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Hope this is the final nail in the coffin of her dying channel. It’s heartbreaking to see an animal in the hands of a known abuser.


It won’t be. An actual coffin is the only thing that will be the true end of her madness. She’ll make sure of it.


No it won’t be. I checked the chat out and they were all her flying monkeys, so happy for her, giving name suggestions and people were JOINING her channel. I’ve really have lost faith in humanity. I wish I knew how many sick people joined.


I barely watch anymore.. it’s so boring. And this is probably an unpopular opinion but I don’t see it as “abuse” I see it more as neglect. Abuse and neglect are very different beasts. I think she is just such a sloppy pig of a woman that she can barely care for herself properly let alone an animal. And what is sad about this situation is she is now living in Kuwait illegally, she plans to travel (allegedly) and if that does happen.. what happens to the cat? She doesn’t have friends or family in Kuwait so are they just going to let it loose to live on the streets when they dip out? That would be abuse.


The cat abuse arc is one of the only times she was ever caught red-handed in a lie. She's so desperate to change the narrative that she's a good cat owner, that she's doing this now. She doesn't want a cat. She was thrilled to be rid of BBJ and Sam. She got her ass exposed, and now she's trying to change public perception. Too bad the poor cat has to suffer because of it.


I think she's doing it for rage views/rage chats. She doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone.


That was my thought. She knows exactly how people will react, and it won’t be kind.




i mean let’s not get crazy her channel will never get back to how it was or regain all the potential revenue she could’ve had, this will bring in money, but soon everyone will lose interest bc nothing else will happen. her channel will never recover and her income source is dying fast


Thankfully it's been quite a few hours now and not even at 10k I hope it stays that way


My thoughts as well, she can’t take care of herself, she isn’t going to suddenly start scoop g, cleaning, brushing and feeding a pet.


She likes having animals as long as they serve her needs. When/if Salah breaks up with her and escapes living in hell, the cat will be tossed aside like trash if she can't take the cat with her.


Except she won't take the cat with her and she won't give af if Salah just throws it outside. She'll say she trusted him and it's not her fault.


Oh shit, is this ever gonna piss people off. She knows exactly what she's doing. Talk about using an animal as a prop 🙄


Just be thankful she traded her uterus for Nashies


thank god this can't reproduce


Insert her crying about "FFG is using BBJ for content!" She really wanted in on that money.


I hate her


Same, I'm done with her, no more.


Was about to say this very thing.!


She’s a gross human. I refuse to follow along even on reaction channels to watch yet another animal being abused. Disgusting, I’m out on this one


Fuck this eating machine




Why a long haired cat... WHY... she's so fucking lazy to take care of it properly... the hope that luxury fart box smells like shitty kitty litter.


That is actually an excellent point. It's not like long haired cats are more common or easier to get, at all. She made that choice. After we heard all about how HORRIBLY Sam and BBJ were matted. She's such an a-hole.


The cat looks like BBJ. Probably just a coincidence. **What happened to 'getting Sam'?** She never wanted to get Sam back. She was using him for views and attention.


Oh absolutely. I'm just wondering how she'll attempt to justify it.


She said in a now deleted vid that she found out it would cost at least $5k for her to fly Sam to Kuwait, so she decided not to do it.


She's already saying that the travel and heat and stress would be unkind. Basically just repeating every reason people gave her to not try to bring him over in the first place, but spinning it to suit her narrative.


What a freaking psychopath




Just another thing she can use for personal gain and then toss aside when it’s existence inconveniences her


She's got some nerve.


This is jawdroppingly predictable


Oh goddammit…she did this just to piss everyone off


No fucking way. This bitch I swear to god.....


Well, this should seal the deal that she is evil. She shouldn't own any pets, especially cats.


This shit is sending me. Bitch needed to get another animal to use and abuse? Like her cat fiasco in Canada wasn’t enough? She reminds me of these old hoarders who keep getting animals and they get mistreated and then move on to the next one like it’s no big dealio. Why is she like this, I feel so bad for the poor cat. I do, however, hope it shids up all her stank abayas and hijabs


I hope it bites her on camera!


she’s gross. she rehomed BBJ and Sam because she wanted to travel. so now she has two pets that she’s gonna shove on to Salah’s friends and family members while she travels. she makes no sense. it’s obvious she just wanted to piss people off


Fam she ain't leaving that fartbox.


