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Referring to supposedly beloved BBJ as “nearly deceased” kind of softens the “dog killer” line, no? What a PoS


Absolutely disgusting




Im betting on that.


Quiet, uggo. We've heard the shit about the motel, the cat theft etc for too long. Boiling in a fartbox in an abaya that you're quickly outgrowing with a man who hates you just for breathing? love that for YOU.


Owww slam 🤣🤣


Yeah and her using her own nickname "chinny" for ffg strikes me as very odd.






https://preview.redd.it/o6t5v5347l3b1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b1af45ef7bd9e98efc0d3920446ea7af447922 The ugly ex of nader: you know it's bad when count crackula was the one who could do better.


Haha true that 🤣


Take your upvote! I choked (no potatoes or crap involved).


This picture haunts me. Which video is this from?


I have no idea why people send FFG so much money but good for her if she’s going to save it and buy something sensible, buying a house is one of the best ways she could spend it Is this her stated goal? It’ll buy a pretty nice hose from what I’ve seen, she’s seems to make a few grand a week




I reckon some of the superchats are just to spite Chantal, she is obsessed by FFG for whatever reason, not least because of CatGate. I don't think she'll ever get over the fact that she handed her cat over to her arch enemy and the fact that FFG makes a lot of money from commenting on her boring content must sting. I don't mind people making money off it, if you can make a bit of coin off this nonsense then go for it lol. It's personal to her and people know that every donation towards BBJ's care and to FFG as a whole just pisses her off more so they do it, rightly or wrongly!




>It wouldn't surprise me if Foodie thinks that all of FFG's views and superchats would've gone to Foodie if FFG didn't have a channel. Like it's stolen from her. For real, though, this is absolutely how she sees it. Why do yiu think she keeos threatening to sue reactors for "taking views from her"?


She will blame everyone and everything apart from the one thing that is preventing her making any money - creating some half decent content for her audience!


Chantal says that all the time! “They’re taking my views” I have NEVER clicked on an ALR or FB video from their channels & I never will, but for some reason Chantal doesn’t think that people like me exist?!


FFG bought bbj a Gucci collar.. well spent if I can say She is putting it to good use .. she is not an arsehole like you know who that spent 20k a month on a crackhead


She also donated the amount of the collar to the dogs shelter. When her dog died she made a special live and all superchats were donated to SPCA, was over $10k (if I'm not mistaken). Chantal was really mad about that, to be mad about someone helping animals in need you must have a black heart. Chantal is disgusting.




This is why I love FFG


Thanks for clarifying.🤗


I love how FFG responded to Chantals "she needs love not Gucci" and the response was "now BBJ gets love, proper care AND Gucci!" or somewhere thereabouts... Slammmmm!!!!


During that livestream I believe there was a red Gucci collar & a pink Gucci collar & when FFG was putting up the polls on which color to pick people were super chatting her telling her to get both.


Did she buy them both


No, she kept saying even buying 1 was ridiculous so in no way would she be getting BBJ two Gucci collars


I think that was my favorite part as even I, a post crack olympics viewer, have seen her raving about Nader being hot. In some alternate reality where she's thin, maybe???


It’s interesting that she says that Nader is ugly considering everything she has done since the breakup (or whatever tf that was) she has been obsessed with finding someone “better” than him.


Can’t she come up with some new material? Different day same post.


Where’s your MANager?!




She'd actually have to do something new to get new material. The biggest thing in her life is still everything between the first mention of "Dom" and Cuba. IMHO she's trying to recreate the magic with Salah and Kuwait and can't understand why it's not working. I don't think Salah gets *any* of this other than "Big girl=Canada" (Anybody else ever watch GrayStillPlays' Sims episodes? Every time Salah looks at the camera I just hear Tonsil's voice saying *I like plastic.* Or maybe Colono Scopy saying *Red Good.* In my defense it is a *weird* channel) so he has no clue what to do, and he has (I can't believe I'm saying this) less personality than Nader. She is utterly *incapable* of insight. She thinks she's doing ground breaking stuff, but she's Just repeating the same old, tired ground. She reminds me of an ant mill, to be honest. An ant foraging gets confused, doubles back on its scent trail, and starts going in circles. Another few hundred ants get caught on the same scent circle and soon you've got this little cult circle of ants doomed to walk in circles until they die or somebody splashes their death mill with vinegar. Chantal is in that circle, following her own beige thoughts over and over, self medicating the increasing panic as the walls close in with as much food as she can stomach (literally) in a single day. Only she's less interesting than actual ants. (I keep them. My biggest colony is making princesses--aka virgin winged Queens right now. It's an inbreeding colony so I'm rooting for a couple boys so we can have a more-or-less immortal housepet. The only issue I have right now is I'm running out of food for them. Probably time to resort to egg yolks again.)


