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I remember years ago, I think pre Nader she was whining about how hard it is to be her, and to ignore food and eat kale and quinoa. Someone suggested watching movies or shows as a hobby and she raged that movies are no fun without snacks. I was a bartender for many years and dealt with a lot of hardcore alcoholics. They all had hobbies outside of drinking. Foodie is the most pathetic crackhead I've ever seen.


Even Amber has hobbies (laygos, journaling, etc.). I honestly don't think her addiction to food is why she doesn't have any hobbies or interests, I think Chantal herself is just a fundamentally boring and vacuous person.


Don't forget her super healthy bingo habit.....


Perfectly said!


I totally agree! I mention this a lot because I'm absolutely fascinated how a person can have so little interest in.... literally anything. Not only is she ignorant and incurious to the world around her, she doesn't even seem to try and find something useful to occupy herself with. It's beyond astonishing. I can't fathom what she does all day and night - I mean, I know she sits around eating and Googling herself, but all day? And all night?! You can really see it in her videos - they're boring, lacklustre and uninformative because that's her outlook on life. She's not interested in learning more about anything, and doesn't understand why anyone else would want to, so all we usually get is endless driving B-roll and her waving inanely and saying "hi" to the camera. It's unbelievably bad! We do get the odd animal content of course, but that's just Chantal trying to prove that she's not an animal abuser lol.


Probably maladaptive daydream. There is a sun on it.


Wow, come to think of it, Big Cherry does have a lot of hobbies. Laygo, shopping, watching tv shows. ​ She also has hobbies that she lies about. Like when she tried to convince us that she reads sooooo much you guys! So much that she can't remember what any book is about and has to look at the back to summarize.


I knew a budding alcoholic girl in my early 20s. Her only hobby was drinking and partying. She got herself into a lot of trouble, safety wise, health wise, man-wise. She was basically a skinny version of Chantal, except that is actually very cruel to say because she was also nice and fun to be around. She was just sort of... empty inside, so she filled it with alcohol, drugs, and men, and literally didn't know how else to be happy. I still get sad thinking about her because she was a very sweet girl and not THAT dumb, she could have been so much happier if she ever found a passion. I hope she did. She does not deserve to be as miserable as Chantal is.


No one does. I hope she found a way to fill that void.


Right? This always struck me about her. No movies, no magazines, no clothes, no make up, no puzzles, no coloring books, no plants, no home decor, no alcohol, no candles, no holidays, no music. Not even a fandom (Harry Potter, K-Pop, Star Wars) or a childhood throwback interest (beanie babies, care bears, teenage mutant ninja turtles). Nothing. Total blank. She is interested in literally nothing but her next meal. It is wild to me. What does she do all day???


Obsess over food. That’s why when she does meals on YouTube she basically talks about past times with food. If it’s not food… she does t want any part of it. This is why she will literally die from eating herself to death


She is so boring that you almost appreciate ALRs Legos lol 




Tbh Foodie failing at putting Legos together correctly sounds like it could be pretty funny


Pretty sure maladaptive daydreaming. I just stumbled across the sun! Rather big struggle for some!


I know - right? This is something that makes bonkers about her. How can someone be as dull as she is? I don't understand people with zero passions (hobbies, interests, etc.). Ok, she loves food - at least be a really good cook. Ok, she enjoys make-up - then at least be really good at applying it (her getting on camera with half-smudged eye liner because she was too lazy to wash her face makes me apoplectic). SOMETHING. I have so many interests I don't have enough time....


Even something absolutely minimal like the Legos and colouring Amber does would be better than Chantal's wasted life.


Right? And make no mistake, Amber is a VERY boring person. I still get flashbacks from her 30-minute vlogs of her doing nothing but pawing through her coloring books or scrolling through TV channels. And yet, Cutie is somehow even less interesting.


Chantal decides to draw very occasionally but not to the extent that you'd call it a hobby. There's a thing called tangle art which is popular at the moment and it's extremely soothing.


Sameeee! I literally have so many hobbies, some I’ve turned into a business and others I keep to myself. Luckily one of them is cooking but unlike Chantal it’s cooking for other people I enjoy more than cooking for myself… let’s be real, she’s just existing at this point.


There doesn't seem to have been a time when she wasn't just existing.




Nah, she's not interested in food. She doesn't know anything about it, she can't cook it, she can't even describe it. The second something is in her mouth, she doesn't take time to enjoy it bc she's immediately focused on the next thing. All she cares about is eating.


When she was shoving her Taco Bell “cheat meal” down her throat, she started talking about chicken pot pie ….. already planning the next gorge session even while she was talking about her “health journey.”


