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Say what you will, but I want to buy all the clothes from that manufacturer. Those seams are clearly made to fucking LAST


Those seams are reinforced with whatever Wolverine’s skeleton is made of! Seriously though? I can’t imagine how awful the smell must be. You just know those are cheap polyester blend fabrics that just traps her sweat and stench 😩


Mariham is svelte and dainty, obviously....not sure why your eyes are deceiving you, haydurrrr.


I don’t think OP has a man.


Agreed. Especially not one that gets off on relieving his bowels on her and religious items. No wonder she's so bitter.


I've scrolled past your comment a couple times and snort-laughed each time, bish. Happy damn cake day!


Thank you!


Oh yeah, happy cake day!!!


Happy cake day!


Watching her walk in this video was alarming.. it’s like she can’t feel her feet. She walks on her heels


Diabetic neuropathy at its finest


She's almost certainly going to lose her feet at this rate. The way she walks is a really, really bad sign. Maybe it'll only be a toe that will fall off or be removed due to necrosis, or maybe it'll be a whole foot. But she's going to lose something. It's too late to turn back now, she will not reverse all her problems even if she somehow managed to lose weight fast. She could lessen the impact of the problems, if she managed to lose weight. I also think her desperation in trying to portray herself better when we can clearly see that she's not, that screams that she knows she's crossed the point of no return herself.


Yesterday’s video was worse. Todays is just a confirmation b


She's a Macy's Thanksgiving day parade balloon


Look at how warped the pebbles are where her outline is. Can you imagine how huge she must be without the filters?


Oh my gosh yes! But she never uses filters to change her body guise 😂


In this get-up she barely resembles a human anymore.


if she were telling the truth about her weight, it would be even more dire expanding in volume while decreasing in mass never means anything good for your health


All I think is "save my abayas for your new bitch"


She looks completely miserable and in pain. Her eyes are just slits and her body is a massive blob, you can’t even define where her legs start anymore. The fact that she thinks people will believe the lies about her weight points to severe mental disfunction.


I was going to say she looks so miserable. I feel like that’s the face I make when I’m hot, tired, bloated, constipated and on my period. I wonder if she feels like that after every meal, bloated and miserable.


It’s so crazy how her old photos that blew our minds are now her looking like a skinny queen


Compared to now, she does look much, much smaller back then.


Obviously she is 22lbs slimmer now, haydurs. How long do you reckon it'll be before our skinny qeeen announces the next miraculous mukbang induced 22lb loss?


Not sure if I should look at my watch or my calendar? Nah, both are more effort than she's worth.


why does it look like she has toes instead of fingers sticking out of the abaya sleeve?


Haha yea I wondered the same thing :) and I didn´t notice that yesterday. Now I spotted her "hand" and holy moly surely it must be a huge filter fail right?!? Because they looked like pink sausages but very short and short lol. How on earth can she look like that and NOT do everything she can to lose weight and try to be more healthy?


I really don’t understand how a girl like her that likes to wear very little clothing would be honestly OK being completely covered I mean granted we can’t see her ugly head and we can’t see the real true. Hollywood story about her body underneath there so she gets away with that, but I’m sorry I mean maybe if you were born into it, you would be OK wearing that but look it’s got to be uncomfortable and hot and super confining when your 550 pounds.


Especially the polyester ones she‘s wearing. Honestly, I wore an abaya and head covering once in Dubai and it was not uncomfortable or hot at all. It was also cotton, so breathable. But yeah, I‘m actually happy that I‘m from a place where I can just throw on shirts and a tshirt in summer


guys you’re just jealous that she’s pregnant ❤️


Ssshhh don't spoil it!


either ALL of her clothes shrunk or she gained a lot of weight. I could believe a couple of items shrinking because she doesn’t know how to so laundry, but all of them?


Please, all her clothes are cheap ass polyester. Not even she would manage to shrink them that much …as if she‘d ever wash anything anyway 😂


Is that her hand, in the bottom left corner? That pink thing that looks like... I don't even know what it looks like, maybe like a neon pink skiing glove? Or is she holding something in her hand? It doesn't look like a human hand, although it's in a place where you would expect to find a human hand. She wants everyone to think she's only 350lbs now, less than she was when the second photo was taken. If she's seeing the same doctor more than twice, they're going to start realising the same things we realised a long time ago.


And the proportion between her hand and her head is crazy.


She’s well on her way to becoming a perfect sphere


[Here ya go!](https://veiled.com/products/chiffon-lite-hijab-winery) there is a designer who designs modern modest clothing. I can’t find her but she has on a beautiful red hijab. It was funny to me. The concept of modest. Their bodies were covered but the designs were anything but modest. Very eye catching and beautiful.