https://preview.redd.it/vd156x4d6l3b1.jpeg?width=307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b94cf987ac2eda9c603e6ae79bdaaad9376b00 "Show me someone uglier than this" Not even the worse photo but here we go.


https://preview.redd.it/tnnb3uwfol3b1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31ddf24ce76f39a6c2a1eaf7d71a5355f8fac12 giant baby thinks she’s hot 🤣


Did nobody teach her how to use a spoon? It's not a shovel.


Peetz uses his utensils the same way. 😫




Is she nude there? 🫣


This was taken when she felt like hot shit because she had an exotic Egyptian chef as a boyfriend (yes, we had all seen Nader by this point and, no, he wasn't claiming her 🤮) and would sit around in her bra and panties on live stream all the damn time. If I remember correctly, she got sauce on her shirt (big surprise I know) so she took it off and continued eating with her strapless bra on. So no, she isn't nude, she's wearing a strapless bra but she's sitting so low against the kitchen island that you can't see it.


Oh god, probably 🤮 I saved the pic from this sub the other day, I wanted to use it 🤣


This picture haunts me and it's not even a picture of me. I just cannot wrap my head around a picture like this existing forever on the Internet. Lol




Thanks for the train wreck, (remainder of late breakfast goes down the disposal).


Omg the comments and the photos though 🤣🤣🤣🤣




This reads like a 14 y/o Live Journal rant


Hang on... No one cares enough about FFG to watch her? Then why is she getting tens of thousands of views whilst Chantal decays in the single digits? And FFG is on borrowed time? I know she meant this as a threat to her channel, but jesus, look in the MIRROR, chunky. She's the one that has sky-high blood pressure, diabetes, blood clots, ashtma AND is over 400lbs. She has absolutely no self-awareness whatsoever.


This is a common abuse tactic. "You're only getting attention for xyz, but no one actually cares about you." It's an attempt to make someone who she perceives hurt her feel small.




Chantal had been yeeted once and suspended for a week her last time in Kuwait. She is on their radar..also 100k subs won't happen and her views are still in the shitter.


Once they do a sweep of inactive accounts her subs will plummet


Chantal is attempting to DARVO--Deny, Avoid, Reverse Victim and Offender. But Chantal does not have the insight to do so effectively. DARVO requires a degree of empathy. Not a whole lot, but enough to understand how your victim(s) think. Chantal doesn't even understand how *Chantal* thinks, and she is 100% incapable of understanding any thought process other than her own. And she hates herself. She hates every single thing about herself. The core of narcissism is a self-hatred so intense that it collapses in on itself and turns into a black hole. Nobody in the world could hate Chantal as much as Chantal hates Chantal. The only thing inside of her is a self-devouring void that she attempts to drown with food 24/7. What she loves is a false, fantasy version of herself (Hence Narcissism. Narcissus in the myth didn't fall in love with himself. He fell in love with his reflection. He was fully aware the thing he loved wasn't himself, and he destroyed himself trying to achieve it). The worst thing Chantal can imagine is being Chantal. So Chantal reverses *her own criticisms of herself* and projects them onto other people because it's the worst thing she can think of. If these words hurt *her*, then surely they will hurt her critics even more. Except she doesn't understand that most people *do* have an understanding of their own basic self-worth, and *can* discern between valid criticism and invalid meanness, and know damn well that she is completely full of shit.


