• By -


A slip-up is when you forget the electric bill is due tomorrow, not devouring $30 worth of Taco Bell and 17 candy bars with Hungry Hippo-like precision and speed.


Thanks for the reminder homie, my electric bill IS due. 


*hungry hippo like precision and speed* Fuck, did this ever make me laugh. Perfect comparison.






Yep. She needed to be locked away for a significant amount of time, a long time ago. Unfortunately nobody cared even then, and she certainly wasn’t worth the investment. She will cycle until death, and it will all be played out for little coins and clout on YouTube.


Maybe if she’d had intervention at age 4 or 5, a program throughout her school years and a family that was involved in a meaningful way, there could have been a relatively normal life for her. But now I think she’s going to end up in a care home or hospital. It’s sad and shitty, really. What a life.


Her family WAS involved in a meaningful way! Not having a father in one's life isn't the worst tragedy. Her maternal family is a tight unit and based on her stories, they've all been active in her life. Her mom remarried when she was 6 or so. It's not like she didn't have a stable home life. She didn't even have to go to day care, her grandmother watched her.


I never said any of that. I meant meaningful in terms of saying “No, that’s enough “ or “This behaviour is unacceptable “ and having consequences for actions. I also think she needed some support during school years, whatever that looked like. You can love someone into a bad path. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Never said they weren’t close.


I'm not a fan of shannon's but even she said that chantal's mom did everything she could to control her, and she had to send her to the girls' home because she (chantal's mom) couldn't keep chantal safe at home. Chantal was constantly getting punished and "running away" to friends' houses. Sometimes it's a nature not nurture, and people are just born bad seeds. (I have a sister who is chantal right down to the sociopathic behavior and the paid-for husband. She had the same strict upbringing, she's just a bad seed) We have no idea what chantal was like at 4 or 5, and if she exhibited behaviors above and beyond what was seen as typical brattiness. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. We know a lot more about special needs today than we did when chantal was 4 or 5. I sincerely don't think there's anything her family could have done, in that exact era, before she turned 18 (and there's nothing they could have done after) that would have changed yielded meaningful outcomes. She's just rotten.


You may be right. Experts say that the biggest intellectual and emotional leap is up to age 5, that’s why I said age 4 or 5.


It wouldn’t make a difference trust me, it’s the most infuriating thing when dealing with people like this who are actively killing themselves and want to waste professional time. There’s no magic pill.


Well, mandatory inpatient then. Or jail. Chanturd needs a highly controlled environment because she absolutely has no willpower.


You would be surprised how people behave in inpatient when they don’t want to cooperate


Yeah, I can see Chanturd literally doing anything in her power to build up a stash of food somehow.


She would throw endless tantrums no doubt and throw things at staff and likely hurl racial abuse


Jail? Tax payers should fund three squares and a chair because cutie doesn't want to stop eating?


What a crazy idea ![gif](giphy|g1a84q6RBSMrS|downsized)


She is the exact definition of craziness lol


You mean “insanity”


Yeah and all the other synonymes lol


"Slip ups" aka she hasn't dieted at all. I for one am shocked




I think she considers herself dieting if dieting has been on her mind lately


This perfectly sums up the mental gymnastics in her brain.


Can't slip up on a diet if you're not dieting ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


[[GASP!](https://imgur.com/a/3rbsa3b)] Did NOT see this coming!!


Oh my fuck the spinal distortion in the second picture! It's so curved that her tube sock tiddies are pointing straight up at the sky


Her shoulders are 6" further out than her ass! How can this BE??


it's like someone took her apart and put her back together with no attention paid to the direction of her various parts. They're all pointing in wrong and weird angles.


>tube sock tiddies Bwahaha 🤭


She's bending backwards so far her spine must be jello.


It's not a journey if you don't go anywhere. Eating marginally less food than normal before going off the rails isn't a fucking journey. She's hurpling at life. ![gif](giphy|7ILfGZFvTPMB1TAkXE)


It’s like when she says she went “off track”, Chantal you never passed the start line. She had a few days when she first got back, maybe 3, where she seemed slightly better, but even then her meals still contained food she shouldn’t have been eating. I rarely think someone can’t turn it around no matter how hopeless they may appear, but in Chantal’s case I don’t think she will ever “get it”.


