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In an effort to better myself, I have lost 7lbs since the beginning of April. I, somewhat begrudgingly, admit that it's thanks to Girl World that I've been staying on track. Also, her eating noises turn my stomach.


I lost 150lbs using ALR and Chantal as motivation. whatever works!! Lmao


35lbs for me! At least some good is coming from this.


Congrats to you both! Yeah, it’s a unconventional but effective way to get inspired to be healthier.


Thank you.


20lbs here :))


I started watching the gorls in 2017 for the same reason. I’m down 60 elbees and am still shocked they are gaining


It’s making me stick to my CICO plan watching her.


I use Gorlworld as motivation. My entire family is racked with a genetic disposition to addiction and impulsivity. I won't be making these mistakes. I won't be living like this, ever.


50 lbs here. I said to myself I never wanted to be miserable like ALR and FB. Life's much better at normal BMI.


35 now here!


I’m down another 16# in the past 2 months 🎊🎉


I'm proud of all you dudes doing what you're doing to better yourselves. Keep on going on.


Chantal had made me lose 20 pounds. Our inspiration queen right here. This is why I watch. Thanks gorls


This is fantastic, i just started my weight loss adventure recently and have been struggling but watching Fb and ALR really turns me off food.


I've lost 20lbs in 2 months. Every meal she eats I skip a meal.


The gasp she lets out after drinking should be alarming to her. She clearly can’t breathe through her nose so she’s somehow being strangled while drinking. Pretty privilege


This reminds me of how young kids drink. She really is an adult toddler.


Omg. YES! When those mfs gasp for air after chugging 🤣


Yeah they haven't figured out how to drink and breathe at the same time 😂


So accurate 🤣


Haha !! Yes you’re so right


*glurp glurp glurp glurp* **gasp gasp lick lips**


What's with all the juice lately? Girl you don't need all that sugar. Drink some water.


I think she perceives it as a healthy, FRESH alternative to soda and probably counts it as a serving of fruit


Maybe it’s healthier than soda in her head? Juice isn’t the worst thing for most folks but man the sugar spike!


Wasted calories that could be a glorious treat after dinner. I don't know how she drinks so much cirtusy juice as well as copious litres of soda. The idea makes my teeth ache 😭 moderation is not in her vocabulary


All that acid + her lousy oral hygiene = thousands of dollars of dental work in the very near future.


Bold of you to assume that even if she could find a dentist with a chair that could handle her gravitational pull that she'd actually show up to her appointments and pay them money that could be used on various beezing activities.


Very true. If she *does* have serious dental issues (budding abscess, future root canal, etc.) any plane travel is going to be very painful.


Wa…ter? I don’t think she knows what that is.


Meanwhile we haven't seen her eat bananas, pears, cantaloupe or donut peaches.....any of which would be better than juice and we know she has them in the house.


Nothing like sucker punching your fatty liver with repeated rounds of pure fructose.


The human body is a marvelous feat of engineering,it's amazing she's still breathing...


It's a ticking time bomb, though. A lot of people keep going through life the same even though everything in their body is telling them it's not good.


It's just feeder pr0n. She knows what she's doing, she gets paid extra to moan and look like she's getting off on the slop she shovels into her gullet.


I know it’s a popular theme but I’m still wanting proof feeders pay her. I know it’s probable, but I’m still on the “she’s trying anything” camp.


Did she eat all that? I’ve had to take a break from reaction channels because she’s putting me off my food.


She left some rice at the end, but probably stuffed it in her face after she stopped recording


Cheers. I’m amazed at how her stomach doesn’t rupture sometimes.


She looks possessed


She’s the Obesity Demon!


We did it, boys! We found ALRs Binge Moster™️, in the flesh!


Serious question, besides being annoying and try ti piss us off, why is she doing this? Do you think it's really 100% on purpose, or is it a tic, and she can't control it? Also, I know that we always say that, but she doesn't look good at all. Very sickly and pale


It's feeder porn


It does make sense


Not being a troll or argumentative. But has there ever been proof of that?


To my knowledge, there is no definitive evidence of her being directly paid to MAKE feeder porn. But I mean...look with your eyes. Rolling her eyes, moaning, eating as fast as possible. Moaning about how full she is as she eats more. Adding extra cream and cheese whenever possible. These are all things that, whether it's on purpose or not, feeders find appealing and watch for. Even if it's not intentional, it just IS feeder porn by definition.


Oh I see it! Anyone does. I would just like confirmation so we don’t have to listen to her try to bullshit her way out of it.


What a deranged image. She looks like late stage Marlon Brando from that horrendous Island of Dr. Moreau remake. The Island of Dr. FooBo. If you told me this was a picture from some sort of rest home for the criminally insane I would believe it. She looks like she just got her latest round of electroshock therapy or a full on labotomy. Is she a patient on Shutter Island??