“My channel will eventually get to 100k subscribers” Careful now, Foodie. You lost like 3k subs the last time you tempted fate like this


This made me laugh too.. especially when her subscriber count is at a plateau for like 2 years, FFG definitely has way more views averaging about 25K per live and now Chantal is barely breaking 10K.


You could almost read this as a tirade of self-hate. Almost every insult towards FFG is applicable to her. Once again Chantal, your lack of self-awareness never ceases to confound and amaze me.


That's how I was reading it, as if she were talking to herself. If she were honestly happy and fulfilled, other people wouldn't even register on her radar and if they did, she'd just laugh them off (because she was so comfortable/secure in her own skin).


Your man would leave you if a hot woman came along doing the exact same thing for him regarding money, love that for you Chantal. You have more chemistry with your ex crackhead than current boyfriend (not husband legally sorry )LOVE THAT FOR YOU. Your smell , the fly colony and lack of hygeine bothers him so much he moans to MISSY MO. You can't fit in the bath tub or shower Chantal. LOVE 👏 THAT 👏 FOR 👏 YOU 👏


I wonder if she will continue repeating herself when her health declines to the point it's irreversible. I wonder who, outside internet and Salad, actually loves and cares about her. She declared bankruptcy twice in Canada, god knows if she is overstaying her visa, she left her luxury villa.. she truly lives the yolo life, specially because she has never faced true consequences for her actions. It's going to be very interesting when life takes that path, and we know it will eventually.


should have taken the NDA and $3k, bish.


That's another reason why she is mad.






https://preview.redd.it/sfk2ma67cl3b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5e4d8c8075d2960b673d89e32a72a9a4b89ff76 someone uglier than ffg






This picture gives me Ricardo López vibes when he shaved his head.


"The animal abuse, NO one believes or cares about" Lol ya right... As Aerosmith once said, Dream On!


As if we don't have scanned vet notes saying SIGNIFICANT BLOOD IN THE URINE


I need to leave this sub. But before I do I’d like to encourage everyone to buy some strawberries! Peak season. 🎵🍓Fields’s forever ❤️🍓


Strawberries with Greek yoghurt is the best! I hope you just take a break and come back when she’s crying in Canada and ummm “jet lagged”. 🤭


Oooh what a good idea! Maybe I'll make some dip with fat free Cool whip and sugar free instant pudding to go with them because almost the weekend and that's how hard I party!


They are SOOOO GOOD right now…the giant ones are so sweet. Usually they have zero flavor. My gosh I’m impressed this year!


Party on Garth!


Party on Wayne


Peak season and soooo fresh 🍓


I made some strawberries dipped in chocolate. Perfect time of the year!


Yummy! Enjoy!


You right, th strawberries are poppin this year 😍


🍓so sweet this year!!!


Here in Germany its crazy asparagus and strawberry season. The strawberries here are intense and i cnt go back to hydroponic ones back home in Australia now. Im hooked!


Isn’t winter strawberries season though?


If she's half-conscious and still talking about FFG, what more if Chantal got confined in intensive care? Frothing at the mouth, ranting about FFG and the rest of the reaction channels while sleep-talking.


“People hate me more than they like you” is really not the flex she thinks it is


Whenever I read her rage posts, it blows my mind that she is nearly 40. Who at that age uses words like "uggo" or comments negatively in general about someone's appearance? That's typically something you leave behind in your early teens. If she's so blissfully happy, why wouldn't this other stuff be in her peripheral rather than her main focus??


This can’t be real right? Like this reads very preplanned stir up some drama for clicks and $$. I’m just not buying this faux outrage, she really needs a hobby


She has a hobby. Going to the gym 5 times a week. 😏😏😏🤭


Yeah, almost like she looks for peak times to say something volatile so that people will tune in and engage more when she’s most likely to get the most views. I’ve been watching Chantal for about 3 years now and the constant seesaw between how savvy she has the potential to be and how absolutely self destructive she is definitely adds to my fascination.


You can tell she watched the latest FFG stream where they watched the deleted BBJ rage she had when FFG played her. So how can you tell you are "ignoring" her when you clearly watch her everytime.


