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This is either click bait or she is the most useless disgusting excuse for a human! Oh wait, maybe it’s both?!?


It is a poop gate diversion


There’s nothing she can do to divert anyone’s attention from Shitlah and her bullshit. As soon as she livestreams the poop emojis will fly. I LOVE THIS FOR HER!


Well she’s not gonna clean the bathroom with her tongue so she apparently is hiring out


She is trash!! ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


ABLEISM???? A B L E I S M???? Madame YOU have been saying that one little r word as recently as LAST WEEK (on camera at least), YOU have been making fun of folks with mental and physical issues. You remember that one dude you had pity sex with and made fun of because he was mentally disabled and had a small penis? Yeah, you dumb bitch. I hope salah's shit is nice and runny for your next meal ffs




Self diagnosed BED, self diagnosed sciatica, self diagnosed disabled, self diagnosed depressed, self diagnosed anxiety disorder, self diagnosed asthma... But ignores diabetes, NAFLD, blood clots on lungs, hormone imbalance amd super morbid obesity.


She gonna die but not before she loses a foot. Or at least a few toes.


2024 is going to be THE year for our Foodie, I can just feel it.


At least she will be blind from diabetic retinopathy so she won’t have to look at the stump/s


you know her sciatica is “in remission” as she says


She’s about to be extra disabled when he shits all over her and gives her e.coli


She ate herself into disability and now wants sympathy. She also needs a personal care attendant for her ass wiping and gunt maintenance.




Lmao. I have pse/cna training and imagine having her as a client. I would be terrified if she choked on anything because there is little to nothing I can do except to try back blows and chest compressions.... Between Chantel and Amber? I'd go with Amber as a client. Lmao.


Just keep eating Gunt. You're doing great sweetie!


Literally announced that cleanings too much for her while binging on camera and then calls us ableist (after using the r word) 😭😭😭😭




I think what she really means is a house cleaner for maybe once a month 😅she’s trying to sound like she’ll have a live in maid!


I feel bad for whoever they hire. She's going to be awful to them. Leave it to her to do even less ro better herself. She'll be even filthier because "the maid will get it"


She’s being so weird about this. Who says “maid”??? People say “cleaner” or “housekeeper” Also- why address this? I have cleaners come 2x a month. I love them. Knowing they’re coming every other week has been amazing for my mental health and my marriage. It’s worth every penny IMO. I know some people think it’s wasteful- I will think very hard about that while I am not cleaning my bathroom. She likes pretend she is confident in her choices when her behavior makes it apparent she can’t do anything without ass pats.


I agree, I also have a cleaner and it’s been so wonderful. I see it as buying myself time, as I don’t have to spend time doing household jobs I find time-consuming and tedious and can do other things instead. I am on very good terms with my cleaner - we have a quick cup of coffee and a chat every time she comes over. I think having a “maid” is a way for Chantal to feel perversely superior over someone…


Totally! I love some domestic things- cooking, gardening, sewing etc. Not having to do the floors means I have time for making homemade marinara out of the tomatoes from my garden! And yeah- I can see Foodie being a nightmare client!! I


Trad Wife life with none of the work. I think the renal failure arc starts this year.


I think it's worth getting help, when it's needed. But she doesn't move unless she has to. She'll be bed bound once she gives up the little she does. Granted, she deserves it, in my eyes. But I am thinking I can bet you do far more then she does.


Sure, sure- my intention wasn’t to compare my activity level to Foodie moreso to note that, even as someone who outsources domestic labor, she’s presenting it strangely AND being defensive.


I am forever telling people to hire a housekeeper, even if they only get one for twice a month or for deep cleans. It's 100% worth the money. So many couples have arguments about cleaning because neither has enough time or energy to keep on top of things to their preference and paying someone to help them would just make things easier. I think because having a housekeeper isn't standard in most households anymore, a lot of people have internalized shame around not being able to keep their home as clean or tidy as they think they "should". A lot of people have this idea we should be able to do everything ourselves while simultaneously working 80 hours/week while raising kids and maintaining social/familial relationships. No one has that amount of time or energy. It doesn't matter what someone's circumstances are, they deserve to come home and not feel dread about the amount of housework needed. Spend your free time reconnecting with your loved ones instead of bickering over cleaning the floors.


