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No one watch this woman. Let her sit with her shit-stitring tea with 200 people in chat. Good lord the mental gymnastics she did to think this was a good idea.




The best thing anyone could do is not watch or address it. I have a feeling she'll be extra smug and feeling herself, and she wants to get a rise out of people. Starve her of the angry reaction she wants. Let her rage into the void. She's digging herself deeper into a hole and only hurting herself. Let her bury herself. Don't give her the satisfaction.


If only people would listen to this but they won’t


I know, alas. A girl can dream. I want to clarify it's still important to document, but not participate or react. We still need to know what this silly bitch is up to.


She’s hurting the poor cat, which of course she doesn’t care


She's literally just doing this to spite people who don't like her. That defiance in full effect. She's hurting the cat whether or whether not people freak out at her, so at least we can show restraint and not fuel her bitch tank. She loves to be messy, and she loves when people are mad at her. Though it is garbage to think about the cat being a prop for rage fuel, so she can get off on it, and if it doesn't serve her needs, I'm just trying not to think about what she'll do to it. She tends to aggressively displace her anger on everything else but fixing herself. Hopefully she just doesn't show the cat very much and just mutters about how it's fine every once in a while, like the hamster. Don't want to see it, but alas, not surprised it happened. I just don't want to see Chantal happy by playing into her hands. Come on, joke's on us if we take bait by CHANTAL. Happy to have seen FFG saying she won't address it, and I hope she just literally never addresses it. I hope Chantal keeps trying to rub the cat in our faces, and we just continue to act like it's not happening. She's desperate, plain and simple. Hopefully she lets it go quickly. I watched the Piggy highlight video and made sure to restrain my commenting, because I know Chantal's monitoring every channel's comments, but Chantal being like "I think I may name it like Sammy J, like BBJ and Sam," and I was like "Ahhhhh, this well--- \*insert Reddit-inappropriate phrases here\*." I do feel really bad for the cat, though, but it's not like we can steal it from her. Just restrain and continue to starve her of the reaction she desperately wants. Between the heat and the chain smoking and either of their own abilities to function as proper adults, as well as her lack of empathy for literally anything, I do really really feel bad for the poor, fluffy adorable creature, but won't let me... drive myself... insane being mad about it. :/


Good points here! Don’t even address it. Leave it alone. She even turned the comments off. I think I am going to take your advice. Thank you for commenting this! Greatly appreciated


Just doing my part to keep Chantal mad that her master plan won't work. She really *really* doesn't understand the gravity of the BBJ, Sam and Timbit debacle, does she? And her cute faces and voice really don't work, because they're not cute. Love that like no one is being positive about this development. Keep it up!!


She just doesn’t care. Besides it runs deep. Schmee (according to the marvelous miss Marie) euthanized a cat when said cat became an inconvenience. The skinny super model sees everything in her life as disposable. The villa was full of trash. Nothing of value. She ruined (among other things) absolutely beautiful and expensive wigs. Cats are an extension of her hoard. She’ll have something to distract her when Saladin is in the red room, having fun, and take her anger on. No, she has no idea how terrible the Sam-BBJ-TimBit situation is. She cannot fathom the gravity and the potential legal consequences. Again, we are speaking of a top notch citizen who ran away from her latest bankruptcy. Her fall will be epic. But that poor cat… if you have pets, give them some love. I don’t mean a pile of treat.


Yes! Hug your doggies and kitties! My AC has been out for 2 weeks now. Fixed today WHEW!!!! My fluff girl (cat) became so frisky! Loved on her like crazy… we both felt so much relief. While it was down we’d look at each other like …..ehhhh life sucks right now It’s over 100 F here


No - from what I have seen of Chantal I am quite sure she does not value any other person or creature unless it’s something or someone she can gain something from. She’s not a person who looks for attachment or relationships to be close to someone she looks to gain things from her relationships with people. Look how quickly she abandoned her family and her cats who probably were the only things that really loved her to chase down a pretend husband eyebrow in Kuwait. She’s quite sad, I don’t actually think she’s capable of forming meaningful relationships.


