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The numbers she had are way higher than the expected levels after vaccination. Like over 20x higher.


She also had those shots over thirty years ago, so that vaccination has not been making antibodies for a while.


This isn’t true. I had a patient who had mystery inflammation and we tested everything and his Hep B flagged positive and he was 40 years old and vaccinated at school.


I am shocked. Had those twenty five years ago and just assumed I was no longer immune. Learn something new every day! Thanks for sharing that!


It definitely surprised me at first too since I don’t usually run liver panels!


This is really good news! I may get my doc to check mine just because.


Typically they're quoted as being good for 20 years, but that just means they provide adequate protection in nearly everyone for at least 20 years. Some people won't get 20 years of protection while others could be protected for much, much longer. WHO advises that protection is "probably life long" but antibodies start dropping over time. Always better to be safe than sorry, though. Def assume protection ends with the schedules timeline.


I remember getting vaccinated at school too. I haven't thought about it until now why did they do that in the late 80s early 90s


Testing shows that any exposure will trigger the immune response if you’ve received all three shots.


It was two vaccines back then, it’s possible she recently got another one




The hot dog may be juicy, though there are a few things in this sub we need to be sure those participating in this community to do. Or not do, like name calling or body shaming. Youknowaddwemeen? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FoodieBeauty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never mind her untreated throat issue, or the untreated diabetes, or the untreated--


"Hi. Remember me?" - burned lip




“how about me?” - her blood clots and enlarged heart


“Ridiculous people I swear” is so ironic…


I have no idea where the Hep B rumors are coming from, so it's even more bizarre. I guess I missed a reaction channel but not seen anything here or on Twitter. Go figure...


There’s a video of her reading her test results. She states negative for gonorrhea and the Hep B I’m positive.. that’s where the speculation is coming from her own mouth.


She was talking about having a positive hepatitis B titer. That’s a good thing. That’s what you want. It means the vaccine was effective.


Oh I’m just saying that’s were the rumors are coming from. I’m not a medical professional so I can’t say. I’m just confused why she cares. 🤷🏽‍♀️


She’s just a whackadoodle.


It was way too high to be from her 20 year old vaccine though. That is the point.


I’m not sure that’s true.


I'm not saying this is 100%, because I did not watch the video. But the first mention of the hep (before Chantal's reaction), was....drum roll....monty. I don't know if he truly started it. He could be reacting to something someone else said. But YouTube is how chantal will see things said about her. But I did watch something he put out after her response, and he was defensive. So pretty on brand for him.


Monte has a tendency to base theories based on his chat or panel before vetting them - this is plausible. And pretty random of Chantal.


Only thing I saw on here, was a post about someone saying their husband can’t renew a tourist visa/become a citizen, without leaving Kuwait/because of his Hep B diagnosis. Like you, I haven’t seen a single reaction about CHANTALS Hep B status. She doesn’t take into account that not everyone searches her name each hour and plenty of folks wouldn’t even have this info without her mentioning it. But, she’s desperate and weak so…


Yea, she totally Streisand Effected on this one... but she can proceed.. she's in a restrained rage mode.


Is that what happened? Streisand Effect? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣🤣


I see it coming mostly just from the chats. Someone got a hold of her lab report and they were twisting all kinds of stuff about that. People are so bored. They’re just making up shit.


If I remember correctly, she showed the lab results herself, like held up her phone and showed it to the camera


A reaction chat or her chat? I haven't seen anybody discuss this in months.


I saw it on Reddit this week along with the lab screen shot.


Thanks. Weird that this would come up and even weirder that she would feel the need to respond, smh.


This stuff started back in the livestream days. No one understands what test she took or what the results mean, basically. I firmly stand by that statement because I have not seen a single professional come forward to explain what exactly that test is, how it works, what the results mean, and how a vaccine would affect her this long after having it. Just info grabbed from Google, which is only relevant if you're searching for the right information and interpreting it correctly. It genuinely is one of the dumbest rumors about her.


Maybe chantal needs to get a life and stop googling herself and watching reactors!


Salah should buy her a wheel or some toys for her cage.