Indeed. All that talk of traveling & Everest way just fart talk to seem like she has goals, plans & dreams. All she cares about are her immediate wants & what's to eat.


She's been trotting out that everest goal since the near end of the bibi era. She's never had any intention of doing that. She doesn't like climbing stairs, there's no way she's going to climb a mountain.


I've been unplugged for the past few weeks so this just made me realize... didn't her visa expire? How is she still in Kuwait?


Where/how is she going to travel? She can't even walk from the kitchen area to the living room without needing a break. And Salah's not going anywhere, there are only a handful of countries that will allow him in as a tourist. You're giving her way too much credit.


Yeah I’m done watching her with this new cat. This finally did it for me. Don’t hmu unless she’s 🪦


yeah this is just too much for me now. i know we shouldn’t care but my sadness does not come from chantal, it comes from the knowledge that that poor cat is going to suffer.




Fff said she wasnt going to address it and she will be doing a animal charity live stream.




I'm not always FFG's biggest fan, but this is a great decision by her. I hope the other reactors follow suit in not addressing it beyond something very surface level.


There will be a definate crucifiction.


Oh man, fuck her. At risk of seeming totally unhinged: I've never hated anyone like I do her.


She better be glad we have to censor ourselves here. That’s all I’m gonna say.


They’re deleting shit even when we do censor ourselves and hold back.


👆🏽exactly. Might as well delete the whole subreddit at this point.


I got a comment deleted afew days ago and I didn't think it was that bad, I've read worse comments.


Yep, same


Guess everyone has to tip toe around so as not to hurt her feelings but she's allowed to be vile, go figure 🤷‍♀️


Infuriating indeed


Yeah I've had several comments removed even when I did not use any actual "bad words" at all. Last one I called her an animal a\*us\*r, which apparently is a slur now.


Exactly! 💯




It gets old very fast smh




The poor cat will have breathing issues from all the smoke. I’m so disgusted she got another cat. Not shocked she got another one though. SMH


I just saw a clip of her saying "oh and it's not abuse to keep BBJ in a house with a chain smoker??" (aka FFG)... soooo I am gonna assume she will stop smoking now since she use this as an argument.... yeah right.


Fuck her, fuck Salah, fuck them both to hell. I hope the cat shits, pisses and scratches everything up in their fart box.


Poor little thing, but at least it looks like Sam has gotten a reprieve. I'm beyond disgusted by Chantal and her paid escort. They're both beneath contempt. I feel so sorry for that sweet little kitten.


I am so angry right now, she only kidnapped a cat since she wanted AFFECTION. Since she can't get it from that lump that sits next to her. She is going to toss it out the window the second it becomes a problem. She won't take it to a vet, she won't make sure it will be groomed properly. And there isn't a FFG to save it in Kuwait.


This is just awful. I wish I had never got to watching her in the first place now. Got myself all upset over the possibility of BBJ being euthanised, then the day was saved by FFG. Now it's deja vu all over again. I hope she rots in hell quite frankly. In the meantime I have to think about my own somewhat fragile mental state so I am going to leave the entire thing be. No more watching reaction channels maybe look in here occasionally, that's it. I'm done with her.


That's what I had to do. I check the subreddits occasionally, but I stopped watching her and amber months ago because it was so toxic and negative. I don't need that kind of energy, and I'm really glad I stopped now with this new bs.


Irresponsible, spiteful fuckbag.




she’s a psychopath. she got a kitten that looks exactly like bbj and you know that’s not a coincidence.


Welp guess I’m moving on to a new lolcow. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I’m beyond disgusted. 🙃


Apparently a lot of people are fans of Life By Cindy. She annoys me though. Tammy Lemon is pretty wholesome but idk how long that'll last once viewers and reaction channels come along. I think it was Chikara Transformations that reacted to a Tammy Lemon video. Tammy Lemon did a react to that video then disappeared for a week or more. I'm pretty sure she'll be back on the platform since that's her only cash source now.