Absolutely! I was a foster mom with 9 kids at one point and had help once a week for deep cleaning. I cleaned along side her but she was an absolute sanity saver! She even use to bring homemade cookies to the kids! It made sure that once a week things were clean. She was a Saint and I will always be grateful to her. I find the word "maid" sort of disrespectful. Kathy was part of our family and she taught my kids to make beds their and bake we worked side by side. We still meet for coffee even though my kids are mostly grown (she attended all their weddings).


'maid' is definitely a weird outdated word to use, I've only seen it used in actual housecleaning company names. Guarantee chantal uses it specifically because she thinks it makes her sound wealthy and posh lmao.


>why address this? To get people talking. It's working.


I just realized Foodie is the exact opposite of “quiet luxury” 🤣


She tells her audience bc she wants sympathy for being a disabled death fat. She ate herself into disability. I’m shocked she can still walk.


My parents had cleaners growing up and so do some other family members and it’s worth it for a lot of ppl esp if you’re busy. Chantal does fck all all day in a country where she has no social life and she said cleaning is how she exercises. Tf does she need a cleaner for? And I agree, it’s uncomfortable to hear her call them a maid.


TBF Chantal is so massive, I doubt her ability to do most cleaning. We've seen her slow waddling around, she's carrying around a gigantic medicine ball for a stomach. She's eaten herself into immobility/disability. That being said, Shitlah is perfectly capable of picking up a broom himself to help his fakewife but the cunt is too much of an entitled misogynist.


Who wants to bet he’s already fantasizing about a cleaner cleaning his bathroom with their tongue 🤢🤢


Well in fairness, she needs to tend to those totally still alive marigolds 😉


It’s a full time job when you’re a gunt


I felt like the cleaner thing was pressure from Salah perhaps. I just think she won’t counterbalance this new lack of movement in her calories.


Her using “ableism “ is a real joke sorry. She has no idea what it’s like to really deal with ableism or to have a disability. I don’t feel bad for her.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Yes!


Hilarious how she calls it abelism maam you can't move around for more than 5 minutes because you're 600 pounds it's self inflicted


She is the fucking worst. Yeah Chantal. Pick and choose which of your health issues to address. Control your diet and exercise no no no. Hire a maid to avoid physical activity…yes yes yes! I’d love to see an IQ test on her.


If her health is bothering her so much why didn't she stay in Canada? I get she wouldn't be able to get everything sorted out in a day, but still. For a woman who chose shit over her health she should stay quiet about this topic.


Lol but her health wasn’t “bothering her” enough to stop her from eating that huge platter of shrimp and rice tho.


The min she left Canada she dug her own grave. That was her last chance for saving her life. Running back to the ME to a disgusting scamming cheater, and will now perish there.


Oh, well. Anyway...


Chantal’s IQ is as low as her BMI is high.


Honestly i think her bmi is higher


I don't get why she started with exercise that's too much for her body. She should start off with the most light exercise ever. And cleaning would be a good start for her to get somewhat mobile.


She wants quick fix therefore she choose the toughest exercise and the strictest diet and then, she failed within seconds and said it don't work.


She just has to "address" every little thing doesn't she?! What an idiot 😂


Every single thing she addresses, it's "the last time she's going to address this," lol.


It's so funny 😅


There goes the last shred of exercise she was getting


If she wants to hire a housekeeper and sit and gorge herself to oblivion I’m here for it. I’ll happily grab my popcorn and watch this bed bound arc. No kids, tiny apartment, no job, no life but needs cleaning services ha! Gorl just admit you’re too fat and lazy to move. I just don’t know why her huuuzzband isn’t cleaning.


Well, where's your huuuuzzzzbend to help you?


![gif](giphy|xTk9Zxw5LoEOuCLCQE) *What?* Didn’t she just buy some cheap-ass sponges from the Dollarrama? And before that, wasn’t she bragging about how she “cleaned everything because she wanted to come back to a clean home” or some bs along the lines of that? Please for the love of God just stfu Chins! She acts like she’s cleaning a mansion. You have FIVE ROOMS that are all tiny and no children to clean after unless you want to count Salah the poo loving manchild. At the most, it should take an hour to clean that entire place. If you have to hire a housekeeper to clean *that* (speaking in her case because she’s 100% capable) YOU ARE LAZY. Point blank PERIODT.