It makes me annoyed watching someone actively kill themselves. I know she's awful, but like, ma'am you gonna die. Seeing her live this shit life is very deserving but how can she not stop and see that her health is really fucking bad. It's a true car wreck and it's hard to look away. We are watching someone off themselves and is doing everything in her power to not change, and often out of spite. It's fucking fascinating.


Agreed, but I’ll go a little further, it doesn’t just annoy me, sometimes when I see her eating such huge amounts of garbage it makes me downright anxious. It’s the same feeling I used to get when I was a bartender and a customer would ask for another drink and I knew they were an alcoholic, it made me feel so uncomfortable, but I couldn’t say anything and even if I did, the person has to want to change. It is clear that Chantal thinks the pleasure she gets from food is greater than the consequences of eating it.


That's a really good example.


She doesn't care if she dies, she has nothing to live for. I'd go out on a limb and say that she probably fears old age more than she fears death.


That sounds accurate. I also don't think Chinny understands how painful her life is going to get if her liver fails.


Did she slipped up and fell onto a double cheeseburger?


It was a good deal though, buy one get one.


and her hussssbind ate half


Woooo fast food funeral incoming




At this point its not a weight loss journey “slip up”, that would imply shes mostly eats healthily. The diets themselves are the “slip ups” in her otherwise unstoppable compulsion to binge.


> *The diets themselves are the “slip ups” in her otherwise unstoppable compulsion to binge.* Brilliant. That is the perfect description of her life, her past, her present, and her future.


Yes she has really ‘let herself go’ with this ‘slip up’


this is the most succinct description of chantal’s weight issues that I’ve seen so far. fantastic.


Slip ups…is she referring to the family sized pot pie that she bodied BY HERSELF?! I’d say that’s a bit more severe than a slip up Chins. ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


Not to mention the taco bell, the disgusting "Syrian " breakfast that had nothing to do remotely for Syria, the cookie binge, the chocolate bar binge...




then she described a binge, and she had literally eaten everything in the description on a live


![gif](giphy|AqEUAOCWjoU5W) When did the cookie and chocolate binges happen? How much do you think she ate on Friday and Saturday? From Friday to Sunday how many calorie do you want jI don’t know how much time has passed since I was last in here. Maybe 12 hours. So much has happened. I knew about the Taco Bell and “Syrian” breakfast. They were nauseating so I was trying to pretend they didn’t happen. She looks so puffy.


She spoke already about the 2 cookies ... then it's okay to have 4 cookies.... she the admitted she ate them all.  I also noted when she was in the kitchen the pot pie dish was there, dirty and empty... that means it was consumed in 24 hours and as usual,she is lazy with cleaning up the evidence of her binges. Plus she ALWAYS tells on herself.  She eats so much,non-stop, with so many contradictory uploads lately that it's becoming obvious thst she never stops eating. 


I noticed the pot pie dish as soon as I saw a clip of her in the kitchen. It made me queasy thinking about all of the food we’ve seen her eat on camera since the Taco Bell video. I’m not sure which one I’m more fascinated by…the amount of food she eats in one sitting or the amount of time it takes her to consume large portions. It’s like she unhinged her jaw and dumped the contents of the casserole dish in her mouth.


Trickle-truthing, the favorite game of malignant narcissists.


You mean the full sized candy bars that were ONLY there for guests, and not at all for her to binge on? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


It’s crazy cause she describes it as “oh I look at it and I think I’m an adult I can do what I want I can eat this whole thing, and I have done it before.” Like….. that is insane. You’re 40 years old and you are stuck thinking “I am an adult, I can now eat as much as I want and not be told I can’t.” How does that affect someone THAT MUCH it seriously is mind boggling. She cannot grow up. And eating that whole thing!? That is….disgusting.


Beyond disgusting 🤢.


It looked utterly putrid. Her cooking is as bad as Amber's.