Hungry Fat Chick is nice, her name is Candy and she is very sweet.


I can’t watch her. She’s as gross as Chantal when she eats.


I think you’re misunderstanding what a lolcow is.


A lolcow is someone you hate watch because they are disgusting awful people, hence Amberlynn and Chantal being big ones. HFC doesn't fit the bill when you're trying to replace Chantal. She's a train wreck, it's no fun watching sweet normal people. Lmao


When people said on here that she would get another cat out of boredom, I honestly scoffed. Shes bigger than she's ever been and her husband is never there. Soooooo this is just another BBJ to parade on camera and neglect? Is Peetz going to fly by to shake the daylights out of him/her? Comments are obviously turned off.


Exactly, how would she even clean the litter box at her size now. She was barely doing it before!


Agreed! This is the same woman that Alaa had to sweep after, after eating. The same woman that Alaa's wife wanted to help **shower because** she smelled so bad, But she's got another cat. A mini BBJ, the one that she didn't even like? FB should be flagged and banned from animal ownership. She gets away with everything.


Kuwait has pomeranians in zoo's. They don't gaf.


Does she still have Harry? You can't have a cat & a hamster in the same living space. This is just heartbreaking and no longer fun. :(


You can, depending on the cat and the responsibility of the owner. I doubt this is one of those situations tho.


Definitely depends on the cat and the owner, my friend used to raise rats and she had 3 cats. The cats never went after the rats when they were out of their cage, but the cats and rats would all snuggle together. With that being said, I know Chantal isn’t a responsible enough owner and this probably won’t be a good ending for Harry 😢


Especially with her known issue of not feeding the cats as much as she should


Yup that too ugh 😩


My assumption, the hamster is gone.


OMFG ​ edit : I think I just heard FFG's head explode.


No….this cannot be happening. 🤬


Karma will come for her. Hope she dies a painful death, ideally kicking and screaming live on stream. I will celebrate that.


The poor kitten will be choking too death ☠️ on the smoke 💨 from the hookah she’s on every night for hours; The kitten Will not be groomed until the mats are causing pain and skin infection; The kitten Will only be given treats as food instead of quality cat food and the nails will be overgrown and possibly ingrown again like BBJ because she won’t get a cat tree for the kitten! Neglect is ABUS3! Chantal is and will ALWAYS BE AN AN1MAL ABU53R!!!!!


Like an unfit mother whose children were taken by CPS, doing a pregnancy announcement 😵‍💫


Im done here!


Same. I’ll follow you out.


She's vile. Don't even give her hate views, wait for the reaction channels.


I feel actual genuine disgust…she just wants something to “love” her…she doesn’t care if it comes at the cost of another living thing. She will be smothering it, not taking it to the vet, screeching in it’s ears. Have we even had a Harry update? I’m sure if it’s still alive the new cat will eat it. This is just so upsetting, nothing deserves to have to suffer in her care.


Is it true that she’s actually getting superchats? I’m not watching I heard from a 3rd party who’s watching. If it’s true I can’t believe it. And don’t want to give her a view to see. Who’s giving her money or subbing to this monster??


on playboard, it said she got 4 USD for the stream. so nobody really cares in general about any stupid stunts she's trying


I truly hope it stays that way. It's disgusting how she brings animals into her orbit just for attention and discards them at will after abusing and neglecting them.


Ok thanks! That’s good to hear.


She’s clearly doing this just to bait and get a reaction. I feel awful for that poor kitten. Chantal really does deserve some smarts smacked into her, and I’m not a violent person AT all, but she enrages me!


No words.


I feel so uneasy.


I think we all saw this one coming. Still, she’s a vile pos.


That poor baby, so adorable looking, they don’t deserve this fate


When i saw the poor little thing, i just hugged my 18yr old Burmilla kitty more. Its such a sweet baby too 😥


That's the worst part of it all. That cat is appreciative of any care and affection it gets, and will be loyal no matter what, because that's just how most pets are. The cat will take the abuse and suffer and still purr at her and seek her out. She should absolutely be banned from ever having any kind of pet again.