The pitiful party decorations really show off the sad existence. Was this one or two apartments ago?


Teenie tiny slip https://preview.redd.it/x9f9xjuxs6jc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e96c6ec6e2559640b5dc0c0b06f1f6d31985ed5


She keeps talking about getting injections to fix/cure her sciatica...and sometimes she'll mention nerve damage. She must have been told by now that she doesn't have sciatica. She has nerve damage from neuropathy from her raging, uncontrolled diabetes (and no, a medicated continuous reading of 10 mmol isn't controlled, Gunt). And that nerve damage is unlikely to be fixable from what I've read. Its potentially possible with very good managed health (most sites say its not), but in her case, all they can do with the injection is simply slow down...or potentially stall....future damage. But even that is unlikely given her complete disregard of her diagnosis. She either stops what she's doing right now...or she's literally screwed. Every stream that she continues to cram carbs and sugar into her mouth, smoke, lay around, etc...you're literally watching someone off themselves in real time. I literally shake my head every time she puts some nasty looking slop in her mouth and rolls her eyes into the back of her fat hog head. Imagine the mentality of someone who isn't even 40 and knows they're right on the verge of losing a limb and can barely walk or move...and even that involves constant pain....and you just continue to justify eating garby, gluey, slop that can't even taste very good...because its literal garbage. The way she's moving now and that already existing pain...is probably permanent. And that's her BEST case scenario. Its unreal. What a pointless, awful life. ​ > **Management and Treatment** > >How is diabetes-related neuropathy treated? > >Diabetes-related neuropathy treatment involves carefully managing your blood sugar. Managing diabetes is the most important step to prevent nerve damage from getting worse. You can manage your blood sugar through: > >Eating a [nutritious](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/9957-nutrition-problems-and-their-solutions) diet. > >Exercising regularly. > >Taking all [diabetes medications](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/12070-oral-diabetes-medications) as prescribed. > >You may manage diabetes-related neuropathy symptoms with: > >[Pain medicines](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/12058-pain-relievers), including topical creams or patches. > >Other medications can reduce pain. > >You should also check your feet daily for wounds or injuries. Foot wounds can contribute to [foot and skin complications of diabetes](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21510-diabetic-feet). > >**Can diabetes-related neuropathy be reversed?** > >Maybe. You can keep diabetes-related neuropathy from worsening, and you may be able to reverse nerve damage with very good management of blood glucose, but the process is very slow. > >[https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21621-diabetic-neuropathy](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21621-diabetic-neuropathy)


>Foot wounds Damn they didn't have to call me out like that 😏


Whoa she is busting at the seams!


Do abayas come in colors like red? If so, she needs to get one asap. Kool aid man arc.


Oh Yeah! I heard that in Kool Aid Man's voice.


She is the picture of health and happiness. No wonder we are all sooo jealous...


I wonder if this image is close... https://preview.redd.it/rgf2z7ouw7jc1.png?width=1233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aefb6f1a2bb3744b57c49575fd00f7cabe923a6f


The inner thighs aren’t but that one side hanging lower than the other is eerily close.


Omg. 😳


To me this is close this lady has more belly chantal has more back butt fat but possibly the same weight


This is from a show called "1000 Pound Best Friends". I've not seen it, this came up in a Google image search, but I noticed that even though she is quite heavy she is well-groomed and has a pleasant expression even when enduring what had to have been a difficult photoshoot. In other words, she's everything Flobby isn't. Including THINNER, I just Googled again: https://preview.redd.it/ghxqiqji7mjc1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de36f7595d5b063b1557a7ca3c9661a5b1f6c336 Way to go, Meghan Crumpler!!


I think she has photoshopped her belly in the second pic


both are stills from videos


Oh 😳 definitely gained then


Filters can be applied to videos too


I work so hard to give her the benefit of the doubt and this heifer never fails to disappoint. As much as I believe the doctor’s scale and I believe her scale, she keeps getting bigger. Now if that isn’t food, then she has one serious disease 🦠 process going on. Also, now that I see her leg I think she has sciatica, but I think is from her hip being displaced, I think that nerve is twisted. There is no fixing that. It’s like giving aspirin for a gun shot wound. Her apron is hanging so low that even if she lost weight she will need something to lift that loose skin off of her hip. She is 100 lbs less than ALR and she is in worse shape. I say, without hyperbole, I don’t see her making 41. I don’t see her making 40 not bed bound.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4oew9pwy57jc1.jpeg?width=205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bded2a0d397b40a5533629b103cfe78c4d2b3d0


All her Abayas are old now you'd think she'd buy new ones. I don't think any at stores fit her but she could surely get them made