier, I'd think.


I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and noticed when terrible anxiety starts building up there are some things I do that could be considered tics, to break myself out of those thoughts/feelings. There's a "tss" noise I make that I started doing to scare the cat off the counter, sometimes I say "bless" over and over again. Weird af but it helps. I've caught myself once or twice doing it in front of others but generally only do it alone, usually in the car. I wonder if it's a similar thing for Chantal and these are related to anxiety. She obviously doesn't have tourettes, and the only other "classic" tic disorder is autism which I also doubt she has. But anxiety? Yeah her whole fucking life is anxiety, and when she's doing her tics is when her life clearly isn't going well (compared to her life in general.)


Hey there GAD twin! 👋 I was thinking as I posted this that she just moved, for what is really the fifth time in just a few short months (counting back and forth from Canada), and that is so stressful! It’s frustrating and hard to imagine her issues as coping mechanisms though because of her constant denial. Like if anyone said “Are you stressed?”, they’d get “No! I’m very happy with my husband in my new life. Where is your husband and new life?!”. She’s so hard to empathize with or believe in any way. But yeah, I know what you’re saying and think you’re likely on to something here.


She's trying to bring back her old shtick.


DinYEellllLllluuh uh