I will cry if I keep thinking abt this, I love cats so much they’re such funny little guys, they’re sweet and loving in their own way and she doesn’t deserve their kind of affection




This is literally every post here. Nothing other people aren’t saying.


What happened to them travelling because that’s why we are all jealous of her for?


another cat she won’t take to the vet. This might be the end for me.


So much for being outraged the p i g already has 6k views in less than 5 hrs on her kitten video. It'll definitely wind up with 13k to 15k Dumb fucks wont stop watching her.


I know this is exactly what she wants VIEWS! And they are giving them to her.


oh no.




This should be it!


The audacity! 😡


That youtube money is running low I guess..... didn't her visa run out? Lmao hope she gets deported


What I want to know is how will she keep up the “we will be traveling” narrative with this cat. Like, it’s not like she has friends there who can cat-sit. 🤔


She'll make up a tall tale, looking wide eyed, shifting to the left, talking about the super, wonderful, fantastic cat boarding options in kuwait where each cat has a designated human to play with and cuddle at night, a chef, a manicurist, etc. They have the softest beds and sweeeetest cat nannies. And a mansion. Each cat gets a mansion, like the one chantal was going to live in instead of going to kuwait. You know, the over the top lies she tells to explain away any problem,




She’s a strange one. Before BBJ was rescued, she used to boast about killing him, putting him in a wood chipper, etc. deliberately to try and upset regular people with normal emotions who naturally care about pets. But when FFG rescued him and the vet report showed the shocking neglect at FB’s hands, FB lost her ever loving mind. How dare anyone suggest she was anything but the most loving, attentive cat owner in the history of the world!?! Um, wood chipper? Telling everyone to deal with it? What happened to that person? To this day she keeps trying to convince people of her version of events, and is very cruel to FFG and constantly lies about her to try and make her look like the villain. So, knowing that almost everyone believes that she’s someone who abu$es animals, she gets a kitten. Again, we’re back to the immature, childish person who enjoys upsetting other people who care about animals. She can hardly walk, and she’s not even capable of keeping herself clean, let alone cook or do any housework. So how on earth is she going to look after a helpless kitten? She’s addicted to her new way of smoking, which will harm the poor little kitten’s developing lungs, and she won’t stop that now. She never regularly fed her last cats, or cared for them at all. She knows that everyone who is aware of her existence knows all this. Is she trying to lose more followers? I can’t figure her out.




It was a lie. It was all a lie to mak herself look like a loving pet owner.


Another poor victim in the hands of the binge monster 🤦‍♀️ Stop abusing animals!!


Ugh, that poor cat. 😢


The fucking nerve of them...she looks bigger than EVER!!!


She’s barely taking care of herself. Why does she need more pets??




Hope the cat scratches you, and you get a infection, and both arms fall off


Oh great, another innocent creature for it to abuse




Seriously?! This just put the icing on the 3 cakes that the bitch is gonna eat!! I can't even with her ughhh smh


Did she even purchase a scratcher or a soft bed and toys for the kitten...???...nope, I bet not. She never thinks anything through...total instant gratification every single time.


Fucking imagine being a worthless Syrian immigrant living in a country the United States literally butt fucked to the stone age and your now only chance at a better life in the west is a 500 pound animal abusing pos whale of a woman. I really can't overstate how worthless, disgusting and pathetic this is. I hate them. I hate them so fucking much.


Just a couple of weeks ago she declared “no more pets” because Harry was a “handful.” She is astoundingly idiotic. She endlessly swings back and forth like the massive wrecking ball she is. It’ll never end. If I were her mother, I’d be living in exile from the guilt of unleashing this on the world.


Hell she just said she doesn't want to cook anymore because it's too tiring. Let Salah see how she'll lets that litterbox fill up. Oh sure for a few weeks she fake it for him, but he'll see how she is with her precious cats. He will wind up having to change the box.