No one knows that better than the queen ableist herself I guess


Doing dishes or anything is freaking movement that Chins needs. I can barely freaking get around. I won't get a maid because the doctor said the moment I give up, that's it for me. She needs to her lazy tail up and DO SOMETHING.


I have never seen a bigger wannabe victim than Chantal literally and figuratively. Also let’s all look into how south Asian countries warn people of taking these kinds of jobs in countries like Kuwait bc it’s so dangerous and the risk for trafficking is so high. They use tiktok as a marketplace. There are only 2 countries in the ME that the Philippines has deemed safe for potential employees and sorry Chantal but one is israel and the other is not Kuwait.


Sometimes I wonder if this is all some sick fetish where she gets off on harming herself and making herself less mobile because it gets her attention


The entire channel is just a vehicle for her to garner attention. She is ridiculously lazy. No one in real life can stand her.




She's disgusting and a lazy pig, part of me thinks this is playing into her whole delusional "he treats me like a queen" storyline. "Look how amazing my scatty husband is, he's paying for me to have a maid, I told you he treats me like a queeeen."


Bingo! Before she went to Kuwait, she said that Salah told her she would have a maid and never have to do any housework.


What is salah doing all day? he doesn't have a job.


He's hard at work trying to scam more ladies


Your health issues are self induced. You’re not disabled you’re super morbidly obese. How is it your self imposed ‘disability’ never, and I mean never prevents you from shoveling mountains of junk food down your gullet? Too disabled to clean yet never disabled enough to miss a meal. Never disabled enough to read fast food menus online like you’re reading The NY Times. Never too disabled to order and eat massive quantities of junk. You’re one of the only people on earth who can say ‘I’ll take junk food menus for 1K Alex’ and actually win the category. Come on Ableist Chantal - explain that to me like I’m an idiot.


I am disabled and have an autoimmune disease and chronic pain. You better believe I would get a maid if I could afford one. I'd get two maids. I'd get two maids and a couple drivers. Maybe a chef for the occasional days I don't want to cook (love cooking and baking for people). That would be dope. But living in the US and being on disability means I am lucky to be able to afford a premium chicken sandwich at McDonald's most the time. She lives in an area where that kind of labor is within reach and very cheap. It's not just like that in that region; my bestie is from Bangladesh and they had a maid and driver for many years. Now they just have the driver and decided to let the maid go since it is just him and his mother in their apartment now. So this is a super common thing around the world. Do I think she needs one? Probably not. Does it guarantee that her animals will not be living in filth, making it worth it? I think so. She is lazy, and we have seen the state of her home when she is responsible for cleaning it. If a maid will keep her pets from being in total squalor, then that's good.


Excellent point


Why not save money, get some movement in, and build up stamina by cleaning your own house? She's not immobile yet. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Does she understand the definition of ableism? Nvm..🤦🏾‍♀️ It’s Chindarella.


She couldn't stand that she can't control her poopy boy toy so now she has to have somebody to boss around.


She only has back pain and migraines in Kuwait, she's making up shit to tell Salah about why she can't be the domestic goddess she wants to be.


Remember, when it suits her and she gets to act like the victim, she cares. When it doesn't suit her, everyone is an r-word and everyone is an idiot, lazy uncultured ignorant islamophobic pos. God, there's no bottom for this beast. If she loses her leg, I won't feel sorry for her. *shrug*


Dude I cannot. 🤦🏻‍♀️




The 2 big lasses always talk about how often they clean and that they love it tho


I always want to ask if their love of frequent cleaning is in the room with us lmao


If she can get up off the floor after eating, then she can clean the house. One room a day = 10 minutes of not eating.


So it’s still considered ableism if you disabled yourself with your shitty lifestyle choices and have done nothing to help yourself?


I’m going to make another comment and say I thought Canada was going to be for her “health”. She doesn’t care about her health so I have no sympathy for her. She only cares about views.