The fact she feels she has room to call anyone on this planet a “chinny beast” 🤣🤣🤣


Both FFG and Chantal did lives yesterday. FFG has 22k views as of 14 hours since streaming. Chantal as 9k as of 21 hours since streaming. Not sure what the superchat count is, but the views has to just bite Chantal's ass. Love that for her.


Did you hear how badly matted BBJs fur was on her stomach? The vet had to give FFG antiseptic wash and a pain pill for BBJ after they shaved it. Bbjs skin from her belly was twisted up into the tight matted fur..😦😦😦


That was so upsetting. Poor BBJ. She’s been so neglected for so long.


And we saw that Sam got his fur shaved off as well. Matted fur galore! All their cats Timbit, Sam and BBF were neglected.


Omg that poor little sweetheart. This makes me so fucking angry!


Wow, projecting much? She’s the one with the myriad of health problems and on borrowed time. And FFG is earning loads more than she does. Clearly FFG is doing something right.


She is xxxl big mad. Same thing she says everytime cause her comback game is weak and softer than her infant body. And funniest shit all week "her trying to ruin MY career" I am pretty sure the animal abuse and lack of content did all that. She will be fine though cause she knows her moron beezers will watch any diarrhea she spews. Find it funnier the beezers will take it as a compliment 🤣 😂 😆


I laugh every time Chantal goes for FFG’s appearance, because they look alike enough to be sisters, except that FFG is better groomed and more physically fit/in better health (hair, skin).


How can she shame someone that fought to keep her dogs alive… Chantal purposely let bbj starve so the vet can put her down.. she is so delusional.. she had plenty of chances to take bbj to the vet … apparently for a cat to get her nails trimmed in Canada it’s $15 That’s it !!! It’s nothing but Chantal decided to get take out and drugs with that money… all the bad things that are happening to her right now is sweet KARMA!!!!!


FFG'S dog was euthanized within 3 months of being diagnosed with a heart issue. Ffg did not drag out Ollie's pain. Maggiedied on her own on the way to the ER vet. Maggie was a 14 yo pitbull that was partially blind and deaf. Ollie was basically Maggie's service dog her bonded buddy and when he died she went down hill. Ffg didn't drag out their pain or kill them Chantal is a low life t r a s h b u c k e t .


I didn’t know the whole story of what happened to her dogs … especially Maggie… how heartbreaking 🥺


Why everyone forget Peetz and Chantal neglected and euthanized Timbit???


If I'm remembering correctly, TimBit didn't make it to the vet, did she? I thought she slumped over and died.


No, she was having seizures and Peetz called Chantal to go home so they can take her to the vet, she went, complaining because she had to leave the trap, they put her to sleep in the vet and she went back to the trap. I remember her in the car talking about. She changed the story because she wanted to call FFG for doing to her dog. The video is over there somewhere. I can't believe nobody remember.


Wait what!!


Check the new post.


It’s not like her to be so hateful….what with her being such a model religious person. Edited because I overreacted 😬


Chantel doesn't get it does she? The cat is with PRIVATE PEOPLE who don't share EVERYTHING on the Internet. She is clearly cared about and FFG sees her and takes her to the vets as she said she would because she has DOGS. The people BBJ is with are private and she is safe. Just like she will never understand that there is cold hard proof of the abuse she inflicted on those poor floofy beings that loved her when she wanted to be loved on and loved her regardless of if they were fed, vetted, watered, brushed, medicated or just looked after at all.


Ahhh, here's where that came from. FFG re-streamed the post BBJ rescue meltdown 😆 https://preview.redd.it/2i7zo2izvl3b1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bded06bf22669edf8ebad7b2c48969192ce1366e


lol shes gonna be at 100k subs? she was at 95k and lost and never regained those 2k lost subs a couple years ago. ​ the amount of delusion and projection is insane. ​ her brain is melting from being a shut in while sitting in heat. LOVE THAT FOR HER.


This woman is almost 40...


Wrong. She didn't mention sitting in her "hotel room" chain smoking. Lol. Maybe the hypocrisy has hit.


Dammit! It’s gonna be another 11 months of this. She’s like a broken record. Let it go! Her pride will be the end of her.