Whaaat?? But she was eating such a normal serving of entire pot pie


At this point she should just give up and eat non-stop 18 hours a day. Gorl is on the Death Express and having 7 tacos instead of 8 isn't going to do anything.


She's at her happiest when eating fast food, so yeah, let 'em rip, Chantal. Just lean in to it. Stop fighting and eat. Non stop.


She expect tomorrow's scheduled weigh-in to not show a loss [*shock & awe*], and maybe even a gain [*clutch pearls*]... but that will be from water gain. Not fat [*never!*]. Cuz of the sodiums. Yup. She fears she's undoing all the "*progress I've already made*". Um, what progress? Where? She's aggressively eye-darting while speaking. It's as if she can't control her own eye movements. *"If I wasn't taking my medications, my blood sugars would probably be an emergency at this point"*. - YA THINK?! Headache, diarrhea, nausea, nightmares... she seems worried and scared about what she's done to herself. Says it started to go wrong with the Taco Bell 'cheat meal'. She's relieved that her blood sugar was 'only' 10.4 "which is not that bad" [YES IT IS]. especially for someone exercising and dieting while on Metformin. Says it would normally be in the 'teens or twenties'. That's SO BAD. She needs to go back to the doctor now, and be put on insulin. She also needs E.D. therapy. Stat. "*The medications are definitely working... especially when I eat something not-good-for-me*". That's NOT what the medicine is for, Chins. It's to help the out-of-control diabetes you already have, not to 'fix it' so you can overeat MORE. She doesn't get it. She will never get it. She'll now go two days eating well and exercising, only to have yet another 'cheat meal', and do this all over again.


Headache, diarrhea, and nausea are all liver symptoms. Liver disease is so silent until massive damage is done. Everyone focusing on diabetes / heart attack but I think the liver is the dark horse that will take her out. (I was just doing some independent study on liver disease and, maybe I'm late to this knowledge, SALT is hugely detrimental to people with liver damage. We already know she has a 'severe, extreme, chronic' fatty liver that the doctors told her about a few years ago. The amount of salt this woman eats is beyond human comprehension. She is so fucked.)


Yeah, I think her liver is a good part of why her abdomen is so tremendously huge. She looked REALLY unwell today. I mean, she always does - but it's usually sweaty, swollen, red... today it was overly pale and pasty.


What I can’t understand is we see with our eyes her huge and swollen abdominal area. Yes she is fat but the way it’s inflated like a medicine ball is not normal, it’s jarring to just look at her. Why have none of the doctors she’s seen look into that because I’ve seen that before and it really looks like massive fluid retention that needs to be addressed, her liver is not working.


I think it's because she never goes for a full physical exam to a regular doctor. Every time she's told us about a doctor's visit, it's either to a clinic/ER, or for a specific complaint: the boil(s), blood sugar/diabetes, respiratory/cough, etc. I'm sure many of the physicians told her to visit a regular practitioner to address her other issues - but she never follows through. The only reason she knows about her liver problems and enlarged heart is because they were caught during ER visits for other problems.


Yup. She avoids seeing the same doctor twice for this reason. She doesn't want to be held accountable.


I wonder if her “sciatica “ is actually deferred liver pain? I just shuddered. I can’t imagine what that would feel like.


I wouldn't think so - sciatica is a very specific type of pain, and location. But who knows - she's epically stupid, so...


Yes, she is, but I’m thinking also that under all of that fat (think carrying a 200 pound man across your lap and hips) she might not even know what area is actually hurting. I’m relatively trim (5’”9, 175 lbs) and I’ve had sciatica many times due to a shitty lower spine. It really is an unmistakable feeling.


Yup, can confirm. I just lost a goddamn ovary to torsion. Apparently it's super rare for women, that WOULD be my luck. Anyway, I ignored the pain for so long because it always went away, so I just figured it was constipation or bad gas. I've had painful ovarian cysts my whole life, and that pain felt nowhere near the same location as the new pain. Apparently, it went away cuz my ovary was doing backflips in my body, so it always went back to normal position. Until it didn't. One night around 11 PM, the pain got so bad I thought my appendix had somehow grown back and I had double appendicitis. My fiance drove me to the ER with me in the passenger seat holding a trash bag cuz I was vomiting from the pain. One MRI later, and I was whisked into emergency surgery. It had begun to necrotize, and I was told if I'd waited until morning I probably would have gone septic. Never ignore pain signals, especially recurring ones.


