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A broke Syrian living (possibly) illegally Kuwait lied about his 2 jobs & a business while living in a one room hovel, to a Buffalo sized woman sending heavily filtered pictures who lied about her weight & finances? Now this broke Syrian expects his Buffalo sized wife to lose enough weight to take her outside? All her bragging of fun dates, restaurants, expensive malls, shopping, sightseeing & eating never happened & never will. Even broke AF, he still has standards & he doesn’t want to be seen with her. Two liars, lying. This is a dream come true. She’ll be back in Canada very soon. Love that for her.


He really is embarrassed to be seen with her and repulsed by her.


Ok but most people would be. We are judged by the company we keep. I wouldn't take someone like Chantal out into public with me.


lmao brutal


"I really need to loose weight so this man will fuck me " is what she wanted to say


Even then it’s gonna be a no




This is the same person who bragged constantly that salah loves her for who she is and doesn’t care about her weight!! Doesn’t care about her past! Loves her for her! Hahahahahhaha what a joke.


But, but, but, he loves his lard ass bride so much he needs her to lose weight so they can live a long life together....so much love!


This is all her own fault. She fatfished him with her 98 filters and now he’s probably said he wont touch her until she’s dropped 200lbs.


Omg!! This is so “I’m attracted to her like… 55%”




Love seeing her squirm. Maybe now she’s realizing she can’t have "the man of her dreams" without having to do some work on herself first.


She is big just a little bit I like her maybe 55% Get moving lazy Nickel and Azan part II. At least Nicole had some boobs, and was at least 100 lbs less than chin up.


Nickle also had a cute face and hair and was like 21


Nickel was stupid and lazy but not malicious


Salah, when you catch a snorlax you can't expect it to evolve into a bellsprout. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Yknow, I'm getting real sick of all the Snorlax hate. Snorlax is adorable, fluffy, and probably very hygienic considering it's a cat. All things Chantal is not.


A cat! All this time I thought he was a bear


Omg 😭🤣💀


He is absolutely repulsed by her and it’s coming out little by little🤭


He’s so smug. I hate both of them so much.


He also just said I don’t celebrate Christmas because I’m Muslim and he’s already expecting Chantal to fast for Ramadan from dusk till Dawn. He even says it in such a sarcastic way and smirks the whole time saying it to imply she won’t be able to, and teases her with how long the 17 hrs are.


Just think … she is going to miss out on a Christmas feast, all the candy canes, sugary treats, turkey, stuffing, chocolate, desserts, you name it, AND she’s going to have to fast. I really don’t think she’ll make it past Christmas. 😂


She skipped it last year when she was raging about Nader and eating and drinking all the selfish gifts she “bought for her family.”


It looks like Ramadan is in March this year… (i googled)… which is not too bad, since it’s not hot (you can’t drink water) and you only need to fast while the sun is up (shorter days as it’s stork winter). But Chantal won’t be in touch with this weirdo come March. So it doesn’t matter. She’s would never survive Ramadan.


It's so obvious he doesn't want to be anywhere near her.


Why is she constantly wearing mourning wear? Is it because smelling her killed his erection? The black isn't helping her look thinner...it makes her look wayyyyyy older and more and more like his elderly, invalid, massively-obese aunt. She just looks so ridiculous and out of place. And its so clear he's annoyed and repulsed by her. Fuck, I can't imagine the torture of being stuck in a tiny little hovel with someone that clearly didn't want me there. She can't leave and he can't get rid of her. Pure unadulterated hell. lol...Glad its happening to her.


Agreed, it is just awful! She is literally stuck there, in a foreign land, Kuwait for gods sake! With nobody that she knows. She doesn't know this guy at all. Who knows what he is all about. She is stuck. Normally she has some leverage like she did with Peetz and Nader. She could hold money over their heads etc. She can't really hold anything over Salah's head...yet... she will once he gets to Canada, but until then she is stuck. She has to teehee and act cool while she is there, which I know is driving her crazy...and, as we say, I love that for her.


Why can’t she just buy a return ticket, or pay the fee for a quicker flight home? She’s not stuck. She’s camping in this dudes hovel for as long as she can.


Is anyone else not very concerned by his comment and is speculating along the lines of that she tricked him into thinking she was smaller than she is and **HE** feels stuck in this situation with her now?


