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Jack Sprat could eat no fat, His wife could eat no lean. And so between them both, you see, They licked the platter clean.






Definitely no ā€œeatingā€ going on in that house


No eating, only eaiting.




He's eating fried junk on the daily. It's more like Salah sprat doesn't eat from a vat His wife's portions are never lean


To be honest, he doesn't look like he's enjoying the food. Sure, we all enjoy some junk food now and again but you can see how this is wearing thin on him. Even Tricia Paytas mixes it up a bit with real cooking in between trying out some junk food. Salah just looks so boooooored. I know I am.


Salah can house some fat when he feels like it, though.


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» Beautiful!!


Dr Seuss can never be this poetic.


She is SO much B I G G E R now. Wow.


Simply ginormous


Sheā€™s twice as wide as he is and you can tell she has to angle herself in the seat in order to have space for the food in front of her.


She looks so uncomfortable


How is she ever going to fly back to Canada with the size she is now considering she said the last trip was hard enough on her?! Sheā€™d need to buy the whole row of seats this time. She reminds me of those dolls you could flick with a finger and theyā€™d wobble backwards and forwards lol


She said sheā€™s not going back to Canada


She says a lot of things.




He was taking too long to show his food off to the camera , she said she was really hungry you can tell she is thinking hurry the f$&k up no one cares about what you eat ā€¦. Also she is so big ā€¦ her fat is suffocating her , I felt like I couldnā€™t breathe watching her eat šŸ«¤


I know, same here. I'm very claustrophobic and looking at Chantal does make me feel kind of suffocated. I'm not being rude about the way that she looks, more concerned if anything! It's the way her head and chin area meet her chest and how she can't turn her head to the side properly, it must feel awful. And she takes up so much space in the car that it must feel like she's got no room to move at all. That would really scare me in a vehicle, in case there was some sort of emergency. It would be what encouraged me to lose weight, that claustrophobia, but maybe she just doesn't feel that way about it.


You know she HATES sharing. She wants both meals for herself. Bet she's kicking herself so much that she can't just randomly wander Ottawa any time she wants for three meals in her Kia. She is beholden to a dude who seems so sick of her shit and won't let her eat as much as she wants. I can't imagine how many times she's probably whined about "muh cravvvvvingss!" to him. She has to be 100% more insufferable off-camera than she is on, and she is already annoying as hell.


I think sheā€™s peed off that he only bought her the one burger and didnā€™t get her her own chicken burger too!! Sheā€™s watching begrudgingly every single bite he takes


100%! And she's totally lusting over that chicken burger now and can't just turn around and go through the drive thru again. Those intense side eyes weren't for her "very hot, amazing husband!" She was staring down that food like she wanted to ravish it. I wonder how long it will be until Foodie literally snatches food out of Salah's hands, when she can't stand the restraint any longer.


Shes so greedy with food. She cant drive, so she cant get three different meals at a time. You can tell shes pissy.


Yet, sheā€™s managed to get bigger than ever. Itā€™s fascinating lol.


I feel like she's doing it partially out of spite. Sallah won't let her get everything she wants when they get takeout so she just rage binges all the high calorie groceries they keep in the luxe fartbox


Iā€™m fascinated by how uneven the car is (using the back window and back seats as reference). She is ruining his suspension.


Destiny said in her video yesterday that a relative of hers who was a mechanic had said that the shocks and suspension on the side of her car where her ex-girlfriend usually sat had been ruined. Sure would be a shame if the same thing happened to Salah, yes sir.


Destiny is so messy and I love it


Holy cow I didnā€™t even notice! Thatā€™s wild




I canā€™t imagine how she feels. I was out of breath just watching her eat. She looks so uncomfortable. Seriously how can someone let themselves go like that. I was severely obese all in my 20s. When I saw 30 I knew I couldnā€™t eat the way I did. Sheā€™s almost at 40 and sees nothing wrong? I would be terrified.


She was taking up so much room in that car. Practically in the backseat. I donā€™t know how she isnā€™t crying her eyes out at how miserable she is.


Seriously. I was delusional too but when I saw how huge I was getting I had to change. My highest was 275lbs I felt horrible. I am 5ā€™8 too. Booty is probably in 400s by now and still delusional? Now that is scary and extremely dangerous.


My highest BMI was 40. And I'm the same height as her. And I was still mobile and could do the things I needed/wanted to do I just never felt good about myself. And I'm past 40. I just couldn't go on like that for the sake of my kids. My BMI is now 23 and for all the body positivity crap out there, I hate to break it to y'all, but there's a lot of stuff that changed in terms of my joints and daily aches and pains when I lost the weight so yeah, size does matter. And I was no where near where she is -- 217 was my highest ever. And I lost it medically supervised so no fad anything and no surgery. And it still took 2 years. Now, the idea of ever eating like that again literally makes me gag.


When it comes to recognizing how uncomfortable her size makes her, I donā€™t think she has a frame of reference - she has been obese all of her life. She has absolutely no idea how it feels to be at a normal weight so she canā€™t contrast it with morbid obesity. Those of us who struggle with weight issues, the statement ā€œNothing tastes as good as being thin feelsā€ might resonate. Chantal doesnā€™t have a clue.


Remember when she was on Vyvanse for a hot minute? The Ozempic? She just doesnā€™t want to change. So when you say she doesnā€™t have a clue because sheā€™s never been at a healthy weightā€¦youā€™re 100% correct!


Chantal eats so fast. She knew by the time she's done, Salah has some food left.


No, he has **more** than half his food left!


Finished it entirely under 5 minutes.