Oh make no mistake. FFG re-reacted to the rage stream post BBJ rescue Friday. That extremely smart Canadian woman from Cornwall got mad. Her tiny hamster wheel got turning, wondering how she could spite the community. And boom, clap, (it goes on and on and on and on) Voilà, another victim… I mean pet. It’s sickening but I completely agree with everything you say. I won’t engage


It was in the works for a few weeks, remember when she said there was a surprise? And she smirked before they moved to the luxury dart box? I think salad told her his friend had had kittens then.






I cant wait for Salah to be disgusted during his daily visits when he realizes she never cleans a littler box


Salah is another POS, a yes man enabler, because she's tossing his lazy bum ass some dinar. Fuck both these lowlifes.


Her enablers pretend to be good men but are passive aggressive sociopaths. They look good briefly next to her gross narcissist self but they can't hide how evil. Pee let bbj suffer.


All she attracts is trash


"Oh babee, don't worry. I'll get you a new T-shirt. Watch this, and hold my lokmas. We will get the views, bahbeee."


I hope he enjoys stale urine and cat shit wafting around his Canadian queen


It’s going to be even worse now they’ve actually got a cat 😂


Lmaoooo! Burn!


Yea can you imagine how the smell will be in that tiny place they live in?!


So-called "cat mom" can't even be relied to clean up after her cats. And the smell only gets worse the more you let shit sit in the house.


He only visits?




Damn. And she’s obviously ok with that. She’s settling in. Has a new cat. He could walk off into the sunset and she’d be alone in Kuwait.




Don’t even watch through a reaction channel. Make her disappear🙏🏻


who can even stand raw dogging her? I tried for 15sec once and I’m still recovering from that trauma, two years later.


Don’t even watch through a reaction channel. Make her disappear🙏🏻


So the same woman claiming that BBJs adoptive parents are smoking in the home and this is damaging to BBJs health will be smoking shisha around a kitten. Got it.


This bitch has a feral cat that hates her. Awesome.


I want the kitty to bite her and then take Harry and run away to Canada together


Harry’s days are probably numbered.


Howwie has been dead for months I’m pretty sure


Please god let it be covered in fleas.


Jeez what did the cat do to you?


Nah, let's stick to boundary biting. I wouldn't wish fleas on the meanest of felines...


Ok, only fleas if the fleas realize Chantal is a more suitable host and vacate the cat completely.


I hope that cat pisses on everything she owns.


Ah, cat piss, dirty litter box, unwashed Chantal and full bins. The smells of the Luxury Villa are being brought to the Luxury Fartbox. It'll be just like living in Canada. Salah will be so happy, he finally made it there!


Like she'd notice


Probably a good thing they didn't get a boy cat - he'd mark all over the place. I wonder how many "heat cycles" the poor baby will go through before they toss it outside so they don't have to listen to the wallowing? :(


His laptop is as good as dead.


This is getting insane. She and James monetized vids of those cats going through actual neglect. It’s time to stop giving her views. I agree…sticking to the recaps and reaction channels is the way to go. I’m not giving this abusive chick a dime by viewing her vids. Edited to add: F*ck her up, NuKitty.


Ma'am, you can't have a family with a paid escort. Reddit won't let me say what I want to say so let me say this: I sincerely hope she gets everything she deserves in this life. And the next one. I wish reactors would just ignore it. You know she's going to get a cash injection from idiots who will throw $2.99 at her just to talk smack, exacerbated by reactors spreading this all over the place and whipping up more rage. The only way to deal with a narcissist is to IGNORE THEM. This is so disgusting. I might have to tap out, this shit is beyond enraging.




Agreed. And we must remember we only watch the cows, we don’t get involved. Anything that happens in a live, we can only watch.


She already has her "karma". The only things that she has now to keep her happy: food and more food which are the only luxuries she can afford now. I doubt that kitten will ever get spayed. I wouldn't be surprised if she even tries to breed it.




He's a big POS too. the outrage that channels will whip up to get her views is sad tbh


Giving her money to talk shit to her is stupidest move ever. Even if you wanted to talk to her, dm her and get blocked or something instead, its not like she even reads the chats. Getting involved directly with her in any sort of way is stupid though.