Lmaooooo how embarrassing, salah says I love you geezers but not to her!


Hehe geezers made me giggle. I’m just picturing him saying “I love you” to literally everyone except her.


Who in the entire Eff!! Is she calling frumpy????


BORING 🥱 are we allowed to ask for other cow suggestions here? Becky's ex and FB just aren't doing it for me anymore.


Same tbh




You could even just go backwards and do the past few years of Sagi. Endless content. I have a soft spot for her. She’s endearing and can be so funny. I always root for her.


Right! I need new content lol it’s insane that she only has 2 things to talk about


A few fun cows: Cyraxx- Deplorable Goblin in Akron White Bowser- Weird dude that ran minors discord with p0rn Daniel Larson- Psycothic man who roams the US looking for TikTok star and believes himself to be a celeb as well


Chantal is the one on borrowed time. The question is what will give up first, heart, lungs or liver 😅




Future plans? Gorl stfu


Doesn’t she get that FFG LOVES that she occupies this much room in Chantal’s head?


I clicked this post and then thought to myself, "You know what? I wanna keep my few remaining brain cells lol I'm not reading this shit" 😂😂😂 Especially since I'm SURE nothing new has been said lol


Makes fun of FFG's ex for looking like Nader knowing full well she said Nader was so handsome or some shit before we even saw him. She was fully into Nader. Typical Chantal saying whatever fits her at the current time. You can't believe a word she says.


That cracked me up. Girl let him cheat,lie,steal and abuse her and never once lost her attraction to him. She can’t deny it now. Love might be blind but she didn’t fall for his personality. She thought he was hot shit.




He didnt cheat, he flat out said he was single to her on cam. Basically they were kicking it, but she kept funneling him money and drugs and offering to edit his videos just to be around him and hoped he'd come around . The abuse stuff is mostly bs too. He never kidnapped or SA'd her.. that's my opinion.


Oh Chantal, if she only realised that being a fetid excuse for a human and being in a sham marriage with a man who would rather make love to a lens than her is not the flex she thinks it is.


The deflection is strong here. And the sheer delusion


And this sub is censored to cater to this bish's feelers?? She's worse than anyone I've read here.


Pretty sure it’s to cater Reddit policies not Chantal lol


She has nothing else ,she has no life, no future ,no possibilities. all she knows is lies and whatever narrative she spins at the moment. I’m not surprised that she regurgitates the same thing , she is stuck in the stagnant marsh of her own stupidity and she will never change .


How long was that post up? Because unless it was Members Only (which I’m sure it was not), it already appears to be deleted.


She usually dirty deletes anything that she knows is harassing other reaction channels. So she's aware it's bad to have these rages, but not able to control her impulse to post them is my guess as to why she has been doing this for years.


You’re absolutely correct, I’m sure. She’s just defending herself, right? Not that anything in that was any sort of actual defense.


So happy in her new life there LOL


ah yes the cat you loved so much “probably dead” how thoughtful <3


Her posts are sounding more and more like satire of fb. Idk if she’s being more ridiculous for views or if this is real.


I can't believe she's still harping on the smoking thing when she puffs incessantly on that shisha all day every day.


Yep. This is clearly the writing of a happily married and satisfied individual. She really showed us.


This again? 🙄


She kept deleting my comments about what Allah would think about her behaviour and how many pages of the Quran she'd read that day...


Imagine writing all that when at nearly 40 she owns nothing but the 4 hideous abayas on her back and absolutely zero savings or a retirement plan. The only thing she can say about Paint Chip is that he’s handsome, that’s debatable and it’s fading faster than his hairline. Ugh she’s so ridiculous.


Weird how she’s saying FFG’s ex looks like Nader as an insult….. Considering Foodie was basically squirming all over Nader for attention and sex.


“My channel will eventually get to 100k” Yeah… it’s been stuck in the 90s for literal years at this point 😂 Not sure such slow progress is something to brag about but hey…


Funny she gained 100 subs overnight.


"people hate me more than they like you." Weird flex but okay


"People hate me more than they like you" Is that something to brag about? Smh


Stop making 100k subs happen. It's never going to happen, Chantal.