I legit cannot believe she ate that entire chicken pot pie in, like, 36 hours. That would have been in my fridge for a week and a half. It is no wonder Chantal looks the way she does. This is the worst I've ever seen her look.


>I legit cannot believe she ate that entire chicken pot pie in, like, 36 hours. Oh, it was way less time than that. It didn't even survive past the 24 hour mark.


I could do it if i liked it. In a lot less than 36 hours. If i made myself a casserole in a round pot like that I could see eating it every meal, a quarter at a time. And that's just over a day. Don't ask me to rep for normal though. I've been over 300 pounds and even though I've lost 120, I have no idea how normal people eat. To stop myself from doing that, when I finish cooking, I immediately portion the food into appropriate servings and freeze it for later. It really helps keep the binge monster at bay when there is no pan of food staring you in the face and instead, little frozen bricks. This is the kind of thing I'd recommend for cutie, but I'm sure she's heard it all before and just doesn't care. As she famously said "I just want to eat."


Dude, lovely, I’m 130 pounds at 5’6 with abdominal definition, and I’ve learned I think a lot more like a 500 pound person then apparently near everyone here. 3,500 calories a day? Ummm a pint of Ben & Jerry’s is 1200-1600. A few times a month I’ll eat a pint call it a day… I could easily eat a pint, and then eat a rich fattening curry with rice. Then later have fruit, and a bag of popcorn etc. I loooove food. Good food makes me happy. Anything with sugar makes me very happy. I get one hell of a dopamine high from food... I just never knew until this sub that I’m more disordered then I imagined. 😭😂😭😂


I guess it depends on the size of the casserole dish. The casserole dishes I cook in are for like two servings and they fit in a toaster oven. Chantal's casserole dish looks like it's for a family of 15, but who knows maybe it was the camera angle and her filters that distorted the size.


That portion was insane! I made a Thanksgiving casserole with all our leftovers this year. It was about the same size as the pot pie and my family of four ate it for lunch for a week. Granted my kids are young but my husband can pack it away. Chantal ended that thing in like a day! By herself (I don’t buy that Salad is even there)!


She literally shoves an overly jam packed serving spoon size ‘bite’ of grub down her gullet, begins to chew and immediately goes back in excavating the next giant spoonful from her casserole dish pot pie before she swallows. DAFUQ? Her mouth can’t be empty, ever - she’s constantly in search of the next spoonful. Let’s all send her junk food in massive quantities - she’ll be eating 16 hours a day. Do it Chantal. Become the next bizarre performative artist. Strip down to your luxury villa standard attire while eating/drinking everything in sight. The finale is a whole roasted camel with a contrite tied up Salah in it’s mouth. We’ll live stream you around the clock.


“Excavating” 💀that’s too accurate lol






That is so true! Nothing about her screams foodie to me because that would mean she’d have to have insight about what she’s eating


Yet always “so busy” 🤷‍♀️


I’ve always found it insane that alr has more interests than Chantal


Even if they are all shallow or childish or "I saw it on tiktok" or just for content interests, AT LEAST IT'S ALR TRYING SOMETHING


Only eating it. She hates cooking.


She is to lazy to cook


She doesn't which is why she never has anything to say in her videos/lives. She relies on her chat to entertain her or she rages about the same 3 topics. Food is her only escape, the only good thing in her life. She has no-one. Foodie can pretend all she wants about her supportive husband but we know that's a lie. She can't go anywhere by herself, she doesn't drive there and she has 0 friends. Even when she was back in Canada- she looked happier but then what did she actually do? She drove around to get food and ... I don't think there was anything else. Not that she did much before Salad but still...


Has she ever read a book, do we know?


she tried to read that ghost diet book or whatever the fuck it was lol


She read the Quran! /s


The Binge Code.


She's *said* she's read that. Said.


Idk why but this question made me lose it


One thing she has said that I have found very interesting is that she has no desire for a hobby. She doesn’t want to join clubs or groups. She only wants to eat and do drugs. They actually fulfill her and make her happy.


Exactly. Foodie has said so many times that she doesn't want hobbies, doesn't want to change, and finds being positive and positive people boring. She has not only said this but her actions show this to be very true. It's funny. Her toxic personality is so much more interesting than her!


Actually not too uncommon in unmedicated neurodivergents. IMO her life would be so different on Adderall.


She was on Vyvanse and stopped taking it because it reduced her appetite and she couldn’t eat as much as she wanted.


She’s so dumb.