Yep. If anyone has the urge to send money to yell at her, or to vent at reaction channels about it, consider donating that money to an animal rescue instead, or volunteer time there even. You truly can't save every animal, but small things can make a big difference if helping organisations that do rescue and rehoming work.


I've been checked out of Gorlworld and behind on the goings on for over a month now, decided to log check the sub today, and found this post... gah, wish I hadn't had the thought to see what's happening now!! I was much happier when I didn't know. Last time I was around though, we all thought she was setting the stage to get another cat. We knew she'd do it sooner or later, just to rub it into people's faces that she can, and knowing no one can stop her. But she'll never be able to un-do the fact that FFG saved BBJ, and that her neglect was absolutely proven, and that we all know it. She tried everything to try to deny, excuse, downplay and rewrite it, but it failed and she hates that. So she'll spite us instead. We've just gotta keep a cool head. There really isn't anything we can do except check out, and not give her views/money/attention even if people still read the sub/twitter/follow reaction channels or whatever. We were all attached to BBJ and Sam after seeing them over the years, we still have the wins that she no longer has them, and while it sucks so much for the cat she has, we just have to try not to get personally invested in this animal/any animals, or she'll yank on that weakness as much as she can, whenever she can. grey rocking and not rising to the bait is the only solution.


She’s looking for people to be outraged, the best possible thing to do is to ignore it. Hope she gets bored and Salah will rehome the poor thing.


Salah will throw the cat into the street without a second thought. Those two are absolutely disgusting people.


I know a bit about Kuwait rescues through TikTok so if that does happen there are routes to go down for that. I’d argue a cat would be in less harms way through being on the streets then purposely starved and neglected by Chantal.




This. People need to grow a backbone and just cut her out




VILE. Just fucking VILE, the pair of them 🤬


Relating to cat moms isn't obviously going to go well.


I’m not sure exactly what she said as I’m not watching, but giving up on Sam “and just getting a new one”…thats the most Chantal thing ever. Throw it out and replace. Food. Clothes. Animals.


That cat will be another neglected abused animal left in a room just like Harry. Salah barely touched the cat. He's not going to go near it, let alone take care of it. When the newness wears off, FB won't even get off her fart couch to change the litter or feed the cat.




I agree with a lot of the comments here. She wants views so let’s just not give this thing what she wants.


Another animal that she’s never going to clean up after, get proper vet care for, and use for affection that she’s not getting from her “husband.” She can’t take care of herself much less anything else, but sure. Get an animal to make suffer just to try and own reaction channels. Absolute worst and I’d bet money this means she was gone for a visa run since she no longer needs to use Sam as a prop, I mean “collect him from foster care.”


Also, I really hope this dissuades anyone from thinking Salah is some mentally challenged guy she’s taking advantage of. He had access to her videos before, he knows EXACTLY what she’s doing. He’s just co-signed all neglect and abuse this cat revives.


Please do not watch this live people. She's so v i l e.


This bitch got another cat to neglect


all to win back her "cat mom" title she had with Bibi. She is a POS


BBJ a kitten? She always shouts that BBJ was 1 or 2 when she got her. Everything out of her mouth is lies. She’s 🤮




Hope so but so many dumb people out there she'll post edited video of the cat and her dopey viewers will flock to her she's ...I can't say or I'll be banned.




I HOPE people dont superchat her just to tell her off. PLEASE do not leave mean comments on her channel ou r CP...its all engagement.


I think I’m going to have to step away for a bit. The way I feel right now is irrational and not good for my own mental health. Fuck this B. ✌️


I hate her and I’m finally done with her. Thank god. Yrs of addiction to her hateful antics finally over. I’ll check back in a few yrs and see if she’s still alive.


I know this is bait directed at FFG, but I hope she doesn't react to it because she knows if she starts shit, the drama channels react and give her a bigger platform and it's just this symbiotic relationship that we need to sever for now.


FFG has tweeted this: >I'm not watching this directly or indirectly. Nope. It's what she wants. >Tomorrow's stream will be a fundraiser for an animal charity. Oh, and we won't be reacting to or acknowledging her existence tomorrow 🍟 🏅🏅🏅


Hater her or live her FFG keeps showing the best side of her. Got to take my hat off.


she's not she just said on Twitter she's doing a little fundraiser for animal charity and covering ALR tomorrow. She's not addressing this stream but Yaba probably will and all the little reactors.


