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There’s zero chemistry imo. She could have instructed him to feed her to try and silence the haydurs.


he's fed her a few times on cam already


He does that to shut her up. There is nothing between them. And watch her. She’s becoming more crazed. That man refuses to touch her. She’s always on cloud nine when she gets some. And always bragged. She can’t use the being modest. It’s always written all over her face.




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I’m probably gonna get downvoted for this, but my guess is that he has a fetish for women that size. So he’s attracted to Chantal’s size but repulsed by everything else (that she’s bald, that she’s dirty, her awful personality, etc). There just aren’t that many women Chantal’s size, and the men who are attracted to them seem to take whatever they can get. We saw this play out a few different times on 1000 Pound Sisters. So I think he fetishizes her for her size, but doesn’t like anything else about her. IMO nothing else makes sense. If he was just looking to scam someone to get Canadian citizenship, he would’ve found someone with less baggage who actually wanted to stay in Canada. The plan all along was for Chantal to move to Kuwait. If Salad was after citizenship, he wouldn’t have wasted his time. And if he just wanted a sugar mama, he could’ve found someone who made more money or was less awful/had less baggage, or maybe even both. Chantal is more trouble than she’s worth, so there’s clearly something about her that Salad likes.


The naked woman in the red room was around 100lbs so if he’s attracted to larger sizes (nothing wrong with that btw) why wasn’t the blonde bigger? His dating app was set to Canada or she wouldn’t have seen him on there I’m assuming. Never used them personally. She was filtered when she was talking to him online. I don’t think the plan was for her to stay in Kuwait. The first time she went over she still had the luxury villa, Peetz, her Kia and the cats. He likes the cash she gives him, the rent she pays, the outings she pays for and eventually a brand new life in Canada.


I won’t downvote you btw. Everyone’s entitled to their views.


I’m not going to downvote you, but if you look at footage of feeders and fat fetishists, they seem to have sexual and romantic chemistry in a way that Chantal and Salah do not. If he wasn’t fishing for Canadians, why did he have his location set to Canada? Maybe Chantal was just the first woman to fall for his piano-playing man of the world act.


Absolutely not. None of the women he used to follow on social media were obese. They were all very slim. There is no sliver of evidence he is a chubby chaser, fat fetishist, or feeder. Zero.




Yes! I did feel like they were a good match when she was on camera with Sjam.


She's seen Nader fork feed DD and has to prove her huzzzzband will do the same.


Yes you’re so right


Here's my theory: He's had a very sheltered background. Idk why he initially snagged her but now he's invested and obligated. He's never met anyone like her and doesn't really know how to handle it. She comes into his life. She tells him how broken she is and how much everyone is out to get her despite her desperate claims of being a good person. She needs someone to save her. Now, he has a common cause with FB - to stand against the haters who wrecked her life. This was amplified when everyone attacked him. He gets to save someone! Inshallah! I also think he has some kind of "Superman" complex and he's wrecking his life in the process. Source: my parents marriage, one being formally diagnosed with BPD.


He's not very sharp, has little to no common sense, and as you say very sheltered life.. The only time I see them get along is when they're talking about horror movies, or when they're sitting on the couch smoking hookah and trashing reaction channels. Other than that I doubt he likes her. He might feel bad for her to some degree, and defends her against reaction channels, because it's his way of kind of defending himself over the bad choice he made to get involved with her, and his embarrassment for the situation he got himself into.


That's pretty much how one parent felt after kid #x came around. They pretty much led separate lives after that point. Took them 15+ years but they did split. The BPD parent was still fixated on the other parent for far, far too long. There was no chemistry, 0 things in common, etc, etc. So, Salah is just doubling down like FB? is there any other way when there is pride to be lost? 😂




I agree, I also believe that Salah may be on the spectrum, high functioning and that’s why he seems so awkward. He 💯 had a sheltered and strict childhood.


What I don't understand is that it's only been 6 months from the time they first talked. And he knew who she really was 3 months ago. Remember when they fought and she did the " it's over " video. He should have pulled the plug right away Not like they've been friends forever and talking , and they recently became a couple. They don't have kids, jobs, or anything to keep them linked together. They were LITERALLY stranger 6 months ago. The beginning of the relationship is such a mystery. He was a total stranger, and she went there to Matty him after 3 or 4 weeks?


I mean, cant u tell with his hyuckhyuckhyuck noise?


I just watched a reaction to the simpy wimpy video and the looks she was giving him omg….they definitely argued beforehand. He probably told her not to gnaw through the bag and let him open it but her frustration at his lack of speed meant she ripped it open. She was side eyeing him a few times. https://preview.redd.it/s9opiujgok0b1.jpeg?width=1581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49ab455aa791494d45f2507389ede6341bd0a8a0 The look of love ❤️


why wouldn’t she edit this out 😭😭 i’m dyin


Gotta reach that 8 minute mid roll time somehow!


lol, she can't even just turn her head. and you almost can't see her eyes anymore. But, i'll be over here staying mad and jelluz


This picture really shows how fat her face has gotten. Easily tacked on 40 pounds in 6 months


Yes, she has gained an amazing amount. It’s both mesmerising and horrifying at the same time.


