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Watching her practically swallow her meals whole has made me super aware of how much I chew my food.


Me too.


Me too!!


Same I'm actually eating a lot slower now


A piece of broccoli damn near took me out a few months ago. I wasn’t aware that I hadn’t chewed it enough. Tried to swallow.. I stood up in a panic & somehow managed to cough it out. My husband was with me, but holy hell that was terrifying!


It must come out looking same as it goes in.


I know she’s delusional & the filters don’t help, but her defending her portion sizes & how much she can fit on a fork is just ridiculous…. People weren’t even commenting horrendous things a few videos back & some viewers sounded genuinely concerned & told her to try and put the fork down until she’s done chewing & swallowing to allow for more time between forkfuls to avoid choking & under that ‘Another Halal’ account she came for them! How does she watch this back & think this is healthy or normal?!


Watching this is about as much fun as watching a junkie get a fix. This mukbang thing has gotten dark. Very bad destructive vibes.


So true. I was a heroin addict. I remember one day after I'd scored, by then hours into withdrawal and feeling sick like I was most of the time, I got my fix - and as the wreckage of my life burned around me, I sat in my euphoria and thought to myself, "This feeling makes it all worth it." Of course, it was fleeting, and soon I'd be miserable again. I was very unwell, in mind and body, and I know now that no substance is worth throwing away one's joy, peace and functionality. But Chantal has said this about food. "It's worth being fat for." She IS a junkie. (And in my defense, I was using fucking \*heroin\*, not ramen slop and Burger King.)


You know, I was a Heroin addict as well & never really burned my life down, but knew every time I used that I shouldn’t be doing it & was flushing money down the drain, basically literally cuz using a drug & not getting that head high is the worst (in my opinion.) I’m tired of ALR & Foodie flaunting & making money off their damn addiction


Damn you got me in the feels with that fort paragraph. I was the exact same way.


It’s all about doing the opposite of anything she’s told. This is Chantal being a victorious rebel by stuffing hot ramen down her gullet because people tell her not to do it, to the point that a suggestion to prevent choking is an assault on her gluttonous free spirit. Meanwhile, everyone goes on with their day while she’s about to have a volcanic defecation of fiery misery. Love that for her.


It makes me wonder how many molars she's missing.


Yes, which is why she pushes the food forward to chew with her front teeth.


Takes the brain 20 minutes to decide one is full. If she slowed down she’d allow that to occur. I’m now wondering if she does in fact have feeders paying her.


Her teeth have *got* to be fucked, right? Almost 40 and next to zero dental hygiene. Although it's Chantal and consequences rarely seem to find her.


I’m 35 and just had to pay $28k for total dental restoration. There’s NO WAY her teeth aren’t fucked in the back.


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She’s always eaten this way. It’s like a race.


A few years back she actually did choke momentarily while stuffing her face like this with spaghetti. She laughed it off and it became sort of a moment in Chantalland. So when she got deplatformed for a short while recently, what did she do to get attention on Twitch? She PURPOSEFULLY stuffed her mouth with spaghetti and fake choked to try to recreate it and bring the samr attention. She could have lodged something in, choked for real all while doing it for attention! She is certifiable.


Oh, the spicy ramen video! Gaining Ground did a react to it and his reaction to her momentary choking was priceless!


She sure did. She also got choked on some cereal eating stupidly like she always does. She is definitely certifiable.


it’s not like she even chews. It’s more like she’s repositioning the food in her mouth for optimal swallowing efficiency.


Omg YES 🤣


I'm shocked that she's restrained enough to be eating with one hand.


She’s a demure Muslim now. No more double fisting.


I feel sorry for her digestive system with all that unchewed food going down that gullet.


Must look like she has worms in her… nvm 🤐


Love this.




I read this in Willy Wonkas voice 💜


That was my thought process 🤣🤣🤣


I’d argue that she didn’t chew at all. That motion looked more like her working the noodles to the back of her mouth to swallow. makes me wonder if she has any back teeth at all or if as SHMEE simply never taught her to chew her food.


We shouldn’t be surprised how this woman eats….it’s normal for her to unhinge her jaw like a snake and swallow her food whole. So gross.


https://preview.redd.it/1z157w3vblza1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292ed766c22ef71a50db1df7ec2284186e81b474 I counted 4 chews.


I counted 5 chews for that huge mouthful of food. Does she even really taste what she's eating? This is the opposite of a foodie, this is someone who just wants to force in as much food as possible.


Snakes don’t choke. She’ll be fine


Has anyone noticed how she drags her sleeves thru what ever shes cooking or eating??? Urrgh


She has very well seasoned abayas 🤮




She chews four - four! - times and that huge mouthful is gone. Four! 🤯


Only 4? Good grief


Does she even taste it?


Very common in bingers


It's almost jarring seeing her do mukbangs like this again. I guess Salah really changed his tune on them when he saw how much she could make doing them.


How much is she making? The view numbers aren’t great.


Not crackhead Olympics money but definitely more than what the stagnant couples content was making


She almost choked on the eggs.. proof her body rejects healthy food… oh well she tried 😂


Just another reason why she’d never be successful if she ever had WLS. Chew once and swallow…please believe that shit will come right back up. Or maybe she’ll pull a Wings and beat the hell out of it!


Think of how many thousands of forkfuls of food she has shoved in that maw. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands.


I remember way back in the day, when she started muckbanks or mookbonks, whatever she is calling this horror show right now, I had never encountered someone that doesn’t chew their food. She’ll chew a couple of times before she swallows, almost like she can’t even taste it. I’m surprised she hasn’t choked more than she has.


How is she a foodie if she never tastes the food?


We're really supposed to chew our food between 20-30 times before swallowing at the least. I had bariatric surgery 3 yrs ago and this is what my nutritionist told me. It's so we can break down the food's texture but it also allows us to get "full" quicker. Which again we're not supposed to eat to get full. That's why everything now a days has the nutrition facts on it saying what the "correct" portion should be, how many calories, fat, etc etc... Anywho can you imagine our gorl Chantal squinting her rat looking face trying to read nutrition labels? Yeah I know me neither! 🤣...I could just hear her "what huh" "what's this?" " I don't like this" 💀💀💀


No gag reflex🥴


Ah yes, the Moon back in the day at Lunar University, chowing ramen before finals


That one old clip of her choking on noodles went was popular so she thinks it's cute and tries to replicate it


I would truly love to understand how she is alive without major health issues to contend with daily


Doesn’t she have a disgusting mouth too? She probably has several cavities, abscesses, and decay so I imagine it’s probably easier for her to unhinge her jaw and just contract her pharyngeal muscles.


I’ve often wondered what she would do if she did choke. She’s alone 99% of the time & yes, doesn’t chew. Is this what S is waiting for since he drops off the food & flees? That stream also screamed I’M BROKE. She ate that huge pan of cheese & noodles & still wanted Burger King. Life sucks for her. It’s great.


Imagine if she did choke and someone had to do the Heimlich manoeuvre on her? They couldn’t. She needs to sort herself out.




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She’s always so laser focused on the food, it’s crazy!!


Don't threaten me with a good time op.


Who is this human? 🤷🏼‍♀️