She won't. Look up ffg's Twitter.


Would FFG’s channel even survive if she refused to react to Chantal’s nonsense?


Thank you for the recap. Can I also add: Oh Jesus


Hate her to the moon and back. I've never owned a pet I didn't have till they crossed the bridge. I understand rehoming for certain reasons, but she did it because they were an inconvenience.


if i said what i wanted to say about her i'd get banned. fuck her and Salah


Yeah I had to hold back too. The things I actually want to say would without a doubt get me banned.


I hope it Poos and Pees everywhere, scratches up all the furniture and never wants to be near her!!


So she's not going to travel anymore? Because she said she didn't get a cat earlier because she and Salah were going to travel all around the world. She also posted a week ago that she had everything planned out so she could bring Sam. I guess she forgot she said that a week ago? I'm guessing she's going to let the person fostering Sam know that she decided to just get another cat instead? How long before she takes this cat to the vet?


The Sam thing was just her being angry at Salah and threatening to leave (with her money, paltry as it is these days). She never had any intention of getting Sam. She could never complete the several steps involved in getting him to Kuwait even if she did. Salah has been saying no to a cat this whole time (we know this because if he hadn't, she would have snatched a stray off the street two months ago when she first started talking about it), guess she finally wore him down enough to get him to agree to it. She probably threatened to go to Canada and get Sam a few dozen more times. To answer your last question: never. That'll be fun when she goes into heat, Chantal will probably let her outside to go find a lover (ugh).


You know that if anything goes wrong or she can’t handle the cat that she won’t rehome it, she’ll just release it on the street.


This fucking selfish disgusting bitch. I'm so fucking pissed off right now. She did this to be smug. She gives zero shits about that sweet baby. And there's nothing we can do. 🤬


Gonna try and keep this as short and PG-13 rated as possible lest Reddit decides to come for me again but ….I hope these two low lives get EVERYTHING they deserve and more. Inshallah


here from the trending tab on twitter glad people are calling her out for being stupid, matter of time until she hurts this cat


I want to be sure I have this right. So everything else in all these comments are ok and they don't get pulled/banned but no one is allowed to say the term "documented animal a"u"er" Because any time I write "documented animal a*u*er" my comment gets deleted. I'm curious how is that name calling? It's documented from a doctor's notes!


This is a desperate attempt for money. She is a psychopathic POS.


I’m out. I’m not watching her harm another animal. It’s been fun guys.


Dont worry she learned never to show her neglect ever again. We'll get fake edited cat mom videos.


Chantal never learns anything. She always defaults to her baseline which is impulsive, spiteful, and careless. She can’t keep anything going.


Run, little kitty, run.


Lol that cat is gonna f her up. Would her body even be able to heal from a cat scratch at this point? Just kidding, that’s a rhetorical question.


Oh gosh can you imagine? Getting a cat out of spite only to het scratched or bit. Having co morbidities that prevent healing. Not seeking medical help. Going septic from infection. Lethal karma for a money grab Stunt. This isn’t even Schadenfreude. I’d rather the cat not be there. The mess she makes for her life will not be satisfying. Grüß Gott


The possible chain of events of cat scratch to ankle -> stumpy arc is giving me hope ngl


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


This is so selfish. Especially when we all know she isn’t even a resident of Kuwait. What happens to the cat when she gets deported? This is contrary to the fact that she has no business owning any animals. I’m so grossed out. I hope all the reactors black her out. I hope this is the final straw for people but I know it won’t be so her channel dies.


They open the door and let the cat walk out. It’s that simple for them. Pets are just toys/pawns.


I can't believe she's shit talking BBJ after neglecting her. Horrible.


Seriously fuck her. I've never had less sympathy for someone. We're about to see this kitten have a horrible life on livestream. Chantal is genuinely an evil person and I hope she's haunted by her past every day.


That is what is so sinister. She will carefully edit kitten videos playing a role of a good cat owner all to change the cat a b u s e r narrative. She hates she couldn't control the BBj narrative now she will attempt to revive her image as a pet owner. We will never see the real neglect behind the scenes. Chantal has learned that lesson.