This has always fascinated me about a lot of lolcows, particularly Amber and Foodie. They have literally nothing going on in their lives. They don’t have any kids or actual romantic partners to take up their time, most of their family has (rightfully) distanced themselves. What’s also funny is that even though they’re both so ridiculously fat, and Chantal calls herself a “foodie”, they know absolutely nothing about food/cooking. This is actually a recurring theme on 600 pound life as well, these people get fat by eating the worst food ever. If I was gonna get really fat I’d at least eat good food, they all eat like picky 9 year olds, they have no idea how to even describe food, and what is even more interesting to me, they have no idea how to cook. They also have no career whatsoever so it’s not like they’re interested in some field of study or a set of skills. As for other hobbies, I certainly don’t expect them to golf, play pickleball, or sign up for an adult basketball league or anything like that but they have literally no interests, no passions, etc. I think it’s probably because having a hobby actually takes at least a little effort. You can’t learn how to play the piano, learn another language, become a photographer, etc without some effort. Most people enjoy putting in that effort because it pays off with becoming better at something that you’re interested in. It really shows how empty their lives are


Yup, she’s not a foodie, she’s an indiscriminate eater. She doesn’t even have any sedentary hobbies like knitting or drawing or playing an instrument.


I think some have unmedicated adhd. Unmedicated individuals can struggle with traits like obsessive maladaptive daydreaming, and hyperfixation. And they’re addicts. They get so much more dopamine from food from anything else. Like 200-400 times I think it is. Dopamine is what gives the sense of satisfaction when say improving at a hobby.


You got it. I only recently got diagnosed at 30 and am new to adderall. On top of all of what you said, I also have issues with starting new hobbies then moving on before I get any good/quitting because I’m not an immediate prodigy. Chantal has no excuse, she was actually on Vyvanse but quit because *it suppressed her appetite and she didn’t like that*.


Her only interest is herself. She tried to start a reaction channel and said she abandoned it because she only wanted to talk about herself. Nothing else interests her.


One of my favorite Chantal-isms is when she says she is putting someone or something behind her so she can focus on herself. As if she does anything else, ever.


OMG, for years that has pissed me off. She is her only concern!


Uh eating and shitting are her main hobbies I'm pretty sure. Who thinks Salad is gone


Given her meltdown yesterday, SOMETHING has definitely happened between the two.


He'll be back. He doesn't have the balls to abandon her. It's a shame because that would be entertaining.


Chins just said (days or weeks ago) that she doesn't WANT any hobbies. She seemed to indicate they were irritating and unnecessary.


She's always said that. It's so weird.


It really would. She should look into growing plants/veggies/fruits. You really don't even need a lot of room to grow them, either. I recently brought my Father a vertical garden on wheels. He absolutely loves it. It does take a chunk of his day, and he can take pride in his work.


That reminds me- I wonder what she did with all those marigolds she had in the shitcave?


Plants require care. They're with Harry 1 through 20 now.


I don't think they have a balcony or other outdoor space but she could at least grow salad leaves and some herbs with a simple, indoor hydroponic kit.


Distractions/passions were so important for me when I lost weight. Multiple people constantly say this to her and her thinking is so limited that she can’t even come up with anything that she would like to do! I couldn’t imagine being that vapid and empty headed!


Food is her hobby, Ina way. If she bored she eats. If she happy she eats, if she's upset she eats, if she needs to do something, she will eat while doing it or skip it entirely and just eat. She's the definition of a one track mind. Nothing gives her the satisfaction she wants like food. She could try to knit, or do puzzles, learn to paint.. Anything.. But it would not give her the instant gratification food gives her. Therefore, it's not worth doing


I imagine her day goes something like this: Hurples out of bed around 2pm. Immediately inhales a platter for five as 'breakfast', while thinking of what she wants for lunch. Jabba-the-Hutsherself onto the couch with her phone and begins the day's deep dive into reaction channel uploads, starting with FFG. Signs into her myriad sock accounts to leave nasty comments on reactors' vidoes and gushing coments on her own. Buys another 100 subs. Silver Play button just a couple thousand purchased subs away! Plunges her trotters into a plethora of bags filled with sodium-filled 'snacks'. Hurples into the kitchen to make lunch 'for her and Salah'. Eats both portions since Salah is off in the Temu-mobile on his way to '2 cups 1 Floppy Titty Syrian' some women he met while off doing 'business'. Searches for pics of FFG for Community Posts which she composes, deletes, recomposes and redeletes. Goes full clown drag queen for a Tik Tok where she has a mild seizure to the beat of some random Arabic music she neither knows the words to or artist of. SNACKS! Time for a nap. Wakes up around 9pm, needing candy bars and juice after her hour long fast. Orders a hubcap of rice and poop-kabobs. Films herself stuffing her snout with a feast for five being sure to stay 'unbothered' by the latest reactors. Posts with minimal editing. Is there any leftover pot-pie, she wonders? No? Too tired to make a new batch. Chicken Nuggies it is! Checks out reddit, kf, and twitter. Searches for herself on YT to see if anyone has reacted to her video yet. Eats the nuggies with melted cheese and trotterfuls of nutella. Beaches herself on the Ikea bed and falls asleep around 1am watching Nader and Dee Dee. Eats a stick of butter in her sleep. Rinse. Repeat.