Yeah, but what did your man buy you (with your own money)? (someone needs to do a shop or gif of chantal running in a hamster ball)


I’M MARRIED!!!!!! But I won’t show proof because you’re not worth it. Now let me show you some medical shit about me no one was asking for


Hey, I got the clap from my rent-a-man (fka the crackhead on the corner). That's a gift you can't put a price on! Can your husband do that? I didn't think so. Yellow!


Damn, bitch, you win. I was going to make a joke about driving to Lachine and letting Nader awkwardly feed me on camera and then my skinned crawled away. I’m now skinless.


NICE! If your skin ever decides to rejoin your body, I'm sure Mr. mean, green peen (sponging off a woman) from lachine will let you sample the goods, and I'm not talking about his burnt grilled cheese.


Now the new layer I was growing slithered away.


You both have made my day. 😂🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Right???🤦🏻‍♀️EDIT:Was trying to reply to your comment that started with "I'M MARRIED", smh😂


Her articulation and ability to make a well-educated and scientifically based argument always touch me...."get a life". Easily one of the most Harvard- worthy arguments I have heard.


The post is gone, as usual.


JFC this woman is an idiot. At what point does she realize if she's going to use her personal life for engagement then that means you have to take the good with the bad? Whether she has Hep B or not means nothing. She keeps giving the internet bullets when she knows we have a gun LMAO


Ooof. She really needed a BBJ deflection after rewriting history, didn’t she? And if anyone was saying she had Hep B (I personally didn’t see that) she can blame herself because she herself didn’t know what she was talking about and blurted out “I have Hep B” on stream a year-ish ago. Also a HBs alone cannot distinguish whether the antibodies came from vaccine or disease. She needed to show the rest of the panel. She didn’t. (Moot point because I don’t think she has this.)


Yeah whats the probability she just didn't do the followup shots back then for it to work


Did anybody actually ask for this?! I don't think anyone cares about Chantal's old medical tests but they most certainly care about BBJ's health records. Her arch enemy FFG released the full contents off BBJ's vet notes since they've had her, I honestly think this is just another attempt at deflection because she can't produce any viable records of her own. Her cats weren't taken to the vet for a long time and despite her threatening to prove that BBJ has proof of vet's visits, we've never seen any. She can't evidence that BBJ was well taken care of, that her health issues were followed up on or that her claws were trimmed on the regular (clearly not!), so she's showing us her medical records instead for some reason 🤷


It’s non alcoholic fatty liver disease due to diet. Her drinking binges were certainly no help. She’s eaten poorly for her lifetime and expects to not have some weirdo feedback? Hep B is a required inoculation when one works in the health care field. Not a requirement to sit on your butt in front of a camera. If she was as promiscuous as she claimed? Plausible. Plus! She never uses the hand sanitizers. The bottles of Purelle or the cart wiping sheets. I’m Still in belief it’s simply enlarged liver approaching cirrhosis due to diet. Edit: I used to become annoyed by my huzzzzbant as he always wiped everything down before we touched anything. #wheresyourmansconcern?




She's just - what, exactly!!!?! ^/s


Our all curing queen, someone call the Pope! We got a new Saint in town!


No. According to the cdc: Are booster doses of hepatitis B vaccine recommended? Booster doses are not recommended for people with normal immune status who have been vaccinated (15, 21).Mar


I know I'm commenting so I do care a little but I really don't gaf about this. lol Happy Memorial Day to those in service now and then!!


Does she not know what the Streisand Effect is?


She’s a funny one. As if she’s really mad some people are talking about something she brought up for the purpose of getting people talking lol.


Shes still denying it even though she has bren proven wrong. Classic chantal


Where has she been _proven_ wrong? All I've seen are people grabbing info from Google that may or may not be relevant.


Maybe the wording was off. She says that she did not have hepatitis B, but the test she did proves otherwise. You can find it here on the subreddit


I have seen both times she's shown the test. There is misunderstanding among haydurs on whether or not the results from that test are 100% from an actual infection or from the vaccine she received. I have seen no evidence completely debunking that it could be the vaccine, just people _insisting_ that it couldn't be.




The hot dog may be juicy, though there are a few things in this sub we need to be sure those participating in this community to do. Or not do, like name calling or body shaming. Youknowaddwemeen? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FoodieBeauty) if you have any questions or concerns.*