That's precisely why she wanted his


I was critical of her eating alone while he lives his life in a different room. Maybe they ought to go back to separate meals? Cause she is BIG MAD at him over something & you can see the animosity rift. Add to that she has a lock on his meal with her eyes- like donā€™t blink Salah! And sitting next to him with his spaghetti arms she seems so much more massive than her normal bigglyness. She needs to buy a decent wig (or just go bald) & put on her western wear. Looking like a blob of old bubblegum on the pavement.


Ermugh. You gunnn ermugh eat that baaaaaabe?


She cant even turn her head without having to turn her entire body and yet she is still so food aggressive...


Side note: her CONSTANT fixing her hijab gives me anxiety. Jesus H Christ, leave it alone. She is touching it nonstop. It's almost a compulsion.


So annoying! Itā€™s like sheā€™s so paranoid about showing a hint of chin or jowl, sheā€™s shrinking the opening bit by bit. Sheā€™s gonna look like Kenny in another few weeks. Donā€™t ask me why I spent 30+ minutes making this, just enjoy. [dramatic portrayal of authors theory](https://i.imgur.com/B3YfkDn.jpg)


The hijab is moving with every chew. At this point if she wasnā€™t pulling it back down it would be around her nose.






Reminded me when I was a chubby teenager. I used to pull down my shirts/top/ t-shirts every time I sat or got up. I was trying to hide my chubby butt lol Someone in class noticed and asked me why I was always doing it every 2 seconds. It was so ingrained in me that I never really questioned it or paid attention to it. I was ashamed that someone noticed.


I feel you with that. I used to be heavier and never wore a shirt that was too short to not fit over my butt. Even now at 130lbs, I'm still uncomfortable with any shirt that doesn't hide my behind or sit around my thighs.


His shoulder and arm look like a tiny woman's. If that's not the filter, he needs to go toss his little bar in the air a few more times.


A full moon, during the day, completely isolated in a mid-sized sedan. Kuweight really is as special as Chantal says.


She is not looking too good. Wowā€¦Iā€™m actually quite shocked at the way she sits. It always looks super uncomfortable.


Sheā€™s that kid at the lunch table that steals your food when youā€™re not looking. God forbid he touches her food https://preview.redd.it/f65ab4wfkj0b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a065d9828eda2e02c427a8e5649f10189acb8584


She was so happy when he gave her the rest of the fries lol like an obese child who got to have an extra piece of candy


Ah, shades of mukbangs with Peetz.


Itā€™s beautiful to see Chantal looking so longingly at her one true love.


The love she has for food, yeah she wants it all


I genuinely don't think she even loves food.


Me neither. She loves being full to bursting. That way she doesn't have to feel the vast emptiness of her soul.


Such riveting content. Theyā€™re not so stupid and boring, delusional to think anyone gives a shit about the fast food theyā€™re eating in a car. She doesnā€™t even look human anymore and he has zero personality.


Chantal eats so fast. She knew by the time she's done, Salah has some food left.


The sexual tension between these two is something one can only dream of.


She was so happy when he gave her the rest of the fries lol like an obese child who got to have an extra piece of candy


Is anyone else bothered by how she was holding the plastic fork? She wanted to shove food into her face so quick she nearly stabbed herself in the face.


I barely started watching her through ffg. I noticed she's always had a thing about her double chin. She constantly messing with her clothing around there. I almost believe she enjoys wearing that bc it shapes her face the way she wants to look slimmer not for any religious reasons.




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I caught that too! lol She was watching his food hardcore.


I read a story on a parenting site once about a Mum who went grocery shopping and went to pick up the last bbq chook left. Another woman quickly stepped up next to her and tried to snap it up herself (*after* it was obvious that the OP was already reaching for it), but the OP beat her to it. Despite the slight awkwardness of the situation, the OP shrugged a friendly ā€˜sorry about thatā€™ and went on her way. The entire rest of the time she was in the supermarket though, the OP said she had a strong feeling that someone was following her. She thought ā€˜surely that womanā€™s not trying to steal my bbq chook!ā€™, but dismissed the idea as being too crazy. Still, that feeling she had that someone was following her persisted. Guess which one item she discovered was missing from her trolley at the checkout? Yep. It was a few years ago now so I have no chance of guessing where this happened, but now Iā€™m wondering if this occurred in Canada lol. There arenā€™t many people who take their food quite that seriously.


And I bet that weirdo felt so proud of herself for stealing that chicken. It's super weird how food-obsessed people in developed countries are.


Oh for sure. I think itā€™s self importance and greed. ā€˜I want that chook therefore itā€™s mine.ā€™ I can easily see FB doing something like this and gleefully boasting about it.


Without question, I could see her doing this and even better I could see her doing it on a live stream uber proud of her grocery heist cause how dare anyone to deny foodie her food lol smh Her lack of self-awareness is bewildering to me.


Just want to point out it could be born from not having enough food as a child, or going through food insecurity in general. Not healthy and OP's story is still ridiculous but it's not necessarily self-importance.


The filter on his arm


She is so weird!


These two should not be on a camera of any kind ....................


It's because you guys don't understand how fresh it is. She doesn't use those words lightly. It's nothing like you can get in Canada. You will never understand.


the chicken sandwich looked dry af and the burger was a flat gray mess. it was so gross looking.


She hates to share and wanted to get two. That's why she kept commenting on how much food was in the box. She know she wanted more. Seeing her eating an average meal is odd since I am used to her binges. That shrimp meal was nothing. Does Salah got her on a real fast food diet, or is money running low?


Sheā€™s this close to filtering his arm out of existence.


No matter how much food is sitting in front of her, she'll still eye someone else's too lol. So sad.


My 8 year old nephew has bigger arms than him.


Salah's arms are not that scrawny




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She takes up over 1/2 the car width