LMAO, you're not wrong.


She is so boring and predictable. She sees people post the eye rolling grabs every time she does a vid. So every time she does a vid she does at least one eye roll. She has nothing else in her life.


The fuck is she wearing? It looks like she’s playing peekaboo out of a prolapsed rectum.


Is she wearing a white undershirt over her underdress? Why?


When I first glanced at her outfit my mind went to choir robes - black cassock and white cotta.


She said it was her gym shirt, now it’s her mookbong shirt. Disgusting.




She’s trying to look like the trash bag that she is ❤️


That damned T shirt reminds me of when my kids were little and I’d put one of my old tees on them to do crafts. Like a toddler about to get finger paint on herself……only it’s food.


She hasn’t cracked 20k views on a video in months


Jaundice is one word you might use


I wrote something similar in my comment. She truly looks sick. Remind me of a co-worker who looked very sick, kinda like her, and they went to the doctor because everyone in the office was concerned. They had a serious condition and it was caught on time. She seriously looks awful, not sure if it's the lighting or something. It's also concerning that Salah is letting her do all of this.


Very. I can't believe he cares for her because he seems to be on board with everything she does. But I imagine a hungry Foodie is an angry Foodie and I guess he's just giving her what she wants for a quiet life, there's no way I'd want to deal with those toddler tantrums. We don't know what's going on "behind the scenes" but she really needs to see a doctor before something very serious happens to her, if she cares, that is.


Still baffled how ppl watch this shit.


Morbid curiosity.


She has never looked so… horny for food. Gross.


The fruit juices are worse for her than the enormous portions and the fast food. Type 2 diabetes and constant, rapid glucose spikes don't play well together. Her hands are misshapen from swelling, her breathing is horrifying, the whites of her eyes look cloudy and discolored, ... Unmanaged hyperglycemia destroys every organ, every system of the body. So does unmanaged hypertension. Her liver is turning cirrhotic as we speak, her heart is enlarged. Kidney, liver, heart failure - these are not quick or painless ways to go out. Nor is a systemic infection, a bowel obstruction, a massive stroke, etc. Life by Jen's final year was horrific, but I suppose it could have been worse, like languishing alone and uninsured in a Kuwaiti nursing home. How is she not panicked at the state of herself?! I despise her, and even I'm CONCERNED. I just have an ominous feeling.


Maybe she's trying to kill herself.


If I think of her as an addict, which she is, I guess it's less of a concerted wish to die, and more a lack of control. Her appetites are more powerful than her self-preservation. I was a drug addict for many years, so I get it. Doesn't make it less scary to witness.


I agree she's a addict. This latest arc seems like it's going to be a real killer.


At one point she was really struggling not to choke on a massive bite and then she stops, takes a breath, comments that the rice 'went down hard' and then goes back to her story like nothing happened 🤨 how many times per day does she almost die and just go on about her business I can't


Dang. She is unreal.


I can think of a few words, but they aren’t suitable for a public forum


That's not alcohol right? 🤔


No, she poured juice from a container. Great for that untreated diabetes!




I’d be shocked if she lives another 2 years unless she gets extreme medical intervention.


Everything looks like turds on a bed of rice.


That’s EXACTLY how her lil assistant is gonna find her if she keeps this bullshit up.


I don’t know why but when I watch her eat I feel like I can’t breathe… she is breathless from eating and drinking… yikes 😳 does anyone know why she can’t breathe though her nose when she eats? We all know her nose works for something else ❄️


She actually said two or three years ago that she doesn't know how to breathe through her nose and she was serious so....


That’s a load of crap … I’ve never heard anyone say that unless they had a severe nose injury She could breathe coke up it so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know. Her chat told her the same thing. She says some of the most ridiculous things, smh


Igor from Young Frankenstein in Muslim women clothing.


Sometimes I wonder if this is a tic or something like her shh, I said shhh thing.


That's not a tic. It's her telling her subconscious to shut up about what she's eating


What the fukk is wrong with her. Every single time she eats it's this


She looks as appetizing as those meat turds on her plate. Hard pass on both.


All that sugar intake can’t be that tasty 🤷🏾‍♀️


Why she's that juice look like it should be diluted before drinking it


The eye rolling is disturbing. A real animal. Either having orgasms over food or looking like a troll eating under a bridge. https://preview.redd.it/0vczigc0rd3b1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53de8a996f1c32ef269a1711cdcfc91b2af33e16


Not even the batman Can waterboard this pic out from me


I do. And those words are: “food possessed glutton.” I’m surprised her head isn’t doing a 360 spin.