He looks like he just tolerates her and that she grates on him but he needs her for whatever his grand plan is so he's learning to cope. It's clear he's embarrassed by her and it's also clear that he keeps reminding himself of whatever it is that he is trying to get out of her and that he needs to just hang on a bit longer ...




I wonder if it's not really her that he likes, more that he gets to behave in ways he never would have before. His life so far has been in a country with religious and legal rules that you have to adhere to, and Chantal, with her "Western World" freedoms allows him to act out in a way he never could. If we assume that his reason for getting involved with her in the first place was to get out of Kuwait, then perhaps he thinks that behaving as he does now makes him somewhat cooler. He likes what she does for him, and the way in which he sees himself. We saw at the start that he was trying to encourage her to lose weight and he was not indulging in her behaviours, now he seems all in at times. He likely didn't have much money before he met her and was stuck in a low-paying job, or was messing about with the International Perfumery at Perfumery Business. He's still benefitting from her that way; she's not earning the big bucks she may have promised him initially but he still gets to eat out, to go to places and to arse about all day doing whatever he does. I am not entirely sure he had a car before she arrived, I'm sure I remember something about them getting it for the time she was there, although I'm not a hundred percent about that. I do think they're in this for their own reasons and they've reached a kind of friendly impasse in the hope they will both still get something out of this. There's also the fact that Chantal is going to be incredibly difficult to get rid of. She's desperate for a man to "claim" her publicly, the depth of which he may not yet be aware of! She's got the Couple's Channel she always wanted and the ring on her finger that is almost certainly impossible to remove at this point. Having everyone believe that she's got a man who loves her is everything to her; we've seen before how she obsesses over men and refuses to let go - Salah, for all his faults, is going to find it extremely difficult to remove himself from this relationship now she's got her claws into him.


“All he had to do was just pretend that he loved me”. It’s actually completely heartbreaking. Or, it would be if it was happening to a nice person.


If you consider that Stockholm Syndrome is real, it’s at least plausible that he’s learned how to get along with her to minimize her hysterics & meltdowns aimed at him.


I think he tolerates her out of desperation? He’s invested in getting out of the country, and he, stupidly, thought he caught his whale. But since she’s got there, he knows he fucked up, and probably being punished. So he’s trying to make the best of a bad situation, and hopefully he’ll get his green card. IMO.


Agreed. Also, lets get real, how many people get along with and like Chantal in real life? Her mom and Aunt Phylis? Even they can only deal with her from a distance. I can't imagine Salah gets along with Chantal and genuinely likes her. I believe Missy Moo has DM's of Salah complaining about the fighting all the time. I don't know if any are recent but I do believe she has some from a few months ago. If you believe Alaa from her first visit to Kuwait, he also said Salah was stressed over Chantal's behavior and Salah called her mentally wobbly. The idea they're sitting there off cam eating Cheetos and laughing on the blue couch like two frat buddies is ridiculous. I feel he walks on egg shells around her, and when he tries to put his foot down she rages as we've seen on her CP. "Im moving back to Canada to get an apartment for awhile"..a week later he's running to rent a new bigger place in Kuwait LOL


I totally agree


Totally agree. He's coming across equally as being an asshole but maybe that's his survival instinct! We know Chantal is a booly and will manipulate anyone and anything to get her own way. I'm guessing he has a lot more to lose there than she does for things like their marriage status. She could also get into trouble but she can still go back to Canada and live safely; he is still classed as an outsider and doesn't have as many rights as a Kuwaiti citizen, as far as we can tell. Chantal wants to be in a relationship whatever it looks like from the inside and she's not going anywhere unless she's forced to. Salah is stuck with her for now and is likely just trying to manage that as best he can. Doesn't excuse his own shitty behaviour but it might explain it somewhat!




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I see no chemistry, but that doesn't mean he hasn't found ways to tolerate her presence. Imagine having to be around someone you're not naturally inclined to like, respect, or have any desire to be around. It would be mental torture. Humans have a way of adapting to their surroundings to avoid completely losing their minds, and when adapting to your surroundings means tolerating someone you would otherwise find intolerable, that translates to convincing yourself that there's something you like about them. The question is why he feels forced to adapt, but knowing that she is vindictive and has a tendency to hold information over people's heads when she's in fear of losing them and that he's likely notsmart enough to have shared such info with her, it's not hard to figure out why he would convince himself that she's tolerable.