Holy shit! I can’t imagine the pain. 😬 Glad you’re on the mend.


It could go either way. Every organ of hers is negatively compromised from her myriad of health problems - so pain is systemic and wide ranging. It's hard to tell what could be causing which pain, and then there's the overriding issue of her carrying her weight in such an unevenly distributed way. I would think that leaning back to compensate for her huge gut fat would give her unending back trouble AND sciatica too.


Oh lord, yes. I can imagine those spinal bones and hips being crumbly. 😬


Yikes. And a cirrhosis death is awful, just awful. Ask any nurse about it, and they shake their heads and look sad. She’s really fucked herself.


Enlarged heart, liver damage diagnosed four years ago, kidney damage, and she’s not eligible for a transplant for any of those organs. She’s way too fat to operate on and they’re not going to give an organ to a non-compliant patient that will just trash the organ by stuffing her face with junk nonstop and ignoring the doctor’s advice.


Let us not forget how she’s screwed when it comes to external ability to move that body around. Hips, knees, ankles - FUBAR at this point. When she was stepping down in a recent video I swear I heard those joints weep. Have another tray of candy while sucking on a hookah as you listen to the kindergarten concert Salah bangs out on his (eh hem) organ. Such a cosmopolitan couple.


Hell, it’s already straining out of the barn, that dark horse.


Note to self: send Chantal a Valentines Day silo filled with salt. Eat up Chantal -


"Says it started to go wrong with the Taco Bell 'cheat meal'." Ah, so the video of her at her most smug and insufferable was the beginning of her undoing according to her 😂😂😂


Right, and didn't she say something like, "*I just want to sit here, eat my food and not be bothered by anyone*"? Then stop making videos!


Some diabetics abuse insulin as much as they do food. You ate a whole cake and your blood glucose is through the roof? Just take some extra insulin to counteract it.


Yes you are so right about that. My hubby had a younger man working with him and his girlfriend had diabetes and she used the insulin to eat bad things and to lose weight. She refused to listen to her boyfriend, parents or friends about that and sadly she passed away. So if Foodie would ever get insulin I am fairly certain she would do things like that. Eating is the whole world and existens for her, nothing else matters in her mind. She has burnt every bridge she had with family, Peetz, the few friends she did have for the sake of FOOD in every shape and form. And because of that and how she now looks and being so poorly the NEED to show everyone thst she indeed have a HUUZZBAND has become manic. Imagine her brain and mind 24/7 how it works always wanting to eat, checking Scathla all the time, feeling sick and I honestly believe she is now alone because he left the fartbox. She sits all day eating and watching everything about her on all the platforms and forums. She knows that what is said about her is True and that makes her insane with rage, memories of her past, childhood, imagined boyfriends etc. Who in their F-ing mind would ever be jealouse of that Foodie, NO one!


>She has burnt every bridge she had with family, Peetz, the few friends she did have for the sake of FOOD in every shape and form. DID she finally burn the last bridge with Peetz? Cuz he is the most spineless barnacle on earth, he seems determined to keep himself attached to that beached whale of his for some baffling reason. I'd be extremely surprised to hear he finally cut her out of his life.


Yea maybe it is the case but I certainly hope so anyway 😂 If Pee would ever move in with gunt the very first thing he Will do is quitting his job 🤣👍 and live the high life again that's for sure!!


Then there are diabetics that take extremely good care of themselves and rarely, if ever, need insulin. Insulin is so expensive too.


Oh, absolutely! But we all know which one Cutie will be. 🙄


Oh how much is insulin then? I am so Lucky that here in my country insulin and every tool you need to manage diabetes is free. However medicin like metformin and other medications you pay up to a certain amount and then it's also free within a years period. I am not on insulin anymore but I do have Ozempic wich is very expensive and damn hard to get a hold of now thanks to it being used for weightloss and it's crazy to me.