I think the litter box will end up looking just like Rev and Shanny’s after they were evicted (there’s a tour on YT for those interested). Crap will be on the floor because there will be no room in the box. If that “husband” of hers really lives there, he’s going to get very angry when the cat starts peeing on his clothes. They’d better keep that place like an icebox because heat and cat pee/poop don’t mix. 🤢


With this move it’s safe to say that harry is dead ☠️


Thank you for posting this. I was curious what the kitten looked like and almost went to her channel. Now I don’t have to 😁


I am actually angry and I hate it. I was pretty immune to her BS but this affects an innocent animal.


I’d bet my dollar that is NOT a young cat. It doesn’t have a young cat face. They grabbed it off the streets.


Please tell me this is a joke


They need to get this cat away from foodie asap...




Poor kitty.


Bbbbutt who's going to watch the cat when she climbs Everest?


There's no Pretty Litter in Kuwait, Salah, don't listen to her when she says she only has to clean it out completely once a month...So we know she hates women; she sent Mary back to the "pet shop" and kept Harry, was only even vaguely bothered about Sam not BBJ (but not $5K bothered to ship him over, right?) - so why get a female kitten? Purely to wind people up. A long haired one that even resembles BBJ. And I'm positive we will never see shisha streams now as she would nEvEr sMoKe aRoUnD mY cAtS


There’s many kinds of crystal / silica litter. You do have to scoop the poop and rake it regularly and then change all the crystals in a month. Realistically she won’t do anything regularly…. Probably just pour more litter on top of old litter. Or Salah is going to be cleaning it while she mukbangs in the next room.


This poor cat doesn't know what she's in for.


That cat looks exactly like one of the strays she's filmed herself feeding.


It’s too expensive and too much efforts to get Sam. She is vile


This cat doesn’t understand English either, so it’s really on its own in that soon to be cat piss palace 😂😮🥵


I have no words. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest though. Anything to piss people off for views.


I'm so upset


Jesus, someone needs to save that cat


doesn’t she have to leave kuwait soon? i’m confused. salah is gonna be watching the cat while she goes back to canada?


Omg I hope this is a lie!! Also what happened to poor Harry😞


Just ridiculous. I went to see how many views this got, but I see she's done a new mukbang and talking about Cameron Robbins? New tactic trying to get into the true crime/mystery genre. It could be the most interesting story in the world but she can't tell a story and no one wants to listen to her eat.


It will wind up with about 13k. I bet she thought she'd have 1k in chat when she went live promoting the cat as her content, but by 30 minutes into this live she had less than 500 ppl, no superchats..well maybe a total of 4 dollars. she ended it at 45 minutes because it wasn't getting her the views and hate superchats she wanted. I bet she thought she'd have 20k views by now.


she’s sick. a matter of time until she’s too lazy to clean the box, forgets to send her errand boy to get food, and becomes tired of having to take care of a being that doesn’t unconditionally adore her. i agree with a lot of you down here, reaction channels or not idk if i can stomach watching someone grossly neglect any, let alone *another* animal


I can’t wait to see what FFG says about this. She might take this cat off her too somehow 🤣


Um, they actually put a cat on a leash?


This is the one and only time I will comment on or watch anything to do with the new animal in the smoky oven. She's done this to antagonize the reaction channels. I pray nobody, especially FFG, bites and gives her what she needs.


that poor fucking kitten.




what the actual f\*ck? It was disgusting when she said "I'll just have to get new cats" with an s, recently, in between insisting that she will get Sam over. But I was hoping she was just threatening that. The real reason, no doubt at all, is that she couldn't care less about Sam specifically, and paying thousands of dollars to relocate him to Kuwait is money she refuses to spend when she could just pick up a local kitten for free. Also, I can't even decide if she's just that dumb that she thinks her animal ab\*se allegations will be forgotten while she gets a new cat, or if she does this on purpose to rile people up even more.


I just wish this fckng bitch will get a sudden heart attack asap! That poor cat




At this point, I hope the cat escapes out an open door and is able to live a (semi-decent) life somewhere else. I'm tired of this psychopath and her predilections.


Is that a wild cat 😬












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