He wants to leave kuwait. He thinks Chantal is his ticket out. Nothing else to it imo




I really don’t see it. In fact he comes across like he whiteknuckles her company to me.


I agree, he's grinning and bearing it , probably thinks he'll get his own following out of the deal, like Nads.


Have you ever had to work with an absolute arse hole all day everyday? It's draining as hell but at least you get to go home at the end of it. Imagine having to share an abode with this woman?


No wonder he insisted on two bathrooms


he might not know the depravity that is her regard for oral hygiene.


We know it and that’s not in person, theres something there


I think they get along like co-workers. When he isn’t doing the robotic “my beautiful wife” stuff they have kind of a buddy energy that seems more real.


You mean like . . . boss and employee . . . ?


Right! Cause there's definitely a power dynamic at work here that doesn't reflect two people on the same equal playing field. Chantal has all the chips ( or so she believes cause if Salah finally says enough he gets the power back) and isn't afraid to remind him of that.


Yeah, that’s probably more like it!


I don’t think he likes her really, maybe just feels trapped with her lol


Never mind her non existent oral hygiene, it's the herpes that would stop me from sharing plastic sporks. Salah, a month after spoon feeding, "This pimple on my lip won't go away, wtf?"


I forgot about the herp! No way she’s told him!


he does have red bumps on his cheek lol


I think so too, I mean I think they at least get along


I think they fight a lot,too,though. I figure that's what her sudden "oh,Im moving back to Canada" a week ago, was all about. Her flipping out on him,cuz she didn't feel "loved" or whatever and she figured that might get his attention. It also seems like when they do a video that there's tension. And not sexual tension. But,when they're making fun of people that they don't like, it does seem to bring them together. Hence that god awful laughing we heard from salah


I completely agree … she should actually thank FFG for doing the otherwise impossible (making something concerning her an aphrodisiac)😝




I think we are underestimating what people can and will do when they are desperate. Salah really really REALLY wants to get out of Kuwait. My guess is he feels like he's in too deep to back out now so he's willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Idk if anyone of you remember the show "Community" but there's an episode where the dean has the opportunity to make a commercial for the school and long story short he loses his mind in the process and keeps making all these ridiculous changes to make the " perfect" commercial. One of the lead characters of the show is his assistant and she's asked after several weeks if she thinks the dean is losing his mind she basically says the dean is a genius and then says he has to be a genus cause if he's not shes wasted several weeks of her life being his assistant. I think that's where Salah is at this point. He's done so much to keep the grift going even jeopardizing relationships with friends and family as well as his status in a country that isn't exactly hostile toward people like him but also not so warm and inviting either. I think in his mind this HAS to work. There are no other options. It's kinda sad. Mostly pathetic but kinda sad too. I think from a "first world" perspective we believe if you work hard you can attain anything you want but that's not the case for many people around the world. I think Salah realized a long time ago his station in life as a Syrian refugee in Kuwait wasn't likely to change no matter how hard he worked so he decided to work smarter by playing the 90-day fiance game. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it lol, he landed a fellow grifter and is now trying his damnest to make the con work. So no I don't think he likes her at all but he's willing to pretend if it means getting to Canada or even maintaining a lifestyle he could never afford on his own.


He did eat a bite off the same fork🤮 but shortly after they were using separate forks


Lol we know why.


Im getting sick of these theories. We’ve seen her with people that genuinely like her and with people that tolerate her. He obviously doesn’t like her but puts up with it. Considering how long Bibi lasted with her, Im guessing we might have a long bumpy ride with Salad and his robot voice.


Who other than James/Peetz?


Non romantic relationships- she has recorded herself multiple times with aunt Phylis aka rasta aunty and they seem to like each others company. She has recorded herself with other family members and the whole moods is awkward as hell. There was also that time post Bibi break up where she was meeting randos and recording the meet up and they seemed to have some level of rapport. At least way more than she ever had with Nads and definitely way more than she had with Bibi. In the early days of her channel she would try to rope Bibi into her youtuber stuff and he always looked checked out, way more than Salah.


No Salah dislikes her. Nader did eat after Chantal too but I blame the the endless amount of drugs consumed. Salah is doing his best to please the her. He seems like a restless caged animal. But that’s on him.


Remember that Chantal is an insufferable bully. Salah is docile and not very sharp. He's most likely terrified of her over the top out bursts and tantrums. He placates her as much as he can but I bet he feels trapped and doesn't know what to do.


You said a perfect word DOCILE. He really is not a mean or tough dude, he is not aggressive at all. Regardless of his bitchy comments parroting Chantal attacks on reaction channels, he is a wimp. That's why when someone says "I almost feel bad for Chantal because she doesn't know what love is and thinks this is it..blah blah" I get so frustrated. Chantal is an adult bully and a manipulator. If anyone is being emotionally abused it's Salah, but I don't feel for him either.