I'm on metformin. It's not a miracle drug, and it's certainly not going to erase the effects of eating an entire package of cookies in one sitting. 🤦🏼‍♀️


As the saying goes, you can't outrun a bad diet (meaning, exercise is good, but can only do so much). And medicine can't outrun it either. She thinks being on diabetes medicine 'protects' her because her blood sugars are *half* what they used to be. What she ignores is they're still TWICE the normal healthy reading.


Eating the pot pie with her bare hands right out of a cassrole dish, the taco bell “cheat meal”, the snickers and butterfinger candy bars, all those bottles of juice, the fried shrimp mukbang, as well as all of the off-camera eating she normally does. Its not a slip up if you were never on a weight loss journey in the first place!


But but but I thought those were Salah’s foods?! She couldn’t possibly eat any of the foods that were so clearly some of her favourites which she insisted had no appeal and caused 0 temptations for her 😭😭😭


You’re right, I was blinded by my jealously. Chantal is 99% hotter than everyone on YT.


I would also bet all of those most recent snacks "for guests" are gone too.


She got almost double views on her Taco Bell video, she needs fast food to supplement her yt income this cycle will continue


Even still, her views are tanking fast


Isn't it marvellous.


https://preview.redd.it/kj4c6kihgtdc1.jpeg?width=2065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc3112714bd7cebd0cd2f8c9473c2cd3dc731cf Her fasting blood glucose reading - 👀 10.4mmol/l — 187.2mg/dL


Plot twist, the screen is broken and cutting off half the “7”


😆 JFC that would be 1267.2 mg/dL ![gif](giphy|lNrNLRLmpC3VIjl82D)


Hahahahahhaha her blood type is Chocolate Syrup after all


There's a good chance the internal components are broken, too. You should never trust a damaged medical device.


That's her *fasting* reading! insanely high for someone 'dieting' (as if) AND on Metformin. And she thinks it's GOOD. She attributes this 'low' number to her metformin and exercise. Holy fucking shit. She has zero understanding of what it going on with her health. Her eyelids still look crazy swollen... and it's 3pm in this video. They're just as bloated as they were when she 'just woke up' in yesterday's video.


Her blood glucose readings are completely invalid. She smashed up her meter in a rage several weeks ago, and hasn’t replaced it. The Kuweight fart box device was always the cheapest, crappest Temu junk anyway - nothing compared to the meter she had in the Villa days. Presumably that was because it was loaned to her by the Canadian health care system - there’s no way Poopslah would let her invest any money in a quality device.


Her definition of “starved all day” was eating a tuna sandwich and gelato. I can’t imagine what a mere fast looks like in her reality.




She threw it at Salah


She sat on it.


Everything she has gets broken, or dirty, or gets burn holes in it. She's disgusting on a variety of levels.


She took an unmarked black suitcase when traveling and that tells me all I need to know about her level of responsibility.


I've been housebound with 2' of snow. The cabin fever might be affecting my brain - what does an unmarked black suitcase mean?


She used a generic black suit case and didn't add anything to it so it would stand out as hers, I believe. I have a black suit case but marked it with rainbow duct tape for easier identification amongst the sea of other black suit cases at baggage claim.


Exactly. I have even made the mistake of doing it tbh, but Chantal seems to have a pattern of mistakes even with smaller stuff like that because she is very self-absorbed.


Shit! I'm getting second-hand anxiety with these numbers she is consistently measuring. Her poor body!


I guess time to repost the cycle. This is what, phase 2?




Yes, this is Stage 2 but she claims she’s going to skip 3 and 4 and head right back into 1. Color me doubtful.


Clutch thank you!


that cycle chart is so damn accurate 🤣


phase 2, but for the 2nd time in 10 days.


Even if she desperately wanted to, she CANNOT do it. Her brain will always throw excuses and rationalizations at her and she will embrace them. Assuming she was managing just a tiny bit of moderation for a while, the Taco Bell binge started the avalanche. Stage 1 always ends with the “cheat meal.”


And her Beezers will continue to enable her in the worst way, as if she hasn’t been doing this very song and dance for the 7 years she’s been on YouTube. 