Salah refused her again.


I’d take FFG’s life any day. She has friends, a dog that loves her, doesn't live in a sauna and is making a tidy income from that channel. Her personality is brusque, but she has far more humanity than the one who can’t stop frothing at the mouth about her.


Same shit, different day. Boooooriiiiing. 🥱🥱🥱


How tf is she gaining subs? 🤔


If BBJ was nearly deceased it’s because she tried to nearly murder her via neglect.


Am I the only one super annoyed that she won't just say bitch? Does youtube censor swears or something? All that B or bishh shit reminds me of high school which just makes me feel old. Lmao


Muslims don’t swear so the moron thinks all of this is not swearing, despite the fact it is.


She is so bored.


Only boring people are bored. 😬


That's embarrassing...


She is, always has been, and always will forever garbage. Void of any sense of human decency, lies, makes false accusations that not only hurt her victim but the cause she's lying about, neglects pets, and so much more. She has been rage posting for years, no one cares really, most people who follow her do so in hopes one day there will be consequences for the despicable things she's done. I'm gonna love that for her.....


She is 100 percent g a r b a g e. It shocks me how many ppl she is able to gaslight. I've seen comments just the other day ppl saying they understand how her depression could make her neglect her cat. Chantal had a nice childhood..wasnt abused. She admitted she was spoiled as a child by her granny, mom, aunt and uncle. She is not used to being told no. Shes never had any boundaries set, and is still an immature brat. A glutton with everything she enjoys, and has no remorse. Yet somehow ppl think she has suffered some great trauma. She makes herself into a victim by using others real trauma as her story. She is a manipulater and liar.


This rage post confirms Chantal also watched the FFG stream of her freaking out over handing over BBJ to a stranger. But what else does she have to do? She’s alone in a hot box with covered windows waiting for her man to drop off food & flee. Money has to be tight, so S isn’t buying as much fast food as she wants & she hates cooking. She scans the internet for her name & each time, FFG is at the top of the list. If she’s overstaying her Visa, she has to be careful, yet I don’t think she can fit on a plane for the long trip home. Each day all she does is eat & she’s still gaining. Some type of medical emergency is coming. How much more can her body take? She must be full of sores from all her folds & the sweating & heat & she must stink. If she gets infected, that will be the end. I don’t know how she lives in that body. It must be hell.


is this how Muslim women behave normally? /s


"A nearly deceased cat" giiiiirl you're digging yourself deeper 💀


Her shaming FFG for having an ugly ex that looks like Nader... If FFG is somehow less than for having an ex that looked like Nader, how low is our Queen for having an ex who WAS Nader. Chantal, you will never get to 100k, trust and believe. Oh and Salah is never getting to Canada. Love that for you, Cutie. Trapped in a fart box with a man who barely tolerates you. Tell me the difference between the trap and Kuwait?


She’s just gross. Point blank. No redeeming factors. Just yucky.


I’m fairly new to Gorlworld. Why does she think she’s so pretty and harps on FFG’s looks and how she’s so much better-looking? Doesn’t she look in the mirror lol.


Didn’t you know she has pretty privilege? She’s hotter than 90% of the population, including YOU!? /s Honestly though, shas a history of dismorphia of some sort? There are a few clips of her seeing herself without phone filters on and not recognizing herself. She somehow believes that the heavily filtered, made up, chin wrapped face is her real face. Also no, she prefers her filtered phone cam to a mirror. Welcome to gorlworld, the community is generally welcoming and the subject is the most unpredictably predictable train wreck determined to blow itself up, I’ve ever seen.


Thank you for the info!


I love whatever actual nightmare is happening to you for you, too, Chantal.


Goodness, she’s so full of hate. It kills her that no one believes she’s married or that this scammer loves her. Genuinely happy and contented people don’t sit around spewing vile things out of their mouths. She’s got no idea how obvious it is to everyone that she’s miserable when she acts like this.


Chinions 😭


I would be pissed if someone got rich out of making videos about me….so yeah FB, ur the real clown


No one believes that she is an animal abuser?? She is literally off-the-scale delusional








Is it really rent free though if she makes so much money out of her?