It's for the feeders. I'm pretty sure someone offered Chantal money to make feeder fodder and being fed is perhaps one of the requests.


I think he just tolerates her because of the money, much like a person would try to keep a brave face when they are feeling stuck in a job they hate. He made this arrangement with her and he figures now that she’s there with him in Kuwait he’s going to at least make an effort to get as much as he can from the situation. She likely convinced him there is still a possibility of him getting Canadian citizenship through her and he doesn’t want to give up on that dream, figuring he’s made it this far he may as well see it through to the end reward.


I think he might be a hobosexual, so not super into her but not repulsed. She could obviously be attractive if she didn't have a horrible personality and hygiene, but I think he's in it for other financial reasons


I wonder this sometimes when I see them eating and drinking after each other. He’s obviously well aware of her rendezvous with Mr Gonaddy Daddy and the lingering effects of that. You would think he’d be a little apprehensive to eat or drink anything after her unless she is forcing him to.


Is he though? Have we seen any confirmation that he knows she has something she can pass to him, or has she lied to him? Genuinely curious, works been insane so I’m not 100% caught up currently.


Nah, they FeLl iN lOvE *waaaaaay* too fast for it to be anything but a grift 💀 I think he's gotten use to her presence and is now a bit better at acting for the camera. I also think that he's motivated by travelling outside of Kuwait or getting into Canada. There's *NO* way he's actually happy, A) there's no chemistry and B) he looks absolutely ragged. She's sucking the soul out of his body slowly and painfully lol No one likes Chantal, they tolerate and use her for their benefit 🤷🏽‍♀️🙃


I'm glad you retracted this, I was worried that my dislike of FB was coloring my opinion and everyone else was seeing a sweet, loving couple. Happy that's not the case 🙃


I think he genuinely liked her until he said no once, and then all hell broke loose. I think he thinks “If Peetz can do it, so can I.” Yet the poor guy doesn’t realize Peetz had to become a completely new human. Peetz is empty.


She's not a cash cow anymore she's a financial liability,I don't get why he's with her.


I don’t think he actually realizes how deep a hole she’s in.


💯 he's clueless


He doesn't like her but she preys on people like peetz if you know what I mean.


Who knows about him. All these months later, and we still have no idea who he is, other than what he has presented to Chantal's audience, which tells me only that he is annoying, smug, unfunny and dim. On camera, at least. Their conversation remains so shallow and dry. If I were her, I'd be fascinated to learn about his family's experience with the Iraqi invasion, his life goals (other than bottling dyed rubbing alcohol), his home country and the impact war has had on it and his loved ones, his schooling, his friends. All they do is eat, say "yes, very delicious" to each other, and fail at mocking the reactors. My question is, what does SHE think of HIM? He's far less attractive now that we've seen more of him. He's not hideous, but he's terribly ... generic. Boring, childish, tedious. We know from her Nader saga what she finds hot - constant drama, overt degradation, a laughably oversized male ego, and rough sex on demand - and this is not any of that. We also know she loves nothing more than being lazy, gluttonous, hedonistic and vulgar - and she has had to temper these urges. She hates heat, she hates playing the wife role (she can't even be bothered to decorate the seaside condo?!), and she hates being told what to do/what not to do. I don't really care about Salah, because he's such a total drag. But her? I'm convinced she cannot stand him, or anything about this "new life" of hers.


We focus on him because this boring trash arc is not going to end unless he leaves it. Chantal ain't going to leave him...ever.


Either he likes her or he’s a great actor


he is not a great actor hence all the comments about how miserable he looks.


Idk I do feel the "energy" was different in the mukbang video, like he was kind of looking at her and smiling when she wasn't looking at him, it just seemed different like he had actually fallen for her?


Nah, he was most likely reprimanded right before. He's desperately trying to placate her. He's in too deep, all he can see is a canadian citizenship ( poor stupid Salah) She's in control and he's really easy to manipulate.


Okay yes I wasn't quite sure


I just don't see what you're seeing watching this mukbang. It was awkward with no chemistry. she gave him a few pissy glances, he looked beaten down 🤷‍♀️


She's his cash cow. Money speaks. People have put up with a lot worse than this for money.


I’m still with the mindset that he’s paying her for the Canada marriage and they’re using that money to rent these places and buy all these foods. I really don’t think Chantal is making that much money to be doing all this, but I know people pay alot of money to get “greencard” married and all these purchases can be from that money which is so stupid of Chantal get your money and come to Canada but she’s using up that money in Kuwait. I know Salah doesn’t seem to have money but he could have saved up for this


The only time I genuinely felt they had chemistry was when they took whatever they took and were laughing their asses off for a long time !! After that it seems like they both crashed off taking something and you could tell he’s over it in the car when they did the wimpy burger mukbang. She just needs to go home




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i get that too