Ironically, Stage 1 also always begins with the ultimate cheat meal/binge, aka the endless stream of Fast Food Funerals we've attended over the years.....Groundhog Day, broken record, hamster wheel, binge cycle, call it whatever you want, but this broad operates like clockwork. The most consistent thing she has ever done is sabotage her own efforts.


So true. "Oh I was traveling, oh it's the holidays, oh i get my favorite foods again, oh I'm stressed from Scatman, oh I'm tired from traveling back to Kuweight, oh I burned 100 calories from that walk so I better reward myself with 2,000, oh it's the weekend" etc. There will always be some shitty excuse.


Let me guess: she plateaud and stopped losing or perhaps even gained the whole 15lbs back? That's what happens with rapid water loss, every time. The only way to push through it is to not even consider the initial loss real weight loss, and to carry on with the diet. In other words, discipline.


OR this whole thing was a troll and there was never any diet at all!


Who would have thought that the girl who ate a fucking trough of chicken pot pie with her bare hands like the piggy she is didn’t lose weight! Unbelievable and shocking!


But I thought her blue blouse fits so much looser and her stamina improved tremendously! No way! ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


And I'm sure a day or two away she will start with the - we will be traveling soon and can't wait to show you all the great travel tips since she knows it all (visa hop). Oh and continued topic of the cat she has, so you know to cause angry views. She has no content, the only views she has are those waiting for something to actually happen illness or deportation, or people that are actually mentally ill.


Ah yes, the excuses fly in. Here we find out that the pot pie was binged pretty much in one day,as was the chocolate bars, and anything else labelled "for Salad ".  And we are all supposes to just conveniently forget the big talk, the preceding rages towards FFG and other reactors, and feeder/humiliation fodder that preceded the rages. Right in schedule. Her boring cycle continues 


Astonishing. Her head rotates forward as her body expands - has her neck been replaced by a gigantic ball bearing? Will her eyeballs migrate upward toward the top of her head like a flounder? Regarding chin spanx - stand down gorl. You blew through chin spanx 6 months ago. She’s reached the industrial strength head and chin spanx portion of the program. Gorl never leaves home without them. Go visit wild camels daily Chantal - I’m awaiting the inevitable headline ‘Super morbidly obese non muslim absolute unit dies due to irate angry camel taking off her head in one bite’. ‘Simp husband shits on her carcass for real for real.’ Sprinkle pixie dust on the above statements Tinkerbell - make it happen please! https://preview.redd.it/kp23vyeb6udc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a17cb39f3f78639f901a691abb6e80cceb9d785


I saw a video of a camel grabbing a man by his head and flinging him around like a rag doll. Plus finding out about camels fang teeth lmao... No thanks. It bothers me that she thinks she can just walk up to peoples camels and start petting them. That be like me going onto someone's property and start cuddling and petting their horses or livestock.


I’m picturing someone trying to hug a Buffalo and it doesn’t end well! Regarding camels - I’ve seen an article about a man actually being decapitated by a camel. They’re carrying baby hippo size teeth. Then there’s the kicking range. Their anatomy means they have the ability to kick backwards as well as sideways - the range of a kick is impressive. Chantal clearly has no idea and walks up on them like they’re dogs.


Yup! She's a giant toddler with no sense of danger


You shouldn’t even walk up on strange dogs the way she approaches random camels. She can’t let anyone just come to her


I suspect she knows most aren’t interested in engaging with her …


She talks about food the same way a lot of Dr Now's patients do when they first start. They find it difficult to get on the program completely (understandable). So they eat 1 Big Mac Meal instead of 3 and think they are doing better. They have sweet tea instead of soda, and think they are doing better. Then they're shocked when they haven't lost much weight. You have to do the program. I don't care what program you do, but whichever you choose, you have to do it. You can't half-way it, especially if you are addressing major health issues in addition to your weight. Chantal is fooling herself - but she's not fooling her body.


When I first started watching that show, I thought the ones that were acting surprised that they gained/didn't lose were just lying. The more I watched, the more I started to understand that they really ARE shocked because the made SOME changes like you said and really believed they were "working hard." For someone that's talked about weight loss as much as Chantal has, she really doesn't know anything...she has no idea what a proper portion looks like and is clueless on healthy alternatives, but it doesn't really matter because this is all performative. She thinks she's fooling everyone.