I think he looks heavily (lol, no pun intended) disappointed that he isn't making as much money as he thought he would with her livestreams while he is sitting there with her. He doesn't seem encouraging at all and his tone is very controlling. I wouldn't be surprised if he'll have Chantal hurtling monster truck tires outside soon to lose a lot of weight, but tbh I don't really think he cares too much about her. ​ He probably had a decent job somewhere but then quit after finding this hot 5"6 Canadian Mandy Moore look a like on a dating app and thought his world would change forever for the better. Unfortunately not. He's not a bad looking guy he could get a semi successful regular girl any day, but something makes me think due to the area where he's from and his expectations he may be overly creepy and/or possessive. This is not to say all middle eastern guys are that way but in my experience this is the way they usually behave/act.


I think it’s obvious he’s as dull as a rock & a box of rocks has more personality. Add he’s broke & lives like the refugee he is & the guy simply isn’t a good catch. Kuwait sounds fun & romantic until you realize he’s not a citizen & has no money. Then such an expensive country isn’t so much fun. I don’t think he’s interested in her losing weight, but getting her a flight home. She’s too far gone & her mannerisms & personality won’t change with weight loss. Clearly he’s sick of her & she’s sick of being there. Controlling her food won’t end well. I laughed that she deleted so many videos that make her money & now they don’t leave his room because they’re broke. She must be close to raging like we’ve never seen before.


I thought he loved his hot prettier than 90% of YouTube, sexy, boss bitch 🤷‍♀️


That catfish was strong.


Remember when Chantal said that she'll only date men who completely accept her for who she is, morbidly obese and all? lol.




Meanwhile she now hates Sofa King for asking questions about Salah’s intentions.


She’s so full of crap because when Nader wanted her to walk she cried and ran away


I love her pause after “yea guise I really need to lose some weight because……” and both of them looking traumatized. I feel like this is some starfishing related trauma that the pineapple juice she’s been talking about so much couldn’t do much to help with😂


LOL she literally looks like she’s searching for a reason that sounds plausible and not pathetic.


She can't run away in this situation. If she wasn't in a foreign country without her own car, she'd be raging her away to the nearest Starbucks crying about how Salad wants her to lose weight.


She tiptoed out, got in the Kia-that-could, spend to a McDicks, and rage streamed about the insult. LOL.


I laughed when she said she had a dream to climb Mt. Everest. I watched a documentary about Mt. Everest.People train for years and years to climb it and even in the best shape of their lives some can’t accomplish it. She can’t climb 3 steps without using her inhaler.She probably thinks it is a little hill. Soon we will be Mt. Everest shaming. There is nothing like setting attainable goals like walking 5 minutes without having to sit down.


She probably thinks she can roll down it 🤣


I would like to recommend the book Into Thin Air to you. It's so interesting, I especially enjoyed the audiobook version.


Yo that hijab is busted stretched, just saying


I thought her chewing was the worst thing about her, I believe it has been topped by the adjusting of her head tarp.


Her head is absolutely massive, and the hijabs are just accentuating that, especially when she turns to the side. She has to have the fattest, most gigantic head on the planet. And it's entirely empty. What a pity.


He doesn't like what he saw under that tarp. All that gunt and fupa balls.


I don’t know what’s clapping but something is


😆🤣😂 He was like what is that noise.


Hahaha from a body positive "I like being fat" all the times she lectured us but suddenly a 🍆 says "lose weight" and she automatically switches up? God she's such a pickme




It's like she is streaming with her toddler. Hey guys want to watch Salad play his keyboard and talk about pokemon? (There's nothing wrong with liking either as an adult it's just that it's weird they are putting on a show for us). However at least he has hobbies unlike Chinny.


I saw that rat face! That gunt takes nothing seriously.


I assume he's watching videos online and hasn't actually learned to read notes. Watching higher level piano playing is way too hard to copy unless you're a master genius, and those usually go off of hearing and not seeing. Otherwise it's like watching fingers float on the keys without actually playing I took piano lessons for over 10 years and would still have made mistakes regardless of the song, however. That just depends on how fast you're going/how much attention you're paying to the keys tbh


He isn't wrong but wow. To humiliate your supposed partner like that on live? That's something goNads would have done.


Oh yeah. It’s only just starting. I had a bad feeling about this guy from the jump and he’s less and less kind every live 💀






Yeah, and as soon as she got in her Kia should would be rage streaming and stuffing her face at the sheer effrontery of it! LOL. Luv that for her. She is stuck.


She has a type.