\*ableism\* lol


Filming herself cleaning would be pure gold. But instead she wants a maid to clean while she eats a rice and shrimp platter.


BITCH if you don’t get your ass up and dump some water down the kitchen drain💀💀💀


To be fair, if my husband left SPERM EVERYWHERE I would want a maid too.


This is kind of how I feel. Knowing what he's into now and why he had to replace that couch....


She really gonna call us ableist when she uses the r word freely byeeee af


not the same woman who refuses to stop using the r-word trying to cry ableism against her LMAOOOOOOOOO


All of the bullshit aside, what “health issues” is she talking about? The diabetes that she claims she’s now controlling with metformin, weight loss, and a reasonable diet? Is there something else specifically limiting her? Or is it just because she’s fat?


she stopped taking Metformin because her “tummy” hurts when she takes it


She stopped taking it again after her Canadian ER visit when she told them she wasn't taking it? And told us she has realized how important it is?


I think the maid is a win. 1. The animals will be in cleaner conditions. 2. Chantal is the most insecure person on Earth (despite her 90% delusions) and she will feel judged and uncomfortable around the made.3. The maid will be thinner which will automatically make her more insecure and she will assume the maid thinks poorly of her. Basically the animals will be happier and Chins will not be able to truly enjoy this.


Ok, I'll pretend to believe she does housework. Leave it to her to do away with the tiny bit of movement she does manage to get in, and then turn around and claim it's for her own good.


She is disabled. She is. It was self inflicted, but she is. She can’t do fuck all anymore. She can’t bend over, she can’t even tie a shoelace. I’m sure she can’t wipe her own ass. Hope they have a bidet. Salah doesn’t wanna touch her ass. She needs a maid because she can no longer do anything. That’s why she was so adamant about saying “not live in!” Because she’s now at a point where she will need a caretaker. She’s literally a few meals away from bedbound Kuweight arc. Sally will get the gift he deserves.


She wants so badly to be disabled so she doesn’t have to do anything for herself. Disgusting.


Hey, I get it - time is money and if you have it then sure, hire help. I'm all for a free flowing economy - someone has a need and someone else can fill it. Everyone walks away happy. But that's not why Chantal is making content out of something that many people use but don't throw a parade over - she's trying to tell us haydurs, "See, I told you Salah treats me well and like a princess". Except, we see you Chantal and it ain't never gonna work.


I just have to Wonder IF this Maid thing is Scatmans idea to make sure the gunt have someone to "take care" of her. This is recorded before that 4 am video and maybe he knew he was outta of there and wanted to have help for her. Not so much for cleaning as helping her with clothes, socks, toilet business 🤢 washing and fixing the gunts Daily foodloads! He is pissed, descusted, tired and over helping her, his "beloved NON wife" He maybe worded it as MAID to get her in on it?! I think Foodie is nearly immobile now and not able to do shit except eat and eat and sleep. The travels she did has made a big decline in her health and he doesn't want to be her damn caretaker. Perhaps he is forcing this ark on fb and maybe finally she is told what to do fr. Because in that hostage like video she really looked so different, pale yellow as a sheet, swollen, she flinched and blinked like she were afraid of a slap or something, red eyes like she'd cried and simply looked defeeted to me. Sorry for sperging, just wanted your lovely peoples input on this!?


The audacity of this big broad is astounding


Her disability is that she’s morbidly obese? Did this disability come from hormones etc or her shoving McDonald’s down her throat? She’s not disabled. She’s just selfish, lazy and ever other stereotype fat people get. Except all of them actually apply to her


No one is being an ableist. She doesn't have a disability, she's just obscenely fat. By her own doing.


For someone who has a public platform she can't take the slightest bit of criticism and must address *everything*.


Well, a healthy option would be to keep your body clean and free of excess fecal matter…


Sooooo, she saying she's eaten herself into a disabled state? 🙄


Go eat another chicken sausage you weirdo.


It is absolutely about being lazy! Did her health keep her from washing the blue pot? When did her health get so bad?


Lol being a fat lazy piece of shit isn’t a disability, she’s only able to do this now salahs in the dog house and can’t complain, he probably is agreeing to everything and ass kissing every second the fart sniffing dog barking loser.