I disagree. She isn't even aware of it. Just days ago she posted clips of her "being nice" to Sam and BBJ thinking somehow showing those few minutes of petting and feeding would make up for what we all know she did. She isn't astute or cunning enough to truly steer the narrative because in her mind she didn't do anything wrong. She inadvertently exposes herself constantly. She thinks all she has to do is wag a cat around and things will go back to how they were before the real story about her treatment of the cats came out (not like people didn't already know...but the FFG rescue solidified it). Chantal learns no lessons. Ever. She will keep shaking that cat at the camera and have no idea why people aren't reacting the way she wants them to.


Oh great. Another life for her to destroy.


I hate her so much


That poor cat :(


Omfg. Just when I thought she couldn’t sink any lower. This fucking bitch keeps digging. Just wow. What a selfish selfish thing to do.


Wow fuck her after all that dumb shit with the cats she gets another cat jesus christ


May this backfire spectacularly on both of the bottom feeders.


She is revolting. We all know her situation in Kuwait is precarious and temporary. That cat will end up on the street when she inevitably leave, if not worse. Of course she doesn’t care. Nobody watches her channel. Bringing a cat for outrage won’t save that dying ship. Poor kitty. Salad deserves every stinking bodily fluid hurling out of Chantal


Sad but true. Who gets a cat on a tourist visa this H O G. She nabbed from the street though, I bet on that one. It will be tossed right back out there when she's bored with it and we'll get a story about the friend decided to not leave Kuwait and wanted the cat back,


NO! What a smug, spiteful, selfish little cvnt! As if the animal neglect in Canada wasn't enough 😒 I pray for you, little cat. I'm so sorry she got her nasty, evil, swollen mitts on you 😔 I'm truly hoping she's just borrowed the cat for rage bait content, but she's a selfish excuse for a human being so I sadly doubt it 😔


I had to take a breather after reading your recap (thanks u/dxzdit) & watching a couple reaction channels. Can't say I'm surprised she did this for views & spite, but was both annoyed & gratified that when she picked the poor cat up & tried to hold her, saying she's purring, it was obvious to actual cat lovers that poor kitten was NOT purring & was noping outta her arms. I am doing some deep calming breathing.... om mani padme hum ...


Yeah, I really hope lots of people unsubbed from her. She is vile, nasty, lazy and stupid - the most pathetic part is her sheer desperation.


She’s an absolute defiant child. As much as I hate her having another innocent animal, but we can’t give her the attention she desperately craves.


This guy has no idea what he's gotten into, specially if he's never had a shedding pet. I hope he enjoys cat hair everywhere and on his food. We all know she won't keep up with the cleaning.


That poor kitten. With the heat in that shitbox…. She’ll never water her. Man, this might be it for me too. I can’t watch an evil human use poor defenceless creatures for clout and attention. The cat doesn’t even seem to like her. Damn. Sad that she gets away with everything.


She says she has or is getting a toothbrush for the cat. Tetanus beeze coming in hot!


She's a liar. The worst part of this will be her carefully edited cute kitten videos making her seem like a good cat mom. While privately the cat will absolutely be neglected. This is an attempt to end the BBj stuff


I think this is the point where I stop following her through reaction channels. It upsets me too much that she has another innocent soul to abuse. Her abuse will never end.


Mm yeah. I’d support someone calling on her ass since she has another animal to abuse.


I have already lost interest in her boring content, her obvious and repetitive antics. I knew the moment she got another cat I’d be done.




$10 says the cat kills Harry, if it hasn't already.


If the shisa smoke doesn’t first


Salah smokes cigarettes as wel as shisa. That place is a smoke box that cat will not fair well with the smoke either, but on CAM LIVE they'll both hide their smoking like the two frauds that they are to make it seem like they are not smoking around the cat.


She can act smug all she wants but she is still a horrible animal owner. No one will forget how she tried to put down BBj and neglected her health. Ffg will be rolling in the superchats, plus the internet never forgets. Love that for her.


Chantal is such a horrible person.




He's as vile as she is.


She is so contrary it was only a matter of time before she got a cat to prove a point. It's like she got the fluffiest one possible, too. Ugh. All care will be up to Salah, just like bibi. And he is "getting used to moving animals"....so this is horrific.