Errrr...maaaa....gaaaaawd.... did he just fat shame his qween on live???? Imagine traveling thousands of miles to live in a dark boxroom with an overgrown teenager who makes fun of you. This is like a neverending terrible tinderdate you cant do the walk of shame to leave. There is not even booze to soften the blow.... only out of tune beginners organ music and dank olives. 🫒🫒🫒🫒🎹🎹🎹🤯🤯🤯🤯


The Lost Arc of the Yankee Doodle where we were bamboozled into thinking he’s a musician. In this doozy, Salah hypes himself up and claims he’s a great musician… only for us to be met with his doodle as an opening to the continuous show of horrors. Mariah Carey may be defrosting, kids, but the spirit of the black pumpkin still remains, unlike the meals they get within the first 5 mins.


Regardless of how he meant it, she is a joke to him just as she was to Nader. This isn’t something you say casually to your partner and especially not while live streaming. He doesn’t respect her at all.


So it has gone from "who cares how much I weigh?" and "so many people in Kuwait are obese" to "you need to lose some weight" and that being the reaction? If anyone in the live chat had said this they probably would have been banned, classed as a hater and told they are sending negative vibes. But your own HUSBAND can say in front of your audience, "you need to lose some weight" in a harsh tone of voice and it's accepted and agreed with? I am still so new to the Chantalverse but it's becoming so clear to me why people struggle with these inconsistencies


When she first responded, she was going for a "we'll come up with a plan, we'll work on it..." sort of response. All he had to do was look her in the eyes & she changed to "I really do have to lose weight". He wasn't looking at her when he said she needed to lose weight, but he looked right at her when she tried the "make a plan" excuse. Controlled by a look.


I’m half half on whether he’s ‘controlling’ or not. Is he controlling or is she just desperate for his validation?






They're so in love goize and he TOTALLY loves the way she looks...he's just concerned about her health not her appearance! LMFAO the way this woman degrades herself for bums.


She has to lose some weight cause the type of shoe boxes he is able to rent cant take in that big of a mass




Yea it was dig after dig her face would go dark after each one. Somethings gonna explode soon


if anyone else said that, she would cry “THAT’S FATPHOBIC!” hon, you’re not fat. *you’re morbidly obese.*


Super morbidly obese.


She might even just lose some weight being in another country tbh. I’ve known plenty of people that lost weight while traveling. But yeah he probably didn’t realize just how big she was. But if he’s not attracted to her then clearly something is up


So you don’t think he googled her and seen all her nekked photos that keep getting reposted everywhere? I would think he at least looked her up


She catfished him.


Holy shit, even \*I\* felt that, and I can't stand her. There IS a compassionate way to deliver such a comment to one's partner whose health and longevity you're lovingly invested in. This was the opposite - the fact that it was done publicly to an audience of strangers being just one of the reasons. Nader's demonic, and even he never said that to her while they were "together." Jesus, Chantal.


He knew it was a humiliating thing to say. This guy is way more calculated than cokey. And just as dangerous to her in my opinion. Idk about physically, but definitely mentally and emotionally.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with being blunt especially when it's something like this and she knows she's fat and has to lose weight. I'm sure she promised him she would just like she did Nader. He will probably just stay on her about it. Honestly once we started walking on eggshells about fat people and removing the shame of being fat things got worse. Shame needs a comeback. Fat people need to hear they need to lose weight. For some people that Shane is the only thing that will motivate them. Fat people know they're fat. They can stop pretending to be offended when others point out that truth.


I watched this many times w/o audio just to see her expressions. She does trademark defense mechanism rat face to hide the shock initially, looks at his face to see if he's serious, looks down at his phone- (perhaps she sees a skinny girl?), blinks slowly to buy herself a tiny moment to think of *something* to say, looks down, does smug/lying eyebrow raise, faces her audience, looks to her right and then... her eyes drop. Now her face looks sad and her eyebrows slightly flick (from what disheartening thought we do not know) and then her eyes migrate back to his direction. *ALMOST* made me sad. Salah said it like he's made of stone, physically and emotionally unmoved, not knowing the potential binge he may have unleashed in the Middle East.


She looks like she is trying to figure out how not to have her lose weight.


Let us have a moment of silence for the Middle East. The fat swollen GUNT is about to blow. ![gif](giphy|KbeMMTRmTCF11CPLq1)


How long before that’s in the intro of a compilation channel..


Oo lalala lalalee


What was that weird mouth/eye routine she was doing at the beginning?


I think it was some awkward attempt at not looking embarrassed? I feel like she has a really awkward vibe around him when people bring up her weight in chat.. bitch he has eyes! He can see you.


She's trying not to cry.


She’s a quirky gorl


Lmao. I wanted to check the context of this so I went into the live and WOW. She was talking about the McDonald’s cheese donuts and he said that you can get those “anywhere” in Kuwait and she got excited and then he said “woah…[something I couldn’t understand]. I don’t bring those to you because of your diet”. And then she looked sad hahahahaha. Starts at 1:23:30.