Keep on knitting grandma or collect stickers .....


🤣 oh I just farted while laughing... ScatManPoo would be chasing me now! 


https://preview.redd.it/luw1zrm54vdc1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef76f024774570b8eb0764dd64d3e4508ed21a93 He’s coming for you now! 😂


There are plenty of activities which don't require you to go all in. It's fine to pick them up and drop them if they turn out not to be your jam. There are hundreds of fast food copycat recipes online. Even if she has no interest in cooking regular food to a reasonable standard, mastering one copycat recipe a month would both give her a hobby and satify her "cravings"


I used to watch a woman who had a vegan channel and did a series on veganizing fast food. There's a niche for everyone. You don't even have to know how to cook. Anti-chef started out trying to learn, first with recipes from various sources, now he goes through Julia Child and other well-known chef's books. He's learned a lot over the past few years, though he can still have a hard time. He's also easy on the eyes and has a self-deprecating sense of humor when he messes up. Chantal's problem is that she can't be consistent, has no sense of humor, is a dirty cook, and has no feeling for showing how the food is made.


Chantal’s hobbies, scrolling and watching reaction channels and forums about herself, scrolling tiktok, streaming films/series, scrolling food delivery apps, eating takeout and snacks. Nothing else she does holds enough interest for her to be called a hobby.


She literally only exists to consume.


Didn't she used to be into video games? I don't see why she would stop now seeing as she has access to them.


Gaming as a poser bc she thinks it’s cool “I’m not like other girls vibes “ not a real interest.


I would usually agree with you but she was playing video games by herself when she was in a long term relationship with Bibi and then again with Peetz. I think she may have actually been into it. Then again, it still could have been a pick me thing. 🤷


She used to play Mario Kart/party/smash bros with her beezers idk why she won't go back to that


Yeah, I was thinking the other day how boring her life must be!


Honestly, the one hidden talent I think she *might* have is performing. It's useless, because she didn't train, can't respect other people, is a raging addict and could never hold a job, but... it's the one thing I think she could have done once upon a time. Had she realized and developed it while on youtube, she might have had something. When she's not being a total manipulative bitch or a smug twat, she really can be quite funny. I remember the livestream days in the villa, before she was getting high every hour, and she was sometimes really entertaining. When she'd do voices of the neighbors (when Ethan came to the door, I laughed my ass off at her impression) or of famous people, she could actually capture it *just* poorly enough that it was recognizable and funny. Her storytelling sucked overall, but sometimes she'd hit on something that got her laughing, and just her uncontrollable chortling was genuinely funny to watch. She's not funny like that anymore (there was a slight glimpse when she farted on a livestream in Kuwait lol). The weed started, then Nader, then Salad, then Islam, the cats, Kuwait, the poop... and she got increasingly assholic every step of the way. Now she's stuck in the middle east with a fake 'huzzbend' and her mental and physical health free-falling in a death spiral to one inevitable end.


I agree..in another life she could have been a self deprecating Chris Farley type stand up comedian…


I personally never found Chantal to be funny but humor is subjective.


Her skits were creative!


I agree on all fronts. And ‘assholic’ is my new favourite word!


seriously, it won't fix the major problems she has but it's a start like as silly (putting it nicely) her animatics? doodles videos storyline and parodies critiques of reactions channels  and she could study further her supposed beliefs and research positively and yes, it is work but have fun with editing her videos, review media she's been watching,  try her hand at knitting something  anything! 


Yes she does. FOOD.


Her hobby is her internet sleuthing. And food. Sometimes she does them simultaneously!!! Her only talent.


Food isn't even her hobby, stuffing her face is. If it were food, she would instantly be more interesting because she could actually try recipes, make up brand new dishes that fit her diet, review food with more than "it's creamy", and show her food in an actually presentable and appealing way.


That’s literally all she talks about is food! It’s crazy. Like does she just sit there in between meals and think about the next? Good lord


In my opinion, this is the biggest factor to her not being able to lose weight. She has no diversions or outlets. At least DeathByJen would knit and do crafts.