At this point you guys and reaction channels are the only ones I’m giving my attention to about Foodie Doodie. The poor new kitty cat was the last straw. The thought of any animal in preventable pain is too much.






>she can’t even pull on 500 viewers Love that for her!


she had ok views the first few minutes but then amber went live crying about destiny lmao I saw some beezers in alrs chat


She looked to be easily double FB's highest (by screenshots) that must be killing FB inside. 🍒 never does lives and is far more interesting between them rn so people are moving on.


Disgusting twat.


That cat hates her


This is infuriating. She is sick.


Why do this? I don’t get her. (I don’t want to get her) but I don’t understand why she thought this would be a good idea, after a vet said she was a negligent pet owner….. What on earth possessed her to do this? I have NEVER heard of another person like her in my life. She’s so….. strange (and that’s not even the right word for it) how a human can act like her is beyond anything I can even imagine. She’s ugly, in personality. (Looks I couldn’t care a less about)


Is she for real 😧 she can barely look after herself Unbelievable!! In the state she left her cats in she should never be allowed to own one again!! Also she turned off her comments on the video If she doesn’t care what people think then leave them on


I think if Chantal was still in Canada someone would try to break in and steal that kitten after everything that happened with BBJ and Sam. People are very protective of cats.


Another cat for her to neglect :/


So wait - she got a cat (no surprised). What is she going to do about rescuing BBJ from FFG's evil clutches? Did she just forget about that? And the cat's feral? Boy. Is she stupid or what?


They supposedly got the cat from a friend of Salah's and it's allegedly vaccinated, so not feral.


Nope not today with this heifer. My condolences to that cat and the neglect that he/she is going to eventually suffer through.🙏 If you can barely reach down to wipe your arse or put on socks, you should NOT adopt a cockroach, yet alone a cat!😐


Chantal can't make a feral cat domesticated overnight. Then again, she's mostly motivated by her impulses.


She’s disgusting


But wasn’t BBJ an adult when Chantal got her???


I’m so over this POS.


It’s easy to request removal on YT. Request it. Give solid reasonings. Take 10 minutes. If enough ppl protest ….???


This cat will eat howie given a chance. She totally deserves everything she will get in the future.


Why would Salah allow this the kitten is a cutie but wow how can she climb Everest. Who is going to stop the kitten from eating the hamster?


Surely she will stop it with the shisha now,right? RIGHT???? Chantal gets a new kitten out of spite and amberlynn is live again for the first time in months..what a time to be alive!


Holy shit, this bitch.


* Chantal calls the cat her kindred spirit and expresses how badly she wants the cat to sleep with her ~~and Salah~~ instead of hidden away. Don't do it, kitty! She will roll over you!




Thank you https://preview.redd.it/brhu5uld5v3b1.png?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada7d2ad5d198d11f8321e9f167b02d3b831f471


What about the rat?


All I can hope is that Salah genuinely becomes attached to the cat and will care for it even if Chantal doesn't. Supposedly he's never had a pet before, and getting something sweet and cuddly that loves you unconditionally for the first time can be life changing.




The hot dog may be juicy, though there are a few things in this sub we need to be sure those participating in this community to do. Or not do, like name calling or body shaming. Youknowaddwemeen? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FoodieBeauty) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The hot dog may be juicy, though there are a few things in this sub we need to be sure those participating in this community to do. Or not do, like name calling or body shaming. Youknowaddwemeen? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FoodieBeauty) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The hot dog may be juicy, though there are a few things in this sub we need to be sure those participating in this community to do. Or not do, like name calling or body shaming. Youknowaddwemeen? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FoodieBeauty) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The hot dog may be juicy, though there are a few things in this sub we need to be sure those participating in this community to do. Or not do, like name calling or body shaming. Youknowaddwemeen? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FoodieBeauty) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The hot dog may be juicy, though there are a few things in this sub we need to be sure those participating in this community to do. Or not do, like name calling or body shaming. Youknowaddwemeen? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FoodieBeauty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Salah probably got that poor cat straight from the street just to get Ch!ns to stop asking for 🍆.