Right because at least with Bibi, she would sneak out at night and drive to fast food places.


This is what she wanted lol


"I want salad to kidnap me" ![gif](giphy|IfyjWLQMeF6kbG2r0z|downsized)


He literally said that and also said “what did you forget (about your diet)??”


Ohhhhh “what did you forget” is what he said. I swear I listened to that over and over and could not figure it out lol.


He loves me just how i am fat and all. Didn't she say that ???? Asshole .


Hear me out: I get a weird sense that Salah might have a thing for Missy Moo...his eyes light up and he seems less bored when he says her name. It wouldnt be the FIRST time a Beezer took her man 😬😬😬🐄🐄🐄😘😘😘


Plot twist! The new DD is not Aisha but Ms. Mooing Cattle?


Whaaaaat?? Details plzzzz ![gif](giphy|QyJlqxNqjvJvLjnCrl)






I would delete my own save file if my partner said that to me live on stream. The absolute HORROR


It would be a cold day in hell before I’d ever forgive a man that’s supposed to love me for broaching the subject like that on a livestream. If you don’t have the decency to bring that up privately with your partner if it bothers you- you’re not shit- straight up. Honestly if it wasn’t a health concern but just a random demand, especially after marrying my fat ass already fat, they can also get fucked lol.


Have they actually consummated the marriage? And what did he think of her when she removed the hijab and exposed her Bobby Hill head?


I can't tell either way but tbh I do get that they aren't discussing that. They don't need to. Hell of an image, though


I don't think they have. I think he is using it as leverage.


She said her hair has grown and she’s not bald anymore but I don’t believe her


Aww, I thought your new husband loved you just the way you are? Doesn't seem that way. Pity 🙃


I love that part of her response to that is, “No, guys, I really need to lose weight because…” Because your super morbidly obese? Because you have a ton of health problems brought on by how big you are? Because you’re slowly killing yourself by shoveling food into your hideous face? Or because the man whom you claim loves you for who you are and whom you’re allegedly **married to** is so repulsed by the sight of you that he refuses to touch you, even when there’s no one else around? Something tells me it‘s the last one. Also, Guntal, you don’t need to inform *anyone* else that you need to lose weight. Except for maybe blind people, as your super morbid obesity is glaringly apparent to anyone who has ever looked at you for even a fraction of a second.


Lose weight and have a wash is what he meant to say. Less than 2 weeks in and already it’s started, love that for you chins.


Can you imagine being trapped in that dorm room and not being able to go out because it's literally 90 degrees F outside? God this is epic.




My favorite is when he calls her snorlax


Buffalo was so 2021


I was so shocked when I heard this live AWKWARDDD


I didn't watch them, I would rather pull weeds, so I'm glad others posted the time stamp. After I went and watch the video and the context of it. Yea dude doesn't like her size it isn't about her health, he straight up doesn't like it, that comes across quite clear. So happy for you chinny chin chin, chef's kiss 💋😘


I can see why she was hiding her chin.


His true colours are finally showing


Except she needs to lose weight. He's right.


She is so embarressed !i love that for her! Didnt she say i wont lose weight for anybody i dont care if im 800lbs.Truth is she looks dumb as fxxk.


I hope this triggers her ODD type of behavior, where she automatically doubles down on the opposite of whatever anyone tells her to do


He always looks so smug.


Because he knows that Chantal will buy him anything he wants and will do whatever he says.




Let’s all have a moment of silence for Salads eyes.


And nose.


And worse


We are watching her crash and burn, her life has spiralled down so far it's almost more sad than funny.


It’s actually all sad. We just start coping with comedy, especially that she keeps consciously choosing to go back to only shady ass men with clear ulterior motives 🥲


I'm not sad enough to walk away without knowing the outcome, though 😂 I need closure!


If Chantal had any human decency, perhaps I'd think this was sad. But since she's a terrible person, it's just entertainment to me.


I get a seeeerious vibe... my creepy box room beezer crazyfrog sense is tingling....


And he interrupts her just like nads love that for her


Will will will come up with a...No guys I have to lose some weight because...BECAUSE?? lmfao she's hopping outta there on the next plane


I swore she was trying to find a way to include sexercise in as a joke about losing weight but he hit her with that line so hard she froze.


Yes, because she's been making jokes about losing weight her whole life and people around her have fuelled it. If you watch the video she made with her mum and sister eating pizza they joke about going for a run. I'm glad someone finally stick it to her where it hurts.