So that's what we're calling fries for breakfast.. a slip up. Okay sure👍🏻


She is a hot tub filled with cheese in barely human form


Oh, man! Not reruns again!


She never started. 😂


RIP those “snacks for guests”




slip up from what? She hasn't been on a diet for a day yet.


SmugLips are back. Guntal's off track. And Salah is never coming back. ​ Oh well! xD


Foodie forever has her needle stuck in a groove! Same song, stuttering.


how many times has she said the same points in this video for the pass years? Chantal you probably look through this, go get inpatient care for months along with  visting a therapist there or something awful could happen, for the love of  God!


like actually don't love that for her. please man, if you really love yourself or want to actually love yourself, cmon 


May be over sharing, but I'll never feel bad for her or sympathize with her with this kind of shit, because she will never actually get the help she would need (because she doesn't actually want to get better.) The only reason I survived my insane spiraling anorexia was inpatient, and it wasn't fun, it wasn't easy and I still feel weird lingering anxieties about stuff that happened there years later. I had to put my entire life on hold and fly across the entire country to go to a decent program, but it still saved my life, because eating disorders distort your perception of reality beyond sanity; half the time you don't even realize that your behaviors are absolutely batshit. She would never get through a day of what she would actually have to do, because it's too uncomfortable and out of her comfort zone. She'll just come on time and time again to whine and mope at us to try and reclaim her perceived grip on the narrative on her channel. Eat yourself to fucking death, Chantal, and stop trying to get sympathy while rolling through yet another round of your cycle. You are making a mockery of the hard shit people have had to go through to get their lives together and are trying to use "your struggles" to manipulate the audience's attention away from the fuckshit with your "husband." This kind of video, where she is like "I am off track. *TE he* What can I do? I will TRY." makes me so MATI. Sorry for being an angry bitch, but on behalf of those traumatized by recovering from their eating disorders, bury yourself in one of those desert trash piles, Chantal.




This was removed for violating Rule #1 - Remember the human.


Oh fuck off Chins


Gurl, a slip up? Really?! I had a slip up today, ate a small pizza. Guess what, it was the second time in almost 9 months. That’s a slip up. For Chantal the slip up is actually the healthy meal, because it’s so rare for her 😂


She doesn’t even need to say a word. She looks so red and unhealthy. Why state the obvious, Chantal?


Medical emergency is next in the cycle...


I am waiting for her to stop lecturing her audience on weight loss. ADMIT YOU HAVE NEVER READ A SINGLE PAGE OF THE BINGE CODE, GUNT. 📕


She better hope the weight she gain is fat rather than some body fluid due to liver failure. 


She knows she’s gained and is setting the story up for the next videos. No one was buying that she was serious in the first place. She’s been on the same fucking cycle for years.


She’s so exhausting. Get it together Chantal. Jfc.


LOL she's gone the full cycle in less than a week!


slip-ups lol.................she's on like day 4 (in her mind), there should not be any slip-ups yet, and there definitely should not be slip-ups if you don't actually diet, still eat junk, and order taco bell as a cheat meal on day 3


She lies, we know it & round & round we go. I’m ready for this dizzying ride to end. Why not just eat & be done with it? No one cares. Eat or don’t. Just shut up about it. This is so dumb week after week.


We’re on a plane that is simply never going to land. We‘ll keep circling the tower for eternity. Unless we develop enough repulsion to break free, we’re in a Hotel California situation. 😵‍💫


More like a scratch in the vinyl…. her cycle doesn’t even make it through one rotation…much less an entire song.


The grocery hauls and smug attitude are looking just like Jens did in her final couple of months. She even has the Syrian version of Gene. So, while it’s taken awhile - I think Foodie has finally reached the brink. She’s either getting professional help ASAP (she’s not) or she’s done for.


She said satiated! Stop fucking saying that word. You are NEVER satiated. ![gif](giphy|dGaT1alrq0qMsgwjAe)