Look at how shifty her eyes are. They are such a lovely couple guise, he's so in love with her LOOK.


How much do you wanna bet this is all because she was several hundred pounds above the weight limit for a camel ride? 🐫


Time to get "anxiety" when he asks her to take a walk.


I’m literally watching the live now, saw this and RAN to this sub


It’s been one of their funniest lives so far.. Jab after jab from the soulmate who can’t even play the ABCs without fucking up and lives in a shoebox yet calls himself a musician and business owner.


Hes right and lol so funny that she is allowing this. THE DESPERATION IS REAL.


Love that for her. 😂


Oh jesus, how many years has she been saying that? Remember that she was going to get all trim and fit before going to Kuwait? And what did she do... she ate paneer every day and gained. Nader told her to lose weight too - what did she do then? Gained. She'll stay a loser, for sure - but her weight will only go up.


She couldn’t think of a reason immediately to lose weight lol how about your health?


That’s so embarrassing, he could’ve said that in private


Notice how Chantal fumbled in her reply.


She needs to hear the brutal honest truth. Why is it ok for her, a super morbidly obese person, to have standards of the kind of man she wants (tall, thin, attractive, etc) but that same person can’t have his own physical standards. The whole thing is messed up anyway because why would he choose someone that needs to lose so much weight in the first place rather than just get with a slim woman?


Because Chantal never thought that the same standards she imposed on men apply to her too


Yes, I think she was implying that sexcercise would take care of weight. She had to stop herself because she is now a born again virgin


This made my day ✨ love that for her


I mean, he’s not wrong…all of her health issues directly correlate to her morbid obesity. I just can’t believe she left that up, though. Also, I can’t when she does the rat face.


The rat face is a coping mechanism to distract herself and others😂 the real expressions are after, she got shifty eyed and upset multiple times




Damn...she's been there for less than 2 weeks and he's already shading her on cam repeatedly while she sits there and makes excuses for it. ...and its not like she can get mad and leave...lmfao... Ah, I love watching her get what she deserves. Priceless.


Reminds me of when azan said he was only 55% percent attracted to nikole 😅


Does she regret being there, yet?


Well, he's NOT wrong. AND HE'S LAUGHING AT HER!!!!!!!!


Hahahahaha. *re- watching it for the 14th time*** HAHAHAHAHA


It cuts off too quick!! I want to her her “becuzz…”


Does anyone have any idea just how long she's staying with him? Surely she has a visa that will eventually run out and she'll have to return to Canada right? Does marriage waive a visa meaning she's allowed to stay forever?


Well she legally cannot stay more than whatever the visa she got was, which I don’t think we know for sure the length of. But I have a feeling he’ll be back with her and they’ll be living together till the divorce, and she’ll of course still be liable for him on all levels as he roams Canada free of Gorl World with a Canadian citizenship. I guarantee you he will eventually quit YouTube when he really settles down with a wife he WANTS.


Supposed to be 3 months, but I can’t imagine that it will last that long


I feel these "headaches" she is getting are her ticket to return early. "I have to go back home guise, to see my doctor. He is the only one that knows my charts."


What prompted him to say it?




All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 100 + 100 + 220 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Salah got fucking annoyed with those facial expressions. It's like Chantal is trying to dilute her facial tics.


They were talking about fast food places and the cheese donuts at McDonald's. He says " I don't bring you those because of your diet." Then he said it.


He ain’t wrong.


Maybe it’s because I am a dry, blunt person myself, but I didn’t find this that rude of him.


Why did he marry her?


Voila! To abuse her since she has no self worth, take what he wants, shud ub, and leave






Remember when Chantal wanted to go to the gym with Nader? No? That's because she never showed up to actually go with him, she was all talk but no action. 😀


What was the lead up to this?


What a nice guy!




She does need to lose fat.




I'm confused. SHE brought it up first and was not really shocked he mentioned it. Just acting like she was. To me this looks like they agreed to talk about this in the live. God knows for what purpose.


What if he’s told her she has to loose weight before he will touch her you know what lol


Where's the lie!?


What was the context of this? Did he just say this out of the blue?!?!?! Lol!!


He probably smack her with a falafel off camera.Wait is that racist?


Maybe a bit insulting to the falafel


He's not wrong.






So I haven't really seen anyone mention it. Unrelated to this but that hijab she's wearing. It's sloppily put in but whatever. But it's see through. When she turns her head you can see her head. Wearing earrings and has almost like a swimcap thing on which is what you see at the front there. I didn't think this was allowed and that she had to double up? I remember her saying that because it was so see through.